xbps-alternatives - XBPS utility to handle alternatives


xbps-alternatives — XBPS utility to handle alternatives


xbps-alternatives [OPTIONS] MODE


The xbps-alternatives utility lists or sets the alternatives provided by installed packages. Alternatives are classified by groups, and a group contains a number of symbolic links which are applied when the group is set.

When a package is installed its alternative groups are registered in the package database (pkgdb).

When a package is removed its alternative groups are unregistered from the package database (pkgdb). If there are no more alternative groups, the package database removes the references. If there were alternative groups registered previously, the previous package is set as default provider.

−C, −-config

Specifies a path to the XBPS configuration directory. If the first character is not ’/’ then it’s a relative path of rootdir.

−d, −-debug

Enables extra debugging shown to stderr.

−g, −-group

Alternative group name to match. To be used with the set mode.

−h, −-help

Show the help message.

−r, −-rootdir dir

Specifies a full path for the target root directory.

−v, −-verbose

Enables verbose messages.

−V, −-version

Show the version information.


Only one of the following modes can be used at a time.

−l, −-list [PKG [-g group]]

Lists all current alternative groups or only from PKG, or just a specific group, if the −g −-group option is set.

−s, −-set PKG [-g group]

Set alternative groups specified by PKG or just a specific group, if the −g −-group option is set.


Default configuration directory.


Default system configuration directory.


Package files metadata.


Default package database (0.38 format). Keeps track of installed packages and properties.


Default cache directory to store downloaded binary packages.


xbps-checkvers(1), xbps-create(1), xbps-dgraph(1), xbps-digest(1), xbps-fbulk(1), xbps-fetch(1), xbps-install(1), xbps-pkgdb(1), xbps-query(1), xbps-reconfigure(1), xbps-remove(1), xbps-rindex(1), xbps-uchroot(1), xbps-uunshare(1), xbps.d(5)


Juan Romero Pardines <[email protected]>
Duncan Overbruck <[email protected]>


Probably, but I try to make this not happen. Use it under your own responsibility and enjoy your life.

Report bugs at https://github.com/void-linux/xbps/issues June 20, 2019 XBPS-ALTERNATIVES(1)

Updated 2024-01-29 - jenkler.se | uex.se