Section for 3 man pages

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Man pages

AllPlanesDisplay macros and functions
ApplicationShellThe ApplicationShell widget class
BlackPixelOfScreenScreen information functions and macros
CIRCLEQ_EMPTYImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_ENTRYImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_FIRSTImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_FOREACHImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_FOREACH_REVERSEImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_HEADImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_HEAD_INITIALIZERImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_INITImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_AFTERImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_BEFOREImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_HEADImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_TAILImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_LASTImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_LOOP_NEXTImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_LOOP_PREVImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_NEXTImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_PREVImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CIRCLEQ_REMOVEImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
CK_ARRAY_FOREACHIterate through an array
CK_COHORT_INITInitialize instance of a cohort type
CK_COHORT_INSTANCEDeclare an instance of a cohort type
CK_COHORT_LOCKAcquire cohort lock
CK_COHORT_PROTOTYPEDefine cohort type with specified lock types
CK_COHORT_TRYLOCKTry to acquire cohort lock
CK_COHORT_TRYLOCK_PROTOTYPEDefine cohort type with specified lock types
CK_COHORT_UNLOCKRelease cohort lock
CK_HS_HASHInvoke hash function with hash set seed
CK_RHS_HASHInvoke hash function with hash set seed
CK_RWCOHORT_INITInitialize instance of a cohort-based reader-writer lock type
CK_RWCOHORT_INSTANCEDeclare an instance of a cohort-based reader-writer lock type
CK_RWCOHORT_PROTOTYPEDefine reader-writer cohort-based lock using the specified cohort type
CK_RWCOHORT_READ_LOCKAcquire read-only permission for cohort-based reader-writer lock
CK_RWCOHORT_READ_UNLOCKRelinquish read-only access to cohort-based reader-writer lock
CK_RWCOHORT_WRITE_LOCKAcquite write access for a cohort-based reader-writer lock
CK_RWCOHORT_WRITE_UNLOCKRelinquish write access for cohort-based reader-writer lock
CMSG_ALIGNAccess ancillary data
CMSG_DATAAccess ancillary data
CMSG_FIRSTHDRAccess ancillary data
CMSG_LENAccess ancillary data
CMSG_NXTHDRAccess ancillary data
CMSG_SPACEAccess ancillary data
CPU_ALLOCMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ALLOC_SIZEMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ANDMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_AND_SMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_CLRMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_CLR_SMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_COUNTMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_COUNT_SMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_EQUALMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_EQUAL_SMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_FREEMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ISSETMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ISSET_SMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ORMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_OR_SMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_SETMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_SET_SMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_XORMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_XOR_SMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ZEROMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ZERO_SMacros for manipulating CPU sets
CURLINFO_ACTIVESOCKETGet the active socket
CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIMEGet the time until the SSL/SSH handshake is completed
CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME_TTime until the SSL/SSH handshake completed
CURLINFO_CAINFOGet the default built-in CA certificate path
CURLINFO_CAPATHGet the default built-in CA path string
CURLINFO_CERTINFOGet the TLS certificate chain
CURLINFO_CONDITION_UNMETGet info on unmet time conditional or 304 HTTP response.
CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIMEGet the time until connect
CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME_TGet the time until connect
CURLINFO_CONN_IDGet the ID of the last connection used by the handle
CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOADGet content-length of download
CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD_TGet content-length of download
CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOADGet the specified size of the upload
CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOAD_TGet the specified size of the upload
CURLINFO_COOKIELISTGet all known cookies
CURLINFO_FILETIMEGet the remote time of the retrieved document
CURLINFO_FILETIME_TGet the remote time of the retrieved document
CURLINFO_FTP_ENTRY_PATHGet entry path in FTP server
CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZEGet size of retrieved headers
CURLINFO_HTTPAUTH_AVAILGet available HTTP authentication methods
CURLINFO_HTTP_VERSIONGet the http version used in the connection
CURLINFO_LASTSOCKETGet the last socket used
CURLINFO_LOCAL_IPGet local IP address of last connection
CURLINFO_LOCAL_PORTGet the latest local port number
CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIMEGet the name lookup time
CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME_TGet the name lookup time in microseconds
CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTSGet number of created connections
CURLINFO_OS_ERRNOGet errno number from last connect failure
CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIMEGet the time until the file transfer start
CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME_TGet the time until the file transfer start
CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IPGet IP address of last connection
CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORTGet the latest destination port number
CURLINFO_PRIVATEGet the private pointer
CURLINFO_PROTOCOLGet the protocol used in the connection
CURLINFO_PROXYAUTH_AVAILGet available HTTP proxy authentication methods
CURLINFO_PROXY_ERRORGet the detailed (SOCKS) proxy error
CURLINFO_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYRESULTGet the result of the proxy certificate verification
CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNTGet the number of redirects
CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIMEGet the time for all redirection steps
CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME_TGet the time for all redirection steps
CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URLGet the URL a redirect would go to
CURLINFO_REFERERGet the referrer header
CURLINFO_REQUEST_SIZEGet size of sent request
CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODEGet the last response code
CURLINFO_RETRY_AFTERReturns the Retry-After retry delay
CURLINFO_RTSP_CSEQ_RECVGet the recently received CSeq
CURLINFO_SCHEMEGet the URL scheme (sometimes called protocol) used in the connection
CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOADGet the number of downloaded bytes
CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD_TGet the number of downloaded bytes
CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOADGet the number of uploaded bytes
CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD_TGet the number of uploaded bytes
CURLINFO_SSL_ENGINESGet an slist of OpenSSL crypto-engines
CURLINFO_SSL_VERIFYRESULTGet the result of the certificate verification
CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIMEGet the time until the first byte is received
CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME_TGet the time until the first byte is received
CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIMEGet total time of previous transfer
CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME_TGet total time of previous transfer in microseconds
CURLINFO_XFER_IDGet the ID of a transfer
CURLMOPT_CHUNK_LENGTH_PENALTY_SIZEChunk length threshold for pipelining
CURLMOPT_CONTENT_LENGTH_PENALTY_SIZESize threshold for pipelining penalty
CURLMOPT_MAXCONNECTSSize of connection cache
CURLMOPT_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMSMax concurrent streams for http2
CURLMOPT_MAX_HOST_CONNECTIONSMax number of connections to a single host
CURLMOPT_MAX_PIPELINE_LENGTHMaximum number of requests in a pipeline
CURLMOPT_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONSMax simultaneously open connections
CURLMOPT_PIPELININGEnable HTTP pipelining and multiplexing
CURLMOPT_PIPELINING_SERVER_BLPipelining server block list
CURLMOPT_PIPELINING_SITE_BLPipelining host block list
CURLMOPT_PUSHDATAPointer to pass to push callback
CURLMOPT_PUSHFUNCTIONCallback that approves or denies server pushes
CURLMOPT_SOCKETDATACustom pointer passed to the socket callback
CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTIONCallback informed about what to wait for
CURLMOPT_TIMERDATACustom pointer to pass to timer callback
CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTIONCallback to receive timeout values
CURLOPT_ABSTRACT_UNIX_SOCKETAbstract Unix domain socket
CURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MSTimeout waiting for FTP server to connect back
CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODINGAutomatic decompression of HTTP downloads
CURLOPT_ADDRESS_SCOPEScope id for IPv6 addresses
CURLOPT_ALTSVCAlt-svc cache file name
CURLOPT_ALTSVC_CTRLControl alt-svc behavior
CURLOPT_APPENDAppend to the remote file
CURLOPT_AUTOREFERERAutomatically update the referer header
CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZEReceive buffer size
CURLOPT_CAINFOPath to Certificate Authority (CA) bundle
CURLOPT_CAINFO_BLOBCertificate Authority (CA) bundle in PEM format
CURLOPT_CAPATHDirectory holding CA certificates
CURLOPT_CA_CACHE_TIMEOUTLife-time for cached certificate stores
CURLOPT_CERTINFORequest SSL certificate information
CURLOPT_CHUNK_BGN_FUNCTIONCallback before a transfer with FTP wildcard match
CURLOPT_CHUNK_DATAPointer passed to the FTP chunk callbacks
CURLOPT_CHUNK_END_FUNCTIONCallback after a transfer with FTP wildcard match
CURLOPT_CLOSESOCKETDATAPointer passed to the socket close callback
CURLOPT_CLOSESOCKETFUNCTIONCallback to socket close replacement
CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUTTimeout for the connect phase
CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MSTimeout for the connect phase
CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLYStop when connected to target server
CURLOPT_CONNECT_TOConnect to a specific host and port instead of the URL's host and port
CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_NETWORK_FUNCTIONConvert data from network to host encoding
CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_UTF8_FUNCTIONConvert data from UTF8 to host encoding
CURLOPT_CONV_TO_NETWORK_FUNCTIONConvert data to network from host encoding
CURLOPT_COOKIEFILEFile name to read cookies from
CURLOPT_COOKIEJARFile name to store cookies to
CURLOPT_COOKIELISTAdd to or manipulate cookies held in memory
CURLOPT_COOKIESESSIONStart a new cookie session
CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDSHave libcurl copy data to POST
CURLOPT_CRLFILECertificate Revocation List file
CURLOPT_CURLUURL in URL handle format
CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUESTCustom request method
CURLOPT_DEBUGDATAPointer passed to the debug callback
CURLOPT_DEFAULT_PROTOCOLDefault protocol to use if the URL is missing a scheme name
CURLOPT_DIRLISTONLYAsk for names only in a directory listing
CURLOPT_DISALLOW_USERNAME_IN_URLDisallow specifying username in the URL
CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUTLife-time for DNS cache entries
CURLOPT_DNS_INTERFACEInterface to speak DNS over
CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP4IPv4 address to bind DNS resolves to
CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP6IPv6 address to bind DNS resolves to
CURLOPT_DNS_SHUFFLE_ADDRESSESShuffle IP addresses for hostname
CURLOPT_DOH_SSL_VERIFYHOSTVerify the host name in the DoH SSL certificate
CURLOPT_DOH_SSL_VERIFYSTATUSVerify the DoH SSL certificate's status
CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFERError buffer for error messages
CURLOPT_EXPECT_100_TIMEOUT_MSTimeout for Expect: 100-continue response
CURLOPT_FAILONERRORRequest failure on HTTP response >= 400
CURLOPT_FILETIMEGet the modification time of the remote resource
CURLOPT_FNMATCH_DATAPointer passed to the fnmatch callback
CURLOPT_FNMATCH_FUNCTIONWildcard match callback
CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSEMake connection get closed at once after use
CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECTForce a new connection to be used
CURLOPT_FTPPORTMake FTP transfer active
CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTHOrder in which to attempt TLS vs SSL
CURLOPT_FTP_ALTERNATIVE_TO_USERCommand to use instead of USER with FTP
CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRSCreate missing directories for FTP and SFTP
CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHODSelect directory traversing method for FTP
CURLOPT_FTP_SKIP_PASV_IPIgnore the IP address in the PASV response
CURLOPT_FTP_SSL_CCCSwitch off SSL again with FTP after auth
CURLOPT_HAPPY_EYEBALLS_TIMEOUT_MSHead start for IPv6 for happy eyeballs
CURLOPT_HEADERPass headers to the data stream
CURLOPT_HEADERDATAPointer to pass to header callback
CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTIONCallback that receives header data
CURLOPT_HEADEROPTSend HTTP headers to both proxy and host or separately
CURLOPT_HSTSHSTS cache file name
CURLOPT_HSTSREADDATAPointer passed to the HSTS read callback
CURLOPT_HSTSWRITEDATAPointer passed to the HSTS write callback
CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASESAlternative matches for HTTP 200 OK
CURLOPT_HTTPAUTHHTTP server authentication methods to try
CURLOPT_HTTPPOSTMultipart formpost content
CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSIONHTTP protocol version to use
CURLOPT_INFILESIZESize of the input file to send off
CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGESize of the input file to send off
CURLOPT_INTERFACESource interface for outgoing traffic
CURLOPT_INTERLEAVEDATAPointer passed to RTSP interleave callback
CURLOPT_INTERLEAVEFUNCTIONCallback for RTSP interleaved data
CURLOPT_IOCTLDATAPointer passed to I/O callback
CURLOPT_IOCTLFUNCTIONCallback for I/O operations
CURLOPT_IPRESOLVEIP protocol version to use
CURLOPT_ISSUERCERTIssuer SSL certificate filename
CURLOPT_ISSUERCERT_BLOBIssuer SSL certificate from memory blob
CURLOPT_KEEP_SENDING_ON_ERRORKeep sending on early HTTP response >= 300
CURLOPT_KEYPASSWDPassphrase to private key
CURLOPT_KRBLEVELFTP kerberos security level
CURLOPT_LOCALPORTLocal port number to use for socket
CURLOPT_LOCALPORTRANGENumber of additional local ports to try
CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMITLow speed limit in bytes per second
CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIMELow speed limit time period
CURLOPT_MAIL_AUTHSMTP authentication address
CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPTList of SMTP mail recipients
CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT_ALLOWFAILSAllow RCPT TO command to fail for some recipients
CURLOPT_MAXAGE_CONNMax idle time allowed for reusing a connection
CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTSMaximum connection cache size
CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZEMaximum file size allowed to download
CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE_LARGEMaximum file size allowed to download
CURLOPT_MAXLIFETIME_CONNMax lifetime (since creation) allowed for reusing a connection
CURLOPT_MAXREDIRSMaximum number of redirects allowed
CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGERate limit data download speed
CURLOPT_MAX_SEND_SPEED_LARGERate limit data upload speed
CURLOPT_MIMEPOSTSend data from mime structure
CURLOPT_NETRCEnable use of .netrc
CURLOPT_NETRC_FILEFile name to read .netrc info from
CURLOPT_NEW_DIRECTORY_PERMSPermissions for remotely created directories
CURLOPT_NEW_FILE_PERMSPermissions for remotely created files
CURLOPT_NOBODYDo the download request without getting the body
CURLOPT_NOPROGRESSSwitch off the progress meter
CURLOPT_NOPROXYDisable proxy use for specific hosts
CURLOPT_NOSIGNALSkip all signal handling
CURLOPT_OPENSOCKETDATAPointer passed to open socket callback
CURLOPT_OPENSOCKETFUNCTIONCallback for opening socket
CURLOPT_PASSWORDPassword to use in authentication
CURLOPT_PATH_AS_ISDo not handle dot dot sequences
CURLOPT_PIPEWAITWait for multiplexing
CURLOPT_PORTRemote port number to connect to
CURLOPT_POSTQUOTE(S)FTP commands to run after the transfer
CURLOPT_POSTREDIRHow to act on an HTTP POST redirect
CURLOPT_PREQUOTECommands to run before an FTP transfer
CURLOPT_PREREQDATAPointer passed to the pre-request callback
CURLOPT_PREREQFUNCTIONUser callback called when a connection has been established, but before a request has been made.
CURLOPT_PRE_PROXYPre-proxy host to use
CURLOPT_PRIVATEStore a private pointer
CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATAPointer passed to the progress callback
CURLOPT_PROTOCOLSAllowed protocols
CURLOPT_PROXYAUTHHTTP proxy authentication methods
CURLOPT_PROXYHEADERSet of HTTP headers to pass to proxy
CURLOPT_PROXYPASSWORDPassword to use with proxy authentication
CURLOPT_PROXYPORTPort number the proxy listens on
CURLOPT_PROXYTYPEProxy protocol type
CURLOPT_PROXYUSERNAMEUser name to use for proxy authentication
CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWDUser name and password to use for proxy authentication
CURLOPT_PROXY_CAINFOPath to proxy Certificate Authority (CA) bundle
CURLOPT_PROXY_CAINFO_BLOBProxy Certificate Authority (CA) bundle in PEM format
CURLOPT_PROXY_CAPATHDirectory holding HTTPS proxy CA certificates
CURLOPT_PROXY_CRLFILEHTTPS proxy Certificate Revocation List file
CURLOPT_PROXY_ISSUERCERTProxy issuer SSL certificate filename
CURLOPT_PROXY_ISSUERCERT_BLOBProxy issuer SSL certificate from memory blob
CURLOPT_PROXY_KEYPASSWDPassphrase for the proxy private key
CURLOPT_PROXY_PINNEDPUBLICKEYPinned public key for https proxy
CURLOPT_PROXY_SERVICE_NAMEProxy authentication service name
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERTHTTPS proxy client certificate
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERTTYPEType of the proxy client SSL certificate
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERT_BLOBSSL proxy client certificate from memory blob
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEYPrivate key file for HTTPS proxy client cert
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEYTYPEType of the proxy private key file
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEY_BLOBPrivate key for proxy cert from memory blob
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYHOSTVerify the proxy certificate's name against host
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYPEERVerify the proxy's SSL certificate
CURLOPT_PROXY_TLS13_CIPHERSCiphers suites for proxy TLS 1.3
CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_PASSWORDPassword to use for proxy TLS authentication
CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_TYPEHTTPS proxy TLS authentication methods
CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_USERNAMEUser name to use for proxy TLS authentication
CURLOPT_PROXY_TRANSFER_MODEAppend FTP transfer mode to URL for proxy
CURLOPT_QUICK_EXITAllow to exit quickly
CURLOPT_QUOTE(S)FTP commands to run before transfer
CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILEFile to read random data from
CURLOPT_RANGEByte range to request
CURLOPT_READDATAPointer passed to the read callback
CURLOPT_READFUNCTIONRead callback for data uploads
CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLSProtocols allowed to redirect to
CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS_STRProtocols allowed to redirect to
CURLOPT_REFERERThe HTTP referer header
CURLOPT_REQUEST_TARGETAlternative target for this request
CURLOPT_RESOLVEProvide custom host name to IP address resolves
CURLOPT_RESOLVER_START_DATAPointer passed to the resolver start callback
CURLOPT_RESOLVER_START_FUNCTIONCallback called before a new name resolve is started
CURLOPT_RESUME_FROMOffset to resume transfer from
CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM_LARGEOffset to resume transfer from
CURLOPT_SASL_AUTHZIDAuthorization identity (identity to act as)
CURLOPT_SASL_IRSend initial response in first packet
CURLOPT_SEEKDATAPointer passed to the seek callback
CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTIONUser callback for seeking in input stream
CURLOPT_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUTTime allowed to wait for server response
CURLOPT_SERVICE_NAMEAuthentication service name
CURLOPT_SHAREShare handle to use
CURLOPT_SOCKOPTDATAPointer to pass to sockopt callback
CURLOPT_SOCKOPTFUNCTIONCallback for setting socket options
CURLOPT_SOCKS5_AUTHMethods for SOCKS5 proxy authentication
CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_NECSOCKS proxy GSSAPI negotiation protection
CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_SERVICESOCKS5 proxy authentication service name
CURLOPT_SSH_HOSTKEYDATAPointer to pass to the SSH host key callback
CURLOPT_SSH_HOSTKEYFUNCTIONCallback to check host key
CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5MD5 checksum of SSH server public key
CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_SHA256SHA256 hash of SSH server public key
CURLOPT_SSH_KEYDATAPointer passed to the SSH key callback
CURLOPT_SSH_KEYFUNCTIONCallback for known host matching logic
CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTSFile name holding the SSH known hosts
CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILEPrivate key file for SSH auth
CURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILEPublic key file for SSH auth
CURLOPT_SSLCERTSSL client certificate
CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPEType of client SSL certificate
CURLOPT_SSLCERT_BLOBSSL client certificate from memory blob
CURLOPT_SSLENGINESSL engine identifier
CURLOPT_SSLKEYPrivate key file for TLS and SSL client cert
CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPEType of the private key file
CURLOPT_SSLKEY_BLOBPrivate key for client cert from memory blob
CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_DATAPointer passed to SSL context callback
CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTIONSSL context callback for OpenSSL, wolfSSL or mbedTLS
CURLOPT_SSL_EC_CURVESKey exchange curves
CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPNApplication Layer Protocol Negotiation
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOSTVerify the certificate's name against host
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEERVerify the peer's SSL certificate
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATUSVerify the certificate's status
CURLOPT_STDERRRedirect stderr to another stream
CURLOPT_STREAM_DEPENDSStream this transfer depends on
CURLOPT_STREAM_DEPENDS_EStream this transfer depends on exclusively
CURLOPT_STREAM_WEIGHTNumerical stream weight
CURLOPT_SUPPRESS_CONNECT_HEADERSSuppress proxy CONNECT response headers from user callbacks
CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPIDLETCP keep-alive idle time wait
CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPINTVLTCP keep-alive interval
CURLOPT_TELNETOPTIONSSet of telnet options
CURLOPT_TFTP_NO_OPTIONSSend no TFTP options requests
CURLOPT_TIMECONDITIONSelect condition for a time request
CURLOPT_TIMEOUTMaximum time the transfer is allowed to complete
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MSMaximum time the transfer is allowed to complete
CURLOPT_TIMEVALUETime value for conditional
CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE_LARGETime value for conditional
CURLOPT_TLS13_CIPHERSCiphers suites to use for TLS 1.3
CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_PASSWORDPassword to use for TLS authentication
CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_TYPETLS authentication methods
CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_USERNAMEUser name to use for TLS authentication
CURLOPT_TRAILERDATAPointer passed to trailing headers callback
CURLOPT_TRAILERFUNCTIONCallback for sending trailing headers
CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXTRequest a text based transfer for FTP
CURLOPT_UNRESTRICTED_AUTHSend credentials to other hosts too
CURLOPT_UPKEEP_INTERVAL_MSConnection upkeep interval
CURLOPT_URLURL for this transfer
CURLOPT_USERNAMEUser name to use in authentication
CURLOPT_USERPWDUser name and password to use in authentication
CURLOPT_USE_SSLRequest using SSL / TLS for the transfer
CURLOPT_WILDCARDMATCHDirectory wildcard transfers
CURLOPT_WRITEDATAPointer passed to the write callback
CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTIONCallback for writing received data
CURLOPT_WS_OPTIONSWebSocket behavior options
CURLOPT_XFERINFODATAPointer passed to the progress callback
CURLOPT_XOAUTH2_BEAREROAuth 2.0 access token
CURLSHOPT_LOCKFUNCMutex lock callback
CURLSHOPT_SHAREAdd data to share
CURLSHOPT_UNLOCKFUNCMutex unlock callback
CURLSHOPT_UNSHARERemove data to share
CURLSHOPT_USERDATAPointer passed to the lock and unlock mutex callbacks
CUnitA unit testing framework for C
CompositeThe Composite widget class
ConstraintThe Constraint widget class
CoreThe Core widget class
DBEDouble Buffer Extension
DES_FAILEDFast DES encryption
DPMSCapableReturns the DPMS capability of the X server
DPMSDisableDisables DPMS on the specified display
DPMSEnableEnables DPMS on the specified display
DPMSForceLevelForces a DPMS capable display into the specified power level
DPMSGetTimeoutsRetrieves the timeout values used by the X server for DPMS timings
DPMSGetVersionReturns the version of the DPMS extension implemented by the X server
DPMSInfoReturns information about the current DPMS state
DPMSQueryExtensionQueries the X server to determine the availability of the DPMS Extension
DPMSSetTimeoutsPermits applications to set the timeout values used by the X server for DPMS timings
DS1821Programmable Digital Thermostat and Thermometer
DS1822Econo 1-Wire Digital Thermometer
DS1825Programmable Resolution 1-Wire Digital Thermometer with ID
DS18B20Programmable Resolution 1-Wire Digital Thermometer
DS18S20High-Precision 1-Wire Digital Thermometer
DS1921Thermochron temperature logging iButton.
DS1963L256 byte Monetary iButton
DS1963S256 byte Monetary iButton with SHA-1
DS1977Password Protected 32kbit Memory iButton
DS19911152bit MultiKey iButton
DS19921kbit Memory iButton
DS19934kbit Memory iButton
DS199516kbit Memory iButton
DS199664kbit Memory iButton
DS2401Silicon Serial Number
DS2404EconoRAM time chip
DS2405Addressable Switch
DS2406Dual Addressable Switch with 1kbit Memory, Hidable Dual Addressable Switch with 1kbit Memory
DS24081-Wire 8 Channel Addressable Switch
DS2409MicroLAN Coupler
DS2413Dual Channel Addressable Switch
DS24151-Wire Time Chip, RTC (real time clock) iButton, 1-Wire Time Chip with Interrupt
DS24234kbit 1-Wire RAM with Counter
DS2430A256-bit 1-wire EEPROM, 256-bit EEPROM ibutton
DS2431EEPROM (1 kBit)
DS2433EEPROM (4 kBit)
DS2436Battery ID/Monitor Chip
DS2437Smart Battery Monitor
DS2438Smart Battery Monitor
DS2450Quad A/D Converter
DS2502Add-Only Memory (1 kBit)
DS2505Add-Only Memory (16 kBit), UniqueWare Add-Only Memory (16 kBit)
DS2506Add-Only Memory (64 kBit), UniqueWare Add-Only Memory (64 kBit)
DS2720Efficient Addressable Single-cell Rechargeable Lithium Protection IC
DS2740High-Precision Coulomb Counter
DS2751Multichemistry Battery Fuel Gauge
DS2755Multichemistry Battery Fuel Gauge
DS2760High-Precision Li+ Battery Monitor
DS2770Battery Monitor and Charge Controller
DS2780Stand-alone Fuel Gauge IC
DS2781Stand-alone Fuel Gauge IC
DS28901-Wire Digital Potentiometer
DS28E041-Wire EEPROM chip (4096-bit) with seven address inputs
DS28EA001-Wire Digital Thermometer with Sequence Detect and PIO
DS28EC20EEPROM (20 kBit)
DStringManipulate dynamic strings
DisplayOfCCCColor Conversion Context macros
EDSEmbedded Data Systems Sensors
EEEFHobbyBoards EE/EF Microprocessor-based slaves: Ultra Violet (UV) Index sensor, Soil and Leaf moisture measurements, Barometer, ...
FD_CLRSynchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_ISSETSynchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_SETSynchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_ZEROSynchronous I/O multiplexing
FascistCheckA pro-active password checker library
FcAtomicCreateCreate an FcAtomic object
FcAtomicDeleteNewDelete new file
FcAtomicDestroyDestroy an FcAtomic object
FcAtomicLockLock a file
FcAtomicNewFileReturn new temporary file name
FcAtomicOrigFileReturn original file name
FcAtomicReplaceOrigReplace original with new
FcAtomicUnlockUnlock a file
FcBlanksAddAdd a character to an FcBlanks
FcBlanksCreateCreate an FcBlanks
FcBlanksDestroyDestroy and FcBlanks
FcBlanksIsMemberQuery membership in an FcBlanks
FcCacheCopySetReturns a copy of the fontset from cache
FcCacheCreateTagFileCreate CACHEDIR.TAG at cache directory.
FcCacheDirReturn directory of cache
FcCacheNumFontReturns the number of fonts in cache.
FcCacheNumSubdirReturn the number of subdirectories in cache.
FcCacheSubdirReturn the i'th subdirectory.
FcCharSetAddCharAdd a character to a charset
FcCharSetCopyCopy a charset
FcCharSetCountCount entries in a charset
FcCharSetCoverageDEPRECATED return coverage for a Unicode page
FcCharSetCreateCreate an empty character set
FcCharSetDelCharAdd a character to a charset
FcCharSetDestroyDestroy a character set
FcCharSetEqualCompare two charsets
FcCharSetFirstPageStart enumerating charset contents
FcCharSetHasCharCheck a charset for a char
FcCharSetIntersectIntersect charsets
FcCharSetIntersectCountIntersect and count charsets
FcCharSetIsSubsetTest for charset inclusion
FcCharSetMergeMerge charsets
FcCharSetNewDEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate
FcCharSetNextPageContinue enumerating charset contents
FcCharSetSubtractSubtract charsets
FcCharSetSubtractCountSubtract and count charsets
FcCharSetUnionAdd charsets
FcConfigAppFontAddDirAdd fonts from directory to font database
FcConfigAppFontAddFileAdd font file to font database
FcConfigAppFontClearRemove all app fonts from font database
FcConfigBuildFontsBuild font database
FcConfigCreateCreate a configuration
FcConfigDestroyDestroy a configuration
FcConfigEnableHomeControls use of the home directory.
FcConfigFileInfoIterGetObtain the configuration file information
FcConfigFileInfoIterInitInitialize the iterator
FcConfigFileInfoIterNextSet the iterator to point to the next list
FcConfigFilenameFind a config file
FcConfigGetBlanksGet config blanks
FcConfigGetCacheDEPRECATED used to return per-user cache filename
FcConfigGetCacheDirsReturn the list of directories searched for cache files
FcConfigGetConfigDirsGet config directories
FcConfigGetConfigFilesGet config files
FcConfigGetCurrentReturn current configuration
FcConfigGetFilenameFind a config file
FcConfigGetFontDirsGet font directories
FcConfigGetFontsGet config font set
FcConfigGetRescanIntervalGet config rescan interval
FcConfigGetSysRootObtain the system root directory
FcConfigHomeReturn the current home directory.
FcConfigParseAndLoadLoad a configuration file
FcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemoryLoad a configuration from memory
FcConfigReferenceIncrement config reference count
FcConfigSetCurrentSet configuration as default
FcConfigSetRescanIntervalSet config rescan interval
FcConfigSetSysRootSet the system root directory
FcConfigSubstituteExecute substitutions
FcConfigSubstituteWithPatExecute substitutions
FcConfigUptoDateCheck timestamps on config files
FcDefaultSubstitutePerform default substitutions in a pattern
FcDirCacheCleanClean up a cache directory
FcDirCacheCreateUUIDCreate .uuid file at a directory
FcDirCacheDeleteUUIDDelete .uuid file
FcDirCacheLoadLoad a directory cache
FcDirCacheLoadFileLoad a cache file
FcDirCacheReadRead or construct a directory cache
FcDirCacheRescanRe-scan a directory cache
FcDirCacheUnlinkRemove all caches related to dir
FcDirCacheUnloadUnload a cache file
FcDirCacheValidCheck directory cache
FcDirSaveDEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache
FcDirScanScan a font directory without caching it
FcFileIsDirCheck whether a file is a directory
FcFileScanScan a font file
FcFiniFinalize fontconfig library
FcFontListList fonts
FcFontMatchReturn best font
FcFontRenderPreparePrepare pattern for loading font file
FcFontSetAddAdd to a font set
FcFontSetCreateCreate a font set
FcFontSetDestroyDestroy a font set
FcFontSetListList fonts from a set of font sets
FcFontSetMatchReturn the best font from a set of font sets
FcFontSetPrintPrint a set of patterns to stdout
FcFontSetSortAdd to a font set
FcFontSetSortDestroyDEPRECATED destroy a font set
FcFontSortReturn list of matching fonts
FcFreeTypeCharIndexMap Unicode to glyph id
FcFreeTypeCharSetCompute Unicode coverage
FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacingCompute Unicode coverage and spacing type
FcFreeTypeQueryCompute pattern from font file (and index)
FcFreeTypeQueryAllCompute all patterns from font file (and index)
FcFreeTypeQueryFaceCompute pattern from FT_Face
FcGetDefaultLangsGet the default languages list
FcGetLangsGet list of languages
FcGetVersionLibrary version number
FcInitInitialize fontconfig library
FcInitBringUptoDateReload configuration files if needed
FcInitLoadConfigLoad configuration
FcInitLoadConfigAndFontsLoad configuration and font data
FcInitReinitializeRe-initialize library
FcIsLowerCheck for lower case ASCII character
FcIsUpperCheck for upper case ASCII character
FcLangGetCharSetGet character map for a language
FcLangNormalizeNormalize the language string
FcLangSetAddAdd a language to a langset
FcLangSetCompareCompare language sets
FcLangSetContainsCheck langset subset relation
FcLangSetCopyCopy a langset object
FcLangSetCreateCreate a langset object
FcLangSetDelDelete a language from a langset
FcLangSetDestroyDestroy a langset object
FcLangSetEqualTest for matching langsets
FcLangSetGetLangsGet the list of languages in the langset
FcLangSetHasLangTest langset for language support
FcLangSetHashReturn a hash value for a langset
FcLangSetSubtractSubtract langsets
FcLangSetUnionAdd langsets
FcMatrixCopyCopy a matrix
FcMatrixEqualCompare two matrices
FcMatrixInitInitialize an FcMatrix structure
FcMatrixMultiplyMultiply matrices
FcMatrixRotateRotate a matrix
FcMatrixScaleScale a matrix
FcMatrixShearShear a matrix
FcNameConstantGet the value for a symbolic constant
FcNameGetConstantLookup symbolic constant
FcNameGetConstantForLookup symbolic constant For object
FcNameGetObjectTypeLookup an object type
FcNameParseParse a pattern string
FcNameRegisterConstantsRegister symbolic constants
FcNameRegisterObjectTypesRegister object types
FcNameUnparseConvert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed
FcNameUnregisterConstantsUnregister symbolic constants
FcNameUnregisterObjectTypesUnregister object types
FcObjectSetAddAdd to an object set
FcObjectSetBuildBuild object set from args
FcObjectSetCreateCreate an object set
FcObjectSetDestroyDestroy an object set
FcPatternAdd-TypeAdd a typed value to a pattern
FcPatternAddAdd a value to a pattern
FcPatternAddWeakAdd a value to a pattern with weak binding
FcPatternBuildCreate patterns from arguments
FcPatternCreateCreate a pattern
FcPatternDelDelete a property from a pattern
FcPatternDestroyDestroy a pattern
FcPatternDuplicateCopy a pattern
FcPatternEqualCompare patterns
FcPatternEqualSubsetCompare portions of patterns
FcPatternFilterFilter the objects of pattern
FcPatternFindIterSet the iterator to point to the object in the pattern
FcPatternFormatFormat a pattern into a string according to a format specifier
FcPatternGet-TypeReturn a typed value from a pattern
FcPatternGetReturn a value from a pattern
FcPatternGetWithBindingReturn a value with binding from a pattern
FcPatternHashCompute a pattern hash value
FcPatternIterEqualCompare iterators
FcPatternIterGetObjectReturns an object name which the iterator point to
FcPatternIterGetValueReturns a value which the iterator point to
FcPatternIterIsValidCheck whether the iterator is valid or not
FcPatternIterNext(unknown subject)
FcPatternIterStartInitialize the iterator with the first iterator in the pattern
FcPatternIterValueCountReturns the number of the values which the iterator point to
FcPatternObjectCountReturns the number of the object
FcPatternPrintPrint a pattern for debugging
FcPatternReferenceIncrement pattern reference count
FcPatternRemoveRemove one object of the specified type from the pattern
FcRangeCopyCopy a range object
FcRangeCreateDoubleCreate a range object for double
FcRangeCreateIntegerCreate a range object for integer
FcRangeDestroyDestroy a range object
FcRangeGetDoubleGet the range in double
FcStrBasenameLast component of filename
FcStrBuildFilenameConcatenate strings as a file path
FcStrCmpCompare UTF-8 strings
FcStrCmpIgnoreCaseCompare UTF-8 strings ignoring case
FcStrCopyDuplicate a string
FcStrCopyFilenameCreate a complete path from a filename
FcStrDirnameDirectory part of filename
FcStrDowncaseCreate a lower case translation of a string
FcStrFreeFree a string
FcStrListCreateCreate a string iterator
FcStrListDoneDestroy a string iterator
FcStrListFirstGet first string in iteration
FcStrListNextGet next string in iteration
FcStrPlusConcatenate two strings
FcStrSetAddAdd to a string set
FcStrSetAddFilenameAdd a filename to a string set
FcStrSetCreateCreate a string set
FcStrSetDelDelete from a string set
FcStrSetDestroyDestroy a string set
FcStrSetEqualCheck sets for equality
FcStrSetMemberCheck set for membership
FcStrStrLocate UTF-8 substring
FcStrStrIgnoreCaseLocate UTF-8 substring ignoring case
FcToLowerConvert upper case ASCII to lower case
FcUcs4ToUtf8Convert UCS4 to UTF-8
FcUtf16LenCount UTF-16 encoded chars
FcUtf16ToUcs4Convert UTF-16 to UCS4
FcUtf8LenCount UTF-8 encoded chars
FcUtf8ToUcs4Convert UTF-8 to UCS4
FcValueDestroyFree a value
FcValueEqualTest two values for equality
FcValuePrintPrint a value to stdout
FcValueSaveCopy a value
FcWeightFromOpenTypeConvert from OpenType weight values to fontconfig ones
FcWeightFromOpenTypeDoubleConvert from OpenType weight values to fontconfig ones
FcWeightToOpenTypeConvert from fontconfig weight values to OpenType ones
FcWeightToOpenTypeDoubleConvert from fontconfig weight values to OpenType ones
FindPhotoManipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
FontIdAccessor functions for fonts
HDB(unknown subject)
HUGE_VALFloating-point constants
HUGE_VALFFloating-point constants
HUGE_VALLFloating-point constants
IBLSSIButtonLink SmartSlave
INFINITYFloating-point constants
IO_URING_CHECK_VERSIONFunctions and macros to check the liburing version
IO_URING_VERSION_MAJORFunctions and macros to check the liburing version
IO_URING_VERSION_MINORFunctions and macros to check the liburing version
ImageByteOrderImage format functions and macros
InfernoEmbedded(unknown subject)
IsCursorKeyKeysym classification macros
J1BC(unknown subject)
J1C(unknown subject)
J1F(unknown subject)
J1FA(unknown subject)
J1FE(unknown subject)
J1L(unknown subject)
J1LE(unknown subject)
J1MU(unknown subject)
J1N(unknown subject)
J1NE(unknown subject)
J1P(unknown subject)
J1PE(unknown subject)
J1S(unknown subject)
J1T(unknown subject)
J1U(unknown subject)
JHSD(unknown subject)
JHSFA(unknown subject)
JHSG(unknown subject)
JHSI(unknown subject)
JLBC(unknown subject)
JLC(unknown subject)
JLD(unknown subject)
JLF(unknown subject)
JLFA(unknown subject)
JLFE(unknown subject)
JLG(unknown subject)
JLI(unknown subject)
JLL(unknown subject)
JLLE(unknown subject)
JLMU(unknown subject)
JLN(unknown subject)
JLNE(unknown subject)
JLP(unknown subject)
JLPE(unknown subject)
JSLD(unknown subject)
JSLF(unknown subject)
JSLFA(unknown subject)
JSLG(unknown subject)
JSLI(unknown subject)
JSLL(unknown subject)
JSLN(unknown subject)
JSLP(unknown subject)
Judy(unknown subject)
Judy1(unknown subject)
Judy1ByCount(unknown subject)
Judy1Count(unknown subject)
Judy1First(unknown subject)
Judy1FirstEmpty(unknown subject)
Judy1FreeArray(unknown subject)
Judy1Last(unknown subject)
Judy1LastEmpty(unknown subject)
Judy1MemUsed(unknown subject)
Judy1Next(unknown subject)
Judy1NextEmpty(unknown subject)
Judy1Prev(unknown subject)
Judy1PrevEmpty(unknown subject)
Judy1Set(unknown subject)
Judy1Test(unknown subject)
Judy1Unset(unknown subject)
Judy1_funcs(unknown subject)
JudyHS(unknown subject)
JudyHSDel(unknown subject)
JudyHSFreeArray(unknown subject)
JudyHSGet(unknown subject)
JudyHSIns(unknown subject)
JudyHS_funcs(unknown subject)
JudyL(unknown subject)
JudyLByCount(unknown subject)
JudyLCount(unknown subject)
JudyLDel(unknown subject)
JudyLFirst(unknown subject)
JudyLFirstEmpty(unknown subject)
JudyLFreeArray(unknown subject)
JudyLGet(unknown subject)
JudyLIns(unknown subject)
JudyLLast(unknown subject)
JudyLLastEmpty(unknown subject)
JudyLMemUsed(unknown subject)
JudyLNext(unknown subject)
JudyLNextEmpty(unknown subject)
JudyLPrev(unknown subject)
JudyLPrevEmpty(unknown subject)
JudyL_funcs(unknown subject)
JudySL(unknown subject)
JudySLDel(unknown subject)
JudySLFirst(unknown subject)
JudySLFreeArray(unknown subject)
JudySLGet(unknown subject)
JudySLIns(unknown subject)
JudySLLast(unknown subject)
JudySLNext(unknown subject)
JudySLPrev(unknown subject)
JudySL_funcs(unknown subject)
LCDLCD controller
LIST_EMPTYImplementation of a doubly linked list
LIST_ENTRYImplementation of a doubly linked list
LIST_FIRSTImplementation of a doubly linked list
LIST_FOREACHImplementation of a doubly linked list
LIST_HEADImplementation of a doubly linked list
LIST_HEAD_INITIALIZERImplementation of a doubly linked list
LIST_INITImplementation of a doubly linked list
LIST_INSERT_AFTERImplementation of a doubly linked list
LIST_INSERT_BEFOREImplementation of a doubly linked list
LIST_INSERT_HEADImplementation of a doubly linked list
LIST_NEXTImplementation of a doubly linked list
LIST_REMOVEImplementation of a doubly linked list
MAXMaximum or minimum of two values
MB_CUR_MAXMaximum length of a multibyte character in the current locale
MB_LEN_MAXMaximum multibyte length of a character across all locales
MD2DataCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD2" message digest
MD2EndCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD2" message digest
MD2FileCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD2" message digest
MD2FileChunkCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD2" message digest
MD2FinalCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD2" message digest
MD2InitCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD2" message digest
MD2TransformCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD2" message digest
MD2UpdateCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD2" message digest
MD4DataCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD4" message digest
MD4EndCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD4" message digest
MD4FileCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD4" message digest
MD4FileChunkCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD4" message digest
MD4FinalCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD4" message digest
MD4InitCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD4" message digest
MD4PadCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD4" message digest
MD4TransformCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD4" message digest
MD4UpdateCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD4" message digest
MD5DataCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD5" message digest
MD5EndCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD5" message digest
MD5FileCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD5" message digest
MD5FileChunkCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD5" message digest
MD5FinalCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD5" message digest
MD5InitCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD5" message digest
MD5PadCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD5" message digest
MD5TransformCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD5" message digest
MD5UpdateCalculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., "MD5" message digest
MINMaximum or minimum of two values
MPIGeneral information Open MPI 4.1.6.
MPIX_Barrier_initBuilds a handle for a collective communication or neighborhood collective communication
MPIX_Query_cuda_supportReturns 1 if there is CUDA aware support and 0 if there is not.
MPI_AbortTerminates MPI execution environment.
MPI_AccumulateCombines the contents of the origin buffer with that of a target buffer.
MPI_Add_error_classCreates a new error class and returns its value
MPI_Add_error_codeCreates a new error code associated with errorclass
MPI_Add_error_stringAssociates a string with an error code or class
MPI_AddressUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Aint_addPortable functions for arithmetic on MPI_Aint values.
MPI_AllgatherGathers data from all processes and distributes it to all processes
MPI_AllgathervGathers data from all processes and delivers it to all. Each process may contribute a different amount of data.
MPI_Alloc_memAllocates a specified memory segment.
MPI_AllreduceCombines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.
MPI_AlltoallAll processes send data to all processes
MPI_AlltoallvAll processes send different amount of data to, and receive different amount of data from, all processes
MPI_AlltoallwAll processes send data of different types to, and receive data of different types from, all processes
MPI_Attr_deleteUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Attr_getUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Attr_putUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_BarrierSynchronization between MPI processes in a group
MPI_BcastBroadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes of the group.
MPI_BsendBasic send with user-specified buffering.
MPI_Bsend_initBuilds a handle for a buffered send.
MPI_Buffer_attachAttaches a user-defined buffer for sending.
MPI_Buffer_detachRemoves an existing buffer (for use in MPI_Bsend, etc.)
MPI_CancelCancels a communication request.
MPI_Cart_coordsDetermines process coords in Cartesian topology given rank in group.
MPI_Cart_createMakes a new communicator to which Cartesian topology information has been attached.
MPI_Cart_getRetrieves Cartesian topology information associated with a communicator.
MPI_Cart_mapMaps process to Cartesian topology information.
MPI_Cart_rankDetermines process rank in communicator given Cartesian location.
MPI_Cart_shiftReturns the shifted source and destination ranks, given a shift direction and amount.
MPI_Cart_subPartitions a communicator into subgroups, which form lower-dimensional Cartesian subgrids.
MPI_Cartdim_getRetrieves Cartesian topology information associated with a communicator.
MPI_Close_portReleases the specified network address.
MPI_Comm_acceptEstablishes communication with a client.
MPI_Comm_call_errhandlerPasses the supplied error code to the error handler assigned to a communicator
MPI_Comm_compareCompares two communicators.
MPI_Comm_connectEstablishes communication with a server.
MPI_Comm_createCreates a new communicator.
MPI_Comm_create_errhandlerCreates an error handler that can be attached to communicators.
MPI_Comm_create_groupCreates a new communicator.
MPI_Comm_create_keyvalGenerates a new attribute key.
MPI_Comm_delete_attrDeletes attribute value associated with a key.
MPI_Comm_disconnectDeallocates communicator object and sets handle to MPI_COMM_NULL.
MPI_Comm_dupDuplicates an existing communicator with all its cached information.
MPI_Comm_dup_with_infoDuplicates an existing communicator using provided info.
MPI_Comm_f2cTranslates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Comm_freeMark a communicator object for deallocation.
MPI_Comm_free_keyvalFrees attribute key for communicator cache attribute.
MPI_Comm_get_attrRetrieves attribute value by key.
MPI_Comm_get_errhandlerRetrieves error handler associated with a communicator.
MPI_Comm_get_infoRetrieves active communicator info hints
MPI_Comm_get_nameReturns the name that was most recently associated with a communicator.
MPI_Comm_get_parentReturns the parent intercommunicator of current spawned process.
MPI_Comm_groupReturns the group associated with a communicator.
MPI_Comm_idupStart the nonblocking duplication of an existing communicator with all its cached information.
MPI_Comm_joinEstablishes communication between MPI jobs
MPI_Comm_rankDetermines the rank of the calling process in the communicator.
MPI_Comm_remote_groupAccesses the remote group associated with an intercommunicator.
MPI_Comm_remote_sizeDetermines the size of the remote group associated with an intercommunicator.
MPI_Comm_set_attrStores attribute value associated with a key.
MPI_Comm_set_errhandlerAttaches a new error handler to a communicator.
MPI_Comm_set_infoSet communicator info hints
MPI_Comm_set_nameAssociates a name with a communicator.
MPI_Comm_sizeReturns the size of the group associated with a communicator.
MPI_Comm_spawnSpawns a number of identical binaries.
MPI_Comm_spawn_multipleSpawns multiple binaries, or the same binary with multiple sets of arguments.
MPI_Comm_splitCreates new communicators based on colors and keys.
MPI_Comm_split_typeCreates new communicators based on colors and keys.
MPI_Comm_test_interTests to see if a comm is an intercommunicator.
MPI_Compare_and_swapPerform RMA compare-and-swap
MPI_Dims_createCreates a division of processors in a Cartesian grid.
MPI_Dist_graph_createMakes a new communicator to which topology information has been attached.
MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacentMakes a new communicator to which topology information has been attached.
MPI_Dist_graph_neighborsReturns the neighbors of the calling process in a distributed graph topology.
MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_countReturns the number of in and out edges for the calling processes in a distributed graph topology and a flag indic...
MPI_Errhandler_createUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Errhandler_freeFrees an MPI-style error handler.
MPI_Errhandler_getUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Errhandler_setUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Error_classConverts an error code into an error class.
MPI_Error_stringReturns a string for a given error code.
MPI_ExscanComputes an exclusive scan (partial reduction)
MPI_Fetch_and_opCombines the contents of the origin buffer with that of a target buffer and returns the target buffer value.
MPI_File_call_errhandlerPasses the supplied error code to the error handler assigned to a file
MPI_File_closeCloses a file (collective).
MPI_File_create_errhandlerCreates an MPI-style error handler that can be attached to a file.
MPI_File_deleteDeletes a file.
MPI_File_get_amodeReturns access mode associated with an open file.
MPI_File_get_atomicityReturns current consistency semantics for data-access operations.
MPI_File_get_byte_offsetConverts a view-relative offset into an absolute byte position.
MPI_File_get_errhandlerGets the error handler for a file.
MPI_File_get_groupReturns a duplicate of the process group of a file.
MPI_File_get_infoReturns a new info object containing values for current hints associated with a file.
MPI_File_get_positionReturns the current position of the individual file pointer.
MPI_File_get_position_sharedReturns the current position of the shared file pointer.
MPI_File_get_sizeReturns the current size of the file.
MPI_File_get_type_extentReturns the extent of the data type in a file.
MPI_File_get_viewReturns the process's view of data in the file.
MPI_File_ireadReads a file starting at the location specified by the individual file pointer (nonblocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_iread_allReads a file starting at the location specified by the individual file pointer (nonblocking, collective).
MPI_File_iread_atReads a file at an explicitly specified offset (nonblocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_iread_at_allReads a file at an explicitly specified offset (nonblocking, collective).
MPI_File_iread_sharedReads a file using the shared file pointer (nonblocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_iwriteWrites a file starting at the location specified by the individual file pointer (nonblocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_iwrite_allWrites a file starting at the location specified by the individual file pointer (nonblocking, collective).
MPI_File_iwrite_atWrites a file at an explicitly specified offset (nonblocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_iwrite_at_allWrites a file at an explicitly specified offset (nonblocking, collective).
MPI_File_iwrite_sharedWrites a file using the shared file pointer (nonblocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_openOpens a file (collective).
MPI_File_preallocatePreallocates a specified amount of storage space at the beginning of a file (collective).
MPI_File_readReads a file starting at the location specified by the individual file pointer (blocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_read_allReads a file starting at the locations specified by individual file pointers (blocking, collective).
MPI_File_read_all_beginReads a file starting at the locations specified by individual file pointers; beginning part of a split collective routi...
MPI_File_read_all_endReads a file starting at the locations specified by individual file pointers; ending part of a split collective routine (b...
MPI_File_read_atReads a file at an explicitly specified offset (blocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_read_at_allReads a file at explicitly specified offsets (blocking, collective).
MPI_File_read_at_all_beginReads a file at explicitly specified offsets; beginning part of a split collective routine (nonblocking).
MPI_File_read_at_all_endReads a file at explicitly specified offsets; ending part of a split collective routine (blocking).
MPI_File_read_orderedReads a file at a location specified by a shared file pointer (blocking, collective).
MPI_File_read_ordered_beginReads a file at a location specified by a shared file pointer; beginning part of a split collective routine (nonbloc...
MPI_File_read_ordered_endReads a file at a location specified by a shared file pointer; ending part of a split collective routine (blocking).
MPI_File_read_sharedReads a file using the shared file pointer (blocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_seekUpdates individual file pointers (noncollective).
MPI_File_seek_sharedUpdates the global shared file pointer (collective).
MPI_File_set_atomicitySets consistency semantics for data-access operations (collective).
MPI_File_set_errhandlerSets the error handler for a file.
MPI_File_set_infoSets new values for hints (collective).
MPI_File_set_sizeResizes a file (collective).
MPI_File_set_viewChanges process's view of data in file (collective).
MPI_File_syncMakes semantics consistent for data-access operations (collective).
MPI_File_writeWrites a file starting at the location specified by the individual file pointer (blocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_write_allWrites a file starting at the locations specified by individual file pointers (blocking, collective).
MPI_File_write_all_beginWrites a file starting at the locations specified by individual file pointers; beginning part of a split collective rou...
MPI_File_write_all_endWrites a file starting at the locations specified by individual file pointers; ending part of a split collective routine ...
MPI_File_write_atWrites a file at an explicitly specified offset (blocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_write_at_allWrites a file at explicitly specified offsets (blocking, collective).
MPI_File_write_at_all_beginWrites a file at explicitly specified offsets; beginning part of a split collective routine (nonblocking).
MPI_File_write_at_all_endWrites a file at explicitly specified offsets; ending part of a split collective routine (blocking).
MPI_File_write_orderedWrites a file at a location specified by a shared file pointer (blocking, collective).
MPI_File_write_ordered_beginWrites a file at a location specified by a shared file pointer; beginning part of a split collective routine (nonbl...
MPI_File_write_ordered_endWrites a file at a location specified by a shared file pointer; ending part of a split collective routine (blocking).
MPI_File_write_sharedWrites a file using the shared file pointer (blocking, noncollective).
MPI_FinalizeTerminates MPI execution environment.
MPI_FinalizedChecks whether MPI has been finalized
MPI_Free_memFrees memory that has been allocated using MPI_Alloc_mem.
MPI_GatherGathers values from a group of processes.
MPI_GathervGathers varying amounts of data from all processes to the root process
MPI_GetCopies data from the target memory to the origin.
MPI_Get_accumulateCombines the contents of the origin buffer with that of a target buffer and returns the target buffer value.
MPI_Get_addressGets the address of a location in memory.
MPI_Get_countGets the number of top-level elements received.
MPI_Get_elementsReturns the number of basic elements in a data type.
MPI_Get_library_versionReturns a string of the current Open MPI version
MPI_Get_processor_nameGets the name of the processor.
MPI_Get_versionReturns the version of the standard corresponding to the current implementation.
MPI_Graph_createMakes a new communicator to which topology information has been attached.
MPI_Graph_getRetrieves graph topology information associated with a communicator.
MPI_Graph_mapMaps process to graph topology information.
MPI_Graph_neighborsReturns the neighbors of a node associated with a graph topology.
MPI_Graph_neighbors_countReturns the number of neighbors of a node associated with a graph topology.
MPI_Graphdims_getRetrieves graph topology information associated with a communicator.
MPI_Grequest_completeReports that a generalized request is complete.
MPI_Grequest_startStarts a generalized request and returns a handle to it in request.
MPI_Group_compareCompares two groups.
MPI_Group_differenceMakes a group from the difference of two groups.
MPI_Group_exclProduces a group by reordering an existing group and taking only unlisted members.
MPI_Group_freeFrees a group.
MPI_Group_inclProduces a group by reordering an existing group and taking only listed members.
MPI_Group_intersectionProduces a group at the intersection of two existing groups.
MPI_Group_range_exclProduces a group by excluding ranges of processes from an existing group.
MPI_Group_range_inclCreates a new group from ranges of ranks in an existing group.
MPI_Group_rankReturns the rank of the calling process in the given group.
MPI_Group_sizeReturns the size of a group.
MPI_Group_translate_ranksTranslates the ranks of processes in one group to those in another group.
MPI_Group_unionProduces a group by combining two groups.
MPI_IbsendStarts a nonblocking buffered send.
MPI_ImprobeNon-blocking matched probe for a message.
MPI_ImrecvNon-blocking receive for a matched message
MPI_Info_createCreates a new info object.
MPI_Info_deleteDeletes a key/value pair from info.
MPI_Info_dupDuplicates an info object.
MPI_Info_envStatic MPI_Info object containing info about the application
MPI_Info_freeFrees an info object.
MPI_Info_getRetrieves the value associated with a key in an info object.
MPI_Info_get_nkeysGets the number of keys currently defined in an info object.
MPI_Info_get_nthkeyReturns the nth defined key in info.
MPI_Info_get_valuelenRetrieves the length of the key value associated with an info object.
MPI_Info_setAdds a key/value pair to info.
MPI_InitInitializes the MPI execution environment
MPI_Init_threadInitializes the MPI execution environment
MPI_InitializedChecks whether MPI has been initialized
MPI_Intercomm_createCreates an intercommunicator from two intracommunicators.
MPI_Intercomm_mergeCreates an intracommunicator from an intercommunicator.
MPI_IprobeNonblocking test for a message.
MPI_IrecvStarts a standard-mode, nonblocking receive.
MPI_IrsendStarts a ready-mode nonblocking send.
MPI_Is_thread_mainDetermines if thread called MPI_Init
MPI_IsendStarts a standard-mode, nonblocking send.
MPI_IssendStarts a nonblocking synchronous send.
MPI_Keyval_createUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Keyval_freeUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Lookup_nameFinds port associated with a service name
MPI_MprobeBlocking matched probe for a message.
MPI_MrecvBlocking receive for a matched message
MPI_Neighbor_allgatherGathers and distributes data from and to all neighbors
MPI_Neighbor_allgathervGathers and distributes data from and to all neighbors. Each process may contribute a different amount of data.
MPI_Neighbor_alltoallAll processes send data to neighboring processes in a virtual topology communicator
MPI_Neighbor_alltoallvAll processes send different amounts of data to, and receive different amounts of data from, all neighbors
MPI_Neighbor_alltoallwAll processes send data of different types to, and receive data of different types from, all processes
MPI_Op_commutativeQuery of commutativity of reduction operation.
MPI_Op_createCreates a user-defined combination function handle.
MPI_Op_freeFrees a user-defined combination function handle.
MPI_Open_portEstablishes a network address for a server to accept connections from clients.
MPI_PackPacks data of a given datatype into contiguous memory.
MPI_Pack_externalWrites data to a portable format
MPI_Pack_external_sizeCalculates upper bound on space needed to write to a portable format
MPI_Pack_sizeReturns the upper bound on the amount of space needed to pack a message.
MPI_PcontrolControls profiling.
MPI_ProbeBlocking test for a message.
MPI_Publish_namePublishes a service name associated with a port
MPI_PutCopies data from the origin memory to the target.
MPI_Query_threadReturns the current level of thread support
MPI_RecvPerforms a standard-mode blocking receive.
MPI_Recv_initBuilds a handle for a receive.
MPI_ReduceReduces values on all processes within a group.
MPI_Reduce_localPerform a local reduction
MPI_Reduce_scatterCombines values and scatters the results.
MPI_Reduce_scatter_blockCombines values and scatters the results in blocks.
MPI_Register_datarepDefines data representation.
MPI_Request_freeFrees a communication request object.
MPI_Request_get_statusAccess information associated with a request without freeing the request.
MPI_RsendReady send.
MPI_Rsend_initBuilds a handle for a ready send.
MPI_ScanComputes an inclusive scan (partial reduction)
MPI_ScatterSends data from one task to all tasks in a group.
MPI_ScattervScatters a buffer in parts to all tasks in a group.
MPI_SendPerforms a standard-mode blocking send.
MPI_Send_initBuilds a handle for a standard send.
MPI_SendrecvSends and receives a message.
MPI_Sendrecv_replaceSends and receives a message using a single buffer.
MPI_SizeofReturns the size, in bytes, of the given type
MPI_SsendStandard synchronous send.
MPI_Ssend_initBuilds a handle for a synchronous send.
MPI_StartInitiates a communication using a persistent request handle.
MPI_StartallStarts a collection of requests.
MPI_Status_f2cTranslates a C status into a Fortran status, or vice versa.
MPI_Status_set_cancelledSets status to indicate a request has been canceled.
MPI_Status_set_elementsModifies opaque part of status to allow MPI_Get_elements to return count.
MPI_T_category_changedGet a timestamp for the categories
MPI_T_category_get_categoriesQuery which categories are in a category
MPI_T_category_get_cvarsQuery which control variables are in a category
MPI_T_category_get_infoQuery information from a category
MPI_T_category_get_numQuery the number of categories
MPI_T_category_get_pvarsQuery which performance variables are in a category
MPI_T_cvar_get_infoQuery information from a control variable
MPI_T_cvar_get_numQuery the number of control variables
MPI_T_cvar_handle_allocAllocate/free contol variable handles
MPI_T_cvar_readRead the value of a control variable
MPI_T_cvar_writeWrite the value of a bound control variable
MPI_T_enum_get_infoQuery information about an enumerator
MPI_T_enum_get_itemQuery information about an enumerator
MPI_T_finalizeFinalize the MPI tool information interface
MPI_T_init_threadInitializes the MPI Tool imformation interface
MPI_T_pvar_get_infoQuery information from a performance variable
MPI_T_pvar_get_numQuery the number of performance variables
MPI_T_pvar_handle_allocAllocate/free MPI performance variable handles
MPI_T_pvar_readRead the value of a performance variable
MPI_T_pvar_readresetAtomically read and reset the value of a performance variable
MPI_T_pvar_resetReset the value of a performance variable
MPI_T_pvar_session_createCreate/free performance variable session
MPI_T_pvar_startStart/stop a performance variable
MPI_T_pvar_writeWrite the value of a control variable
MPI_TestTests for the completion of a specific send or receive.
MPI_Test_cancelledTests whether a request was canceled.
MPI_TestallTests for the completion of all previously initiated communications in a list.
MPI_TestanyTests for completion of any one previously initiated communication in a list.
MPI_TestsomeTests for completion of one or more previously initiated communications in a list.
MPI_Topo_testDetermines the type of topology (if any) associated with a communicator.
MPI_Type_commitCommits a data type.
MPI_Type_contiguousCreates a contiguous datatype.
MPI_Type_create_darrayCreates a distributed array datatype;
MPI_Type_create_f90_complexReturns a bounded MPI complex datatype
MPI_Type_create_f90_integerReturns a bounded MPI integer datatype
MPI_Type_create_f90_realReturns a bounded MPI real datatype
MPI_Type_create_hvectorCreates a vector (strided) data type with offset in bytes.
MPI_Type_create_indexed_blockCreates an indexed data type with the same block length for all blocks.
MPI_Type_create_keyvalGenerates a new attribute key for caching on data types.
MPI_Type_create_resizedReturns a new data type with new extent and upper and lower bounds.
MPI_Type_create_structCreates a structured data type.
MPI_Type_create_subarrayCreates a data type describing an n-dimensional subarray of an n-dimensional array.
MPI_Type_delete_attrDeletes a datatype-caching attribute value associated with a key.
MPI_Type_dupDuplicates a data type with associated key values.
MPI_Type_extentUse of this routine is...
MPI_Type_freeFrees a data type.
MPI_Type_free_keyvalFrees a previously created type key value.
MPI_Type_get_attrReturns the attribute associated with a data type.
MPI_Type_get_contentsReturns information about arguments used in creation of a data type.
MPI_Type_get_envelopeReturns information about input arguments associated with a data type.
MPI_Type_get_extentReturns the lower bound and extent of a data type.
MPI_Type_get_nameGets the name of a data type.
MPI_Type_get_true_extentReturns the true lower bound and extent of a data type's corresponding typemap, ignoring MPI_UB and MPI_LB markers.
MPI_Type_hindexedUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Type_hvectorUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Type_indexedCreates an indexed datatype.
MPI_Type_lbUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Type_match_sizeReturns an MPI datatype of a given type and size
MPI_Type_set_attrSets a key value/attribute pair to a data type.
MPI_Type_set_nameSets the name of a data type.
MPI_Type_sizeReturns the number of bytes occupied by entries in a data type.
MPI_Type_structUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Type_ubUse of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Type_vectorCreates a vector (strided) datatype.
MPI_UnpackUnpacks a datatype into contiguous memory.
MPI_Unpack_externalReads data from a portable format
MPI_Unpublish_nameUnpublishes a service name
MPI_WaitWaits for an MPI send or receive to complete.
MPI_WaitallWaits for all given communications to complete.
MPI_WaitanyWaits for any specified send or receive to complete.
MPI_WaitsomeWaits for some given communications to complete.
MPI_Win_allocateOne-sided MPI call that allocates memory and returns a window object for RMA operations.
MPI_Win_allocate_sharedOne-sided MPI call that allocates shared memory and returns a window object for RMA operations.
MPI_Win_attachOne-sided MPI call that attaches / detaches a memory region to / from a window object for RMA operations.
MPI_Win_call_errhandlerPasses the supplied error code to the error handler assigned to a window
MPI_Win_completeCompletes an RMA access epoch on win started by a call to MPI_Win_start
MPI_Win_createOne-sided MPI call that returns a window object for RMA operations.
MPI_Win_create_dynamicOne-sided MPI call that returns a window object for RMA operations.
MPI_Win_create_errhandlerCreates an error handler for a window.
MPI_Win_create_keyvalCreates a keyval for a window.
MPI_Win_delete_attrDeletes an attribute from a window.
MPI_Win_fenceSynchronizes RMA calls on a window.
MPI_Win_flushComplete all outstanding RMA operations at both the origin and the target
MPI_Win_flush_localComplete all outstanding RMA operations at both the origin
MPI_Win_freeFrees the window object and returns a null handle.
MPI_Win_free_keyvalFrees a window keyval.
MPI_Win_get_attrObtains the value of a window attribute.
MPI_Win_get_errhandlerRetrieves the error handler currently associated with a window.
MPI_Win_get_groupReturns a duplicate of the group of the communicator used to create the window.
MPI_Win_get_infoRetrieves active window info hints
MPI_Win_get_nameObtains the name of a window.
MPI_Win_lockStarts an RMA access epoch locking access to a particular rank.
MPI_Win_lock_allStarts an RMA access epoch locking access to all processes in the window
MPI_Win_postStarts an RMA exposure epoch for the local window associated with win
MPI_Win_set_attrSets the value of a window attribute.
MPI_Win_set_errhandlerAttaches a new error handler to a window.
MPI_Win_set_infoSet window info hints
MPI_Win_set_nameSets the name of a window.
MPI_Win_shared_queryQuery a shared memory window
MPI_Win_startStarts an RMA access epoch for win
MPI_Win_syncSynchronize the private and public copies of the window
MPI_Win_testAttempts to complete an RMA exposure epoch; a nonblocking version of MPI_Win_wait
MPI_Win_unlockCompletes an RMA access epoch started by a call to MPI_Win_lock.
MPI_Win_unlock_allCompletes an RMA access epoch started by a call to MPI_Win_lock_all.
MPI_Win_waitCompletes an RMA exposure epoch started by a call to MPI_Win_post on win
MPI_WtickReturns the resolution of MPI_Wtime.
MPI_WtimeReturns an elapsed time on the calling processor.
MQTTAsync.h(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_SSLOptions(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_connectData(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_connectOptions(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_createOptions(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_disconnectOptions(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_failureData(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_failureData5(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_init_options(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_message(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_nameValue(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_responseOptions(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_successData(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_successData5(unknown subject)
MQTTAsync_willOptions(unknown subject)
MQTTClient.h(unknown subject)
MQTTClientPersistence.hThis structure represents a persistent data store, used to store outbound and inbound messages, in order to achieve reli...
MQTTClient_SSLOptions(unknown subject)
MQTTClient_connectOptions(unknown subject)
MQTTClient_createOptions(unknown subject)
MQTTClient_init_options(unknown subject)
MQTTClient_message(unknown subject)
MQTTClient_nameValue(unknown subject)
MQTTClient_persistenceA structure containing the function pointers to a persistence implementation and the context or state that will be shared...
MQTTClient_willOptions(unknown subject)
MQTTLenString(unknown subject)
MQTTProperties(unknown subject)
MQTTProperties.h(unknown subject)
MQTTProperty(unknown subject)
MQTTReasonCodes.h(unknown subject)
MQTTResponse(unknown subject)
MQTTSubscribeOpts.h(unknown subject)
MQTTSubscribe_options(unknown subject)
MeasureCharRoutines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
MrmCloseHierarchyCloses a UID hierarchy
MrmFetchBitmapLiteralFetches a bitmap literal from a hierarchy
MrmFetchColorLiteralFetches a named color literal from a UID file
MrmFetchIconLiteralFetches an icon literal from a hierarchy
MrmFetchLiteralFetches a literal from a UID file
MrmFetchSetValuesFetches the values to be set from literals stored in UID files
MrmFetchWidgetFetches and creates an indexed (UIL named) application widget and its children
MrmFetchWidgetOverrideFetches any indexed (UIL named) application widget. It overrides the arguments specified for this application widget in UIL
MrmInitializePrepares an application to use MRM widget-fetching facilities
MrmOpenHierarchyAllocates a hierarchy ID and opens all the UID files in the hierarchy
MrmOpenHierarchyFromBufferAllocates a hierarchy ID and opens a buffer containing a memory image of a UID file
MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplayAllocates a hierarchy ID and opens all the UID files in the hierarchy
MrmRegisterClassSaves the information needed for MRM to access the widget creation function for user-defined widgets
MrmRegisterNamesRegisters the values associated with the names referenced in UIL (for example, UIL callback function names or UIL identifier na...
MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchyRegisters the values associated with the names referenced in UIL within a single hierarchy (for example, UIL callbac...
NANFloating-point constants
NotifierThe event queue and notifier interfaces
OMPI_Affinity_strObtain prettyprint strings of processor affinity information for this process
OWNetLight weight access to owserver
ObjectThe Object widget class
OverrideShellThe OverrideShell widget class
Parse::YappPerl extension for generating and using LALR parsers.
RMD160DataCalculate the ``RIPEMD-160'' message digest
RMD160EndCalculate the ``RIPEMD-160'' message digest
RMD160FileCalculate the ``RIPEMD-160'' message digest
RMD160FileChunkCalculate the ``RIPEMD-160'' message digest
RMD160FinalCalculate the ``RIPEMD-160'' message digest
RMD160InitCalculate the ``RIPEMD-160'' message digest
RMD160PadCalculate the ``RIPEMD-160'' message digest
RMD160TransformCalculate the ``RIPEMD-160'' message digest
RMD160UpdateCalculate the ``RIPEMD-160'' message digest
RectObjThe RectObj widget class
RegExpPattern matching with regular expressions
SHA1DataCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1EndCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1FileCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1FileChunkCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1FinalCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1InitCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1PadCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1TransformCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1UpdateCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA256DataCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA256EndCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA256FileCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA256FileChunkCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA256FinalCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA256InitCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA256PadCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA256TransformCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA256UpdateCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA384DataCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA384EndCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA384FileCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA384FileChunkCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA384FinalCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA384InitCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA384PadCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA384TransformCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA384UpdateCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA512DataCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA512EndCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA512FileCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA512FileChunkCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA512FinalCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA512InitCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA512PadCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA512TransformCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SHA512UpdateCalculate the NIST Secure Hash Standard (version 2)
SIMPLEQ_EMPTYImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SIMPLEQ_ENTRYImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SIMPLEQ_FIRSTImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SIMPLEQ_FOREACHImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SIMPLEQ_HEADImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SIMPLEQ_HEAD_INITIALIZERImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SIMPLEQ_INITImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SIMPLEQ_INSERT_AFTERImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SIMPLEQ_INSERT_HEADImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SIMPLEQ_INSERT_TAILImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SIMPLEQ_NEXTImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SIMPLEQ_REMOVEImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEADImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
SLIST_EMPTYImplementation of a singly linked list
SLIST_ENTRYImplementation of a singly linked list
SLIST_FIRSTImplementation of a singly linked list
SLIST_FOREACHImplementation of a singly linked list
SLIST_HEADImplementation of a singly linked list
SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZERImplementation of a singly linked list
SLIST_INITImplementation of a singly linked list
SLIST_INSERT_AFTERImplementation of a singly linked list
SLIST_INSERT_HEADImplementation of a singly linked list
SLIST_NEXTImplementation of a singly linked list
SLIST_REMOVEImplementation of a singly linked list
SLIST_REMOVE_HEADImplementation of a singly linked list
SNMPThe Perl5 'SNMP' Extension Module for the Net-SNMP SNMP package.
STAILQ_CONCATImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_EMPTYImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_ENTRYImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_FIRSTImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_FOREACHImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_HEADImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZERImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_INITImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_INSERT_AFTERImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_INSERT_HEADImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_INSERT_TAILImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_NEXTImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_REMOVEImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
STAILQ_REMOVE_HEADImplementation of a singly linked tail queue
ShellThe Shell widget class
Smokeping_matchers_AvgratioDetect changes in average median latency
Smokeping_matchers_CheckLatencyEdge triggered alert to check latency is under a value for x number of samples
Smokeping_matchers_CheckLossEdge triggered alert to check loss is under a value for x number of samples
Smokeping_matchers_ConsecutiveLossRaise/clear alerts according to your choice of threshold and consecutive values
Smokeping_matchers_ExpLossExponential weighting matcher for packet loss with RMON-like thresholds
Smokeping_matchers_MedianFind persistent changes in latency
Smokeping_matchers_MedratioDetect changes in the latency median
Smokeping_matchers_baseBase Class for implementing SmokePing Matchers
Smokeping_probes_AnotherCurlA curl(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_AnotherDNSAlternate DNS Probe
Smokeping_probes_AnotherSSHAnother SSH probe
Smokeping_probes_CiscoRTTMonDNSProbe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_CiscoRTTMonEchoICMPProbe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_CiscoRTTMonTcpConnectProbe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_CurlA curl(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_DNSName Service Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_DismanPingDISMAN-PING-MIB Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_EchoPingAn echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_EchoPingChargenAn echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_EchoPingDNSAn echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_EchoPingDiscardAn echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_EchoPingHttpAn echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_EchoPingHttpsAn echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_EchoPingIcpAn echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_EchoPingLDAPAn echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_EchoPingPluginA basis for using echoping(1) plugins as probes for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_EchoPingSmtpAn echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_EchoPingWhoisAn echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_FPingFPing Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_FPing6FPing6 Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_FPingContinuousFPingContinuous Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_FTPtransferIntrusive bandwidth probe
Smokeping_probes_IOSPingCisco IOS Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_IRTTA SmokePing Probe for IRTT
Smokeping_probes_LDAPA LDAP probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_NFSpingNFSping Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_OpenSSHEOSPingArista EOS SSH Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_OpenSSHJunOSPingJuniper SSH JunOS Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_QstatQstat Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_RadiusA RADIUS authentication probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_RemoteFPingRemote FPing Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_SSHSecure Shell Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_SendEmailA Smokeping probe that measure time needed to send an mail
Smokeping_probes_SipSakTests sip server
Smokeping_probes_TCPPingTCPPing Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_TacacsPlusA TacacsPlus authentication probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_TelnetIOSPingCisco IOS Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_TelnetJunOSPingJuniper JunOS Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping_probes_TraceroutePingUse traceroute to obtain RTT for a router
Smokeping_probes_WebProxyFilterTests webproxy filter performance and function.
Smokeping_probes_baseBase Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
Smokeping_probes_baseforkYet Another Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
Smokeping_probes_basevarsAnother Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
Smokeping_probes_passwordcheckerA Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
Smokeping_probes_skelA skeleton for Smokeping Probes
Smokeping_sorters_LossOrder the target charts by loss
Smokeping_sorters_MaxOrder the target charts by Max RTT
Smokeping_sorters_MedianOrder the target charts by Median RTT
Smokeping_sorters_StdDevOrder the target charts by StdDev
Smokeping_sorters_baseBase Class for implementing SmokePing Sorters
TAILQ_CONCATImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_EMPTYImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_ENTRYImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_FIRSTImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_FOREACHImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSEImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_HEADImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZERImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_INITImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_INSERT_AFTERImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_INSERT_BEFOREImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_INSERT_HEADImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_INSERT_TAILImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_LASTImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_NEXTImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_PREVImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_REMOVEImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TAILQ_SWAPImplementation of a doubly linked tail queue
TCL_MEM_DEBUGCompile-time flag to enable Tcl memory debugging
TPMLIB_CancelCommandCancel a TPM command
TPMLIB_ChooseTPMVersionChoose the version of the TPM
TPMLIB_DecodeBlobDecode a base64-encode TPM blob
TPMLIB_GetInfoGet Information about the TPM implementation
TPMLIB_GetTPMPropertyGet a runtime property of the TPM
TPMLIB_GetVersionGet the version of the TPM library
TPMLIB_MainInitInitialize the TPM
TPMLIB_ProcessProcess a TPM command
TPMLIB_RegisterCallbacksRegister callbacks for implementing customized behavior of certain functions
TPMLIB_SetBufferSizeSet the TPM's I/O buffer size
TPMLIB_SetDebugFDSet the file descriptor to send the debug output to
TPMLIB_SetStateSet the TPM's volatile, permanent, or save state
TPMLIB_ValidateStateValidate the state blobs of the TPM
TPMLIB_VolatileAll_StoreStore all volatile state of the TPM in a buffer
TPM_IO_Hash_StartIndicate the beginging of a TPM TIS hash operation
TPM_IO_TpmEstablished_GetGet the value of the TPMEstablished flag
TPM_MallocAllocate memory
Tcl_AccessCheck file permissions and other attributes
Tcl_AddErrorInfoRetrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_AddObjErrorInfoRetrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_AlertNotifierThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_AllocAllocate or free heap memory
Tcl_AllocStatBufProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_AllowExceptionsAllow all exceptions in next script evaluation
Tcl_AppInitPerform application-specific initialization
Tcl_AppendAllObjTypesManipulate Tcl value types
Tcl_AppendElementManipulate Tcl result
Tcl_AppendExportListManipulate namespaces
Tcl_AppendFormatToObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_AppendLimitedToObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_AppendObjToErrorInfoRetrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_AppendObjToObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_AppendPrintfToObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_AppendResultManipulate Tcl result
Tcl_AppendResultVAManipulate Tcl result
Tcl_AppendStringsToObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_AppendStringsToObjVAManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_AppendToObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_AppendUnicodeToObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_AsyncCreateHandle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncDeleteHandle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncInvokeHandle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncMarkHandle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncReadyHandle asynchronous events
Tcl_AttemptAllocAllocate or free heap memory
Tcl_AttemptReallocAllocate or free heap memory
Tcl_AttemptSetObjLengthManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_BackgroundErrorReport Tcl exception that occurred in background processing
Tcl_BackgroundExceptionReport Tcl exception that occurred in background processing
Tcl_BackslashParse a backslash sequence
Tcl_BadChannelOptionProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_CallWhenDeletedArrange for callback when interpreter is deleted
Tcl_CancelEvalCancel Tcl scripts
Tcl_CancelIdleCallInvoke a procedure when there are no pending events
Tcl_CanceledCancel Tcl scripts
Tcl_ChannelBlockModeProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelBufferedProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelClose2ProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelCloseProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelFlushProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelGetHandleProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelGetOptionProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelHandlerProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelInputProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelNameProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelOutputProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelSeekProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelSetOptionProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelThreadActionProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelTruncateProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelVersionProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelWatchProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelWideSeekProcProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChdirManipulate the current working directory
Tcl_ClassGetMetadataManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_ClassSetConstructorManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_ClassSetDestructorManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_ClassSetMetadataManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_ClearChannelHandlersProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_CloseBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_CommandCompleteCheck for unmatched braces in a Tcl command
Tcl_CommandTraceInfoMonitor renames and deletes of a command
Tcl_ConcatConcatenate a collection of strings
Tcl_ConcatObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_ConditionFinalizeTcl thread support
Tcl_ConditionNotifyTcl thread support
Tcl_ConditionWaitTcl thread support
Tcl_ConvertCountedElementManipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_ConvertElementManipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_ConvertToTypeManipulate Tcl value types
Tcl_CopyObjectInstanceManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_CreateAliasManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_CreateAliasObjManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_CreateChannelProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_CreateChannelHandlerCall a procedure when a channel becomes readable or writable
Tcl_CreateChildManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_CreateCloseHandlerArrange for callbacks when channels are closed
Tcl_CreateCommandImplement new commands in C
Tcl_CreateEncodingProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_CreateEnsembleManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_CreateEventSourceThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_CreateExitHandlerEnd the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_CreateFileHandlerAssociate procedure callbacks with files or devices (Unix only)
Tcl_CreateHashEntryProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_CreateInterpCreate and delete Tcl command interpreters
Tcl_CreateMathFuncDefine, query and enumerate math functions for expressions
Tcl_CreateNamespaceManipulate namespaces
Tcl_CreateObjCommandImplement new commands in C
Tcl_CreateObjTraceArrange for command execution to be traced
Tcl_CreateSlaveManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_CreateThreadTcl thread support
Tcl_CreateThreadExitHandlerEnd the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_CreateTimerHandlerCall a procedure at a given time
Tcl_CreateTraceArrange for command execution to be traced
Tcl_CutChannelProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_DStringAppendManipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringAppendElementManipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringEndSublistManipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringFreeManipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringGetResultManipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringInitManipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringLengthManipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringResultManipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringSetLengthManipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringStartSublistManipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringTruncManipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringValueManipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DecrRefCountManipulate Tcl values
Tcl_DeleteAssocDataManage associations of string keys and user specified data with Tcl interpreters
Tcl_DeleteChannelHandlerCall a procedure when a channel becomes readable or writable
Tcl_DeleteCloseHandlerArrange for callbacks when channels are closed
Tcl_DeleteCommandImplement new commands in C
Tcl_DeleteCommandFromTokenImplement new commands in C
Tcl_DeleteEventSourceThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_DeleteEventsThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_DeleteExitHandlerEnd the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_DeleteFileHandlerAssociate procedure callbacks with files or devices (Unix only)
Tcl_DeleteHashEntryProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_DeleteHashTableProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_DeleteInterpCreate and delete Tcl command interpreters
Tcl_DeleteNamespaceManipulate namespaces
Tcl_DeleteThreadExitHandlerEnd the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_DeleteTimerHandlerCall a procedure at a given time
Tcl_DeleteTraceArrange for command execution to be traced
Tcl_DetachChannelBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_DetachPidsManage child processes in background
Tcl_DictObjDoneManipulate Tcl values as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjFirstManipulate Tcl values as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjGetManipulate Tcl values as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjNextManipulate Tcl values as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjPutManipulate Tcl values as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjPutKeyListManipulate Tcl values as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjRemoveManipulate Tcl values as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjRemoveKeyListManipulate Tcl values as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjSizeManipulate Tcl values as dictionaries
Tcl_DiscardInterpStateSave and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_DiscardResultSave and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_DoOneEventWait for events and invoke event handlers
Tcl_DoWhenIdleInvoke a procedure when there are no pending events
Tcl_DontCallWhenDeletedArrange for callback when interpreter is deleted
Tcl_DumpActiveMemoryValidated memory allocation interface
Tcl_DuplicateObjManipulate Tcl values
Tcl_EofBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ErrnoIdManipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_ErrnoMsgManipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_EvalExecute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalExExecute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalFileExecute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalObjExExecute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalObjvExecute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalTokensParse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_EvalTokensStandardParse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_EventuallyFreeAvoid freeing storage while it is being used
Tcl_ExitEnd the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_ExitThreadEnd the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_ExportManipulate namespaces
Tcl_ExposeCommandManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_ExprBooleanEvaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprBooleanObjEvaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprDoubleEvaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprDoubleObjEvaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprLongEvaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprLongObjEvaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprObjEvaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprStringEvaluate an expression
Tcl_ExternalToUtfProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_ExternalToUtfDStringProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_FSAccessProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSChdirProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSConvertToPathTypeProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSCopyDirectoryProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSCopyFileProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSCreateDirectoryProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSDataProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSDeleteFileProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSEqualPathsProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSEvalFileProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSEvalFileExProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSFileAttrStringsProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSFileAttrsGetProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSFileAttrsSetProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSFileSystemInfoProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetCwdProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetFileSystemForPathProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetInternalRepProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetNativePathProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetNormalizedPathProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetPathTypeProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetTranslatedPathProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetTranslatedStringPathProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSJoinPathProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSJoinToPathProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSLinkProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSListVolumesProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSLoadFileProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSLstatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSMatchInDirectoryProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSMountsChangedProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSNewNativePathProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSOpenFileChannelProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSPathSeparatorProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSRegisterProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSRemoveDirectoryProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSRenameFileProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSSplitPathProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSUnloadFileProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSUnregisterProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSUtimeProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FinalizeEnd the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_FinalizeNotifierThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_FinalizeThreadEnd the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_FindCommandManipulate namespaces
Tcl_FindEnsembleManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_FindExecutableIdentify or return the name of the binary file containing the application
Tcl_FindHashEntryProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_FindNamespaceManipulate namespaces
Tcl_FindSymbolPlatform-independent dynamic library loading
Tcl_FirstHashEntryProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_FlushBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ForgetImportManipulate namespaces
Tcl_FormatManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_FreeAllocate or free heap memory
Tcl_FreeEncodingProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_FreeParseParse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_FreeResultManipulate Tcl result
Tcl_GetAccessTimeFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetAliasManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_GetAliasObjManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_GetAssocDataManage associations of string keys and user specified data with Tcl interpreters
Tcl_GetBignumFromObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_GetBlockSizeFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetBlocksFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetBooleanConvert from string to integer, double, or boolean
Tcl_GetBooleanFromObjStore/retrieve boolean value in a Tcl_Obj
Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObjManipulate Tcl values as a arrays of bytes
Tcl_GetChangeTimeFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetChannelBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetChannelBufferSizeProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelErrorFunctions to create/intercept Tcl errors by channel drivers.
Tcl_GetChannelErrorInterpFunctions to create/intercept Tcl errors by channel drivers.
Tcl_GetChannelHandleProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelInstanceDataProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelModeProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelNameProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelNamesBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetChannelNamesExBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetChannelOptionBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetChannelThreadProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelTypeProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetCharLengthManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_GetChildManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_GetClassAsObjectManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_GetCommandFromObjImplement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCommandFullNameImplement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCommandInfoImplement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCommandInfoFromTokenImplement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCommandNameImplement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCurrentNamespaceManipulate namespaces
Tcl_GetCurrentThreadThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_GetCwdManipulate the current working directory
Tcl_GetDefaultEncodingDirProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetDeviceTypeFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetDoubleConvert from string to integer, double, or boolean
Tcl_GetDoubleFromObjManipulate Tcl values as floating-point values
Tcl_GetEncodingProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetEncodingFromObjProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetEncodingNameProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetEncodingNameFromEnvironmentProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetEncodingNamesProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetEncodingSearchPathProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetEnsembleFlagsManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_GetEnsembleMappingDictManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_GetEnsembleNamespaceManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_GetEnsembleParameterListManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_GetEnsembleSubcommandListManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_GetEnsembleUnknownHandlerManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_GetErrnoManipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_GetErrorLineRetrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_GetFSDeviceFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetFSInodeFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetGlobalNamespaceManipulate namespaces
Tcl_GetGroupIdFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetHashKeyProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_GetHashValueProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_GetHostNameGet the name of the local host
Tcl_GetIndexFromObjLookup string in table of keywords
Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStructLookup string in table of keywords
Tcl_GetIntConvert from string to integer, double, or boolean
Tcl_GetIntFromObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_GetInterpPathManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_GetLinkCountFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetLongFromObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_GetMasterManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_GetMathFuncInfoDefine, query and enumerate math functions for expressions
Tcl_GetMemoryInfoAllocate or free heap memory
Tcl_GetModeFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetModificationTimeFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetNameOfExecutableIdentify or return the name of the binary file containing the application
Tcl_GetNamespaceUnknownHandlerManipulate namespaces
Tcl_GetObjResultManipulate Tcl result
Tcl_GetObjTypeManipulate Tcl value types
Tcl_GetObjectAsClassManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_GetObjectCommandManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_GetObjectFromObjManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_GetObjectNameManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_GetObjectNamespaceManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_GetOpenFileReturn a FILE* for a channel registered in the given interpreter (Unix only)
Tcl_GetParentManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_GetPathTypeManipulate platform-dependent file paths
Tcl_GetRangeManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_GetRegExpFromObjPattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_GetReturnOptionsRetrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_GetServiceModeThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_GetSizeFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetSlaveManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_GetStackedChannelManipulate stacked I/O channels
Tcl_GetStartupScriptMain program, startup script, and event loop definition for Tcl-based applications
Tcl_GetStdChannelProcedures for retrieving and replacing the standard channels
Tcl_GetStringManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_GetStringFromObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_GetStringResultManipulate Tcl result
Tcl_GetThreadDataTcl thread support
Tcl_GetTimeGet date and time
Tcl_GetTopChannelManipulate stacked I/O channels
Tcl_GetUniCharManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_GetUnicodeManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_GetUnicodeFromObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_GetUserIdFromStatProcedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetVarManipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_GetVar2Manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_GetVar2ExManipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_GetVersionGet the version of the library at runtime
Tcl_GetWideIntFromObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_GetsBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetsObjBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GlobalEvalExecute Tcl scripts
Tcl_GlobalEvalObjExecute Tcl scripts
Tcl_HashStatsProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_HideCommandManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_ImportManipulate namespaces
Tcl_IncrRefCountManipulate Tcl values
Tcl_InitFind and source initialization script
Tcl_InitCustomHashTableProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_InitHashTableProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_InitMemoryValidated memory allocation interface
Tcl_InitNotifierThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_InitObjHashTableProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_InitStubsInitialize the Tcl stubs mechanism
Tcl_InputBlockedBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_InputBufferedBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_InterpClient-visible fields of interpreter structures
Tcl_InterpActiveCreate and delete Tcl command interpreters
Tcl_InterpDeletedCreate and delete Tcl command interpreters
Tcl_InvalidateStringRepManipulate Tcl values
Tcl_IsChannelExistingProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_IsChannelRegisteredProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_IsChannelSharedProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_IsEnsembleManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_IsSafeManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_IsSharedManipulate Tcl values
Tcl_IsStandardChannelBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_JoinPathManipulate platform-dependent file paths
Tcl_JoinThreadTcl thread support
Tcl_LimitAddHandlerManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitCheckManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitExceededManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitGetCommandsManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitGetGranularityManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitGetTimeManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitReadyManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitRemoveHandlerManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitSetCommandsManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitSetGranularityManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitSetTimeManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitTypeEnabledManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitTypeExceededManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitTypeResetManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitTypeSetManage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LinkVarLink Tcl variable to C variable
Tcl_ListMathFuncsDefine, query and enumerate math functions for expressions
Tcl_ListObjAppendElementManipulate Tcl values as lists
Tcl_ListObjAppendListManipulate Tcl values as lists
Tcl_ListObjGetElementsManipulate Tcl values as lists
Tcl_ListObjIndexManipulate Tcl values as lists
Tcl_ListObjLengthManipulate Tcl values as lists
Tcl_ListObjReplaceManipulate Tcl values as lists
Tcl_LoadFilePlatform-independent dynamic library loading
Tcl_LogCommandInfoRetrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_MainMain program, startup script, and event loop definition for Tcl-based applications
Tcl_MainExMain program, startup script, and event loop definition for Tcl-based applications
Tcl_MainExWMain program, startup script, and event loop definition for Tcl-based applications
Tcl_MakeFileChannelBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_MakeSafeManage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_MakeTcpClientChannelProcedures to open channels using TCP sockets
Tcl_MergeManipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_MethodDeclarerClassManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_MethodDeclarerObjectManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_MethodIsPublicManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_MethodIsTypeManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_MethodNameManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_MutexFinalizeTcl thread support
Tcl_MutexLockTcl thread support
Tcl_MutexUnlockTcl thread support
Tcl_NRAddCallbackNon-Recursive (stackless) evaluation of Tcl scripts.
Tcl_NRCallObjProcNon-Recursive (stackless) evaluation of Tcl scripts.
Tcl_NRCmdSwapNon-Recursive (stackless) evaluation of Tcl scripts.
Tcl_NRCreateCommandNon-Recursive (stackless) evaluation of Tcl scripts.
Tcl_NREvalObjNon-Recursive (stackless) evaluation of Tcl scripts.
Tcl_NREvalObjvNon-Recursive (stackless) evaluation of Tcl scripts.
Tcl_NRExprObjNon-Recursive (stackless) evaluation of Tcl scripts.
Tcl_NewBignumObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_NewBooleanObjStore/retrieve boolean value in a Tcl_Obj
Tcl_NewByteArrayObjManipulate Tcl values as a arrays of bytes
Tcl_NewDictObjManipulate Tcl values as dictionaries
Tcl_NewDoubleObjManipulate Tcl values as floating-point values
Tcl_NewInstanceMethodManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_NewIntObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_NewListObjManipulate Tcl values as lists
Tcl_NewLongObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_NewMethodManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_NewObjManipulate Tcl values
Tcl_NewObjectInstanceManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_NewStringObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_NewUnicodeObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_NewWideIntObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_NextHashEntryProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_NotifyChannelProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_NumUtfCharsRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_OOInitStubsInitialize library access to TclOO functionality
Tcl_ObjGetVar2Manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_ObjPrintfManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_ObjSetVar2Manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_ObjectContextInvokeNextManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_ObjectContextIsFilteringManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_ObjectContextMethodManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_ObjectContextObjectManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_ObjectContextSkippedArgsManipulate methods and method-call contexts
Tcl_ObjectDeletedManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_ObjectGetMetadataManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_ObjectGetMethodNameMapperManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_ObjectSetMetadataManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_ObjectSetMethodNameMapperManipulate objects and classes
Tcl_OpenCommandChannelBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_OpenFileChannelBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_OpenTcpClientProcedures to open channels using TCP sockets
Tcl_OpenTcpServerProcedures to open channels using TCP sockets
Tcl_OutputBufferedBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_PanicReport fatal error and abort
Tcl_PanicVAReport fatal error and abort
Tcl_ParseArgsObjvParse arguments according to a tabular description
Tcl_ParseBracesParse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseCommandParse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseExprParse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseQuotedStringParse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseVarParse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseVarNameParse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_PkgPresentPackage version control
Tcl_PkgPresentExPackage version control
Tcl_PkgProvidePackage version control
Tcl_PkgProvideExPackage version control
Tcl_PkgRequirePackage version control
Tcl_PkgRequireExPackage version control
Tcl_PkgRequireProcPackage version control
Tcl_PosixErrorRetrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_PreserveAvoid freeing storage while it is being used
Tcl_PrintDoubleConvert floating value to string
Tcl_PutEnvProcedures to manipulate the environment
Tcl_QueryTimeProcGet date and time
Tcl_QueueEventThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_ReadBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ReadCharsBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ReadRawBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ReallocAllocate or free heap memory
Tcl_ReapDetachedProcsManage child processes in background
Tcl_RecordAndEvalSave command on history list before evaluating
Tcl_RecordAndEvalObjSave command on history list before evaluating
Tcl_RegExpCompilePattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpExecPattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpExecObjPattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpGetInfoPattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpMatchPattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpMatchObjPattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpRangePattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegisterChannelBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_RegisterConfigProcedures to register embedded configuration information
Tcl_RegisterObjTypeManipulate Tcl value types
Tcl_ReleaseAvoid freeing storage while it is being used
Tcl_ResetResultManipulate Tcl result
Tcl_RestoreInterpStateSave and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_RestoreResultSave and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_SaveInterpStateSave and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_SaveResultSave and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_ScanCountedElementManipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_ScanElementManipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_SeekBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ServiceAllThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_ServiceEventThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_ServiceModeHookThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetAssocDataManage associations of string keys and user specified data with Tcl interpreters
Tcl_SetBignumObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_SetBooleanObjStore/retrieve boolean value in a Tcl_Obj
Tcl_SetByteArrayLengthManipulate Tcl values as a arrays of bytes
Tcl_SetByteArrayObjManipulate Tcl values as a arrays of bytes
Tcl_SetChannelBufferSizeProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_SetChannelErrorFunctions to create/intercept Tcl errors by channel drivers.
Tcl_SetChannelErrorInterpFunctions to create/intercept Tcl errors by channel drivers.
Tcl_SetChannelOptionBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_SetCommandInfoImplement new commands in C
Tcl_SetCommandInfoFromTokenImplement new commands in C
Tcl_SetDefaultEncodingDirProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_SetDoubleObjManipulate Tcl values as floating-point values
Tcl_SetEncodingSearchPathProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_SetEnsembleFlagsManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_SetEnsembleMappingDictManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_SetEnsembleParameterListManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_SetEnsembleSubcommandListManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_SetEnsembleUnknownHandlerManipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_SetErrnoManipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_SetErrorCodeRetrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_SetErrorCodeVARetrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_SetErrorLineRetrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_SetExitProcEnd the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_SetHashValueProcedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_SetIntObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_SetListObjManipulate Tcl values as lists
Tcl_SetLongObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_SetMainLoopMain program, startup script, and event loop definition for Tcl-based applications
Tcl_SetMaxBlockTimeThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetNamespaceUnknownHandlerManipulate namespaces
Tcl_SetNotifierThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetObjErrorCodeRetrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_SetObjLengthManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_SetObjResultManipulate Tcl result
Tcl_SetPanicProcReport fatal error and abort
Tcl_SetRecursionLimitSet maximum allowable nesting depth in interpreter
Tcl_SetResultManipulate Tcl result
Tcl_SetReturnOptionsRetrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_SetServiceModeThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetStartupScriptMain program, startup script, and event loop definition for Tcl-based applications
Tcl_SetStdChannelProcedures for retrieving and replacing the standard channels
Tcl_SetStringObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_SetSystemEncodingProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_SetTimeProcGet date and time
Tcl_SetTimerThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetUnicodeObjManipulate Tcl values as strings
Tcl_SetVarManipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_SetVar2Manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_SetVar2ExManipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_SetWideIntObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_SignalIdConvert signal codes
Tcl_SignalMsgConvert signal codes
Tcl_SleepDelay execution for a given number of milliseconds
Tcl_SourceRCFileSource the Tcl rc file
Tcl_SpliceChannelProcedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_SplitListManipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_SplitPathManipulate platform-dependent file paths
Tcl_StackChannelManipulate stacked I/O channels
Tcl_StandardChannelsHow the Tcl library deals with the standard channels
Tcl_StatCheck file permissions and other attributes
Tcl_StaticPackageMake a statically linked package available via the 'load' command
Tcl_StringCaseMatchTest whether a string matches a pattern
Tcl_StringMatchTest whether a string matches a pattern
Tcl_SubstObjPerform substitutions on Tcl values
Tcl_TakeBignumFromObjManipulate Tcl values as integers
Tcl_TellBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ThreadAlertThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_ThreadQueueEventThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_TraceCommandMonitor renames and deletes of a command
Tcl_TraceVarMonitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_TraceVar2Monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_TransferResultManipulate Tcl result
Tcl_TranslateFileNameConvert file name to native form and replace tilde with home directory
Tcl_TruncateChannelBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_UngetsBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_UniCharRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharAtIndexRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharCaseMatchRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharIsAlnumRoutines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsAlphaRoutines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsControlRoutines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsDigitRoutines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsGraphRoutines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsLowerRoutines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsPrintRoutines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsPunctRoutines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsSpaceRoutines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsUpperRoutines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsWordCharRoutines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharLenRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharNcasecmpRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharNcmpRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharToLowerRoutines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharToTitleRoutines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharToUpperRoutines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharToUtfRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharToUtfDStringRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UnlinkVarLink Tcl variable to C variable
Tcl_UnregisterChannelBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_UnsetVarManipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_UnsetVar2Manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_UnstackChannelManipulate stacked I/O channels
Tcl_UntraceCommandMonitor renames and deletes of a command
Tcl_UntraceVarMonitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_UntraceVar2Monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_UpVarLink one variable to another
Tcl_UpVar2Link one variable to another
Tcl_UpdateLinkedVarLink Tcl variable to C variable
Tcl_UtfAtIndexRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfBackslashRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfCharCompleteRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfFindFirstRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfFindLastRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfNcasecmpRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfNcmpRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfNextRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfPrevRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfToExternalProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_UtfToExternalDStringProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_UtfToLowerRoutines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfToTitleRoutines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfToUniCharRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfToUniCharDStringRoutines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfToUpperRoutines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
Tcl_ValidateAllMemoryValidated memory allocation interface
Tcl_VarEvalExecute Tcl scripts
Tcl_VarEvalVAExecute Tcl scripts
Tcl_VarTraceInfoMonitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_VarTraceInfo2Monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_WaitForEventThe event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_WaitPidManage child processes in background
Tcl_WinTCharToUtfProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_WinUtfToTCharProcedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_WriteBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_WriteCharsBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_WriteObjBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_WriteRawBuffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_WrongNumArgsGenerate standard error message for wrong number of arguments
Tcl_ZlibAdler32Compression and decompression functions
Tcl_ZlibCRC32Compression and decompression functions
Tcl_ZlibDeflateCompression and decompression functions
Tcl_ZlibInflateCompression and decompression functions
Tcl_ZlibStreamChecksumCompression and decompression functions
Tcl_ZlibStreamCloseCompression and decompression functions
Tcl_ZlibStreamEofCompression and decompression functions
Tcl_ZlibStreamGetCompression and decompression functions
Tcl_ZlibStreamGetCommandNameCompression and decompression functions
Tcl_ZlibStreamInitCompression and decompression functions
Tcl_ZlibStreamPutCompression and decompression functions
Tdbc_InitC procedures to facilitate writing TDBC drivers
ThreadTcl thread support
Tk_3DBorderColorDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_3DBorderGCDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_3DHorizontalBevelDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_3DVerticalBevelDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_AddOptionAdd an option to the option database
Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObjDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_AllocBitmapFromObjMaintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_AllocColorFromObjMaintain database of colors
Tk_AllocCursorFromObjMaintain database of cursors
Tk_AllocFontFromObjMaintain database of fonts
Tk_AttachHWNDManage interactions between the Windows handle and an X window
Tk_AttributesRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_BindEventInvoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_CanvasDrawableCoordsUtility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasEventuallyRedrawUtility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasGetCoordUtility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasPsBitmapUtility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsColorUtility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsFontUtility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsPathUtility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsStippleUtility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsYUtility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasSetStippleOriginUtility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasTagsOptionUtility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasTextInfoAdditional information for managing text items in canvases
Tk_CanvasTkwinUtility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasWindowCoordsUtility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_ChangeWindowAttributesChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_ChangesRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_CharBboxRoutines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_ClassSet or retrieve a window's class
Tk_ClearSelectionDeselect a selection
Tk_ClipboardAppendManage the clipboard
Tk_ClipboardClearManage the clipboard
Tk_CollapseMotionEventsAdd a window event to the Tcl event queue
Tk_ColormapRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ComputeTextLayoutRoutines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_ConfigureInfoProcess configuration options for widgets
Tk_ConfigureValueProcess configuration options for widgets
Tk_ConfigureWidgetProcess configuration options for widgets
Tk_ConfigureWindowChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_CoordsToWindowFind window containing a point
Tk_CreateBindingInvoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_CreateBindingTableInvoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_CreateClientMessageHandlerAssociate procedure callback with ClientMessage type X events
Tk_CreateErrorHandlerHandle X protocol errors
Tk_CreateEventHandlerAssociate procedure callback with an X event
Tk_CreateGenericHandlerAssociate procedure callback with all X events
Tk_CreateImageTypeDefine new kind of image
Tk_CreateItemTypeDefine new kind of canvas item
Tk_CreateOptionTableProcess configuration options
Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormatDefine new file format for photo images
Tk_CreateSelHandlerArrange to handle requests for a selection
Tk_CreateWindowCreate or delete window
Tk_CreateWindowFromPathCreate or delete window
Tk_DefineBitmapMaintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_DefineCursorChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_DeleteAllBindingsInvoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_DeleteBindingInvoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_DeleteBindingTableInvoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_DeleteClientMessageHandlerAssociate procedure callback with ClientMessage type X events
Tk_DeleteErrorHandlerHandle X protocol errors
Tk_DeleteEventHandlerAssociate procedure callback with an X event
Tk_DeleteGenericHandlerAssociate procedure callback with all X events
Tk_DeleteImageDestroy an image.
Tk_DeleteOptionTableProcess configuration options
Tk_DeleteSelHandlerArrange to handle requests for a selection
Tk_DepthRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_DestroyWindowCreate or delete window
Tk_DisplayRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_DisplayNameRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_DistanceToTextLayoutRoutines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_Draw3DPolygonDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Draw3DRectangleDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_DrawCharsRoutines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
Tk_DrawFocusHighlightDraw the traversal highlight ring for a widget
Tk_DrawTextLayoutRoutines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_Fill3DPolygonDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Fill3DRectangleDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_FindPhotoManipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_FontIdAccessor functions for fonts
Tk_Free3DBorderDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Free3DBorderFromObjDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_FreeBitmapMaintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_FreeBitmapFromObjMaintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_FreeColorMaintain database of colors
Tk_FreeColorFromObjMaintain database of colors
Tk_FreeColormapAllocate and free colormaps
Tk_FreeConfigOptionsProcess configuration options
Tk_FreeCursorMaintain database of cursors
Tk_FreeCursorFromObjMaintain database of cursors
Tk_FreeFontMaintain database of fonts
Tk_FreeFontFromObjMaintain database of fonts
Tk_FreeGCMaintain database of read-only graphics contexts
Tk_FreeImageUse an image in a widget
Tk_FreeOptionsProcess configuration options for widgets
Tk_FreePixmapAllocate and free pixmaps
Tk_FreeSavedOptionsProcess configuration options
Tk_FreeTextLayoutRoutines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_FreeXIdMake X resource identifier available for reuse
Tk_GeometryRequestSpecify desired geometry or internal border for a window
Tk_Get3DBorderDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Get3DBorderFromObjDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_GetAllBindingsInvoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_GetAnchorTranslate between strings and anchor positions
Tk_GetAnchorFromObjTranslate between strings and anchor positions
Tk_GetAtomNameManage cache of X atoms
Tk_GetBindingInvoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_GetBitmapMaintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_GetBitmapFromObjMaintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_GetCapStyleTranslate between strings and cap styles
Tk_GetColorMaintain database of colors
Tk_GetColorByValueMaintain database of colors
Tk_GetColorFromObjMaintain database of colors
Tk_GetColormapAllocate and free colormaps
Tk_GetCursorMaintain database of cursors
Tk_GetCursorFromDataMaintain database of cursors
Tk_GetCursorFromObjMaintain database of cursors
Tk_GetDashConvert from string to valid dash structure.
Tk_GetFontMaintain database of fonts
Tk_GetFontFromObjMaintain database of fonts
Tk_GetFontMetricsAccessor functions for fonts
Tk_GetGCMaintain database of read-only graphics contexts
Tk_GetHINSTANCERetrieve the global application instance handle
Tk_GetHWNDManage interactions between the Windows handle and an X window
Tk_GetImageUse an image in a widget
Tk_GetImageMasterDataDefine new kind of image
Tk_GetImageModelDataDefine new kind of image
Tk_GetItemTypesDefine new kind of canvas item
Tk_GetJoinStyleTranslate between strings and join styles
Tk_GetJustifyTranslate between strings and justification styles
Tk_GetJustifyFromObjTranslate between strings and justification styles
Tk_GetMMFromObjTranslate between strings and screen units
Tk_GetNumMainWindowsFunctions for querying main window information
Tk_GetOptionRetrieve an option from the option database
Tk_GetOptionInfoProcess configuration options
Tk_GetOptionValueProcess configuration options
Tk_GetPixelsTranslate between strings and screen units
Tk_GetPixelsFromObjTranslate between strings and screen units
Tk_GetPixmapAllocate and free pixmaps
Tk_GetReliefTranslate between strings and relief values
Tk_GetReliefFromObjTranslate between strings and relief values
Tk_GetRootCoordsCompute root-window coordinates of window
Tk_GetScreenMMTranslate between strings and screen units
Tk_GetScrollInfoParse arguments for scrolling commands
Tk_GetScrollInfoObjParse arguments for scrolling commands
Tk_GetSelectionRetrieve the contents of a selection
Tk_GetUidConvert from string to unique identifier
Tk_GetUserInactiveTimeDiscover user inactivity time
Tk_GetVRootGeometryGet location and size of virtual root for window
Tk_GetVisualTranslate from string to visual
Tk_GrabManipulate grab state in an application
Tk_HWNDToWindowFind Tk's window information for a Windows window
Tk_HandleEventInvoke event handlers for window system events
Tk_HeightRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_IdToWindowFind Tk's window information for an X window
Tk_ImageChangedNotify widgets that image needs to be redrawn
Tk_InitAdd Tk to an interpreter and make a new Tk application.
Tk_InitConsoleChannelsInstall the console channels as standard channels
Tk_InitImageArgsDefine new kind of image
Tk_InitOptionsProcess configuration options
Tk_InitStubsInitialize the Tk stubs mechanism
Tk_InternAtomManage cache of X atoms
Tk_InternalBorderBottomRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_InternalBorderLeftRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_InternalBorderRightRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_InternalBorderTopRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_InterpRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_IntersectTextLayoutRoutines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_IsContainerRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_IsEmbeddedRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_IsMappedRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_IsTopLevelRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_MainMain program for Tk-based applications
Tk_MainLoopLoop for events until all windows are deleted
Tk_MainWindowFunctions for querying main window information
Tk_MaintainGeometryMaintain geometry of one window relative to another
Tk_MakeWindowExistCreate or delete window
Tk_ManageGeometryArrange to handle geometry requests for a window
Tk_MapWindowMap or unmap a window
Tk_MeasureCharsRoutines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
Tk_MinReqHeightRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_MinReqWidthRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_MoveResizeWindowChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_MoveToplevelWindowAdjust the position of a top-level window
Tk_MoveWindowChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_NameConvert between names and window tokens
Tk_NameOf3DBorderDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_NameOfAnchorTranslate between strings and anchor positions
Tk_NameOfBitmapMaintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_NameOfCapStyleTranslate between strings and cap styles
Tk_NameOfColorMaintain database of colors
Tk_NameOfCursorMaintain database of cursors
Tk_NameOfFontMaintain database of fonts
Tk_NameOfImageReturn name of image.
Tk_NameOfJoinStyleTranslate between strings and join styles
Tk_NameOfJustifyTranslate between strings and justification styles
Tk_NameOfReliefTranslate between strings and relief values
Tk_NameToWindowConvert between names and window tokens
Tk_OffsetProcess configuration options
Tk_OwnSelectionMake a window the owner of the primary selection
Tk_ParentRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ParseArgvProcess command-line options
Tk_PathNameConvert between names and window tokens
Tk_PhotoBlankManipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoExpandManipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoGetImageManipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoGetSizeManipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoPutBlockManipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlockManipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoSetSizeManipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PointToCharRoutines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_PostscriptFontNameAccessor functions for fonts
Tk_PreserveColormapAllocate and free colormaps
Tk_QueueWindowEventAdd a window event to the Tcl event queue
Tk_RedrawImageUse an image in a widget
Tk_ReqHeightRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ReqWidthRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ResetUserInactiveTimeDiscover user inactivity time
Tk_ResizeWindowChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_RestackWindowChange a window's position in the stacking order
Tk_RestoreSavedOptionsProcess configuration options
Tk_RestrictEventsFilter and selectively delay X events
Tk_SafeInitAdd Tk to an interpreter and make a new Tk application.
Tk_ScreenRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ScreenNumberRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_SetAppNameSet the name of an application for 'send' commands
Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorderDraw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_SetCaretPosSet the display caret location
Tk_SetClassSet or retrieve a window's class
Tk_SetClassProcsRegister widget specific procedures
Tk_SetGridControl the grid for interactive resizing
Tk_SetInternalBorderSpecify desired geometry or internal border for a window
Tk_SetInternalBorderExSpecify desired geometry or internal border for a window
Tk_SetMinimumRequestSizeSpecify desired geometry or internal border for a window
Tk_SetOptionsProcess configuration options
Tk_SetWindowBackgroundChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmapChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowBorderChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmapChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowBorderWidthChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowColormapChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowVisualChange visual characteristics of window
Tk_SizeOfBitmapMaintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_SizeOfImageUse an image in a widget
Tk_StrictMotifReturn value of tk_strictMotif variable
Tk_TextLayoutToPostscriptRoutines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_TextWidthRoutines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
Tk_UidConvert from string to unique identifier
Tk_UndefineCursorChange window configuration or attributes
Tk_UnderlineCharsRoutines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
Tk_UnderlineTextLayoutRoutines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_UngrabManipulate grab state in an application
Tk_UnmaintainGeometryMaintain geometry of one window relative to another
Tk_UnmapWindowMap or unmap a window
Tk_UnsetGridControl the grid for interactive resizing
Tk_VisualRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_WidthRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_WindowIdRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_XRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_YRetrieve information from Tk's local data structure
TopLevelShellThe TopLevelShell widget class
TransientShellThe TransientShell widget class
Tss2_TctiLdr_FinalizeFunction to finalize a TCTI context instantiated by the Tss2_TctiLdr_Initialize function.
Tss2_TctiLdr_FreeInfoFunction to free a TSS2_TCTI_INFO structure allocated by Tss2_TctiLdr_Initialize ().
Tss2_TctiLdr_GetInfoQuery TctiLdr library for the TSS2_TCTI_INFO structure associated with a TCTI library.
Tss2_TctiLdr_InitializeInstantiate and initialize a TCTI context.
Tss2_Tcti_Cmd_InitInitialization function for the Cmd TCTI library.
Tss2_Tcti_Device_InitInitialization function for the device TCTI library.
Tss2_Tcti_Mssim_InitInitialization function for the Microsoft TPM simulator TCTI library.
Tss2_Tcti_Tabrmd_InitInitialization function for the tpm2-abrmd TCTI library.
Ttk_AddPaddingTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_BoxContainsTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_CreateThemeCreate and use Tk themes.
Ttk_ExpandBoxTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_GetBorderFromObjTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_GetCurrentThemeCreate and use Tk themes.
Ttk_GetDefaultThemeCreate and use Tk themes.
Ttk_GetPaddingFromObjTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_GetStickyFromObjTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_GetThemeCreate and use Tk themes.
Ttk_MakeBoxTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_MakePaddingTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_PackBoxTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_PadBoxTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_PlaceBoxTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_RelievePaddingTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_StickBoxTk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_UniformPaddingTk themed geometry utilities
UilInvokes the UIL compiler from within an application
UilDumpSymbolTableDumps the contents of a named UIL symbol table to standard output
VendorShellThe VendorShell widget class
VirtualBindingsBindings for virtual mouse and key events
WMShellThe WMShell widget class
XAddConnectionWatchHandle Xlib internal connections
XAddHostControl host access and host control structure
XAllocClassHintAllocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
XAllocColorAllocate and free colors
XAllocIconSizeAllocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
XAllocSizeHintsAllocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
XAllocStandardColormapAllocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
XAllocWMHintsAllocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
XAllowDeviceEventsRelease queued events
XAllowEventsRelease queued events
XAnyEventGeneric X event structures
XButtonEventKeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and MotionNotify event structures
XChangeDeviceDontPropagateListQuery or change the dont-propagate-list for extension devices
XChangeKeyboardControlManipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XChangeKeyboardDeviceChange which device is used as the X keyboard
XChangeKeyboardMappingManipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XChangePointerControlControl pointer
XChangePointerDeviceChange which device is the X pointer
XChangeSaveSetChange a client's save set
XChangeWindowAttributesChange window attributes
XCirculateEventCirculateNotify event structure
XCirculateRequestEventCirculateRequest event structure
XClearAreaClear area or window
XClientMessageEventClientMessage event structure
XColormapEventColormapNotify event structure
XConfigureEventConfigureNotify event structure
XConfigureRequestEventConfigureRequest event structure
XConfigureWindowConfigure windows and window changes structure
XCopyAreaCopy areas
XCreateColormapCreate, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XCreateFontCursorCreate cursors
XCreateFontSetCreate and free an international text drawing font set
XCreateGCCreate or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XCreateICCreate, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context
XCreateOCCreate output contexts
XCreatePixmapCreate or destroy pixmaps
XCreateRegionCreate or destroy regions
XCreateWindowCreate windows and window attributes structure
XCreateWindowEventCreateNotify event structure
XCrossingEventEnterNotify and LeaveNotify event structure
XDGAClient library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDefineCursorDefine cursors
XDestroyWindowDestroy windows
XDestroyWindowEventDestroyNotify event structure
XDeviceBellRing a bell on a device supported through the input extension
XDrawArcDraw arcs and arc structure
XDrawImageStringDraw image text
XDrawLineDraw lines, polygons, and line structure
XDrawPointDraw points and points structure
XDrawRectangleDraw rectangles and rectangles structure
XDrawStringDraw text characters
XDrawTextDraw polytext text and text drawing structures
XEmptyRegionDetermine if regions are empty or equal
XErrorEventX error event structure
XExposeEventExpose event structure
XExtentsOfFontSetObtain the maximum extents structure for a font set
XF86VMExtension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
XFillRectangleFill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFilterEventFilter X events for an input method
XFlushHandle output buffer or event queue
XFocusChangeEventFocusIn and FocusOut event structure
XFontSetExtentsXFontSetExtents structure
XFontsOfFontSetObtain fontset information
XFreeFree client data
XGetDeviceControlQuery and change input device controls
XGetDeviceKeyMappingQuery or change device key mappings
XGetDeviceModifierMappingQuery or change device modifier mappings
XGetDeviceMotionEventsGet device motion history
XGetDevicePropertyGet, change or delete a device's property.
XGetEventDataRetrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
XGetExtensionVersionQuery the version of the input extension.
XGetFeedbackControlQuery and change input device feedbacks
XGetVisualInfoObtain visual information and visual structure
XGetWindowAttributesGet current window attribute or geometry and current window attributes structure
XGetWindowPropertyObtain and change window properties
XGetXCBConnectionGet the XCB connection for an Xlib Display
XGrabButtonGrab pointer buttons
XGrabDeviceGrab/release the specified extension device
XGrabDeviceButtonGrab/ungrab extension input device buttons
XGrabDeviceKeyGrab/ungrab extension input device Keys
XGrabKeyGrab keyboard keys
XGrabKeyboardGrab the keyboard
XGrabPointerGrab the pointer
XGrabServerGrab the server
XGraphicsExposeEventGraphicsExpose and NoExpose event structures
XGravityEventGravityNotify event structure
XIAllowEventsRelease queued events
XIBarrierReleasePointerAllow pointer movement across a pointer barrier
XIChangeHierarchyChange the device hierarchy.
XIChangePropertyChange, retrieve or delete a device's property.
XIDefineCursorDefine device cursors.
XIGrabButtonGrab/ungrab buttons or keys
XIGrabDeviceGrab or ungrab the device.
XIGrabEnterGrab/ungrab enter or focus in events.
XIListPropertiesList a device's properties.
XIQueryDeviceGet information about devices.
XIQueryPointerGet device pointer coordinates.
XIQueryVersionAnnounce and query the support XI2 version.
XISelectEventsSelect for or get selected XI2 events on the window.
XISetClientPointerSet or get the ClientPointer device.
XISetFocusSet or get the device's focus.
XIWarpPointerMove a device's pointer.
XIconifyWindowManipulate top-level windows
XIfEventCheck the event queue with a predicate procedure
XInitImageImage utilities
XInitThreadsMulti-threading support
XInstallColormapControl colormaps
XInternAtomCreate or return atom names
XIntersectRegionRegion arithmetic
XKeymapEventKeymapNotify event structure
XListDevicePropertiesList a device's properties.
XListFontsObtain or free font names and information
XListInputDevicesList available input devices
XLoadFontLoad or unload fonts and font metric structures
XLookupKeysymHandle keyboard input events in Latin-1
XMLTVPerl extension to read and write TV listings in XMLTV format
XMLTV::AugmentAugment XMLTV listings files with automatic and user-defined rules.
XMLTV::ConfigureConfiguration file handling for XMLTV grabbers
XMLTV::Configure::WriterConfiguration file writer for XMLTV grabbers
XMLTV::Data::Recursive::EncodeEncode/Decode Values In A Structure
XMLTV::DateDate parsing routines for the xmltv package
XMLTV::GUIHandles the choice of UI for XMLTV
XMLTV::Grab_XMLPerl extension to fetch raw XMLTV data from a site
XMLTV::GunzipWrapper to Compress::Zlib or gzip(1)
XMLTV::OptionsCommand-line parsing for XMLTV grabbers
XMLTV::PreferredMethodAdds a preferredmethod argument to XMLTV grabbers
XMLTV::SummarizePerl extension to summarize XMLTV data
XMLTV::SupplementSupplementary file loader for XMLTV grabbers
XMLTV::ValidateFileValidates an XMLTV file
XMLTV::ValidateGrabberValidates an XMLTV grabber
XMLTV::VersionAdds a --version argument to XMLTV grabbers
XMapEventMapNotify and MappingNotify event structures
XMapRequestEventMapRequest event structure
XMapWindowMap windows
XNextEventSelect events by type
XNoOpNo Operation
XOpenDeviceOpen or close an extension input device
XOpenDisplayConnect or disconnect to X server
XOpenIMOpen, close, and obtain input method information
XOpenOMOpen output methods
XParseGeometryParse window geometry
XPolygonRegionGenerate regions
XPresentNotifyMSCX Present Extension
XPresentPixmapProvide pixmap for presentation as window contents
XPresentQueryCapabilitiesQuery capabilities of a CRTC
XPresentSelectInputSelect X Present Extension events to receive
XPropertyEventPropertyNotify event structure
XPutBackEventPut events back on the queue
XPutImageTransfer images
XQueryBestSizeDetermine efficient sizes
XQueryColorObtain color values
XQueryDeviceStateQuery the state of an extension input device.
XQueryExtensionList available extensions
XQueryPointerGet pointer coordinates
XQueryTreeQuery window tree information
XRaiseWindowChange window stacking order
XReadBitmapFileManipulate bitmaps
XRecolorCursorManipulate cursors
XReparentEventReparentNotify event structure
XReparentWindowReparent windows
XResX-Resource extension client library
XResizeRequestEventResizeRequest event structure
XResourceManagerStringObtain server resource properties
XSaveContextAssociative look-up routines
XSelectExtensionEventSelect extension events, get the list of currently selected extension events
XSelectInputSelect input events
XSelectionClearEventSelectionClear event structure
XSelectionEventSelectionNotify event structure
XSelectionRequestEventSelectionRequest event structure
XSendEventSend events and pointer motion history structure
XSendExtensionEventSend input extension events to a client
XSetArcModeGC convenience routines
XSetClipOriginGC convenience routines
XSetCloseDownModeControl clients
XSetCommandSet or read a window's WM_COMMAND property
XSetDeviceButtonMappingQuery or change device button mappings
XSetDeviceFocusControl extension input device focus
XSetDeviceModeChange the mode of a device
XSetDeviceValuatorsInitialize the valuators on an extension input device
XSetErrorHandlerDefault error handlers
XSetEventQueueOwnerSet event queue owner on a shared Xlib/XCB connection
XSetFillStyleGC convenience routines
XSetFontGC convenience routines
XSetFontPathSet, get, or free the font search path
XSetICFocusSet and unset input context focus
XSetICValuesSet and obtain XIC values
XSetInputFocusControl input focus
XSetLineAttributesGC convenience routines
XSetPointerMappingManipulate pointer settings
XSetScreenSaverManipulate the screen saver
XSetSelectionOwnerManipulate window selection
XSetStateGC convenience routines
XSetTextPropertySet and read text properties
XSetTileGC convenience routines
XSetTransientForHintSet or read a window's WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property
XSetWMClientMachineSet or read a window's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property
XSetWMColormapWindowsSet or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XSetWMIconNameSet or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XSetWMNameSet or read a window's WM_NAME property
XSetWMPropertiesSet standard window properties
XSetWMProtocolsSet or read a window's WM_PROTOCOLS property
XShapeX nonrectangular shape functions
XShmX Shared Memory extension functions
XStoreBytesManipulate cut and paste buffers
XStoreColorsSet colors
XStringListToTextPropertyConvert string lists and text property structure
XStringToKeysymConvert keysyms
XSupportsLocaleDetermine locale support and configure locale modifiers
XSynchronizeEnable or disable synchronization
XTestQueryExtensionXTest extension functions
XTextExtentsCompute or query text extents
XTextWidthCompute text width
XTranslateCoordinatesTranslate window coordinates
XUnmapEventUnmapNotify event structure
XUnmapWindowUnmap windows
XVaCreateNestedListAllocate a nested variable argument list
XVisibilityEventVisibilityNotify event structure
XWarpPointerMove pointer
XauX authority database routines
XawX Athena Widgets
XcmsAllocColorAllocate colors
XcmsCCCOfColormapQuery and modify CCC of a colormap
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxCObtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxCObtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsColorXcms color structure
XcmsConvertColorsConvert CCC color specifications
XcmsCreateCCCCreating and destroying CCCs
XcmsDefaultCCCObtain the default CCC for a screen
XcmsQueryBlackObtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
XcmsQueryColorObtain color values
XcmsSetWhitePointModifying CCC attributes
XcmsStoreColorSet colors
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxCObtain the TekHVC coordinates
XcompositeX Composite Extension library
XcupGetReservedColormapEntriesList colormap entries reserved by the system
XcupQueryVersionReturns TOG-CUP protocol version supported by the X server
XcupStoreColorsInitialize shareable colormap entries at specific locations
XcursorCursor management library
XdbeAllocateBackBufferNameAllocates a DBE buffer.
XdbeBeginIdiomMarks the beginning of a DBE idiom sequence.
XdbeDeallocateBackBufferNameFrees a DBE buffer.
XdbeEndIdiomMarks the end of a DBE idiom sequence.
XdbeFreeVisualInfoFrees information returned by XdbeGetVisualInfo().
XdbeGetBackBufferAttributesReturns attributes of a DBE buffer.
XdbeGetVisualInfoGet dbe Visual Information
XdbeQueryExtensionReturns the version of DBE supported by the server.
XdbeSwapBuffersSwaps front and back DBE buffers.
XeviX Extended Visual Information functions
XfixesAugmented versions of core protocol requests
XftX FreeType interface library
XineramaAPI for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
XkbActionCtrlsReturns the ctrls fields of act converted to an unsigned int
XkbActionSetCtrlsSets the ctrls0 through ctrls3 fields of act from ctrls
XkbAddDeviceLedInfoInitialize an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure
XkbAddGeomColorAdd one color name to an existing keyboard geometry description
XkbAddGeomDoodadAdd one doodad to a section of a keyboard geometry or to the top-level geometry
XkbAddGeomKeyAdd one key at the end of an existing row of keys
XkbAddGeomKeyAliasAdd one key alias to an existing keyboard geometry description
XkbAddGeomOutlineAdd one outline to an existing shape
XkbAddGeomOverlayAdd one overlay to a section
XkbAddGeomOverlayKeyAdd a key to an existing overlay row
XkbAddGeomOverlayRowAdd a row to an existing overlay
XkbAddGeomPropertyAdd one property to an existing keyboard geometry description
XkbAddGeomRowAdd a row to a section
XkbAddGeomSectionAdd one section to an existing keyboard geometry
XkbAddGeomShapeAdd a shape to a keyboard geometry
XkbAddSymInterpretAdd a symbol interpretation to the list of symbol interpretations in an XkbCompatRec
XkbAllocClientMapAllocate and initialize an empty client map description record
XkbAllocCompatMapAllocate a new compatibility map if you do not already have one available
XkbAllocControlsAllocates an XkbControlsRec structure in the XkbDescRec
XkbAllocDeviceInfoObtain an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
XkbAllocGeomColorsAllocate geometry colors
XkbAllocGeomDoodadsAllocate doodads that are global to a keyboard geometry
XkbAllocGeomKeyAliasesAllocate geometry key aliases
XkbAllocGeomKeysAllocate space for an arbitrary number of keys to a row
XkbAllocGeomOutlinesAllocate space for an arbitrary number of outlines to a shape
XkbAllocGeomOverlayKeysAllocate keys in an overlay row
XkbAllocGeomOverlayRowsAllocate rows in a overlay
XkbAllocGeomOverlaysAllocate overlays in a section
XkbAllocGeomPointsAllocate points in an outline
XkbAllocGeomPropsAllocate geometry properties
XkbAllocGeomRowsAllocate rows in a section
XkbAllocGeomSectionDoodadsAllocate doodads that are specific to a section
XkbAllocGeomSectionsAllocate geometry sections
XkbAllocGeomShapesAllocate space for an arbitrary number of geometry shapes
XkbAllocGeometryAllocate an entire geometry
XkbAllocIndicatorMapsAllocates, directly, the indicators member of the keyboard description record
XkbAllocKeyboardCreates a keyboard description from scratch
XkbAllocNamesAllocate symbolic names structures
XkbAllocServerMapAllocate and initialize an empty server map description record
XkbApplyCompatMapToKeyApply the new compatibility mapping to an individual key to get its semantics updated
XkbBellRings the bell on the default keyboard
XkbBellEventProvides a function that initiates a bell event for the keyboard without ringing the bell
XkbChangeControlsProvides a flexible method for updating the controls in a server to match those in the changed keyboard description
XkbChangeDeviceInfoUpdate the server's description of a device with the changes noted in an XkbDeviceChangesRec
XkbChangeEnabledControlsManipulates the EnabledControls control
XkbChangeMapUpdate only partial components of a keyboard description, modify the appropriate fields in the server and map components of a l...
XkbChangeNamesChange symbolic names in the server
XkbChangeTypesOfKeyChange the number of groups and the types bound to a key
XkbComputeRowBoundsUpdate the bounding box of a row
XkbComputeSectionBoundsUpdate the bounding box of a section
XkbComputeShapeBoundsUpdates the bounding box of a shape
XkbComputeShapeTopDetermines the bounding box of the top surface of a shape
XkbCopyKeyTypeCopy one XkbKeyTypeRec structures
XkbCopyKeyTypesCopy more than one XkbKeyTypeRec structure
XkbDeviceBellRings the bell on an X input extension device or the default keyboard
XkbDeviceBellEventCreates a bell event for an X input extension device or for the keyboard, without ringing the corresponding bell
XkbFindOverlayForKeyFind the alternate name by using the primary name for a key that is part of an overlay
XkbForceBellOverrides user preference settings for audible bells to ring the bell on the default keyboard
XkbForceDeviceBellRings the bell on any keyboard, overriding user preference settings for audible bells
XkbFreeClientMapFree memory used by the client map member of an XkbDescRec structure
XkbFreeCompatMapFree an entire compatibility map or selected portions of one
XkbFreeComponentListFree the structure returned by XkbListComponents
XkbFreeControlsFrees memory used by the ctrls member of an XkbDescRec structure
XkbFreeDeviceInfoFree an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
XkbFreeGeomColorsFree geometry colors
XkbFreeGeomDoodadsFree geometry doodads
XkbFreeGeomKeyAliasesFree geometry key aliases
XkbFreeGeomKeysFree geometry keys
XkbFreeGeomOutlinesFree geometry outlines
XkbFreeGeomOverlayKeysFree keys in an overlay row
XkbFreeGeomOverlayRowsFree rows in an overlay
XkbFreeGeomOverlaysFree rows in a section
XkbFreeGeomPointsFree points in a outline
XkbFreeGeomPropertiesFree geometry properties
XkbFreeGeomRowsFree rows in a section
XkbFreeGeomSectionsFree geometry sections
XkbFreeGeomShapesFree geometry shapes
XkbFreeGeometryFree an entire geometry
XkbFreeIndicatorMapsFrees memory used by the indicators member of an XkbDescRec structure
XkbFreeKeyboardDestroys either an entire XkbDescRec or just some of its members
XkbFreeNamesFree symbolic names structures
XkbFreeServerMapFree memory used by the server member of an XkbDescRec structure
XkbGetAutoRepeatRateGets the current attributes of the RepeatKeys control for a keyboard device
XkbGetAutoResetControlsGets the current values of the auto-reset controls
XkbGetCompatMapFetch any combination of the current compatibility map components from the server
XkbGetControlsFinds the current state of Xkb server controls
XkbGetControlsChangesUpdates a local copy of a keyboard description with the changes previously noted by one or more calls to XkbNoteControlsCh...
XkbGetDetectableAutoRepeatDetermines whether or not the server supports DetectableAutoRepeat
XkbGetDeviceButtonActionsQuery the button actions associated with an X Input Extension device
XkbGetDeviceInfoDetermine whether the X server allows Xkb access to particular capabilities of input devices other than the core X keyboard, or...
XkbGetDeviceInfoChangesQuery the changes that have occurred in the button actions or indicator names and indicator maps associated with an inpu...
XkbGetDeviceLedInfoQuery the indicator names, maps, and state associated with an LED feedback of an input extension device
XkbGetGeometryLoads a keyboard geometry if you already have the keyboard description
XkbGetIndicatorMapGets the map for one or more indicators, using a mask to specify the indicators
XkbGetIndicatorStateObtains the current state of the keyboard indicators
XkbGetKeyActionsUpdate the actions (the key_acts array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeyBehaviorsObtain the behaviors (the behaviors array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description from the server
XkbGetKeyExplicitComponentsObtain the explicit components (the explicit array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeyModifierMapUpdate the modifier map for one or more of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeySymsObtain the symbols for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeyTypesObtain the list of available key types in the server's keyboard mapping
XkbGetKeyVirtualModMapObtain the virtual modifier map (the vmodmap array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeyboardRetrieves one or more components of a keyboard device description
XkbGetKeyboardByNameBuild a new keyboard description from a set of named components, and to optionally have the server use the resulting descri...
XkbGetMapAllocate an XkbDescRec structure and populate it with the server's keyboard client map and server map
XkbGetNamedGeometryLoads a keyboard geometry description from this database by name
XkbGetNamedIndicatorLook up the indicator map and other information for an indicator by name
XkbGetNamesObtain symbolic names from the server
XkbGetStateObtains the keyboard state
XkbGetUpdatedMapUpdate the client or server map information in an existing keyboard description
XkbGetVirtualModsObtain a subset of the virtual modifier bindings (the vmods array) in a keyboard description
XkbGetXlibControlsDetermines the current state of the Library Controls
XkbIgnoreExtensionPrevents core X library keyboard functions from using the X Keyboard Extension
XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypesSet the definitions of the canonical key types in a client map to their default values
XkbKeyActionReturns the key action
XkbKeyActionEntryReturns a pointer to the key action corresponding to group grp and shift level lvl from the two-dimensional table of key actio...
XkbKeyActionsPtrReturns a pointer to the two-dimensional array of key actions associated with the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyGroupInfoReturns the number of groups of symbols bound to the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyGroupWidthComputes the width of the type associated with the group grp for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyGroupsWidthComputes the maximum width associated with the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyHasActionsDetermines if the key corresponding to keycode has any actions associated with it
XkbKeyKeyTypeObtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a key type
XkbKeyKeyTypeIndexObtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a key type
XkbKeyNumActionsComputes the number of actions associated with the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyNumGroupsReturns the number of groups of symbols bound to the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyNumSymsReturns the total number of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeySymEntryReturns the keysym corresponding to shift level shift and group grp from the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corre...
XkbKeySymsPtrReturns the pointer to the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbolsDetermine the Xkb key types appropriate for the symbols bound to a key in a core keyboard mapping
XkbKeycodeToKeysymFinds the keysym bound to a particular key at a specified group and shift level
XkbKeysymToModifiersFinds the set of modifiers bound to a particular keysym on the core keyboard
XkbLatchGroupLatches the keysym group
XkbLatchModifiersLatches and unlatches any of the eight real keyboard modifiers
XkbLibraryVersionDetermines the compatibility of a library at runtime.
XkbListComponentsList of components for one or more component types
XkbLockGroupLocks the keysym group
XkbLockModifiersLocks and unlocks any of the eight real keyboard modifiers
XkbLookupKeyBindingFind the string bound to a key by XRebindKeySym
XkbLookupKeySymFind the symbol associated with a key for a particular state
XkbModActionVModsReturns the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act converted to the vmods format of an Xkb modifier description
XkbNoteControlsChangesNotes the changes in a changes structure when a client receives an XkbControlsNotify event
XkbNoteDeviceChangesNote device changes reported in an XkbExtensionDeviceNotify event
XkbNoteNameChangesNote the changed names in a changes structure
XkbOpenDisplayChecks for a compatible version of the Xkb extension in both the library and the server, and initializes the extension for use.
XkbOutOfRangeGroupInfoReturns only the out-of-range processing information from the group_info field of an XkbSymMapRec structure
XkbOutOfRangeGroupNumberReturns the out-of-range group number, represented as a group index, from the group_info field of an XkbSymMapRec struc...
XkbPtrActionXReturns the high_XXX and low_XXX fields of act converted to a signed int
XkbPtrActionYReturns the high_YYY and low_YYY fields of act converted to a signed int
XkbQueryExtensionDetermines the compatibility of a library at runtime.
XkbRefreshKeyboardMappingUpdate the keyboard description that is internal to the X library
XkbResizeDeviceButtonActionsAllocate additional space for button actions in an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
XkbResizeKeyActionsChange the number of actions bound to a key
XkbResizeKeySymsChange the number of symbols bound to a key
XkbResizeKeyTypeChange the number of levels in a key type
XkbSAGroupReturns the group_XXX field of act converted to a signed int
XkbSAPtrDfltValueReturns the valueXXX field of act converted to a signed int
XkbSARedirectSetVModsSets the vmods0 and vmods1 of act from v
XkbSARedirectSetVModsMaskSets the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields of act from vm
XkbSARedirectVModsReturns the vmods0 and vmods1 fields of act converted to an unsigned int
XkbSARedirectVModsMaskReturns the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields of act converted to an unsigned int
XkbSAScreenReturns the screenXXX field of act converted to a signed int
XkbSASetGroupSets the group_XXX field of act from the group index grp
XkbSASetPtrDfltValueSets the valueXXX field of act from val
XkbSASetScreenSets the screenXXX field of act from s
XkbSelectEventDetailsSelects or deselects for a specific Xkb event and optionally places conditions on when events of that type are reported to...
XkbSelectEventsSelects and / or deselects for delivery of one or more Xkb events and has them delivered under all conditions
XkbSetAutoRepeatRateSets the attributes of the RepeatKeys control for a keyboard device
XkbSetAutoResetControlsChanges the current values of the AutoReset control attributes
XkbSetCompatMapModify the server's compatibility map
XkbSetControlsCopies changes to the X server based on a modified ctrls structure in a local copy of the keyboard description
XkbSetDebuggingFlagsChange the values of any of the debug controls
XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeatSets DetectableAutoRepeat
XkbSetDeviceButtonActionsChange only the button actions for an input extension device
XkbSetDeviceInfoModify some or all of the characteristics of an X Input Extension device
XkbSetIgnoreLockModsSets the modifiers that, if locked, are not to be reported in matching events to passive grabs
XkbSetIndicatorMapDownloads the changes to the server based on modifications to a local copy of the keyboard description which will update the ...
XkbSetMapSend a complete new set of values for entire components to the server.
XkbSetModActionVModsSets the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act using the vmods format of an Xkb modifier description
XkbSetNamedIndicatorNames an indicator if it is not already named; toggles the state of the indicator; sets the indicator to a specified state ...
XkbSetNamesChange the symbolic names in the server
XkbSetPtrActionXSets the high_XXX and low_XXX fields of act from the signed integer value x
XkbSetPtrActionYSets the high_YYY and low_YYY fields of act from the signed integer value y
XkbSetServerInternalModsSets the modifiers that are consumed by the server before events are delivered to the client
XkbSetXlibControlsChanges the state of the Library Controls
XkbTranslateKeyCodeTranslate a keycode to a key symbol and modifiers
XkbTranslateKeySymFind the string and symbol associated with a keysym for a given keyboard state
XkbUpdateMapFromCoreUpdate a local Xkb keyboard map to reflect the mapping expressed by a core format mapping
XkbVirtualModsToRealDetermines the mapping of virtual modifiers to core X protocol modifiers
XmActivateProtocolA VendorShell function that activates a protocol
XmActivateWMProtocolA VendorShell convenience interface that activates a protocol
XmAddProtocolCallbackA VendorShell function that adds client callbacks for a protocol
XmAddProtocolsA VendorShell function that adds the protocols to the protocol manager and allocates the internal tables
XmAddTabGroupA function that adds a manager or a primitive widget to the list of tab groups
XmAddToPostFromListA RowColumn function that makes a menu accessible from more than one widget
XmAddWMProtocolCallbackA VendorShell convenience interface that adds client callbacks for a protocol
XmAddWMProtocolsA VendorShell convenience interface that adds the protocols to the protocol manager and allocates the internal tables
XmArrowButtonThe ArrowButton widget class
XmArrowButtonGadgetThe ArrowButtonGadget widget class
XmBulletinBoardThe BulletinBoard widget class
XmButtonBoxThe Button Box class
XmCascadeButtonThe CascadeButton widget class
XmCascadeButtonGadgetThe CascadeButtonGadget widget class
XmCascadeButtonGadgetHighlightA CascadeButtonGadget function that sets the highlight state
XmCascadeButtonHighlightA CascadeButton and CascadeButtonGadget function that sets the highlight state
XmChangeColorRecalculates all associated colors of a widget
XmClipboardCancelCopyA clipboard function that cancels a copy to the clipboard
XmClipboardCopyA clipboard function that copies a data item to temporary storage for later copying to clipboard
XmClipboardCopyByNameA clipboard function that copies a data item passed by name
XmClipboardEndCopyA clipboard function that completes the copying of data to the clipboard
XmClipboardEndRetrieveA clipboard function that completes retrieval of data from the clipboard
XmClipboardInquireCountA clipboard function that returns the number of data item formats
XmClipboardInquireFormatA clipboard function that returns a specified format name
XmClipboardInquireLengthA clipboard function that returns the length of the stored data
XmClipboardInquirePendingItemsA clipboard function that returns a list of data ID/private ID pairs
XmClipboardLockA clipboard function that locks the clipboard
XmClipboardRegisterFormatA clipboard function that registers a new format
XmClipboardRetrieveA clipboard function that retrieves a data item from the clipboard
XmClipboardStartCopyA clipboard function that sets up a storage and data structure
XmClipboardStartRetrieveA clipboard function that prepares to retrieve data from the clipboard
XmClipboardUndoCopyA clipboard function that deletes the last item placed on the clipboard
XmClipboardUnlockA clipboard function that unlocks the clipboard
XmClipboardWithdrawFormatA clipboard function that indicates that the application no longer wants to supply a data item
XmColorSelectorThe Color Selector widget
XmColumnThe XmColumn widget class
XmComboBoxThe ComboBox widget class
XmComboBoxAddItemAdd an item to the ComboBox widget
XmComboBoxDeletePosDelete a XmComboBox item
XmComboBoxSelectItemSelect a XmComboBox item
XmComboBoxSetItemSet an item in the XmComboBox list
XmComboBoxUpdateA ComboBox function that resynchronizes data
XmCommandThe Command widget class
XmCommandAppendValueA Command function that appends the passed XmString to the end of the string displayed in the command area of the widget
XmCommandErrorA Command function that displays an error message
XmCommandGetChildA Command function that is used to access a component
XmCommandSetValueA Command function that replaces a displayed string
XmContainerThe Container widget class
XmContainerCopyContainer widget function to copy primary selection to the clipboard
XmContainerCopyLinkContainer widget function to copy links to the clipboard
XmContainerCutContainer widget function to move items to the clipboard
XmContainerGetItemChildrenContainer widget function to find all children of an item
XmContainerPasteContainer widget function to insert items from the clipboard
XmContainerPasteLinkContainer widget function to insert links from the clipboard
XmContainerRelayoutContainer widget relayout function
XmContainerReorderContainer widget function to reorder children
XmConvertStringToUnitsA function that converts a string specification to a unit value
XmConvertUnitsA function that converts a value in one unit type to another unit type
XmCreateArrowButtonThe ArrowButton widget creation function
XmCreateArrowButtonGadgetThe ArrowButtonGadget creation function
XmCreateBulletinBoardThe BulletinBoard widget creation function
XmCreateBulletinBoardDialogThe BulletinBoard BulletinBoardDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateButtonBoxThe ButtonBox widget creation function
XmCreateCascadeButtonThe CascadeButton widget creation function
XmCreateCascadeButtonGadgetThe CascadeButtonGadget creation function
XmCreateCombinationBox2The CombinationBox2 widget creation function
XmCreateComboBoxThe default ComboBox widget creation function
XmCreateCommandThe Command widget creation function
XmCreateCommandDialogThe Command CommandDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateContainerThe Container widget creation function
XmCreateDialogShellThe DialogShell widget creation function
XmCreateDragIconA Drag and Drop function that creates a DragIcon widget
XmCreateDrawingAreaThe DrawingArea widget creation function
XmCreateDrawnButtonThe DrawnButton widget creation function
XmCreateDropDownThe default DropDown widget creation function
XmCreateDropDownComboBoxThe Drop-down ComboBox widget creation function
XmCreateDropDownListThe Drop-down list ComboBox widget creation function
XmCreateErrorDialogThe MessageBox ErrorDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateFileSelectionBoxThe FileSelectionBox widget creation function
XmCreateFileSelectionDialogThe FileSelectionBox FileSelectionDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateFormThe Form widget creation function
XmCreateFormDialogA Form FormDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateFrameThe Frame widget creation function
XmCreateHierarchyThe Hierarchy widget creation function
XmCreateIconGadgetThe IconGadget widget creation function
XmCreateInformationDialogThe MessageBox InformationDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateLabelThe Label widget creation function
XmCreateLabelGadgetThe LabelGadget creation function
XmCreateListThe List widget creation function
XmCreateMainWindowThe MainWindow widget creation function
XmCreateMenuBarA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateMenuShellThe MenuShell widget creation function
XmCreateMessageBoxThe MessageBox widget creation function
XmCreateMessageDialogThe MessageBox MessageDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateNotebookThe Notebook widget creation function
XmCreateOptionMenuA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateOutlineThe Outline widget creation function
XmCreatePanedWindowThe PanedWindow widget creation function
XmCreatePopupMenuA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreatePromptDialogThe SelectionBox PromptDialog convenience creation function
XmCreatePulldownMenuA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreatePushButtonThe PushButton widget creation function
XmCreatePushButtonGadgetThe PushButtonGadget creation function
XmCreateQuestionDialogThe MessageBox QuestionDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateRadioBoxA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateRowColumnThe RowColumn widget creation function
XmCreateScaleThe Scale widget creation function
XmCreateScrollBarThe ScrollBar widget creation function
XmCreateScrolledListThe List ScrolledList convenience creation function
XmCreateScrolledTextThe Text ScrolledText convenience creation function
XmCreateScrolledWindowThe ScrolledWindow widget creation function
XmCreateSelectionBoxThe SelectionBox widget creation function
XmCreateSelectionDialogThe SelectionBox SelectionDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateSeparatorThe Separator widget creation function
XmCreateSeparatorGadgetThe SeparatorGadget creation function
XmCreateSimpleCheckBoxA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimpleMenuBarA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimpleOptionMenuA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimplePopupMenuA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimplePulldownMenuA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimpleRadioBoxA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimpleSpinBoxThe SimpleSpinBox widget creation function
XmCreateSpinBoxThe SpinBox creation function
XmCreateTemplateDialogA MessageBox TemplateDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateTextThe Text widget creation function
XmCreateTextFieldThe TextField widget creation function
XmCreateToggleButtonThe ToggleButton widget creation function
XmCreateToggleButtonGadgetThe ToggleButtonGadget creation function
XmCreateWarningDialogThe MessageBox WarningDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateWorkAreaA function that creates a RowColumn WorkArea
XmCreateWorkingDialogThe MessageBox WorkingDialog convenience creation function
XmCvtByteStreamToXmStringA compound string function that converts from a compound string in Byte Stream format to a compound string
XmCvtCTToXmStringA compound string function that converts compound text to a compound string
XmCvtStringToUnitTypeA function that converts a string to a unit-type value
XmCvtTextPropertyToXmStringTableA function that converts from a TextProperty Structure to a StringTable
XmCvtXmStringTableToTextPropertyA function that converts from XmStringTable to an XTextProperty Structure
XmCvtXmStringToByteStreamA compound string function that converts a compound string to a Byte Stream format
XmCvtXmStringToCTA compound string function that converts a compound string to compound text
XmDataFieldThe DataField widget class
XmDataFieldCopyA DataField function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard
XmDataFieldCutA DataField function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard and deletes the selected text
XmDataFieldGetSelectionA DataField function that retrieves the value of the primary selection
XmDataFieldGetSelectionPositionA DataField function that accesses the position of the primary selection
XmDataFieldGetStringA DataField function that accesses the string value
XmDataFieldGetStringWcsA DataField function that retrieves a copy of the wide character string value of a DataField widget
XmDataFieldPasteA DataField function that inserts the clipboard selection
XmDataFieldSetAddModeA DataField function that sets the state of Add mode
XmDataFieldSetEditableA DataField function that sets the edit permission
XmDataFieldSetHighlightA DataField function that highlights text
XmDataFieldSetInsertionPositionA DataField function that sets the position of the insertion cursor
XmDataFieldSetSelectionA DataField function that sets the primary selection of the text
XmDataFieldSetStringA DataField function that sets the string value
XmDataFieldXYToPosA DataField function that accesses the character position nearest an x and y position
XmDeactivateProtocolA VendorShell function that deactivates a protocol without removing it
XmDeactivateWMProtocolA VendorShell convenience interface that deactivates a protocol without removing it
XmDestroyPixmapA pixmap caching function that removes a pixmap from the pixmap cache
XmDialogShellThe DialogShell widget class
XmDirectionData type for the direction of widget components
XmDirectionMatchA function that checks for a specified direction component
XmDirectionMatchPartialA function that checks for a specified direction component
XmDirectionToStringDirectionA function that converts an XmDirection value to an XmStringDirection value
XmDisplayThe Display widget class
XmDragCancelA Drag and Drop function that terminates a drag transaction
XmDragContextThe DragContext widget class
XmDragIconThe DragIcon widget class
XmDragStartA Drag and Drop function that initiates a drag and drop transaction
XmDrawingAreaThe DrawingArea widget class
XmDrawnButtonThe DrawnButton widget class
XmDropDownThe DropDown widget class
XmDropDownGetChildA DropDown function that is used to access a component
XmDropSiteThe DropSite Registry
XmDropSiteConfigureStackingOrderA Drag and Drop function that reorders a stack of widgets that are registered drop sites
XmDropSiteEndUpdateA Drag and Drop function that facilitates processing updates to multiple drop sites
XmDropSiteQueryStackingOrderA Drag and Drop function that returns the parent, a list of children, and the number of children for a specified wi...
XmDropSiteRegisterA Drag and Drop function that identifies a drop site and assigns resources that specify its behavior
XmDropSiteRegisteredA Drag and Drop function that determines if a drop site has been registered
XmDropSiteRetrieveA Drag and Drop function that retrieves resource values set on a drop site
XmDropSiteStartUpdateA Drag and Drop function that facilitates processing updates to multiple drop sites
XmDropSiteUnregisterA Drag and Drop function that frees drop site information
XmDropSiteUpdateA Drag and Drop function that sets resource values for a drop site
XmDropTransferThe DropTransfer widget class
XmDropTransferAddA Drag and Drop function that enables additional drop transfer entries to be processed after initiating a drop transfer
XmDropTransferStartA Drag and Drop function that initiates a drop transfer
XmExt18ListThe Internationalized Extended List widget
XmFileSelectionBoxThe FileSelectionBox widget class
XmFileSelectionBoxGetChildA FileSelectionBox function used to access a component
XmFileSelectionDoSearchA FileSelectionBox function that initiates a directory search
XmFontListData type for a font list
XmFontListAddA font list function that creates a new font list
XmFontListAppendEntryA font list function that appends an entry to a font list
XmFontListCopyA font list function that copies a font list
XmFontListCreateA font list function that creates a font list
XmFontListEntryCreateA font list function that creates a font list entry
XmFontListEntryFreeA font list function that recovers memory used by a font list entry
XmFontListEntryGetFontA font list function that retrieves font information from a font list entry
XmFontListEntryGetTagA font list function that retrieves the tag of a font list entry
XmFontListEntryLoadA font list function that loads a font or creates a font set and creates an accompanying font list entry
XmFontListFreeA font list function that recovers memory used by a font list
XmFontListFreeFontContextA font list function that instructs the toolkit that the font list context is no longer needed
XmFontListGetNextFontA font list function that allows applications to access the fonts and character sets in a font list
XmFontListInitFontContextA font list function that allows applications to access the entries in a font list
XmFontListNextEntryA font list function that returns the next entry in a font list
XmFontListRemoveEntryA font list function that removes a font list entry from a font list
XmFontSelectorThe Font Selector widget
XmFormThe Form widget class
XmFrameThe Frame widget class
XmGadgetThe Gadget widget class
XmGetAtomNameA function that returns the string representation for an atom
XmGetColorCalculationA function to get the procedure used for default color calculation
XmGetColorsA function that generates foreground, select, and shadow colors
XmGetDestinationA function that returns the widget ID of the widget to be used as the current destination for quick paste and certain clipboard...
XmGetDragContextA Drag and Drop function that retrieves the DragContext widget ID associated with a timestamp
XmGetFocusWidgetReturns the ID of the widget that has keyboard focus
XmGetMenuCursorA function that returns the cursor ID for the current menu cursor
XmGetPixmapA pixmap caching function that generates a pixmap, stores it in a pixmap cache, and returns the pixmap
XmGetPixmapByDepthA pixmap caching function that generates a pixmap, stores it in a pixmap cache, and returns the pixmap
XmGetPostedFromWidgetA RowColumn function that returns the widget from which a menu was posted
XmGetScaledPixmapRead a pixmap file and scale it according to pixmap and print resolution
XmGetSecondaryResourceDataA function that provides access to secondary widget resource data
XmGetTabGroupReturns the widget ID of a tab group
XmGetTearOffControlA RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID for the tear-off control in a menu
XmGetVisibilityA function that determines if a widget is visible
XmGetXmDisplayA Display function that returns the XmDisplay object ID for a specified display
XmGetXmScreenA Screen function that returns the XmScreen object ID for a specified screen
XmHierarchyThe Hierarchy widget class
XmHierarchyGetChildNodesA List function that returns all instances of an item in the list
XmHierarchyOpenAllAncestorsA Hierarchy function that opens all ancestors of the Hierarchy
XmIconBoxThe IconBox widget class
XmIconBoxIsCellEmptyA function that determines whether a cell in the IconBox is empty
XmIconButtonThe Icon Button widget
XmIconGadgetThe IconGadget widget class
XmImCloseXIMAn input manager function that releases the input method associated with a specified widget
XmImFreeXICAn input manager function that unregisters widgets for an XIC
XmImGetXICAn input manager function that obtains an XIC for a widget
XmImGetXIMAn input manager function that retrieves the input method associated with a specified widget
XmImMbLookupStringAn input manager function that retrieves a composed string from an input method
XmImMbResetICAn input manager function that resets the input context for a widget
XmImRegisterAn input manager function that registers a widget with an input manager
XmImSetFocusValuesAn input manager function that notifies an input manager that a widget has received input focus and updates the input context...
XmImSetValuesAn input manager function that updates attributes of an input context
XmImSetXICAn input manager function that registers an existing XIC with a widget
XmImUnregisterAn input manager function that removes a widget from association with its input manager
XmImUnsetFocusAn input manager function that notifies an input method that a widget has lost input focus
XmImVaSetFocusValuesAn input manager function that notifies an input manager that a widget has received input focus and updates the input conte...
XmImVaSetValuesAn input manager function that updates attributes of an input context
XmInstallImageA pixmap caching function that adds an image to the image cache
XmInternAtomA macro that returns an atom for a given name
XmIsMotifWMRunningA function that determines whether the window manager is running
XmIsTraversableA function that identifies whether a widget can be traversed
XmLabelThe Label widget class
XmLabelGadgetThe LabelGadget widget class
XmListThe List widget class
XmListAddItemA List function that adds an item to the list
XmListAddItemUnselectedA List function that adds an item to the list
XmListAddItemsA List function that adds items to the list
XmListAddItemsUnselectedA List function that adds items to a list
XmListDeleteAllItemsA List function that deletes all items from the list
XmListDeleteItemA List function that deletes an item from the list
XmListDeleteItemsA List function that deletes items from the list
XmListDeleteItemsPosA List function that deletes items from the list starting at the given position
XmListDeletePosA List function that deletes an item from a list at a specified position
XmListDeletePositionsA List function that deletes items from a list based on an array of positions
XmListDeselectAllItemsA List function that unhighlights and removes all items from the selected list
XmListDeselectItemA List function that deselects the specified item from the selected list
XmListDeselectPosA List function that deselects an item at a specified position in the list
XmListGetKbdItemPosA List function that returns the position of the item at the location cursor
XmListGetMatchPosA List function that returns all instances of an item in the list
XmListGetSelectedPosA List function that returns the position of every selected item in the list
XmListItemExistsA List function that checks if a specified item is in the list
XmListItemPosA List function that returns the position of an item in the list
XmListPosSelectedA List function that determines if the list item at a specified position is selected
XmListPosToBoundsA List function that returns the bounding box of an item at a specified position in a list
XmListReplaceItemsA List function that replaces the specified elements in the list
XmListReplaceItemsPosA List function that replaces the specified elements in the list
XmListReplaceItemsPosUnselectedA List function that replaces items in a list without selecting the replacement items
XmListReplaceItemsUnselectedA List function that replaces items in a list
XmListReplacePositionsA List function that replaces items in a list based on position
XmListSelectItemA List function that selects an item in the list
XmListSelectPosA List function that selects an item at a specified position in the list
XmListSetAddModeA List function that sets add mode in the list
XmListSetBottomItemA List function that makes an existing item the last visible item in the list
XmListSetBottomPosA List function that makes a specified item the last visible item in the list
XmListSetHorizPosA List function that scrolls to the specified position in the list
XmListSetItemA List function that makes an existing item the first visible item in the list
XmListSetKbdItemPosA List function that sets the location cursor at a specified position
XmListSetPosA List function that makes the item at the given position the first visible position in the list
XmListUpdateSelectedListA List function that updates the XmNselectedItems resource
XmListYToPosA List function that returns the position of the item at a specified y-coordinate
XmMainWindowThe MainWindow widget class
XmMainWindowSep1A MainWindow function that returns the widget ID of the first Separator
XmMainWindowSep2A MainWindow function that returns the widget ID of the second Separator widget
XmMainWindowSep3A MainWindow function that returns the widget ID of the third Separator widget
XmMainWindowSetAreasA MainWindow function that identifies manageable children for each area
XmManagerThe Manager widget class
XmMapSegmentEncodingA compound string function that returns the compound text encoding format associated with the specified font list tag
XmMenuPositionA RowColumn function that positions a Popup menu pane
XmMenuShellThe MenuShell widget class
XmMessageBoxThe MessageBox widget class
XmMessageBoxGetChildA MessageBox function that is used to access a component
XmMultiListThe Multi-column List widget
XmMultiListDeselectItemsA MultiList function that deselects items in the list by matching column entries
XmMultiListDeselectRowA MultiList function that deselects a row in the list
XmMultiListGetSelectedRowArrayAn MultiList function that returns an array of integers which are selected row numbers.
XmMultiListGetSelectedRowsAn MultiList function that returns the rows that currently are selected.
XmMultiListMakeRowVisibleA MultiList function that shifts the visible list rows as desired
XmMultiListSelectAllItemsAn MultiList function that selects all rows of the list
XmMultiListSelectItemsA MultiList function that selects items in the list by matching column entries
XmMultiListSelectRowA MultiList function that selects a row in the list
XmMultiListToggleRowAn MultiList function that toggles the selection state of a specified row
XmMultiListUnselectAllItemsAn MultiList function that deselects all rows of the list
XmMultiListUnselectItemAn MultiList function that deselects the specified item of the list
XmNotebookThe Notebook widget class
XmNotebookGetPageInfoA Notebook function that returns page information
XmObjectAtPointA toolkit function that determines which child intersects or comes closest to a specified point
XmOptionButtonGadgetA RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID for the CascadeButtonGadget in an OptionMenu
XmOptionLabelGadgetA RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID for the LabelGadget in an OptionMenu
XmOutlineThe Outline widget class
XmPanedThe Paned widget class
XmPanedGetPanesA Paned function that returns the number of panes in the paned widget
XmPanedWindowThe PanedWindow widget class
XmParseMappingData type for a compound string parse mapping
XmParseMappingCreateA compound string function to create a parse mapping
XmParseMappingFreeA compound string function to free a parse mapping
XmParseMappingGetValuesA compound string function to retrieve attributes of a parse mapping
XmParseMappingSetValuesA compound string function to set attributes of a parse mapping
XmParseTableData type for a compound string parse table
XmParseTableFreeA compound string function that recovers memory
XmPrimitiveThe Primitive widget class
XmPrintPopupPDMSend a notification for the PDM to be popped up
XmPrintSetupSetup and create a Print Shell widget
XmPrintShellA shell widget class used for printing in Motif
XmPrintToFileRetrieves and saves data that would normally be printed by the X Print Server.
XmProcessTraversalA function that determines which component receives keyboard events when a widget has the focus
XmPushButtonThe PushButton widget class
XmPushButtonGadgetThe PushButtonGadget widget class
XmRedisplayWidgetSynchronously activates the expose method of a widget to draw its content
XmRegisterSegmentEncodingA compound string function that registers a compound text encoding format for a specified font list element tag
XmRemoveFromPostFromListA RowColumn function that disables a menu for a particular widget
XmRemoveProtocolCallbackA VendorShell function that removes a callback from the internal list
XmRemoveProtocolsA VendorShell function that removes the protocols from the protocol manager and deallocates the internal tables
XmRemoveTabGroupA function that removes a tab group
XmRemoveWMProtocolCallbackA VendorShell convenience interface that removes a callback from the internal list
XmRemoveWMProtocolsA VendorShell convenience interface that removes the protocols from the protocol manager and deallocates the internal tables
XmRenderTableData type for a render table
XmRenderTableAddRenditionsCreates a new render table
XmRenderTableCopyA render table function that copies renditions
XmRenderTableCvtFromPropA render table function that converts from a string representation to a render table
XmRenderTableCvtToPropA render table function that converts a render table to a string representation
XmRenderTableFreeA render table function that recovers memory
XmRenderTableGetRenditionA convenience function that matches a rendition tag
XmRenderTableGetRenditionsA convenience function that matches rendition tags
XmRenderTableGetTagsA convenience function that gets rendition tags
XmRenderTableRemoveRenditionsA convenience function that removes renditions
XmRenditionThe Rendition registry
XmRenditionCreateA convenience function that creates a rendition
XmRenditionFreeA convenience function that frees a rendition
XmRenditionRetrieveA convenience function that retrieves rendition resources
XmRenditionUpdateA convenience function that modifies resources
XmRepTypeAddReverseA representation type manager function that installs the reverse converter for a previously registered representation type
XmRepTypeGetIdA representation type manager function that retrieves the identification number of a representation type
XmRepTypeGetNameListA representation type manager function that generates a list of values for a representation type
XmRepTypeGetRecordA representation type manager function that returns information about a representation type
XmRepTypeGetRegisteredA representation type manager function that returns a copy of the registration list
XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverterA representation type manager function that installs the resource converter for XmNtearOffModel.
XmRepTypeRegisterA representation type manager function that registers a representation type resource
XmRepTypeValidValueA representation type manager function that tests the validity of a numerical value of a representation type resource
XmResolveAllPartOffsetsA function that allows writing of upward-compatible applications and widgets
XmResolvePartOffsetsA function that allows writing of upward-compatible applications and widgets
XmRowColumnThe RowColumn widget class
XmScaleThe Scale widget class
XmScaleGetValueA Scale function that returns the current slider position
XmScaleSetTicksA Scale function that controls tick marks
XmScaleSetValueA Scale function that sets a slider value
XmScreenThe Screen widget class
XmScrollBarThe ScrollBar widget class
XmScrollBarGetValuesA ScrollBar function that returns the ScrollBar's increment values
XmScrollBarSetValuesA ScrollBar function that changes ScrollBar's increment values and the slider's size and position
XmScrollVisibleA ScrolledWindow function that makes an invisible descendant of a ScrolledWindow work area visible
XmScrolledWindowThe ScrolledWindow widget class
XmScrolledWindowSetAreasA ScrolledWindow function that adds or changes a window work region and a horizontal or vertical ScrollBar widget to th...
XmSelectionBoxThe SelectionBox widget class
XmSelectionBoxGetChildA SelectionBox function that is used to access a component
XmSeparatorThe Separator widget class
XmSeparatorGadgetThe SeparatorGadget widget class
XmSetColorCalculationA function to set the procedure used for default color calculation
XmSetFontUnitA function that sets the font unit value for a display
XmSetFontUnitsA function that sets the font unit value for a display
XmSetMenuCursorA function that modifies the menu cursor for a client
XmSetProtocolHooksA VendorShell function that allows preactions and postactions to be executed when a protocol message is received from MWM
XmSetWMProtocolHooksA VendorShell convenience interface that allows preactions and postactions to be executed when a protocol message is receiv...
XmSimpleSpinBoxA simple SpinBox widget class
XmSimpleSpinBoxAddItemAdd an item to the XmSimpleSpinBox
XmSimpleSpinBoxDeletePosDelete a XmSimpleSpinBox item
XmSimpleSpinBoxSetItemSet an item in the XmSimpleSpinBox list
XmSlideContextThe SlideContext widget class
XmSpinBoxThe SpinBox widget class
XmSpinBoxValidatePositionTranslate the current value of the specified XmSpinBox child into a valid position
XmStringData type for a compound string
XmStringBaselineA compound string function that returns the number of pixels between the top of the character box and the baseline of the first...
XmStringByteCompareA compound string function that indicates the results of a byte-by-byte comparison
XmStringByteStreamLengthA function that returns the size of a string
XmStringCompareA compound string function that compares two strings
XmStringComponentCreateA compound string function that creates arbitrary components
XmStringComponentTypeData type for compound string components
XmStringConcatA compound string function that appends one string to another
XmStringConcatAndFreeA compound string function that appends one string to another and frees the original strings
XmStringCopyA compound string function that makes a copy of a string
XmStringCreateA compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringCreateLocalizedA compound string function that creates a compound string in the current locale
XmStringCreateLtoRA compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringCreateSimpleA compound string function that creates a compound string in the language environment of a widget
XmStringDirectionData type for the direction of display in a string
XmStringDirectionCreateA compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringDirectionToDirectionA function that converts from XmStringDirection to XmDirection
XmStringDrawA compound string function that draws a compound string in an X window
XmStringDrawImageA compound string function that draws a compound string in an X Window and creates an image
XmStringDrawUnderlineA compound string function that underlines a string drawn in an X Window
XmStringEmptyA compound string function that provides information on the existence of non-zero-length text components
XmStringExtentA compound string function that determines the size of the smallest rectangle that will enclose the compound string
XmStringFreeA compound string function that conditionally deallocates memory
XmStringFreeContextA compound string function that releases the string scanning context data structure
XmStringGenerateA convenience function that generates a compound string
XmStringGetLtoRA compound string function that searches for a text segment in the input compound string
XmStringGetNextComponentA compound string function that returns the type and value of the next component in a compound string
XmStringGetNextSegmentA compound string function that fetches the bytes in the next segment of a compound string
XmStringGetNextTripleAn XmString function that returns the type, length, and value of the next component in the compound string
XmStringHasSubstringA compound string function that indicates whether one compound string is contained within another
XmStringHeightA compound string function that returns the line height of the given compound string
XmStringInitContextA compound string function that creates a data structure for scanning an XmString component by component
XmStringIsVoidA compound string function that provides information on the existence of non-zero-length text components, tab components, or se...
XmStringLengthA compound string function that obtains the length of a compound string
XmStringLineCountA compound string function that returns the number of separators plus one in the provided compound string
XmStringNConcatA compound string function that appends a specified number of bytes to a compound string
XmStringNCopyA compound string function that creates a copy of a compound string
XmStringParseTextA function that converts a character string to a compound string
XmStringPeekNextComponentA compound string function that returns the component type of the next component to be fetched
XmStringPeekNextTripleA function that returns the component type of the next component
XmStringPutRenditionA convenience function that places renditions around strings
XmStringSegmentCreateA compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringSeparatorCreateA compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringTableData type for an array of compound strings
XmStringTableParseStringArrayA convenience function that converts an array of strings to a compound string table
XmStringTableProposeTablistA convenience function that returns a tab list
XmStringTableToXmStringA convenience function that converts a compound string table to a single compound string
XmStringTableUnparseA convenience function that converts a table of compound strings to an array of text
XmStringToXmStringTableA convenience function that converts a single compound string to a table of compound strings
XmStringUnparseA compound string function that unparses text
XmStringWidthA compound string function that returns the width of the widest line in a compound string
XmTabData type for a tab stop
XmTabCreateA convenience function that creates a tab stop
XmTabFreeA convenience function that frees a tab
XmTabGetValuesA convenience function that returns tab values
XmTabListData type for a tab list
XmTabListCopyA convenience function that creates a new tab list from an existing list
XmTabListFreeA convenience function that frees the memory of a new tab list
XmTabListGetTabA convenience function that returns a copy of a tab
XmTabListInsertTabsA convenience function that inserts tabs into a tab list
XmTabListRemoveTabsA convenience function that removes noncontiguous tabs
XmTabListReplacePositionsA convenience function that creates a new tab list with replacement tabs
XmTabListTabCountA convenience function that counts the number of tabs
XmTabSetValueA convenience function that sets a tab stop
XmTabStackThe TabStack widget class
XmTabStackGetSelectedTabA TabStack function that returns the widget ID of the currently selectedtab
XmTabStackSelectTabA TabStack function that sets the currently displayed child
XmTabStackXYToWidgetA TabStack function that converts a pixel coordinate to the widget ID of the tab occupying that space
XmTargetsAreCompatibleA function that tests whether the target types match between a drop site and source object
XmTextThe Text widget class
XmTextClearSelectionA Text function that clears the primary selection
XmTextCopyA Text function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard
XmTextCopyLinkA Text function that copies a link to the primary selection to the clipboard
XmTextCutA Text function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard and deletes the selected text
XmTextDisableRedisplayA Text function that temporarily prevents visual update of the Text widget
XmTextEnableRedisplayA Text function that forces the visual update of a Text widget
XmTextFieldThe TextField class
XmTextFieldClearSelectionA TextField function that clears the primary selection
XmTextFieldCopyA TextField function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard
XmTextFieldCopyLinkA TextField function that copies a link to the primary selection to the clipboard
XmTextFieldCutA TextField function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard and deletes the selected text
XmTextFieldGetBaselineA TextField function that accesses the y position of the baseline
XmTextFieldGetEditableA TextField function that accesses the edit permission state
XmTextFieldGetInsertionPositionA TextField function that accesses the position of the insertion cursor
XmTextFieldGetLastPositionA TextField function that accesses the position of the last text character
XmTextFieldGetMaxLengthA TextField function that accesses the value of the current maximum allowable length of a text string entered from the k...
XmTextFieldGetSelectionA TextField function that retrieves the value of the primary selection
XmTextFieldGetSelectionPositionA TextField function that accesses the position of the primary selection
XmTextFieldGetSelectionWcsA TextField function that retrieves the value of a wide character encoded primary selection
XmTextFieldGetStringA TextField function that accesses the string value
XmTextFieldGetStringWcsA TextField function that retrieves a copy of the wide character string value of a TextField widget
XmTextFieldGetSubstringA TextField function that retrieves a copy of a portion of the internal text buffer
XmTextFieldGetSubstringWcsA TextField function that retrieves a portion of a wide character internal text buffer
XmTextFieldInsertA TextField function that inserts a character string into a text string
XmTextFieldInsertWcsA TextField function that inserts a wide character string into a TextField widget
XmTextFieldPasteA TextField function that inserts the clipboard selection
XmTextFieldPasteLinkA TextField function that inserts a link to the clipboard selection
XmTextFieldPosToXYA TextField function that accesses the x and y position of a character position
XmTextFieldRemoveA TextField function that deletes the primary selection
XmTextFieldReplaceA TextField function that replaces part of a text string
XmTextFieldReplaceWcsA TextField function that replaces part of a wide character string in a TextField widget
XmTextFieldSetAddModeA TextField function that sets the state of Add mode
XmTextFieldSetEditableA TextField function that sets the edit permission
XmTextFieldSetHighlightA TextField function that highlights text
XmTextFieldSetInsertionPositionA TextField function that sets the position of the insertion cursor
XmTextFieldSetMaxLengthA TextField function that sets the value of the current maximum allowable length of a text string entered from the keyboard
XmTextFieldSetSelectionA TextField function that sets the primary selection of the text
XmTextFieldSetStringA TextField function that sets the string value
XmTextFieldSetStringWcsA TextField function that sets a wide character string value
XmTextFieldShowPositionA TextField function that forces text at a given position to be displayed
XmTextFieldXYToPosA TextField function that accesses the character position nearest an x and y position
XmTextFindStringA Text function that finds the beginning position of a text string
XmTextFindStringWcsA Text function that finds the beginning position of a wide character text string
XmTextGetBaselineA Text function that accesses the y position of the baseline
XmTextGetCenterlineReturn the height (length) of a character string when the writing direction is vertical
XmTextGetEditableA Text function that accesses the edit permission state
XmTextGetInsertionPositionA Text function that accesses the position of the insert cursor
XmTextGetLastPositionA Text function that accesses the last position in the text
XmTextGetMaxLengthA Text function that accesses the value of the current maximum allowable length of a text string entered from the keyboard
XmTextGetSelectionA Text function that retrieves the value of the primary selection
XmTextGetSelectionPositionA Text function that accesses the position of the primary selection
XmTextGetSelectionWcsA Text function that retrieves the value of a wide character encoded primary selection
XmTextGetSourceA Text function that accesses the source of the widget
XmTextGetStringA Text function that accesses the string value
XmTextGetStringWcsA Text function that retrieves a copy of the wide character string value of a Text widget
XmTextGetSubstringA Text function that retrieves a copy of a portion of the internal text buffer
XmTextGetSubstringWcsA Text function that retrieves a portion of a wide character internal text buffer
XmTextGetTopCharacterA Text function that accesses the position of the first character displayed
XmTextInsertA Text function that inserts a character string into a text string
XmTextInsertWcsA Text function that inserts a wide character string into a Text widget
XmTextPasteA Text function that inserts the clipboard selection
XmTextPasteLinkA Text function that inserts a link to the clipboard selection
XmTextPosToXYA Text function that accesses the x and y position of a character position
XmTextPositionData type for a character position within a text string
XmTextRemoveA Text function that deletes the primary selection
XmTextReplaceA Text function that replaces part of a text string
XmTextReplaceWcsA Text function that replaces part of a wide character string in a Text widget
XmTextScrollA Text function that scrolls text
XmTextSetAddModeA Text function that sets the state of Add mode
XmTextSetEditableA Text function that sets the edit permission
XmTextSetHighlightA Text function that highlights text
XmTextSetInsertionPositionA Text function that sets the position of the insert cursor
XmTextSetMaxLengthA Text function that sets the value of the current maximum allowable length of a text string entered from the keyboard
XmTextSetSelectionA Text function that sets the primary selection of the text
XmTextSetSourceA Text function that sets the source of the widget
XmTextSetStringA Text function that sets the string value
XmTextSetStringWcsA Text function that sets a wide character string value
XmTextSetTopCharacterA Text function that sets the position of the first character displayed
XmTextShowPositionA Text function that forces text at a given position to be displayed
XmTextXYToPosA Text function that accesses the character position nearest an x and y position
XmToggleButtonThe ToggleButton widget class
XmToggleButtonGadgetThe ToggleButtonGadget widget class
XmToggleButtonGadgetGetStateA ToggleButtonGadget function that obtains the state of a ToggleButtonGadget
XmToggleButtonGadgetSetStateA ToggleButtonGadget function that sets or changes the current state
XmToggleButtonGetStateA ToggleButton function that obtains the state of a ToggleButton
XmToggleButtonSetStateA ToggleButton function that sets or changes the current state
XmToggleButtonSetValueA ToggleButton function that sets or changes the current state
XmTrackingEventA Toolkit function that provides a modal interaction
XmTrackingLocateA Toolkit function that provides a modal interaction
XmTransferDoneA toolkit function that completes a data transfer
XmTransferSendRequestA toolkit function that transfers a MULTIPLE request
XmTransferSetParametersA toolkit function that establishes parameters to be passed by the next call to XmTransferValue
XmTransferStartRequestA toolkit function that begins a MULTIPLE transfer
XmTransferValueA toolkit function that transfers data to a destination
XmTranslateKeyThe default keycode-to-keysym translator
XmTreeThe Tree widget class
XmUninstallImageA pixmap caching function that removes an image from the image cache
XmUpdateDisplayA function that processes all pending exposure events immediately
XmVaCreateArrowButtonA ArrowButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateArrowButtonGadgetA ArrowButtonGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateBulletinBoardA BulletinBoard widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateButtonBoxA ButtonBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateCascadeButtonA CascadeButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateCascadeButtonGadgetA CascadeButtonGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateColorSelectorA ColorSelector widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateColumnA Column widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateCombinationBox2A Form widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateComboBoxA ComboBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateCommandA Command widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateContainerA Container widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateDataFieldA DataField widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateDrawingAreaA DrawingArea widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateDrawnButtonA DrawnButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateDropDownA DropDown widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateExt18ListA Form widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateFileSelectionBoxA FileSelectionBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateFormA Form widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateFrameA Frame widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateHierarchyA Hierarchy widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateIconGadgetA IconGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateLabelA Label widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateLabelGadgetA LabelGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateListA List widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateMainWindowA MainWindow widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateMessageBoxA MessageBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateMultiListA MultiList widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateNotebookA Notebook widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateOutlineA Outline widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreatePanedWindowA PanedWindow widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreatePushButtonA PushButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreatePushButtonGadgetA PushButtonGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateRowColumnA RowColumn widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateScaleA Scale widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateScrollBarA ScrollBar widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateScrolledWindowA ScrolledWindow widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateSelectionBoxA SelectionBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateSeparatorGadgetA SeparatorGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateSimpleCheckBoxA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimpleMenuBarA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenuA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimplePopupMenuA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenuA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimpleRadioBoxA RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimpleSpinBoxA SimpleSpinBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateSpinBoxA SpinBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateTabStackA TabStack widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateTextA Text widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateTextFieldA TextField widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateToggleButtonA ToggleButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateToggleButtonGadgetA ToggleButtonGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmWidgetGetBaselinesRetrieves baseline information for a widget
XmWidgetGetDisplayRectRetrieves display rectangle information for a widget
XmbDrawImageStringDraw image text using a single font set
XmbDrawStringDraw text using a single font set
XmbDrawTextDraw text using multiple font sets
XmbLookupStringObtain composed input from an input method
XmbResetICReset the state of an input context
XmbTextEscapementObtain the escapement of text
XmbTextExtentsCompute text extents
XmbTextListToTextPropertyConvert text lists and text property structures
XmbTextPerCharExtentsObtain per-character information for a text string
XmbufX multibuffering functions
XpmCreateBufferCreate an XPM Buffer
XpmCreateDataCreate an Data structure
XpmCreateImageCreate an XImage from an XPM
XpmCreatePixmapCreate a pixmap
XpmCreateXpmImageCreate an Xpm image
XpmMiscXpm misc functions to free used memory and handle errors
XpmReadRead an XPM file
XpmWriteWrite an XPM file
XpresentX Present Extension
XrandrX Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XrmEnumerateDatabaseEnumerate resource database entries
XrmGetFileDatabaseRetrieve and store resource databases
XrmGetResourceRetrieve database resources and search lists
XrmInitializeInitialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
XrmMergeDatabasesMerge resource databases
XrmPutResourceStore database resources
XrmUniqueQuarkManipulate resource quarks
XssX11 Screen Saver extension client library
XtAddActionsRegister an action table
XtAddCallbackAdd and remove callback procedures
XtAddEventHandlerAdd and remove event handlers
XtAddExposureToRegionMerge exposure events into a region
XtAddGrabRedirect user input to a modal widget
XtAddInputRegister input, timeout, and workprocs
XtAllocateGCObtain a shareable GC with modifiable fields
XtAppAddActionHookRegister an action hook procedure
XtAppAddActionsRegister an action table
XtAppAddBlockHookRegister a block hook procedure
XtAppAddConverterRegister resource converter
XtAppAddInputRegister and remove an input source
XtAppAddSignalRegister and remove a signal source
XtAppAddTimeOutRegister and remove timeouts
XtAppAddWorkProcAdd and remove background processing procedures
XtAppCreateShellCreate top-level widget instance
XtAppErrorLow-level error handlers
XtAppErrorMsgHigh-level error handlers
XtAppGetErrorDatabaseObtain error database
XtAppGetSelectionTimeoutSet and obtain selection timeout values
XtAppInitializeInitialize, open, or close a display
XtAppLockLock and unlock application context
XtAppNextEventQuery and process events and input
XtAppReleaseCacheRefsDecrement reference counts for resources
XtAppSetExitFlagThread support functions
XtAppSetFallbackResourcesSet fallback resources
XtAppSetTypeConverterRegister resource converter
XtBuildEventMaskRetrieve a widget's event mask
XtCallAcceptFocusCalla widget's accept_focus procedure
XtCallActionProcInvoke an action procedure directly
XtCallCallbacksProcess callbacks
XtClassObtain and verify a widget's class
XtConfigureWidgetMove and resize widgets
XtConvertInvoke resource converters
XtConvertAndStoreInvoke resource converters
XtCreateApplicationContextCreate, destroy, and obtain an application context
XtCreateApplicationShellCreate top-level widget instance
XtCreatePopupShellCreate a popup shell
XtCreateSelectionRequestBundle multiple selection conversion requests into a single request using MULTIPLE target
XtCreateWidgetCreate and destroy widgets
XtCreateWindowWindow creation convenience function
XtDisplayObtain window information about a widget
XtDisplayInitializeInitialize, open, or close a display
XtDisplayStringConversionWarningIssue a conversion warning message
XtDisplayToApplicationContextObtain an application context
XtErrorLow-level error handlers
XtErrorMsgHigh-level error handlers
XtFindFileSearch for a file using substitutions in the path list
XtGetActionKeysymObtain corresponding keysym
XtGetActionListObtain class action list
XtGetApplicationNameAndClassRetrieve application name and class
XtGetApplicationResourcesObtain application resources
XtGetClassExtensionLocate a class extension record
XtGetDisplaysRetrieve a list of displays associated with an application context
XtGetErrorDatabaseObtain error database
XtGetGCObtain and destroy a shareable GC
XtGetKeyboardFocusWidgetExtension event handling
XtGetKeysymTableQuery keysyms and keycodes
XtGetResourceListObtain resource list
XtGetSelectionParametersRetrieve target parameters for a selection request with a single target
XtGetSelectionRequestRetrieve the event that triggered the XtConvertSelectionProc
XtGetSelectionTimeoutSet and obtain selection timeout values
XtGetSelectionValueObtain selection values
XtGetSelectionValueIncrementalObtain selection values
XtGetSubresourcesObtain subresources
XtGrabKeyManage grabs
XtHooksOfDisplayExternal agent access points
XtInitializeWidgetClassInitialize a widget class
XtInsertEventTypeHandlerExtension event handling
XtLastEventProcessedLast event, last timestamp processed
XtMakeGeometryRequestMake geometry manager request
XtMallocMemory management functions
XtManageChildrenManage and unmanage children
XtMapWidgetMap and unmap widgets
XtNameObtain widget's name
XtNameToWidgetTranslating strings to widgets or widgets to windows
XtNextEventQuery and process events and input
XtOffsetDetermine the byte offset or number of array elements
XtOpenApplicationInitialize, open, or close a display
XtOwnSelectionSet selection owner
XtParentObtain widget's parent widget id
XtParseAcceleratorTableManaging accelerator tables
XtParseTranslationTableManage translation tables
XtPopdownUnmap a pop-up
XtPopupMap a pop-up
XtProcessLockLock and unlock process
XtQueryGeometryQuery the preferred geometry of a child widget
XtRealizeWidgetRealize and unrealize widgets
XtRegisterDrawableRegister a drawable with the Intrinsics event dispatcher
XtRegisterGrabActionRegister button and key grabs
XtReservePropertyAtomMaintain a cache of property atoms
XtResolvePathnameSearch for a file using standard substitution
XtSessionGetTokenToken management for checkpointing
XtSetArgSet and merge ArgLists
XtSetKeyTranslatorConvert KeySym to KeyCodes
XtSetKeyboardFocusFocus events on a child widget
XtSetLanguageProcSet the language procedure
XtSetMultiClickTimeSet and get multi-click times
XtSetSelectionParametersSpecify target parameters for a selection request with a single target
XtSetSensitiveSet and check a widget's sensitivity state
XtSetValuesObtain and set widget resources
XtSetWMColormapWindowsSet the value of the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XtStringConversionWarningIssue a conversion warning message
XtToolkitThreadInitializeInitialize the toolkit for multiple threads
XtTranslateCoordsTranslate widget coordinates
XtVaCreateArgsListDynamically allocate a varargs list
XvX Window System video extension
XvCreateImageCreate an XvImage
XvFreeAdaptorInfoFree adaptor information
XvFreeEncodingInfoFree encoding information
XvGetPortAttributeReturn current port attribute value
XvGetStillCapture a single frame of video from a drawable
XvGetVideoCapture video from a drawable
XvGrabPortLock port for exclusive use by client
XvListImageFormatsReturn list of image formats supported by a video port
XvPortNotifyEvent generated when port attributes change
XvPutImageDisplay an XvImage
XvPutStillWrite a single frame of video to a drawable
XvPutVideoWrite video into a drawable
XvQueryAdaptorsReturn adaptor information for a screen
XvQueryBestSizeDetermine the optimum drawable region size
XvQueryEncodingsReturn list of encodings for an adaptor
XvQueryExtensionReturn version and release of extension
XvQueryPortAttributesReturn list of attributes of a video port
XvSelectPortNotifyEnable or disable XvPortNotify events
XvSelectVideoNotifyEnable or disable VideoNotify events
XvSetPortAttributeSets an attribute of a video port
XvStopVideoStop active video
XvUngrabPortRelease port grabbed for video operation
XvVideoNotifyEvent generated for video processing
_GenericType-generic selection
_Static_assertFail compilation if assertion is false
_U_dyn_cancelCancel unwind-info for dynamically generated code
_U_dyn_registerRegister unwind-info for dynamically generated code
__after_morecore_hookMalloc debugging variables (DEPRECATED)
__fbufsizeInterfaces to stdio FILE structure
__flbfInterfaces to stdio FILE structure
__fpendingInterfaces to stdio FILE structure
__fpurgePurge a stream
__freadableInterfaces to stdio FILE structure
__freadingInterfaces to stdio FILE structure
__free_hookMalloc debugging variables (DEPRECATED)
__fsetlockingInterfaces to stdio FILE structure
__fwritableInterfaces to stdio FILE structure
__fwritingInterfaces to stdio FILE structure
__io_uring_buf_ring_cq_advanceAdvance index of provided buffer and CQ ring
__malloc_hookMalloc debugging variables (DEPRECATED)
__malloc_initialize_hookMalloc debugging variables (DEPRECATED)
__memalign_hookMalloc debugging variables (DEPRECATED)
__ppc_get_timebaseGet the current value of the Time Base Register on Power architecture and its frequency.
__ppc_get_timebase_freqGet the current value of the Time Base Register on Power architecture and its frequency.
__ppc_mdoioHint the processor to release shared resources
__ppc_mdoomHint the processor to release shared resources
__ppc_set_ppr_lowSet the Program Priority Register
__ppc_set_ppr_medSet the Program Priority Register
__ppc_set_ppr_med_highSet the Program Priority Register
__ppc_set_ppr_med_lowSet the Program Priority Register
__ppc_set_ppr_very_lowSet the Program Priority Register
__ppc_yieldHint the processor to release shared resources
__realloc_hookMalloc debugging variables (DEPRECATED)
__setfpucwSet FPU control word on i386 architecture (obsolete)
_flushlbfInterfaces to stdio FILE structure
a64lConvert between long and base-64
aa_featuresAn opaque object representing a set of AppArmor kernel features
aa_kernel_interfaceAn opaque object representing the AppArmor kernel interface for policy loading, replacing, and removing
aa_policy_cacheAn opaque object representing an AppArmor policy cache
aa_splitconSplit the confinement context into a label and mode
abortCause abnormal process termination
absCompute the absolute value of an integer
acl_add_permAdd a permission to an ACL permission set
acl_calc_maskCalculate the file group class mask
acl_checkCheck an ACL for validity
acl_clear_permsClear all permissions from an ACL permission set
acl_cmpCompare two ACLs
acl_copy_entryCopy an ACL entry
acl_copy_extCopy an ACL from internal to external representation
acl_copy_intCopy an ACL from external to internal representation
acl_create_entryCreate a new ACL entry
acl_delete_def_fileDelete a default ACL by filename
acl_delete_entryDelete an ACL entry
acl_delete_permDelete a permission from an ACL permission set
acl_dupDuplicate an ACL
acl_entriesReturn the number of entries in an ACL
acl_equiv_modeCheck for an equivalent ACL
acl_errorConvert an ACL error code to a text message
acl_extended_fdTest for information in the ACL by file descriptor
acl_extended_fileTest for information in ACLs by file name
acl_freeRelease memory allocated to an ACL data object
acl_from_modeCreate an ACL from file permission bits
acl_from_textCreate an ACL from text
acl_get_entryGet an ACL entry
acl_get_fdGet an ACL by file descriptor
acl_get_fileGet an ACL by filename
acl_get_permTest for a permission in an ACL permission set
acl_get_permsetRetrieve the permission set from an ACL entry
acl_get_qualifierRetrieve the qualifier from an ACL entry
acl_get_tag_typeGet the tag type of an ACL entry
acl_initInitialize ACL working storage
acl_set_fdSet an ACL by file descriptor
acl_set_fileSet an ACL by filename
acl_set_permsetSet the permission set in an ACL entry
acl_set_qualifierSet the qualifier of an ACL entry
acl_set_tag_typeSet the tag type of an ACL entry
acl_sizeGet the size of the external representation of an ACL
acl_to_any_textConvert an ACL to text
acl_to_textConvert an ACL to text
acl_validValidate an ACL
acosArc cosine function
acosfArc cosine function
acoshInverse hyperbolic cosine function
acoshfInverse hyperbolic cosine function
acoshlInverse hyperbolic cosine function
acoslArc cosine function
add_ofAdd two integers, check for arithmetic overflow
addmntentGet filesystem descriptor file entry
addseverityIntroduce new severity classes
adjtimeCorrect the time to synchronize the system clock
afCloseFileClose an open audio file
afGetFrameCountGet the total sample frame count, length of audio track in bytes, offset of the audio track for a track in an audio file
afGetFrameSizeCalculate the frame size in bytes for an audio track
afInitAESChannelDataToInitialize AES non-audio data in an audio file setup
afInitCompressionInitialize compression for a track in an audio file setup
afInitFileFormatInitialize file format of an audio file setup
afInitSampleFormatInitialize audio data format for a track in an audio file setup
afNewFileSetupCreate and initialize a new AFfilesetup structure
afOpenFileOpen an audio file and create a file handle structure used for subsequent calls to the Audio File Library
afQueryQuery the capabilities of the Audio File Library
afReadFramesRead sample frames from a track in an audio file
afReadMiscAccess miscellaneous metadata in an audio file
afSeekFrameUpdate or access the current sample frame position for a track in an audio file
afSetErrorHandlerInstall a custom error handling routine
afSetVirtualByteOrderSet the virtual data format for a track in an audio file
afWriteFramesWrite sample frames to a track in an audio file
aio_cancelCancel an outstanding asynchronous I/O request
aio_errorGet error status of asynchronous I/O operation
aio_fsyncAsynchronous file synchronization
aio_initAsynchronous I/O initialization
aio_readAsynchronous read
aio_returnGet return status of asynchronous I/O operation
aio_suspendWait for asynchronous I/O operation or timeout
aio_writeAsynchronous write
aligned_allocAllocate aligned memory
allocaAllocate memory that is automatically freed
alphasortScan a directory for matching entries
arc4randomCryptographically-secure pseudorandom number generator
arc4random_bufCryptographically-secure pseudorandom number generator
arc4random_uniformCryptographically-secure pseudorandom number generator
archive_entryFunctions for managing archive entry descriptions
archive_entry_aclFunctions for manipulating Access Control Lists in archive entry descriptions
archive_entry_linkifyHardlink resolver functions
archive_entry_miscMiscellaneous functions for manipulating properties of archive_entry
archive_entry_pathsFunctions for manipulating path names in archive entry descriptions
archive_entry_permsFunctions for manipulating ownership and permissions in archive entry descriptions
archive_entry_statAccessor functions for manipulating archive entry descriptions
archive_entry_timeFunctions for manipulating times in archive entry descriptions
archive_readFunctions for reading streaming archives
archive_read_add_passphraseFunctions for reading encrypted archives
archive_read_dataFunctions for reading streaming archives
archive_read_diskFunctions for reading objects from disk
archive_read_extractFunctions for reading streaming archives
archive_read_filterFunctions for reading streaming archives
archive_read_formatFunctions for reading streaming archives
archive_read_freeFunctions for reading streaming archives
archive_read_headerFunctions for reading streaming archives
archive_read_newFunctions for reading streaming archives
archive_read_openFunctions for reading streaming archives
archive_read_set_optionsFunctions controlling options for reading archives
archive_utilLibarchive utility functions
archive_writeFunctions for creating archives
archive_write_blocksizeFunctions for creating archives
archive_write_dataFunctions for creating archives
archive_write_diskFunctions for creating objects on disk
archive_write_filterFunctions enabling output filters
archive_write_finish_entryFunctions for creating archives
archive_write_formatFunctions for creating archives
archive_write_freeFunctions for creating archives
archive_write_headerFunctions for creating archives
archive_write_newFunctions for creating archives
archive_write_openFunctions for creating archives
archive_write_set_optionsFunctions controlling options for writing archives
archive_write_set_passphraseFunctions for writing encrypted archives
ares_cancelCancel a resolve
ares_create_queryCompose a single-question DNS query buffer
ares_destroyDestroy a resolver channel
ares_destroy_optionsDestroy options initialized with ares_save_options
ares_dns_mappingHelper functions for converting dns record identifiers to and from their respective types, as well identifying datatypes for va...
ares_dns_recordDNS Record parsing, writing, creating and destroying functions.
ares_dns_rrDNS Resource Record creating, reading, and writing functions.
ares_dupDuplicate a resolver channel
ares_expand_nameExpand a DNS-encoded domain name
ares_expand_stringExpand a length encoded string
ares_fdsReturn file descriptors to select on
ares_free_dataFree data allocated by several c-ares functions
ares_free_hostentFree host structure allocated by ares functions
ares_free_stringFree strings allocated by ares functions
ares_freeaddrinfoFree addrinfo structure allocated by ares functions
ares_get_serversRetrieve name servers from an initialized ares_channel (deprecated)
ares_getaddrinfoInitiate a host query by name and service
ares_gethostbyaddrInitiate a host query by address
ares_gethostbynameInitiate a host query by name
ares_gethostbyname_fileLookup a name in the system's hosts file
ares_getnameinfoAddress-to-nodename translation in protocol-independent manner
ares_getsockGet socket descriptors to wait on (deprecated)
ares_inet_ntopConvert a network format address to presentation format
ares_inet_ptonConvert an IPv4 or IPv6 address from text to binary form
ares_init_optionsInitialize a resolver channel
ares_library_cleanupC-ares library deinitialization
ares_library_initC-ares library initialization
ares_library_init_androidC-ares library Android initialization
ares_library_initializedGet the initialization state
ares_mkqueryCompose a single-question DNS query buffer
ares_parse_a_replyParse a reply to a DNS query of type A
ares_parse_aaaa_replyParse a reply to a DNS query of type AAAA
ares_parse_caa_replyParse a reply to a DNS query of type CAA
ares_parse_mx_replyParse a reply to a DNS query of type MX
ares_parse_naptr_replyParse a reply to a DNS query of type NAPTR
ares_parse_ns_replyParse a reply to a DNS query of type NS into a hostent
ares_parse_ptr_replyParse a reply to a DNS query of type PTR into a hostent
ares_parse_soa_replyParse a reply to a DNS query of type SOA
ares_parse_srv_replyParse a reply to a DNS query of type SRV
ares_parse_txt_replyParse a reply to a DNS query of type TXT
ares_parse_uri_replyParse a reply to a DNS query of type URI
ares_processProcess events for name resolution
ares_queryInitiate a single-question DNS query
ares_reinitReInitialize a resolver channel from system configuration.
ares_save_optionsSave configuration values obtained from initialized ares_channel
ares_searchInitiate a DNS query with domain search
ares_sendInitiate a DNS query
ares_set_local_devBind to a specific network device when creating sockets.
ares_set_local_ip4Set local IPv4 address outgoing requests.
ares_set_local_ip6Set local IPv6 address outgoing requests.
ares_set_serversInitialize name server configuration for an ares channel. (deprecated)
ares_set_servers_csvSet or Get a list of DNS servers used for queries.
ares_set_socket_callbackSet a socket creation callback
ares_set_socket_configure_callbackSet a socket configuration callback
ares_set_socket_functionsSet socket io callbacks
ares_set_sortlistInitialize an ares_channel_t *sortlist configuration
ares_strerrorGet the description of an ares library error code
ares_threadsafetyQuery if c-ares was built with thread-safety
ares_timeoutReturn maximum time to wait
ares_versionGet the version number of the library
arg_printusageCollect command line options
argzFunctions to handle an argz list
argz_addFunctions to handle an argz list
argz_add_sepFunctions to handle an argz list
argz_appendFunctions to handle an argz list
argz_countFunctions to handle an argz list
argz_createFunctions to handle an argz list
argz_create_sepFunctions to handle an argz list
argz_deleteFunctions to handle an argz list
argz_extractFunctions to handle an argz list
argz_insertFunctions to handle an argz list
argz_nextFunctions to handle an argz list
argz_replaceFunctions to handle an argz list
argz_stringifyFunctions to handle an argz list
arrayThe array library interface
array_allocateMake sure array has at least n elements allocated
array_bytesGet number of allocated members in array
array_catAppend one array to another
array_cat0Append 0 byte to an array
array_catbAppend bytes to an array
array_cateAppend subset of one array to another array
array_catsAppend C string to an array
array_cats0Append C string to an array
array_equalCompare two arrays for equality
array_failSwitch array to have failed
array_getGet pointer to nth element in array
array_lengthGet number of allocated members in array
array_resetDeallocate array
array_startGet pointer to first element in array
array_truncReduce number of initialized bytes
array_truncateReduce number of initialized bytes
asctimeTransform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
asctime_rTransform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
asinArc sine function
asinfArc sine function
asinhInverse hyperbolic sine function
asinhfInverse hyperbolic sine function
asinhlInverse hyperbolic sine function
asinlArc sine function
asn1_array2treeAPI function
asn1_bit_derAPI function
asn1_check_versionAPI function
asn1_copy_nodeAPI function
asn1_create_elementAPI function
asn1_decode_simple_berAPI function
asn1_decode_simple_derAPI function
asn1_delete_elementAPI function
asn1_delete_structureAPI function
asn1_delete_structure2API function
asn1_der_codingAPI function
asn1_der_decodingAPI function
asn1_der_decoding2API function
asn1_der_decoding_elementAPI function
asn1_der_decoding_startEndAPI function
asn1_dup_nodeAPI function
asn1_encode_simple_derAPI function
asn1_expand_any_defined_byAPI function
asn1_expand_octet_stringAPI function
asn1_find_nodeAPI function
asn1_find_structure_from_oidAPI function
asn1_get_bit_derAPI function
asn1_get_length_berAPI function
asn1_get_length_derAPI function
asn1_get_object_id_derAPI function
asn1_get_octet_derAPI function
asn1_get_tag_derAPI function
asn1_length_derAPI function
asn1_number_of_elementsAPI function
asn1_object_id_derAPI function
asn1_octet_derAPI function
asn1_parser2arrayAPI function
asn1_parser2treeAPI function
asn1_perrorAPI function
asn1_print_structureAPI function
asn1_read_node_valueAPI function
asn1_read_tagAPI function
asn1_read_valueAPI function
asn1_read_value_typeAPI function
asn1_strerrorAPI function
asn1_write_valueAPI function
asprintfPrint to allocated string
assertAbort the program if assertion is false
assert_perrorTest errnum and abort
assignAssign an integer value, check for truncation
asyncAsynchronous vs synchronous client applications This client library supports two modes of operation. These are referred to as s...
atanArc tangent function
atan2Arc tangent function of two variables
atan2fArc tangent function of two variables
atan2lArc tangent function of two variables
atanfArc tangent function
atanhInverse hyperbolic tangent function
atanhfInverse hyperbolic tangent function
atanhlInverse hyperbolic tangent function
atanlArc tangent function
atexitRegister a function to be called at normal process termination
atf-c++-apiC++ API to write ATF-based test programs
atf-c++C++ API to write ATF-based test programs
atf-c-apiC API to write ATF-based test programs
atf-cC API to write ATF-based test programs
atf-sh-apiPOSIX shell API to write ATF-based test programs
atf-shPOSIX shell API to write ATF-based test programs
atofConvert a string to a double
atoiConvert a string to an integer
atolConvert a string to an integer
atollConvert a string to an integer
atoqConvert a string to an integer
attemptckallocAllocate or free heap memory
attemptckreallocAllocate or free heap memory
attr_getGet the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_getfGet the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_listList the names of the user attributes of a filesystem object
attr_list_by_handleFile handle operations
attr_listfList the names of the user attributes of a filesystem object
attr_multiManipulate multiple user attributes on a filesystem object at once
attr_multi_by_handleFile handle operations
attr_multifManipulate multiple user attributes on a filesystem object at once
attr_removeRemove a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_removefRemove a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_setSet the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_setfSet the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
audit_add_rule_dataAdd new audit rule
audit_add_watchCreate a rule layout for a watch
audit_closeClose the audit netlink socket connection
audit_delete_rule_dataDelete audit rule
audit_detect_machineDetects the current machine type
audit_encode_nv_stringEncode a name/value pair in a string
audit_encode_valueEncode input string to ASCII code string
audit_flag_to_nameConvert the numeric rule-matching filter value to the rule-matching filter name
audit_fstype_to_nameConvert the numeric fstype value to the fstype name
audit_get_replyGet the audit system's reply
audit_get_sessionGet a program's login session id value
audit_getloginuidGet a program's loginuid value
audit_is_enabledJudge whether auditing is enabled or not
audit_log_acct_messageLog a user account message
audit_log_semanage_messageLog a semanage message
audit_log_user_avc_messageLog a user avc message
audit_log_user_comm_messageLog a user message from a console app
audit_log_user_commandLog a user command
audit_log_user_messageLog a general user message
audit_name_to_actionConvert the action name to the numeric action value to each other
audit_name_to_errnoConvert the errno name and the numeric errno value to each other
audit_name_to_flagConvert the rule-matching filter name to the numeric rule-matching filter value
audit_name_to_fstypeConvert the fstype name to the numeric fstype value
audit_name_to_syscallConvert the syscall name to the numeric syscall value
audit_openOpen a audit netlink socket connection
audit_request_rules_list_dataRequest list of current audit rules
audit_request_signal_infoRequest signal info for the audit system
audit_request_statusRequest status of the audit system
audit_set_backlog_limitSet the audit backlog limit
audit_set_backlog_wait_timeSet the audit backlog wait time
audit_set_enabledEnable or disable auditing
audit_set_failureSet audit failure flag
audit_set_pidSet audit daemon process ID
audit_set_rate_limitSet audit rate limit
audit_setloginuidSet a program's loginuid value
audit_syscall_to_nameConvert the numeric syscall value to the syscall name
audit_update_watch_permsUpdate permissions field of watch command
audit_value_needs_encodingCheck a string to see if it needs encoding
auparse_add_callbackAdd a callback handler for notifications
auparse_destroyRelease instance of parser
auparse_feedFeed data into parser
auparse_feed_age_eventsCheck events for complete based on time.
auparse_feed_has_dataCheck if there is any data accumulating that might need flushing.
auparse_find_fieldSearch for field name
auparse_find_field_nextFind next occurrence of field name
auparse_first_fieldReposition field cursor
auparse_first_recordReposition record cursor
auparse_flush_feedFlush any unconsumed feed data through parser.
auparse_get_field_intGet current field's value as an int
auparse_get_field_nameGet current field's name
auparse_get_field_numGet current field cursor location
auparse_get_field_strGet current field's value
auparse_get_field_typeGet current field's data type
auparse_get_filenameGet the filename where record was found
auparse_get_line_numberGet line number where record was found
auparse_get_milliGet the millisecond value of the event
auparse_get_nodeGet the event's machine node name
auparse_get_num_fieldsGet the number of fields
auparse_get_num_recordsGet the number of records
auparse_get_record_numGet current record cursor location
auparse_get_record_textAccess unparsed record data
auparse_get_serialGet the event's serial number
auparse_get_timeGet event's time
auparse_get_timestampAccess timestamp of the event
auparse_get_typeGet record's type
auparse_get_type_nameGet record's type translation
auparse_goto_field_numMove field cursor to specific field
auparse_goto_record_numMove record cursor to specific record
auparse_initInitialize an instance of the audit parsing library
auparse_interpret_fieldGet current field's interpreted value
auparse_new_bufferReplace the buffer in the parser
auparse_next_eventGet the next event
auparse_next_fieldMove field cursor
auparse_next_recordMove record cursor
auparse_node_compareCompares node name values
auparse_normalizeNormalize the current event
auparse_normalize_functionsAccess normalized fields
auparse_resetReset audit parser instance
auparse_set_eoe_timeoutSet the end of event timeout value
auparse_set_escape_modeChoose escape method
auparse_timestamp_compareCompares timestamp values
ausearch_add_expressionBuild up search expression
ausearch_add_interpreted_itemBuild up search rule
ausearch_add_itemBuild up search rule
ausearch_add_regexUse regular expression search rule
ausearch_add_timestamp_itemBuild up search rule
ausearch_add_timestamp_item_exBuild up search rule
ausearch_clearClear search parameters
ausearch_next_eventFind the next event that meets search criteria
ausearch_set_stopSet the cursor position
auth_destroyLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
authnone_createLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
authunix_createLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
authunix_create_defaultLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
auto_reconnectAutomatic Reconnect The ability for the client library to reconnect automatically in the event of a connection failure was adde...
avc_add_callbackAdditional event notification for SELinux userspace object managers
avc_cache_statsObtain userspace SELinux AVC statistics
avc_compute_createObtain SELinux label for new object
avc_context_to_sidObtain and manipulate SELinux security ID's
avc_has_permObtain and audit SELinux access decisions
avc_initLegacy userspace SELinux AVC setup
avc_netlink_loopSELinux netlink processing
avc_openUserspace SELinux AVC setup and teardown
avcallBuild a C argument list incrementally and call a C function on it.
backtraceSupport for application self-debugging
backtrace_symbolsSupport for application self-debugging
backtrace_symbols_fdSupport for application self-debugging
basenameParse pathname components
bcmpCompare byte sequences
bcopyCopy byte sequence
be16tohConvert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
be32tohConvert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
be64tohConvert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
ber_alloc_tOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_bvarray_addOpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvarray_freeOpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvdupOpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvecaddOpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvecfreeOpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvfreeOpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvstrOpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvstrdupOpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_dupbvOpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_first_elementOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_flushOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_freeOpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_get_bitstringOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_booleanOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_enumOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_intOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_nextOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_nullOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_stringaOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_stringbOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_next_elementOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_peek_tagOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_printfOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_enumOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_intOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_nullOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_ostringOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_seqOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_setOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_stringOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_scanfOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_skip_tagOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_start_setOpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_str2bvOpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
bind_textdomain_codesetSet encoding of message translations
bindresvportBind a socket to a privileged IP port
bindtextdomainSet directory containing message catalogs
bitstringBit-string manipulation macros
bs_capacityassertAssert that there are least n bytes left in the stream
bsd_signalSignal handling with BSD semantics
bsearchBinary search of a sorted array
bson_character_and_string_routinesCharacter and String Routines
bson_creatingCreating a BSON Document
bson_cross_platform_notesCross Platform Notes
bson_errorsHandling Errors
bson_get_monotonic_timeSystem Clock
bson_include_and_linkUsing libbson In Your C Program
bson_memoryMemory Management
bson_parsingParsing and Iterating BSON Documents
bson_streaming_bsonStreaming BSON
bson_versionLibbson Versioning
bstringByte string operations
bswapReverse order of bytes
bswap_16Reverse order of bytes
bswap_32Reverse order of bytes
bswap_64Reverse order of bytes
btowcConvert single byte to wide character
btreeBtree database access method
buffer_closeClose buffer
buffer_feedLow-level component of buffer_get
buffer_flushFeed buffer to write function
buffer_fromarrayInitialize buffer structure from array
buffer_frombufInitialize buffer structure from raw memory
buffer_fromsaInitialize buffer structure from stralloc
buffer_getRead binary data from buffer
buffer_get_new_token_saRead token from buffer
buffer_get_new_token_sa_predRead token from buffer
buffer_get_tokenRead token from buffer
buffer_get_token_predRead token from buffer
buffer_get_token_saRead token from buffer
buffer_get_token_sa_predRead token from buffer
buffer_getcRead one char from buffer
buffer_getlineRead line from buffer
buffer_getline_saRead line from buffer
buffer_getnRead binary data from buffer
buffer_getnewline_saRead line from buffer
buffer_initInitialize buffer structure
buffer_init_freeInitialize buffer structure
buffer_mmapreadCreate read-only memory-mapped file buffer
buffer_peekReturn pointer to string in buffer
buffer_peekcRead one char from buffer
buffer_putWrite binary data to buffer
buffer_put8longWrite an octal ASCII representation of an unsigned long integer to buffer
buffer_putalignWrite binary data to buffer
buffer_puterrorWrite error string to buffer and flush
buffer_puterror2Write error string to buffer and flush
buffer_putflushWrite binary data to buffer and flush
buffer_putlongWrite a decimal ASCII representation of a signed long integer to buffer
buffer_putlonglongWrite a decimal ASCII representation of a signed long integer to buffer
buffer_putmWrite ASCIIZ string(s) to buffer
buffer_putnlflushWrite '\n' to buffer and flush
buffer_putsWrite ASCIIZ string to buffer
buffer_putsaWrite stralloc to buffer
buffer_putsaflushWrite stralloc to buffer and flush
buffer_putsalignWrite ASCIIZ string to buffer
buffer_putsflushWrite ASCIIZ string to buffer and flush
buffer_putspaceWrite ASCII space to buffer
buffer_putulongWrite a decimal ASCII representation of an unsigned long integer to buffer
buffer_putulonglongWrite a decimal ASCII representation of a signed long integer to buffer
buffer_putxlongWrite a hexidecimal ASCII representation of an unsigned long integer to buffer
buffer_seekRemove bytes from beginning of string in buffer
buffer_tosaInitialize buffer for writing to stralloc
byte_chrSearch for a byte in a string
byte_copyCopy a string
byte_copyrCopy a string
byte_diffCompare two strings
byte_equalCompare two strings
byte_equal_notimingattackCompare two strings
byte_rchrSearch for a byte in a string
byte_startFind out if string b is prefix of string a
byte_startsFind out if a buffer starts with a string
byte_zeroInitialize a string
byteorderConvert values between host and network byte order
bzeroZero a byte string
cabsAbsolute value of a complex number
cabsfAbsolute value of a complex number
cabslAbsolute value of a complex number
cacosComplex arc cosine
cacosfComplex arc cosine
cacoshComplex arc hyperbolic cosine
cacoshfComplex arc hyperbolic cosine
cacoshlComplex arc hyperbolic cosine
cacoslComplex arc cosine
callbackClosures with variable arguments as first-class C functions
callbacksCallbacks You must not call a function from this API from within a callback otherwise a deadlock might result. The only excepti...
callocAllocate and free dynamic memory
callrpcLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
canonicalize_file_nameReturn the canonicalized absolute pathname
cap_clearCapability data object manipulation
cap_copy_extCapability state external representation translation
cap_from_textCapability state textual representation translation
cap_get_fileCapability manipulation on files
cap_get_procCapability manipulation on processes
cap_iabInheritable IAB tuple support functions
cap_initCapability data object storage management
cap_launchLibcap launch functionality
capng_applyApply the stored capabilities settings
capng_apply_caps_fd(unknown subject)
capng_capability_to_nameConvert capability integer to text
capng_change_idChange the credentials retaining capabilities
capng_clearClear chosen capabilities set
capng_fillFill chosen capabilities set
capng_get_caps_fdRead file based capabilities
capng_get_caps_processGet the capabilities from a process
capng_get_rootidGet namespace root id
capng_have_capabilitiesCheck for capabilities
capng_have_capabilityCheck for specific capability
capng_lockLock the current process capabilities settings
capng_name_to_capabilityConvert capability text to integer
capng_print_caps_numericPrint numeric values for capabilities set
capng_print_caps_textPrint names of values for capabilities set
capng_restore_stateSet the internal library state
capng_save_stateGet the internal library state
capng_set_rootidSet namespace root id
capng_setpidSet working pid
capng_updateUpdate the stored capabilities settings
capng_updatevUpdate the stored capabilities settings
cargCalculate the complex argument
cargfCalculate the complex argument
carglCalculate the complex argument
carpPrint warning diagnostic
carpsysPrint warning diagnostic
case_diffbCompare strings case-insensitively
case_diffsCompare strings case-insensitively
case_lowerbCompare strings case-insensitively
case_lowersCompare strings case-insensitively
case_startsCompare prefixes of strings case-insensitively
casinComplex arc sine
casinfComplex arc sine
casinhComplex arc sine hyperbolic
casinhfComplex arc sine hyperbolic
casinhlComplex arc sine hyperbolic
casinlComplex arc sine
catanComplex arc tangents
catanfComplex arc tangents
catanhComplex arc tangents hyperbolic
catanhfComplex arc tangents hyperbolic
catanhlComplex arc tangents hyperbolic
catanlComplex arc tangents
catcloseOpen/close a message catalog
catgetsGet message from a message catalog
catopenOpen/close a message catalog
cbc_cryptFast DES encryption
cbrtCube root function
cbrtfCube root function
cbrtlCube root function
ccosComplex cosine function
ccosfComplex cosine function
ccoshComplex hyperbolic cosine
ccoshfComplex hyperbolic cosine
ccoshlComplex hyperbolic cosine
ccoslComplex cosine function
cdb_datalenGet length of data
cdb_dataposGet position of data
cdb_findLook up a key in a constant database
cdb_firstkeyFind first physical record in constant database
cdb_freeClose a constant databased
cdb_initOpen a constant database
cdb_keylenGet length of key
cdb_keyposGet position of key
cdb_nextkeyFind next physical record in constant database
cdb_readRead bytes from a constant database
cdb_successorFind next record
cdtContainer data types
ceilCeiling function: smallest integral value not less than argument
ceilfCeiling function: smallest integral value not less than argument
ceillCeiling function: smallest integral value not less than argument
cexpComplex exponential function
cexp2Base-2 exponent of a complex number
cexp2fBase-2 exponent of a complex number
cexp2lBase-2 exponent of a complex number
cexpfComplex exponential function
cexplComplex exponential function
cfgetispeedGet and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
cfgetospeedGet and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
cfmakerawGet and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
cfreeFree allocated memory
cfsetispeedGet and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
cfsetospeedGet and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
cfsetspeedGet and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
cgraphAbstract graph library
cimagGet imaginary part of a complex number
cimagfGet imaginary part of a complex number
cimaglGet imaginary part of a complex number
circleqImplementation of a doubly linked circular queue
ck_array_bufferReturn length and pointer to array of reader-visible pointers
ck_array_commitLinearization point for mutations before commit call
ck_array_deinitDestroy and deinitialize a pointer array
ck_array_initInitialize a pointer array
ck_array_initializedIndicates whether an array was recently initialized or deinitialized
ck_array_lengthReturns the number of pointers committed to an array
ck_array_putAttempt immediate or deferred insertion of a pointer into array
ck_array_put_uniqueAttempt immediate or deferred insertion of a unique pointer into array
ck_array_removeAttempt immediate or deferred removal of a pointer from an array
ck_bitmap_baseDetermine the size of a bit array in bytes
ck_bitmap_bitsReturn number of addressable bits in bitmap
ck_bitmap_btsSet the bit at the specified index and fetch its original value
ck_bitmap_bufferReturns pointer to bit array
ck_bitmap_clearReset all bits
ck_bitmap_initInitialize a bitmap
ck_bitmap_iterator_initInitialize bitmap iterator
ck_bitmap_nextIterate to the next set bit in bitmap
ck_bitmap_resetResets the bit at the specified index
ck_bitmap_setSet the bit at the specified index
ck_bitmap_sizeReturns necessary number of bytes for bitmap
ck_bitmap_testDetermine if the bit at the specified index is set
ck_bitmap_unionGenerates union of two bitmaps
ck_brlockBig-reader locks
ck_cohortGeneralized interface for lock cohorts
ck_elideLock elision wrappers
ck_epoch_barrierBlock until a grace period and all callbacks have been dispatched
ck_epoch_beginBegin epoch-protected segment of execution
ck_epoch_callDefer function execution until a grace period
ck_epoch_endEnd epoch-protected segment of execution
ck_epoch_initInitialize epoch reclamation object
ck_epoch_pollNon-blocking poll of epoch object for dispatch cycles
ck_epoch_reclaimImmediately execute all deferred callbacks
ck_epoch_recycleReturn an epoch record that may be used by caller
ck_epoch_registerRegister a thread for epoch reclamation
ck_epoch_synchronizeBlock until a grace period has been detected
ck_epoch_unregisterUnregister a thread for epoch reclamation
ck_hs_applyApply a function to hash set value
ck_hs_countReturns number of entries in hash set
ck_hs_destroyDestroy hash set
ck_hs_fasFetch and store key in hash set
ck_hs_gcPerform maintenance on a hash set
ck_hs_getLoad a key from a hash set
ck_hs_growEnlarge hash set capacity
ck_hs_initInitialize a hash set
ck_hs_iterator_initInitialize hash set iterator
ck_hs_moveMove one from hash set to another
ck_hs_nextIterate to next entry in hash set
ck_hs_putStore unique key into a hash set
ck_hs_put_uniqueUnconditionally store unique key into a hash set
ck_hs_rebuildRebuild a hash set
ck_hs_removeRemove key from a hash set
ck_hs_resetRemove all keys from a hash set
ck_hs_reset_sizeRemove all keys from a hash set
ck_hs_setStore key into a hash set
ck_hs_statGet hash set status
ck_ht_countReturn count of key-value pairs in hash table
ck_ht_destroyImmediately destroy a hash table
ck_ht_entry_emptyDetermine whether entry contains a key-value pair
ck_ht_entry_keyReturn pointer to key as specified in hash table entry
ck_ht_entry_key_directReturn key value as specified in hash table entry
ck_ht_entry_key_lengthReturns the length of the key specified in the argument
ck_ht_entry_key_setInitialize pointer to key in hash table entry
ck_ht_entry_key_set_directInitialize key value in hash table entry
ck_ht_entry_setInitialize a key-value pair
ck_ht_entry_set_directInitialize a key-value pair
ck_ht_entry_valueReturn pointer to value as specified in hash table entry
ck_ht_entry_value_directReturn value as specified in hash table entry
ck_ht_gcPerform maintenance on a hash table
ck_ht_get_spmcLoad a key-value pair from a hash table
ck_ht_grow_spmcResize a hash table if necessary
ck_ht_hashGenerate a hash value for a hash table
ck_ht_hash_directGenerate a hash value for a hash table
ck_ht_initInitialize a hash table
ck_ht_iterator_initInitialize hash table iterator
ck_ht_nextIterate to next entry in hash table
ck_ht_put_spmcStore unique key-value pair into hash table
ck_ht_remove_spmcResize a hash table if necessary
ck_ht_reset_size_spmcRemove all entries from a hash table and reset size
ck_ht_reset_spmcRemove all entries from a hash table
ck_ht_set_spmcStore key-value pair into hash table
ck_ht_statGet hash table status
ck_pflockCentralized phase-fair reader-writer locks
ck_prConcurrency primitives interface
ck_pr_addAtomic addition operations
ck_pr_andAtomic bitwise-and operations
ck_pr_barrierCompiler optimization barrier
ck_pr_btcAtomic bit test-and-complement operations
ck_pr_btrAtomic bit test-and-reset operations
ck_pr_btsAtomic bit test-and-set operations
ck_pr_casAtomic compare-and-swap operations
ck_pr_decAtomic decrement operations
ck_pr_faaAtomic fetch-and-add operations
ck_pr_fasAtomic swap operations
ck_pr_fence_acquireEnforce acquire semantics
ck_pr_fence_atomicEnforce partial ordering of atomic read-modify-write operations
ck_pr_fence_atomic_loadEnforce ordering of atomic read-modify-write operations to load operations
ck_pr_fence_atomic_storeEnforce ordering of atomic read-modify-write operations to store operations
ck_pr_fence_loadEnforce partial ordering of load operations
ck_pr_fence_load_atomicEnforce ordering of load operations to atomic read-modify-write operations
ck_pr_fence_load_dependsData dependency barrier
ck_pr_fence_load_storeEnforce ordering of load operations to store operations
ck_pr_fence_memoryEnforce partial ordering of all memory operations
ck_pr_fence_releaseEnforce release semantics
ck_pr_fence_storeEnforce partial ordering of store operations
ck_pr_fence_store_atomicEnforce ordering of store operations to load operations
ck_pr_fence_store_loadEnforce ordering of store operations to load operations
ck_pr_incAtomic increment operations
ck_pr_loadAtomic volatile load operations
ck_pr_negAtomic negation operations
ck_pr_notAtomic complement operations
ck_pr_orAtomic bitwise-or operations
ck_pr_rtmRestricted transactional memory
ck_pr_stallBusy-wait primitive
ck_pr_storeAtomic volatile store operations
ck_pr_subAtomic subtraction operations
ck_pr_xorAtomic bitwise-xor operations
ck_queueMulti-reader single-writer singly-linked lists, singly-linked tail queues and lists
ck_rhs_applyApply a function to hash set value
ck_rhs_countReturns number of entries in hash set
ck_rhs_destroyDestroy hash set
ck_rhs_fasFetch and store key in hash set
ck_rhs_gcPerform maintenance on a hash set
ck_rhs_getLoad a key from a hash set
ck_rhs_growEnlarge hash set capacity
ck_rhs_initInitialize a hash set
ck_rhs_iterator_initInitialize hash set iterator
ck_rhs_moveMove one from hash set to another
ck_rhs_nextIterate to next entry in hash set
ck_rhs_putStore unique key into a hash set
ck_rhs_put_uniqueUnconditionally store unique key into a hash set
ck_rhs_rebuildRebuild a hash set
ck_rhs_removeRemove key from a hash set
ck_rhs_resetRemove all keys from a hash set
ck_rhs_reset_sizeRemove all keys from a hash set
ck_rhs_setStore key into a hash set
ck_rhs_statGet hash set status
ck_ring_capacityReturns number of pointer slots in bounded FIFO
ck_ring_dequeue_spmcDequeue pointer from bounded FIFO
ck_ring_dequeue_spscDequeue pointer from bounded FIFO
ck_ring_enqueue_spmcEnqueue pointer into bounded FIFO
ck_ring_enqueue_spmc_sizeEnqueue pointer into bounded FIFO and return size of buffer
ck_ring_enqueue_spscEnqueue pointer into bounded FIFO
ck_ring_enqueue_spsc_sizeEnqueue pointer into bounded FIFO and return size of buffer
ck_ring_initInitialize bounded FIFO
ck_ring_sizeReturn number of pointers enqueued in bounded FIFO
ck_ring_trydequeue_spmcDequeue from bounded FIFO and allow for spurious failure
ck_rwcohortGeneralized interface for reader-writer locks using cohort locks
ck_rwlockCentralized write-biased reader-writer locks
ck_sequenceSequence locks
ck_spinlockSpinlock implementations
ck_swlockCentralized copy-safe write-biased single-writer read-write locks
ck_tflockCentralized task-fair reader-writer locks
ckallocAllocate or free heap memory
ckfreeAllocate or free heap memory
ckreallocAllocate or free heap memory
clearenvClear the environment
clearerrCheck and reset stream status
clearerr_unlockedNonlocking stdio functions
clnt_broadcastLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_callLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_controlLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_createLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_destroyLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_freeresLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_geterrLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_pcreateerrorLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_perrnoLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_perrorLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_spcreateerrorLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_sperrnoLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_sperrorLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clntraw_createLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clnttcp_createLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clntudp_bufcreateLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clntudp_createLibrary routines for remote procedure calls
clockDetermine processor time
clock_getcpuclockidObtain ID of a process CPU-time clock
clogNatural logarithm of a complex number
clog10Base-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog10fBase-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog10lBase-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog2Base-2 logarithm of a complex number
clog2fBase-2 logarithm of a complex number
clog2lBase-2 logarithm of a complex number
clogfNatural logarithm of a complex number
cloglNatural logarithm of a complex number
closedirClose a directory
closelogSend messages to the system logger
cmarkCommonMark parsing, manipulating, and rendering
cmsgAccess ancillary data
coap_addressWork with CoAP Socket Address Types
coap_asyncWork with CoAP async support
coap_attributeWork with CoAP attributes
coap_blockWork with CoAP Blocks
coap_cacheWork with CoAP cache functions
coap_contextWork with CoAP contexts
coap_deprecatedWork with CoAP deprecated functions
coap_encryptionWork with CoAP TLS/DTLS
coap_endpoint_clientWork with CoAP client endpoints
coap_endpoint_serverWork with CoAP server endpoints
coap_handlerWork with CoAP handlers
coap_initWork with CoAP initialization
coap_ioWork with CoAP I/O to do the packet send and receives
coap_keepaliveWork with CoAP keepalive
coap_loggingWork with CoAP logging
coap_lwipWork with CoAP lwip specific API handler
coap_observeWork with CoAP observe
coap_oscoreWork with CoAP OSCORE
coap_pdu_accessAccessing CoAP PDUs
coap_pdu_setupSetting up CoAP PDUs
coap_persistWork with CoAP persist support
coap_recoveryWork with CoAP packet transmissions
coap_resourceWork with CoAP resources
coap_sessionWork with CoAP sessions
coap_stringWork with CoAP string functions
coap_tls_libraryWork with CoAP TLS libraries
coap_uriWork with CoAP URIs
coap_websocketsWork with CoAP WebSockets
com_errCommon error display routine
confstrGet configuration dependent string variables
conjCalculate the complex conjugate
conjfCalculate the complex conjugate
conjlCalculate the complex conjugate
constants.hCommon constants used in decoder and encoder API.
context_newRoutines to manipulate SELinux security contexts
copysignCopy sign of a number
copysignfCopy sign of a number
copysignlCopy sign of a number
cosCosine function
cosfCosine function
coshHyperbolic cosine function
coshfHyperbolic cosine function
coshlHyperbolic cosine function
coslCosine function
cpowComplex power function
cpowfComplex power function
cpowlComplex power function
cprojProject into Riemann Sphere
cprojfProject into Riemann Sphere
cprojlProject into Riemann Sphere
crealGet real part of a complex number
crealfGet real part of a complex number
creallGet real part of a complex number
critbit0_allprefixedSearch a critbit tree by prefix
critbit0_clearFree all memory associated with a critbit tree
critbit0_containsCheck whether a string is in the critbit tree
critbit0_deleteDelete a string from a critbit tree
critbit0_insertInsert a string into a critbit tree
cryptPassword hashing
crypt_rPassword hashing
csinComplex sine function
csinfComplex sine function
csinhComplex hyperbolic sine
csinhfComplex hyperbolic sine
csinhlComplex hyperbolic sine
csinlComplex sine function
csqrtComplex square root
csqrtfComplex square root
csqrtlComplex square root
ctanComplex tangent function
ctanfComplex tangent function
ctanhComplex hyperbolic tangent
ctanhfComplex hyperbolic tangent
ctanhlComplex hyperbolic tangent
ctanlComplex tangent function
ctermidGet controlling terminal name
ctimeTransform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ctime_rTransform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
curl_easy_cleanupEnd a libcurl easy handle
curl_easy_duphandleClone a libcurl session handle
curl_easy_escapeURL encodes the given string
curl_easy_getinfoExtract information from a curl handle
curl_easy_headerGet an HTTP header
curl_easy_initStart a libcurl easy session
curl_easy_nextheaderGet the next HTTP header
curl_easy_option_by_idFind an easy setopt option by id
curl_easy_option_by_nameFind an easy setopt option by name
curl_easy_option_nextIterate over easy setopt options
curl_easy_pausePause and unpause a connection
curl_easy_performPerform a blocking file transfer
curl_easy_recvReceives raw data on an "easy" connection
curl_easy_resetReset all options of a libcurl session handle
curl_easy_sendSends raw data over an "easy" connection
curl_easy_setoptSet options for a curl easy handle
curl_easy_strerrorReturn string describing error code
curl_easy_unescapeURL decodes the given string
curl_easy_upkeepPerform any connection upkeep checks.
curl_escapeURL encodes the given string
curl_formaddAdd a section to a multipart form POST
curl_formfreeFree a previously build multipart form post chain
curl_formgetSerialize a previously built multipart form POST chain
curl_freeReclaim memory that has been obtained through a libcurl call
curl_getdateConvert a date string to number of seconds
curl_getenvReturn value for environment name
curl_global_cleanupGlobal libcurl cleanup
curl_global_initGlobal libcurl initialization
curl_global_init_memGlobal libcurl initialization with memory callbacks
curl_global_sslsetSelect SSL backend to use with libcurl
curl_global_traceGlobal libcurl logging configuration
curl_mime_addpartAppend a new empty part to a mime structure
curl_mime_dataSet a mime part's body data from memory
curl_mime_data_cbSet a callback-based data source for a mime part's body
curl_mime_encoderSet a mime part's encoder and content transfer encoding
curl_mime_filedataSet a mime part's body data from a file contents
curl_mime_filenameSet a mime part's remote file name
curl_mime_freeFree a previously built mime structure
curl_mime_headersSet a mime part's custom headers
curl_mime_initCreate a mime handle
curl_mime_nameSet a mime part's name
curl_mime_subpartsSet sub-parts of a multipart mime part
curl_mime_typeSet a mime part's content type
curl_mprintfFormatted output conversion
curl_multi_add_handleAdd an easy handle to a multi session
curl_multi_assignSet data to associate with an internal socket
curl_multi_cleanupClose down a multi session
curl_multi_fdsetExtracts file descriptor information from a multi handle
curl_multi_get_handlesReturns all added easy handles
curl_multi_info_readRead multi stack information
curl_multi_initCreate a multi handle
curl_multi_performReads/writes available data from easy handles
curl_multi_pollPolls on all easy handles in a multi handle
curl_multi_remove_handleRemove an easy handle from a multi session
curl_multi_setoptSet options for a curl multi handle
curl_multi_socketReads/writes available data
curl_multi_socket_actionReads/writes available data given an action
curl_multi_strerrorReturn string describing error code
curl_multi_timeoutHow long to wait for action before proceeding
curl_multi_waitPolls on all easy handles in a multi handle
curl_multi_wakeupWakes up a sleeping curl_multi_poll call
curl_pushheader_bynameGet a push header by name
curl_pushheader_bynumGet a push header by index
curl_share_cleanupClean up a shared object
curl_share_initCreate a shared object
curl_share_setoptSet options for a shared object
curl_share_strerrorReturn string describing error code
curl_slist_appendAdd a string to an slist
curl_slist_free_allFree an entire curl_slist list
curl_strequalCase insensitive string comparisons
curl_unescapeURL decodes the given string
curl_urlReturns a new URL handle
curl_url_cleanupFree the URL handle
curl_url_dupDuplicate a URL handle
curl_url_getExtract a part from a URL
curl_url_setSet a URL part
curl_url_strerrorReturn string describing error code
curl_versionReturns the libcurl version string
curl_version_infoReturns runtime libcurl version info
curl_ws_metaMeta data WebSocket information
curl_ws_recvReceive WebSocket data
curl_ws_sendSend WebSocket data
cuseridGet username
cxl_newCreate a new library context object that acts as a handle for all library operations
daemonRun in the background
dane_cert_type_nameAPI function
dane_cert_usage_nameAPI function
dane_match_type_nameAPI function
dane_query_dataAPI function
dane_query_deinitAPI function
dane_query_entriesAPI function
dane_query_statusAPI function
dane_query_tlsaAPI function
dane_query_to_raw_tlsaAPI function
dane_raw_tlsaAPI function
dane_state_deinitAPI function
dane_state_initAPI function
dane_state_set_dlv_fileAPI function
dane_strerrorAPI function
dane_verification_status_printAPI function
dane_verify_crtAPI function
dane_verify_crt_rawAPI function
dane_verify_session_crtAPI function
daylightInitialize time conversion information
dbDatabase access methods
dbopenDatabase access methods
decode.hAPI for Brotli decompression.
default_storeGeneric storage of global data.
des_cryptDES encryption
des_setparityFast DES encryption
dhcpctlDhcpctl library initialization.
diePrint warning diagnostic and abort program
diesysPrint warning diagnostic and abort program
difftimeCalculate time difference
dirfdGet directory stream file descriptor
dirnameParse pathname components
dispatchThe dispatch framework
dispatch_afterSchedule blocks for deferred execution
dispatch_apiDesigning API using dispatch
dispatch_applySchedule blocks for iterative execution
dispatch_asyncSchedule blocks for execution
dispatch_data_createCreate and manipulate dispatch data objects
dispatch_group_createGroup blocks submitted to queues
dispatch_io_createOpen, close and configure dispatch I/O channels
dispatch_io_readSubmit read and write operations to dispatch I/O channels
dispatch_objectGeneral manipulation of dispatch objects
dispatch_onceExecute a block only once
dispatch_queue_createWhere blocks are scheduled for execution
dispatch_readAsynchronously read from and write to file descriptors
dispatch_semaphore_createSynchronized counting semaphore
dispatch_source_createDispatch event sources
dispatch_timeCalculate temporal milestones
divCompute quotient and remainder of an integer division
dl_iterate_phdrWalk through list of shared objects
dladdrTranslate address to symbolic information
dladdr1Translate address to symbolic information
dlcloseOpen and close a shared object
dlerrorObtain error diagnostic for functions in the dlopen API
dlinfoObtain information about a dynamically loaded object
dlmopenOpen and close a shared object
dlopenOpen and close a shared object
dlsymObtain address of a symbol in a shared object or executable
dlvsymObtain address of a symbol in a shared object or executable
dmmp_context_freeRelease the memory of struct dmmp_context.
dmmp_context_log_func_setSet log handler function.
dmmp_context_log_priority_getGet log priority.
dmmp_context_log_priority_setSet log priority.
dmmp_context_newCreate struct dmmp_context.
dmmp_context_timeout_getGet IPC timeout.
dmmp_context_timeout_setSet IPC timeout.
dmmp_context_userdata_getGet user data pointer.
dmmp_context_userdata_setSet user data pointer.
dmmp_flush_mpathFlush specified multipath device map if unused.
dmmp_last_error_msgRetrieves the last error message.
dmmp_log_priority_strConvert log priority to string.
dmmp_mpath_array_freeFree 'struct dmmp_mpath' pointer array.
dmmp_mpath_array_getQuery all existing multipath devices.
dmmp_mpath_kdev_name_getRetrieve kernel DEVNAME of certain mpath.
dmmp_mpath_name_getRetrieve name(alias) of certain mpath.
dmmp_mpath_wwid_getRetrieve WWID of certain mpath.
dmmp_path_array_getRetrieve path pointer array.
dmmp_path_blk_name_getRetrieve block name.
dmmp_path_group_array_getRetrieve path groups pointer array.
dmmp_path_group_id_getRetrieve path group ID.
dmmp_path_group_priority_getRetrieve path group priority.
dmmp_path_group_selector_getRetrieve path group selector.
dmmp_path_group_status_getRetrieve path group status.
dmmp_path_group_status_strConvert path group status to string.
dmmp_path_status_getRetrieve the path status.
dmmp_path_status_strConvert path status to string.
dmmp_reconfigInstruct multipathd daemon to do reconfiguration.
dmmp_strerrorConvert error code to string.
dn_compResolver routines
dn_expandResolver routines
dnetDumb networking library
dns_ip4Look up IPv4 addresses
dns_ip4_packetExtract IPv4 address from DNS answer packet
dns_ip4_qualifyQualify name and look up IPv4 addresses
dns_ip6Look up IPv6 addresses
dns_ip6_packetExtract IPv6 address from DNS answer packet
dns_ip6_qualifyQualify name and look up IPv6 addresses
dns_mxLook up Mail eXchanger
dns_mx_packetExtract MX records from DNS answer packet
dns_name4Look up host name
dns_name4_domainConstruct host name for reverse lookup
dns_name6Look up host name
dns_name6_domainConstruct host name for reverse lookup
dns_name_packetExtract names from DNS answer packet
dns_txtLook up TXT records
dns_txt_packetExtract TXT records from DNS answer packet
dprintfFormatted output conversion
drand48Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
drand48_rGenerate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers reentrantly
dremFloating-point remainder function
dremfFloating-point remainder function
dremlFloating-point remainder function
duoDuo authentication service
duplocaleDuplicate a locale object
dysizeGet number of days for a given year
eaccessCheck effective user's permissions for a file
ebeginColorful informational output
ebeginnColorful informational output
ebeginvColorful informational output
ebeginvnColorful informational output
ebracketColorful informational output
ecallocExit-on-failure wrapper functions
ecb_cryptFast DES encryption
ecvtConvert a floating-point number to a string
ecvt_rConvert a floating-point number to a string
edataEnd of program segments
eddsa_pk_freeFIDO2 COSE EDDSA API
eddsa_pk_from_ptrFIDO2 COSE EDDSA API
eddsa_pk_newFIDO2 COSE EDDSA API
eendColorful informational output
eendvColorful informational output
eerrorColorful informational output
eerrornColorful informational output
eerrorxColorful informational output
efi_get_variableManipulate UEFI variables
efi_variable_tUtility functions to import and export UEFI variables to files.
eindentColorful informational output
eindentvColorful informational output
einfoColorful informational output
einfonColorful informational output
einfovColorful informational output
einfovnColorful informational output
elf_beginReturn descriptor for ELF file.
elf_cloneCreate a clone of an existing ELF descriptor.
elf_getdataGet washed data of section
elf_updateUpdate an ELF descriptor
emallocExit-on-failure wrapper functions
encode.hAPI for Brotli compression.
encryptEncrypt 64-bit messages
encrypt_rEncrypt 64-bit messages
endEnd of program segments
endaliasentRead an alias entry
endfsentHandle fstab entries
endgrentGet group file entry
endhostentGet network host entry
endianConvert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
endmntentGet filesystem descriptor file entry
endnetentGet network entry
endnetgrentHandle network group entries
endprotoentGet protocol entry
endpwentGet password file entry
endrpcentGet RPC entry
endserventGet service entry
endspentGet shadow password file entry
endttyentGet ttys file entry
endusershellGet permitted user shells
endutentAccess utmp file entries
endutxentAccess utmp file entries
envzEnvironment string support
envz_addEnvironment string support
envz_entryEnvironment string support
envz_getEnvironment string support
envz_mergeEnvironment string support
envz_removeEnvironment string support
envz_stripEnvironment string support
eoutdentColorful informational output
eoutdentvColorful informational output
eprefixColorful informational output
erand48Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
erand48_rGenerate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers reentrantly
ereadExit-on-failure wrapper functions
ereallocExit-on-failure wrapper functions
erfError function
erfcComplementary error function
erfcfComplementary error function
erfclComplementary error function
erffError function
erflError function
errOpenSSL error codes
errmsg_iamTell errmsg library the name of the program
errnoNumber of last error
errorGlibc error reporting functions
error_at_lineGlibc error reporting functions
error_message_countGlibc error reporting functions
error_one_per_lineGlibc error reporting functions
error_print_prognameGlibc error reporting functions
errxFormatted error messages
es256_pk_freeFIDO2 COSE ES256 API
es256_pk_from_EC_KEYFIDO2 COSE ES256 API
es256_pk_from_EVP_PKEYFIDO2 COSE ES256 API
es256_pk_from_ptrFIDO2 COSE ES256 API
es256_pk_newFIDO2 COSE ES256 API
es256_pk_to_EVP_PKEYFIDO2 COSE ES256 API
es384_pk_freeFIDO2 COSE ES384 API
es384_pk_from_EC_KEYFIDO2 COSE ES384 API
es384_pk_from_EVP_PKEYFIDO2 COSE ES384 API
es384_pk_from_ptrFIDO2 COSE ES384 API
es384_pk_newFIDO2 COSE ES384 API
es384_pk_to_EVP_PKEYFIDO2 COSE ES384 API
esetenvExit-on-failure wrapper functions
estrdupExit-on-failure wrapper functions
etextEnd of program segments
ether_atonEthernet address manipulation routines
ether_aton_rEthernet address manipulation routines
ether_hosttonEthernet address manipulation routines
ether_lineEthernet address manipulation routines
ether_ntoaEthernet address manipulation routines
ether_ntoa_rEthernet address manipulation routines
ether_ntohostEthernet address manipulation routines
euidaccessCheck effective user's permissions for a file
evA high performance full-featured event loop written in C
eventfd_readCreate a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_writeCreate a file descriptor for event notification
ewarnColorful informational output
ewarnnColorful informational output
ewarnvColorful informational output
ewarnvnColorful informational output
ewarnxColorful informational output
ewendColorful informational output
ewendvColorful informational output
ewriteExit-on-failure wrapper functions
execExecute a file
execlExecute a file
execleExecute a file
execlpExecute a file
execvExecute a file
execvpExecute a file
execvpeExecute a file
exitCause normal process termination
expBase-e exponential function
exp10Base-10 exponential function
exp10fBase-10 exponential function
exp10lBase-10 exponential function
exp2Base-2 exponential function
exp2fBase-2 exponential function
exp2lBase-2 exponential function
expfBase-e exponential function
explBase-e exponential function
explicit_bzeroZero a byte string
expm1Exponential minus 1
expm1fExponential minus 1
expm1lExponential minus 1
exprC-like expression library
fabsAbsolute value of floating-point number
fabsfAbsolute value of floating-point number
fabslAbsolute value of floating-point number
fcft_capabilitiesAvailable optional library capabilities
fcft_cloneCopy an already instantiated font
fcft_destroyFree fcft_font objects
fcft_finiRelease global resources
fcft_from_nameInstantiate a new font
fcft_initInitialize the library
fcft_kerningCalculate kerning distance between two wide characters
fcft_log_initConfigure logging in fcft
fcft_precomposePre-compose two wide characters into one
fcft_rasterize_char_utf32Rasterize a glyph for a single UTF-32 codepoint
fcft_rasterize_grapheme_utf32Rasterize glyph(s) for a grapheme cluster
fcft_rasterize_text_run_utf32Rasterize a series of glyphs for a text string
fcft_set_emoji_presentationConfigures the default emoji presentation
fcft_set_scaling_filterConfigures the filter to use when downscaling bitmap fonts
fcft_text_run_destroyFree fcft_text_run objects
fcloseClose a stream
fcloseallClose all open streams
fcvtConvert a floating-point number to a string
fcvt_rConvert a floating-point number to a string
fd_to_handleFile handle operations
fdimPositive difference
fdimfPositive difference
fdimlPositive difference
fdopenStream open functions
fdopendirOpen a directory
feclearexceptFloating-point rounding and exception handling
fedisableexceptFloating-point rounding and exception handling
feenableexceptFloating-point rounding and exception handling
fegetenvFloating-point rounding and exception handling
fegetexceptFloating-point rounding and exception handling
fegetexceptflagFloating-point rounding and exception handling
fegetroundFloating-point rounding and exception handling
feholdexceptFloating-point rounding and exception handling
fenvFloating-point rounding and exception handling
feofCheck and reset stream status
feof_unlockedNonlocking stdio functions
feraiseexceptFloating-point rounding and exception handling
ferrorCheck and reset stream status
ferror_unlockedNonlocking stdio functions
fesetenvFloating-point rounding and exception handling
fesetexceptflagFloating-point rounding and exception handling
fesetroundFloating-point rounding and exception handling
fetestexceptFloating-point rounding and exception handling
feupdateenvFloating-point rounding and exception handling
fexecveExecute program specified via file descriptor
ffiForeign Function Interface
ffi_callInvoke a foreign function.
ffi_prep_cifPrepare a ffi_cif structure for use with ffi_call
ffi_prep_cif_varPrepare a ffi_cif structure for use with ffi_call for variadic functions.
fflushFlush a stream
fflush_unlockedNonlocking stdio functions
ffsFind first bit set in a word
ffslFind first bit set in a word
ffsllFind first bit set in a word
fgetcInput of characters and strings
fgetc_unlockedNonlocking stdio functions
fgetgrentGet group file entry
fgetgrent_rGet group file entry reentrantly
fgetposReposition a stream
fgetpwentGet password file entry
fgetpwent_rGet passwd file entry reentrantly
fgetsInput of characters and strings
fgets_unlockedNonlocking stdio functions
fgetspentGet shadow password file entry
fgetspent_rGet shadow password file entry
fgetwcRead a wide character from a FILE stream
fgetwc_unlockedNonlocking stdio functions
fgetwsRead a wide-character string from a FILE stream
fgetws_unlockedNonlocking stdio functions
fido_assert_allow_credManage allow lists in a FIDO2 assertion
fido_assert_authdata_lenFIDO2 assertion API
fido_assert_authdata_ptrFIDO2 assertion API
fido_assert_authdata_raw_lenFIDO2 assertion API
fido_assert_authdata_raw_ptrFIDO2 assertion API
fido_assert_blob_lenFIDO2 assertion API
fido_assert_blob_ptrFIDO2 assertion API
fido_assert_clientdata_hash_lenFIDO2 assertion API
fido_assert_clientdata_hash_ptrFIDO2 assertion API
fido_assert_countFIDO2 assertion API
fido_assert_empty_allow_listManage allow lists in a FIDO2 assertion
fido_assert_flagsFIDO2 assertion API
fido_assert_freeFIDO2 assertion API
fido_assert_hmac_secret_lenFIDO2 assertion API
fido_assert_hmac_secret_ptrFIDO2 assertion API