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Man pages

abstractileDraw abstract mosaic patterns of interlocking tiles
anemoneWiggling tentacles.
anemotaxisDirectional search on a plane.
animatchA match-three game with cute animals.
antinspectAnt model inspection screenhack
antmazeAnt maze walker
antspotlightAnt spotlight screenhack
apollonianDescartes Circle Theorem.
apple2Apple ][ display emulator
atlantisDraw swimming sharks, whales, and dolphins.
attractionInteractions of opposing forces
atunnelHypnotic GL tunnel journey
barcodeDraws a random sequence of barcodes for the products you enjoy
beatsCreate offset beating figures
binaryhorizonA system of path tracing particles evolves continuously.
binaryringA system of path tracing particles evolves continuously from an initial creation.
black-hole-solveUtility for solving Golf Solitaire, Black Hole Solitaire, and All in a Row Solitaire games.
blasterSimulation of space combat
blinkboxShows a ball inside a box.
blitspinRotate a bitmap in an interesting way
blocksThe fltk block attack! game
blocktubeDraws a swirling, falling tunnel of reflective slabs
boingDraws a bouncing ball like the ancient Amiga demo
boubouleDraws spinning 3D blobs
bouncingcowA happy cow on a trampoline in 3D. Moo.
boxedDraws a box full of 3D bouncing balls that explode.
boxfitFills space with a gradient of growing boxes or circles.
braidDraws random color-cycling braids around a circle
bsodBlue Screen of Death emulator
bubble3d3d rising bubbles.
bumpsMove distorting spotlight around desktop
cageEscher's impossible cage, for xscreensaver.
carouselDisplays multiple images rotating in a circular formation
ccurveSelf-similar linear fractals.
celticDraws celtic cross-stich patterns
checkersThe fltk checkers game
chkfontChecks figlet 2.0 and up font files for format errors
chompytowerA tree with teeth.
circuitAnimates a number of 3D electronic components.
cityflowWaves of boxes.
cloudlifeA cellular automaton based on Conway's Life
companioncubeA vital aparatus.
compassDraws a spinning compass.
coralSimulates coral growth, albeit somewhat slowly.
covid19The most 2020 of all screen savers.
crackbergLose your way wandering some height fields, and enjoy candy.
crumblerVoronoi divisions of a sphere.
cube21Animates the Cube 21 puzzle
cubeneticCubist 3D undulating blob.
cubestackAn endless stack of unfolding, translucent cubes.
cubestormA series of 3D boxes that fill space
cubetwistA series of nested cubes rotate and slide recursively.
cubicgridRotating 3D lattice seen from inside
cubocteversionDisplays a cuboctahedron eversion.
cwavesLanguid sinusoidal colors
cynosureGentle overlapping squares screen saver.
dangerballA 3D ball that periodically extrudes spikes. Ouch!
dbm-fc-solverMemory efficient solving of difficult to verdict Freecell deals.
decayscreenMake a screen meltdown.
decoDraw tacky 70s basement wall panelling
deepstarsScreen saver.
deluxePulsing sequence of stars, circles, and lines.
demonCellular automaton.
dgn_compNetHack dungeon compiler
discoballA dusty, dented disco ball screen saver.
discreteDiscrete map iterative function fractal systems.
distortDistort the content of the screen in interesting ways
dlbNetHack data librarian
dolphin-emu-noguiNintendo GameCube and Wii emulator
dolphin-emuNintendo GameCube and Wii emulator
driftDraws drifting recursive fractal cosmic flames
drosteScreen saver.
dymaxionmapAn animation of Buckminster Fuller's unwrapped icosahedral globe.
easyrpg-playerInterpreter for RPG Maker 2000/2003 games
endgameEndgame chess screensaver
energystreamA flow of particles which form an energy stream
engineDraws a 3D four-stroke engine.
enigmaPuzzle game reminiscent of Oxyd
epicycleDraws a point moving around a circle which moves around a cicle which...
eruptionEruption of pieces of hot volcanic rock
esperEnhance 224 to 176. Go right. Enhance 57 19. Track 45 left.
etruscanvenusDraws a 3d immersion of a Klein bottle that smoothly deforms between the Etruscan Venus surface, the Roman surface, the Boy surface surface, and the Ida surface.
euler2dTwo dimensional incompressible inviscid fluid flow.
extrusionVarious rotating extruded shapes.
fadeplotDraws a waving ribbon following a sinusoidal path.
fc-solve-board_genPrograms to generate boards to be used as input to Freecell Solver.
fc-solveAutomated solver for Freecell and related Solitiare variants
fiberlampFiber Optic Lamp
figletDisplay large characters made up of ordinary screen characters
figlistLists figlet fonts and control files
filmleaderScreen saver.
fireworkxPyrotechnic explosions eye-candy.
flameDraw weird cosmic fractals
flipflopDraws a grid of 3D squares that change positions
flipscreen3dRotates an image of the screen through 3 dimensions.
fliptextDraws pages of text whose lines transparently flip around
flowStrange attractors.
fluidballsThe physics of bouncing balls.
flurryA colorful particle system
flyingtoasters3d space-age jet-powered flying toasters (and toast)
fontglideCharacters float onto the screen to form words
fortunePrint a random, hopefully interesting, adage
freecell-solver-range-parallel-solveThe Freecell Solver utility for solving a range of Microsoft Freecell/Freecell Pro Boards
freeciv-clientThe clients for the Freeciv game
freeciv-manualGenerate HTML manual for freeciv-server(6)
freeciv-modpackCustom content installers for the Freeciv game
freeciv-ruleditFreeciv Ruleset Editor
freeciv-ruleupUpdate Freeciv rulesets
freeciv-serverThe server for the Freeciv game
freecivThe Freeciv game (overview)
frotzInterpreter for Infocom and other Z-Machine games
fuzzyflakesFalling snowflakes/flower shapes
galaxyDraws spinning galaxies
gearsDraw interlocking gears, for xscreensaver.
gen-multiple-pysol-layoutsGenerate multiple PySol / MS initial solitaire deals.
geodesicAnimates a mesh geodesic sphere.
geodesicgearsGears on the surface of a sphere.
gfluxRippling surface graphics hack
gibsonHacking the Gibson screen saver.
glblur3D radial blur texture fields
glcellsGrowing cells graphics hack
gleidescopeA tiled OpenGL kaleidescope
glhanoiOpenGL Towers of Hanoi
glitchpegGlitched image screen saver.
glknotsGenerates some twisting 3d knot patterns
glmatrixSimulates the title sequence effect of the movie
glplanetRotating 3d texture-mapped planet.
glschoolA 3D schooling simulation
glslideshowSlideshow of images using smooth zooming and fades
glsnakeOpenGL enhanced Rubik's Snake cyclewaster.
gltextDraws text spinning around in 3D
gnome-2048(unknown subject)
gnome-chessA simple chess application for GNOME
gnome-minesThe popular logic puzzle minesweeper
gnome-sudokuPuzzle game for the popular Japanese sudoku logic puzzle
gnome-taquinA sliding puzzle game for GNOME.
goopSquishy transparent oil and bubble screenhack
gravDraws a simple orbital simulation
greyneticDraw random stippled/color rectangles
halftoneSimple halftone pattern of moving mass points
haloDraw circular patterns
handsySome hands.
headroomA twitchy head.
helixDraw helical string-art patterns
hexadropShrinking hexagons.
hexstrutA grid of hexagons composed of rotating Y-shaped struts.
hextrailScreen saver.
hilbert3D Hilbert fractal.
hopalongDraw real plane fractals
hydrostatWiggly squid or jellyfish with many tentacles.
hypertorusDraws a hypertorus that rotates in 4d
hypnowheelDraws overlapping, translucent spiral patterns
ifsDraws spinning, colliding iterated-function-system images
imsmapGenerate fractal maps
interaggregateVisualize the momentary and aggregate intersections between slowly moving circles.
interferenceDecaying sinusoidal waves
intermomentaryVisualize the momentary and aggregate intersections between slowly moving circles.
introIntroduction to games
jigglypuffSave your screen by tormenting your eyes.
jigsawPermute an image like a jigsaw puzzle
juggler3dJuggling man screen saver.
juliaDraws spinning, animating julia-set fractals
kaleidescopeRotating line segments
kaleidocycleDraws twistable rings of tetrahedra
khangmanThe classical hangman game by KDE
kleinDraws a 4d Klein bottle.
kpatA highly addictive card game
kumppaSpiraling, spinning, splashes of color rush toward the screen.
lamentAnimates the Lament Configuration
lavalite3D OpenGL simulation of a Lavalite.
lcdscrubAttempt to repair burn-in on LCD screens
lev_compNetHack special levels compiler
lightsoffTurn off all the lights
lockwardRotating spinning color-cycling things
loopCellular automaton.
makedefsNetHack miscellaneous build-time functions
mapscrollerA slowly-scrolling map of a random place on Earth.
marblingMarble-like or cloud-like patterns.
mazeAn automated X11 demo repeatedly creating and solving a random maze
maze3dA 3D maze.
memscrollerScrolls a dump of its own RAM across the screen
menger3D menger gasket fractal.
metaballsDraws 2D metaballs
minetestMultiplayer infinite-world block sandbox
mirrorblobDraws a wobbly blob that distorts the image behind it.
moebiusEscher's Moebuis Strip II, with ants.
moebiusgearsDraw a moebius strip of interlocking gears.
moireDraw circular interference patterns
moire2Circular interference patterns.
moleculeDraws 3D molecular structures
morph3d3d morphing objects.
mountainRandom 3D plots that look vaguely mountainous.
munchMunching squares
mupen64plusConsole front-end for the Mupen64Plus N64 emulator
nakaginNakagin Capsule Tower screen saver.
nerverotInduces edginess in the viewer
nethackExploring The Mazes of Menace
noofDraw rotatey patterns
noseguyA little guy with a big nose wanders around being witty
openrct2-cliHeadless server mode for OpenRCT2
openrct2An open source re-implementation of “RollerCoaster Tycoon 2”.
pacmanSimulates a game of Pac-Man on a randomly-created level.
papercubeHow to fold a glueless paper cube.
pedalPretty geometric picture program
peepersFloating eyeballs.
penetrateSimulates a classic arcade shooting game
penroseDraws quasiperiodic tilings
petriSimulates mold growing in a petri dish
phosphorSimulates an old terminal with long-sustain phosphor
photopileDisplays multiple images in a periodically shuffled pile
piecewiseLots of moving circles intersecting in interesting ways.
pinionDraws a scrolling sequence of interconnected gears
pipesFill the screen with a plumbing system.
polyhedraDraws the 80 uniform polyhedra and their duals
polyominoesFill a rectangle with irregularly-shaped blocks.
polytopesDraws one of the six regular 4d polytopes rotating in 4d.
pongPong Home Video Game Emulator
prismlauncherA launcher and instance manager for Minecraft.
projectiveplaneDraws a 4d embedding of the real projective plane.
providenceEye in glory screenhack
pulsarIntersecting planes, alpha blending, fog, and textures.
pyroSimulate fireworks
qixBounce colored lines around a window
quasicrystalAperiodic plane tilings.
queensN queens screensaver
raverhoopSimulates an LED hula hoop in a dark room.
razzledazzleScreen saver.
rdbombReaction/diffusion textures
recoverRecover a NetHack game interrupted by disaster
retroarch-cg2glslShader converter.
retroarchThe reference frontend for the libretro API.
ripplesInterference patterns.
rocksAnimation of flying through an asteroid field
romanboyDraws a 3d immersion of the real projective plane that smoothly deforms between the Roman surface and the Boy surface.
rorschachSimulate ink-blot patterns
rotzoomerAnimated rotations and scalings of portions of the screen
rubikScreen saver that solves Rubik's Cube.
rubikblocksAnimates the Rubik's Mirror Blocks puzzle
sballsDraws balls spinning like crazy in GL
scooterShows a journey through space tunnel and stars
shadebobsOscillating vapor trails.
showfigfontsPrints a list of available figlet fonts
sierpinskiDraws Sierpinski triangle fractals
sierpinski3d3D Sierpinski triangle fractal.
skulloopRecursive descent into a Platonic unit skull.
skytentacles3D tentacles from the sky!
slidescreenPermute the screen image like an 8-puzzle
slipSucks your screen into a jet engine
solA collection of card games which are easy to play with the aid of a mouse.
sonarDisplay a sonar scope
speedmineSimulates speeding down a rocky mineshaft, or a funky dancing worm
sphereeversionDisplays a sphere eversion.
spheremonics3d spherical harmonic shapes.
splitflapA simulation of a split-flap electromechanical display.
splodesicK A geodesic sphere experiences a series of eruptions.
spotlightMove spotlight around desktop
sproingiesQ-Bert meets Marble Madness!
squiralSquare spirals screensaver
squirtorusHow rainbows are made.
stairsEscher's infinite staircase.
starfishRadially-symmetric throbbing colormap-hacking graphics demo
starwarsDraws a perspective text crawl, like at the beginning of the movie
stonerview3D undulating ribbons of squares.
strangeDraws strange attractors
substrateGrow crystal-like lines on a computational substrate
sudokuThe fltk sudoku game
superquadricsMorphing 3d shapes.
surfacesDraws some interesting 3d parametric surfaces.
swirlDraws swirly color-cycling patterns
tangramWatch the computer solve tangram puzzles.
tessellimageConverts an image to triangles using Delaunay tessellation.
timetunnelPlasma tunnels fade in and out
tmatrixTerminal based replica of the digital rain from The Matrix
topblockA 3D world of falling blocks that build up and up.
transpose-freecell-board.pyTranspose a Freecell/etc. layout from play-stacks in text-columns to play-stacks in text lines.
treedudeA clone of the mini-game from Superhot
triangleRandom mountains using iterative subdivision of triangles.
tronbitYes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes.
truchetDraws curved or angular Truchet patterns
twangPluck pieces of the screen
unicrudBounces a random Unicode character on the screen.
unknownpleasuresA waterfall graph of the signal from pulsar PSR B1919+21.
vermiculateTo move in a worm-like manner.
vfeedbackSimulates video feedback.
vidwhackerGrab images and apply random filters to them
vigilanceScreen saver.
voronoiDraws a randomly-colored Voronoi tessellation
wanderColorful random-walk.
webcollageA collage of random images from the World Wide Web
wesnothBattle for Wesnoth, a turn-based fantasy strategy game
wesnothdBattle for Wesnoth multiplayer network daemon
whirlwindwarpCrazy moving stars
widelandsA real-time build-up strategy game
winduprobotScreen saver.
wormholeAnimation of flying through a wormhole
xanalogtvSimulate reception on an old analog TV set
xflameDraws animated flames
xjackAll work and no play makes jack a dull boy
xlyapDisplay an array of Lyapunov exponents graphically
xmatrixSimulates the computer displays from the movie
xrayswarmSwarms with color trails.
xscreensaver-authExtensible screen saver and screen locking framework
xscreensaver-getimage-fileSelect a random image file for use by screen savers
xscreensaver-getimage-videoGrab a video still frame for use by screen savers
xscreensaver-getimageLoads a randomly-selected image onto an X11 Drawable for use by screen savers
xscreensaver-gfxExtensible screen saver and screen locking framework
xscreensaver-gl-visualFigure out which X visual to use for GL programs
xscreensaver-systemdLock the screen upon suspend, and inhibit screen-blanking during video playback.
xscreensaver-textPrints some text to stdout, for use by screen savers.
xspirographSimulates the rotation of a disk inside a circular rim
zoomWander around magnified desktop

Updated 2024-01-29 - |