ldns_rr_rrsig_set_algorithm - get and set RRSIG RR rdata fields



ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_algorithm, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_algorithm, ldns_rr_rrsig_labels, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_labels, ldns_rr_rrsig_origttl, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_origttl, ldns_rr_rrsig_expiration, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_expiration, ldns_rr_rrsig_inception, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_inception, ldns_rr_rrsig_keytag, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_keytag, ldns_rr_rrsig_signame, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_signame, ldns_rr_rrsig_sig, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_sig − get and set RRSIG RR rdata fields


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include <ldns/ldns.h>

ldns_rdf* ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered(const ldns_rr *r);

bool ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered(ldns_rr *r, ldns_rdf *f);

ldns_rdf* ldns_rr_rrsig_algorithm(const ldns_rr *r);

bool ldns_rr_rrsig_set_algorithm(ldns_rr *r, ldns_rdf *f);

ldns_rdf* ldns_rr_rrsig_labels(const ldns_rr *r);

bool ldns_rr_rrsig_set_labels(ldns_rr *r, ldns_rdf *f);

ldns_rdf* ldns_rr_rrsig_origttl(const ldns_rr *r);

bool ldns_rr_rrsig_set_origttl(ldns_rr *r, ldns_rdf *f);

ldns_rdf* ldns_rr_rrsig_expiration(const ldns_rr *r);

bool ldns_rr_rrsig_set_expiration(ldns_rr *r, ldns_rdf *f);

ldns_rdf* ldns_rr_rrsig_inception(const ldns_rr *r);

bool ldns_rr_rrsig_set_inception(ldns_rr *r, ldns_rdf *f);

ldns_rdf* ldns_rr_rrsig_keytag(const ldns_rr *r);

bool ldns_rr_rrsig_set_keytag(ldns_rr *r, ldns_rdf *f);

ldns_rdf* ldns_rr_rrsig_signame(const ldns_rr *r);

bool ldns_rr_rrsig_set_signame(ldns_rr *r, ldns_rdf *f);

ldns_rdf* ldns_rr_rrsig_sig(const ldns_rr *r);

bool ldns_rr_rrsig_set_sig(ldns_rr *r, ldns_rdf *f);


ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered() returns the type covered of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG rr

r: the resource record
Returns a ldns_rdf* with the type covered or NULL on failure

ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered() sets the typecovered of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG rr

r: the rr to use
: the typecovered to set
Returns true on success, false otherwise

ldns_rr_rrsig_algorithm() returns the algorithm of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG RR

r: the resource record
Returns a ldns_rdf* with the algorithm or NULL on failure

ldns_rr_rrsig_set_algorithm() sets the algorithm of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG rr

r: the rr to use
: the algorithm to set
Returns true on success, false otherwise

ldns_rr_rrsig_labels() returns the number of labels of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG RR

r: the resource record
Returns a ldns_rdf* with the number of labels or NULL on failure

ldns_rr_rrsig_set_labels() sets the number of labels of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG rr

r: the rr to use
: the number of labels to set
Returns true on success, false otherwise

ldns_rr_rrsig_origttl() returns the original TTL of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG RR

r: the resource record
Returns a ldns_rdf* with the original TTL or NULL on failure

ldns_rr_rrsig_set_origttl() sets the original TTL of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG rr

r: the rr to use
: the original TTL to set
Returns true on success, false otherwise

ldns_rr_rrsig_expiration() returns the expiration time of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG RR

r: the resource record
Returns a ldns_rdf* with the expiration time or NULL on failure

ldns_rr_rrsig_set_expiration() sets the expiration date of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG rr

r: the rr to use
: the expiration date to set
Returns true on success, false otherwise

ldns_rr_rrsig_inception() returns the inception time of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG RR

r: the resource record
Returns a ldns_rdf* with the inception time or NULL on failure

ldns_rr_rrsig_set_inception() sets the inception date of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG rr

r: the rr to use
: the inception date to set
Returns true on success, false otherwise

ldns_rr_rrsig_keytag() returns the keytag of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG RR

r: the resource record
Returns a ldns_rdf* with the keytag or NULL on failure

ldns_rr_rrsig_set_keytag() sets the keytag of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG rr

r: the rr to use
: the keytag to set
Returns true on success, false otherwise

ldns_rr_rrsig_signame() returns the signers name of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG RR

r: the resource record
Returns a ldns_rdf* with the signers name or NULL on failure

ldns_rr_rrsig_set_signame() sets the signers name of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG rr

r: the rr to use
: the signers name to set
Returns true on success, false otherwise

ldns_rr_rrsig_sig() returns the signature data of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG RR

r: the resource record
Returns a ldns_rdf* with the signature data or NULL on failure

ldns_rr_rrsig_set_sig() sets the signature data of a LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG rr

r: the rr to use
: the signature data to set
Returns true on success, false otherwise


The ldns team at NLnet Labs.


Please report bugs to [email protected] or in our bugzilla at http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/bugs/index.html


Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006 NLnet Labs.

Licensed under the BSD License. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


perldoc Net::DNS, RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC4033, RFC4034 and RFC4035.


This manpage was automatically generated from the ldns source code.

Updated 2024-01-29 - jenkler.se | uex.se