mysql_stmt_attr_set - Sets attribute of a statement

Name  Synopsis  Description  Parameters  Attribute types  Notes  See Also 


mysql_stmt_attr_set − Sets attribute of a statement


#include <mysql.h>

my_bool mysql_stmt_attr_set(MYSQL_STMT * stmt,
                            enum enum_stmt_attr_type,
                            const void * attr);


Used to modify the behavior of a prepared statement. This function may be called multiple times to set several attributes. Returns zero on success, non−zero on failure.


stmt − a statement handle, which was previously allocated by mysql_stmt_init(3).

enum_stmt_attr_type − the attribute that you want to set. See below.

attr − the value to assign to the attribute

Attribute types

The enum_stmt_attr_type attribute can have one of the following values:


If you use the MYSQL_STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE option with MYSQL_CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY, a cursor is opened for the statement when you invoke mysql_stmt_execute(3). If there is already an open cursor from a previous mysql_stmt_execute(3) call, it closes the cursor before opening a new one. mysql_stmt_reset(3) also closes any open cursor before preparing the statement for re−execution.

If you open a cursor for a prepared statement it is unnecessary to call mysql_stmt_store_result(3).

mysql_stmt_free_result(3) closes any open cursor.

See Also



Updated 2024-01-29 - |