svc - controls services monitored by supervise (8).



svc − controls services monitored by supervise(8).


svc [ −+=Ll12udopchaitkwxq ] services


services consists of any number of arguments, each argument naming a directory used by supervise(8).

svc applies all the options to each service in turn.



Send all subsequent signals to the parent process instead of its process group. This is the default.


Send all subsequent signals to the entire process group instead of just the parent process.


Send all subsequent signals to the running log process, if it exists.


(default) Send all subsequent signals to the main process. This may be useful for controlling both a log and main process in one shot or avoiding race conditions after using −L.


Up. If the service is not running, start it. If the service stops, restart it.


Down. If the service is running, send it a TERM signal and then a CONT signal. After it stops, do not restart it.


Once. If the service is not running, start it. Do not restart it if it stops.


Pause. Send the service a STOP signal.


Continue. Send the service a CONT signal.


Hangup. Send the service a HUP signal.


Alarm. Send the service an ALRM signal.


Interrupt. Send the service an INT signal.


Terminate. Send the service a TERM signal.


Kill. Send the service a KILL signal.


Quit. Send the service a QUIT signal.


User 1. Send the service a USR1 signal.


User 2. Send the service a USR2 signal.


Window resize. Send the service a WINCH signal.


Exit. supervise(8) will exit as soon as the service is down. If you use this option on a stable system, you’re doing something wrong; supervise(8) is designed to run forever.



If set, the named directory is used instead of supervise for the status information and control files. If $SUPERVISEDIR is an absolute path, it is suffixed with the path to s with all slashes ("/") replaced with colons (":").


envdir(8), envini(8), envuidgid(8), fghack(8), multilog(8), pgrphack(8), readproctitle(8), setlock(8), setuidgid(8), softlimit(8), supervise(8), svok(8), svscan(8), svscanboot(8), svstat(8), tai64n(8), tai64nlocal(8)

Updated 2024-01-29 - |