envini − runs another program with environment modified according to an ini file in a specified directory.
envini [ −p prefix ] f child
f is a single argument. child consists of one or more arguments.
envini sets various environment variables as specified by the ini file named f. It then runs child.
The file f is read in and parsed one line at a time.
Lines of the form [s] set a section prefix. All subsequent environment variables will have their name prefixed by s_. Prior to the first section, the prefix is empty.
Lines of the form n=v adds an environment variable named pn where p is the section prefix set above. Spaces and tabes at the start and end of the variable are removed.
All other lines are ignored.
−p prefix
Prefix all environment variable names with prefix.
envini exits 111 if it has trouble reading f, if it runs out of memory for environment variables, or if it cannot run child. Otherwise its exit code is the same as that of child.
envdir(8), envini(8), envuidgid(8), fghack(8), multilog(8), pgrphack(8), readproctitle(8), setlock(8) setuidgid(8), setuser(8), softlimit(8), supervise(8), svc(8), svok(8), svscan(8), svscanboot(8), svstat(8), tai64n(8), tai64nlocal(8)