smartypants - smartypants Documentation

NAME  INTRODUCTION  Quick usage  Installation  USAGE  Attributes  Skipped HTML elements  Elements  Comments  Backslash escapes  DEVELOPMENT  Contributing  Testing  Building  Package  Documentation  Reporting  REFERENCE  smartypants module  HISTORY  SmartyPants  smartypants  CHANGES  Releases 2.0 and greater  Development  Release 2.0.0 (2016−12−28T06:18:42Z)  Releases 1.7 and greater  Release 1.8.6: 2014−07−19T11:20:52Z  Release 1.8.5: 2014−07−03T01:56:03Z  Release 1.8.4: 2014−06−29T04:39:59Z  Release 1.8.3: 2013−11−08T03:03:43Z  Release 1.8.2: 2013−08−28T11:38:42Z  Release 1.8.1: 2013−08−20T02:27:35Z  Release 1.8.0: 2013−08−18T11:47:27Z  Release 1.7.1: 2013−08−14T06:45:59Z  Release 1.7.0: 2013−08−14T05:51:20Z  Releases 1.6  Release 2009−04−21  Release 2008−12−20  Releases 1.5  Release 1.5_1.7: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 07:34:16 −0400  Release 1.5_1.6: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 07:06:40 −0400  Release 1.5_1.5: Sat, 13 Aug 2005 15:50:24 −0400  Release 1.5_1.4: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 20:24:36 −0500  Release 1.5_1.3: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 18:25:58 −0400  Release 1.5_1.2: Mon, 24 May 2004 08:14:54 −0400  Release 1.5_1.1: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 14:38:28 −0500  Release 1.5_1.0: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 08:08:35 −0500  COPYRIGHT  SmartyPants  smartypants  AUTHOR  COPYRIGHT 


smartypants − smartypants Documentation


As of 2016−12−28, smartypants is looking for new maintainer to take over, please contact project owner on Bitbucket.



smartypants is a Python fork of SmartyPants.

smartypants can perform the following transformations:

Straight quotes (" and ') into âcurlyâ quote HTML entities

Backticks−style quotes (``like this'') into âcurlyâ quote HTML entities

Dashes (−− and −−−) into en− and em−dash entities

Three consecutive dots (... or . . .) into an ellipsis entity

This means you can write, edit, and save your posts using plain old ASCII straight quotes, plain dashes, and plain dots, but your published posts (and final HTML output) will appear with smart quotes, em−dashes, and proper ellipses.

smartypants does not modify contents in some HTML element, see Skipped HTML Elements. Typically, these tags are used to display text where smart quotes and other "smart punctuation" would not be appropriate, such as source code or example markup.

Quick usage

To use it as a module:

import smartypants

text = '"SmartyPants" is smart, so is <code>smartypants</code> −− a Python port'

To use the command−line script smartypants:

echo '"SmartyPants" is smart, so is <code>smartypants</code> −− a Python port' | smartypants

Both produce:

&#8220;SmartyPants&#8221; is smart, so is <code>smartypants</code> &#8212; a Python port


smartypants package on PyPI can be installed via pip:

pip install smartypants

If you want to install latest development code, you can run:

pip install hg+


pip install hg+ssh://[email protected]/livibetter/


Typically, you import smartypants and call the smartypants.smartypants() to convert a text, for example:

import smartypants

text = '"SmartyPants" is smart, so is <code></code> −− a Python port'

It results:

&#8220;SmartyPants&#8221; is smart, so is <code></code> &#8212; a Python port


smartypants.smartypants() accepts processing attributes, which tells it what need to be converted.


smartypants.Attr for a list of attributes.

To use these attributes, simply using bitwise OR operator, that is A | B:

from smartypants import Attr

attrs = Attr.q | Attr.d
smartypants.smartypants(text, attrs)

attrs = Attr.set1 | Attr.w
smartypants.smartypants(text, attrs)

Skipped HTML elements


By default, there are a few HTML elements that smartypants.smartypants() do not try to be smart with them:

tags_to_skip = ['pre', 'samp', 'code', 'tt', 'kbd', 'script', 'style', 'math']

If you need to change, for example, adding additional tags and remove one of them:

>>> from smartypants import tags_to_skip as tags
>>> tags.append('a')
>>> tags.remove('code')
>>> tags
['pre', 'samp', 'tt', 'kbd', 'script', 'style', 'math', 'a']

The smartypants.tags_to_skip is compiled into a regular expression for being used by smartypants.smartypants(). You could actually overwrite smartypants._tags_to_skip_regex() and return with your own regular expression.


HTML comments are always skipped since they are not rendered in browsers.

>>> from smartypants import smartypants as sp
>>> print(sp('<!−− <span>"foobar"</span> −−>'))
<!−− <span>"foobar"</span> −−>


Beware of −−, which should not or must not be in a HTML comment.

>>> from smartypants import smartypants as sp
>>> print(sp('<!−− <span>"foo−−bar"</span> −−>'))
<!&#8212; <span>&#8221;foo&#8212;bar&#8221;</span> &#8212;>

Backslash escapes

If you need to use literal straight quotes (or plain hyphens and periods), for example, text like 6'2" may become 6â2â. To avoid such situation, you can use backslash escapes like 6\'2\".


smartypants.process_escapes() for a complete list of backslash escapes.


smartypants is hosted on Bitbucket, you can clone the repository or file an issue report from there.


You are welcome to contribute whatever you can. Coding, documenting, reporting issues, requesting features, even correcting typos.


If you want to contribute to the source code, be sure that you check your modification can pass tests. Normally, if you use Unix−like system, you should be able to run all tests with:

make test

It will test DOC8, PEP8, pyflakes, unittest, and package installation:

make test_isort
make test_doc8
make test_pep8
make test_pyflakes
make test_test
make test_setup


They will all be tested with both Python 2 and Python 3. You may need to override PY2_CMD and/or PY3_CMD.

If make isn't available, can be used:

python isort
python pep8
python pyflakes
python test

For manual package installation test:

python sdist
pip install −−user −−upgrade dist/smartypants−<x.y.z>.tar.gz



You should be able to build the package with either of:



make builds source tarball, zip, and win32 setup.


python sdist


You should be able to build the documentation with either of:

make doc


python build_sphinx


Please head over to Issues and create an issue for a bug report or feature request.


smartypants module

smartypants() is the core of smartypants module.
smartypants.Attr = <smartypants._Attr object>

Processing attributes, which tells smartypants() what to convert



class smartypants._Attr

class for instantiation of module attribute Attr.

B = 6

flag for double quotes (``backticks'') and single quotes (`single') to curly ones.


convert_backticks() and convert_single_backticks()

D = 24

flag for old−school typewriter dashes (−−) to en−dashes and dashes (−−−) to em−dashes.



b = 2

flag for double quotes (``backticks'') to curly ones.



d = 8

flag for dashes (−−) to em−dashes.



property default

Default value of attributes, same value as set1

e = 64

flag for dashes (...) to ellipses.



h = 512

Output HTML named entities instead of numeric character references, for example, from &#8220; to &ldquo;.



i = 40

flag for inverted old−school typewriter dashes (−−) to em−dashes and dashes (−−−) to en−dashes.



q = 1

flag for normal quotes (") and (') to curly ones.



s = 768

Output ASCII equivalents instead of numeric character references, for example, from &#8212; to −−.



set0 = 0

suppress all transformations. (Do nothing.)

set1 = 75

equivalent to q | b | d | e

set2 = 91

equivalent to q | b | D | e

For old school en− and em− dash.

set3 = 107

equivalent to q | b | i | e

For inverted old school en & em− dash."

u = 256

Output Unicode characters instead of numeric character references, for example, from &#8220; to left double quotation mark (â) (U+201C).



w = 128

flag for dashes (&quot;) to ASCII double quotes (").

This should be of no interest to most people, but of particular interest to anyone who writes their posts using Dreamweaver, as Dreamweaver inexplicably uses this entity to represent a literal double−quote character. SmartyPants only educates normal quotes, not entities (because ordinarily, entities are used for the explicit purpose of representing the specific character they represent). The "w" option must be used in conjunction with one (or both) of the other quote options ("q" or "b"). Thus, if you wish to apply all SmartyPants transformations (quotes, en− and em−dashes, and ellipses) and also convert &quot; entities into regular quotes so SmartyPants can educate them.


Convert a list of skipped tags into regular expression

The default tags are tags_to_skip.

>>> f = _tags_to_skip_regex
>>> print(f(['foo', 'bar']).pattern)


Reference to an array of the tokens comprising the input string. Each token is either a tag (possibly with nested, tags contained therein, such as <a href="<MTFoo>">, or a run of text between tags. Each element of the array is a two−element array; the first is either 'tag' or 'text'; the second is the actual value.

Based on the _tokenize() subroutine from Brad Choate's MTRegex plugin.


Convert ``backticks''−style double quotes in text into HTML curly quote entities.

>>> print(convert_backticks("``Isn't this fun?''"))
&#8220;Isn't this fun?&#8221;


Convert −− in text into em−dash HTML entities.

>>> quote = 'Nothing endures but change. −− Heraclitus'
>>> print(convert_dashes(quote))
Nothing endures but change. &#8212; Heraclitus


Convert −− and −−− in text into en−dash and em−dash HTML entities, respectively.

>>> quote = 'Life itself is the proper binge. −−− Julia Child (1912−−2004)'
>>> print(convert_dashes_oldschool(quote))
Life itself is the proper binge. &#8212; Julia Child (1912&#8211;2004)


Convert −− and −−− in text into em−dash and en−dash HTML entities, respectively.

Two reasons why:

First, unlike the en− and em−dash syntax supported by convert_dashes_oldschool(), it's compatible with existing entries written before SmartyPants 1.1, back when −− was only used for em−dashes.

Second, em−dashes are more common than en−dashes, and so it sort of makes sense that the shortcut should be shorter to type. (Thanks to Aaron Swartz for the idea.)

>>> quote = 'Dare to be naïve. −− Buckminster Fuller (1895−−−1983)'
>>> print(convert_dashes_oldschool_inverted(quote))
Dare to be naïve. &#8212; Buckminster Fuller (1895&#8211;1983)


Convert ... in text into ellipsis HTML entities

>>> print(convert_ellipses('Huh...?'))

smartypants.convert_entities(text, mode)

Convert numeric character references to, if mode is

0: Unicode characters

1: HTML named entities

2: ASCII equivalents

>>> print(convert_entities('&#8216;', 0))
>>> print(convert_entities('&#8216;SmartyPants&#8217;', 1))
>>> print(convert_entities('&#8220;Hello &#8212; world.&#8221;', 2))
"Hello −− world."


Convert quotes in text into HTML curly quote entities.

>>> print(convert_quotes('"Isn\'t this fun?"'))
&#8220;Isn&#8217;t this fun?&#8221;


Convert `backticks'−style single quotes in text into HTML curly quote entities.

>>> print(convert_single_backticks("`Isn't this fun?'"))
&#8216;Isn&#8217;t this fun?&#8217;


Processe the following backslash escape sequences in text. This is useful if you want to force a "dumb" quote or other character to appear.

>>> print(process_escapes(r'\\'))
>>> print(smartypants(r'"smarty" \"pants\"'))
&#8220;smarty&#8221; &#34;pants&#34;

smartypants.smartypants(text, attr=None)

SmartyPants function

>>> print(smartypants('"foo" −− bar'))
&#8220;foo&#8221; &#8212; bar
>>> print(smartypants('"foo" −− bar', Attr.d))
"foo" &#8212; bar

smartypants.tags_to_skip = ['pre', 'samp', 'code', 'tt', 'kbd',
'script', 'style', 'math']

Skipped HTML elements


Skipped HTML elements


For changelog, please see Changes.


Perl SmartyPants or original SmartyPants.

In 2002, John Gruber started the SmartyPants for Movable Type, written in Perl.

Rael Dornfest ported SmartyPants to Blosxom. Portions of the SmartyPants are based on Brad Choate's nifty MTRegex plug−in. Jeremy Hedley and Charles Wiltgen deserve mention for exemplary beta testing of SmartyPants., Python [port of] SmartyPants.

In 2004, Chad Miller ported it to Python to use with Pyblosxom.

Brad Choate also contributed a few bits of source code to the Python port. Brad Choate is a fine hacker indeed. It was later packaged for PyPI by Hao Lian.


smartypants, Python [fork of] SmartyPants.

Since August 2013, smartypants has been managed by Yu−Jie Lin after contacted Chad Miller and Hao Lian. Lin took over the project manager role and the package ownership on PyPI. It has since then also officially supported Python 3.

At this point, smartpants is heading towards as a fork of SmartyPants. The ".py" part is dropped from the project name, ".py" or "port" sometimes is still used. For instance, to avoid confused with SmartyPants.

Nevertheless, the project name is smartypants.



Releases without timestamps mean they will be released in the future.

Development means it's current changes in development repository.

Releases 2.0 and greater


use re.match instead of to improve performance on large strings

Release 2.0.0 (2016−12−28T06:18:42Z)

drop Pyblosxom support

drop str−type attr

use Attr.default instead of default_smartypants_attr

drop fooBarXyz functions, such as smartyPants, educateQuotes, and processEscapes

add Attr.u and Attr.h for Unicode characters and HTML named entities outputs, respectively. The stupefy_entities has become convert_entities to support all three types of conversions. (#6)


do not build bdist_wininst −−plat−name win32 per PEP 527#bdist−dmg−bdist−msi−and−bdist−wininst

do not make sdist −−format=zip, it would get a duplicate warning on PyPI

test packages build in test_setup target

rename target install_test to test_setup

Releases 1.7 and greater

Release 1.8.6: 2014−07−19T11:20:52Z


add LC_ALL=C test for locale setting on wrt #5

change virtualenv invocation method in install_test target

fix UnicodeDecodeError on opening, which includes Unicode characters, when running with Python 3 and specific locales (#5, patch by Benoît Monin)

Release 1.8.5: 2014−07−03T01:56:03Z

fix requirement of Wheel, now optional (#4)

Release 1.8.4: 2014−06−29T04:39:59Z

add missing COPYING and CHANGES.rst to package (#3)

add bdist_wheel to the building process for Python Wheel format

add test_doc8 target

fix install_test on missing of Wheel package

fix argparse version option breaks CLI on Python 3

Release 1.8.3: 2013−11−08T03:03:43Z

fix _tokenize can not handle HTML comment properly

This fix includes pull request #1 with modification for handling −− appears in a comment, which makes the comment not a comment

Release 1.8.2: 2013−08−28T11:38:42Z

deprecate fooBarXyz functions, such as educateQuotes and processEscapes

fix −−− being converted in educateDashes

The Perl doesn't do such, and it's possibly a mistaken in version v1.5_1.5 (eed4a8a16f11)

If you want the same behavior with default attributes, you need to use Attr.q | Attr.b | Attr.i | Attr.e

add build_sphinx and upload_sphinx commands


add doc for documentation generation

add upload_doc for uploading to PyPI

add clean for cleaning up built files

add documentation generation

Release 1.8.1: 2013−08−20T02:27:35Z

fix deprecated smartyPants returns nothing (#2)

add test file for deprecated stuff

Release 1.8.0: 2013−08−18T11:47:27Z

deprecate str−type attr with:

redesign attr input with new Attr object

"−1" now is Attr.s ("s")

_str_attr_to_int() to handle str−type before the removal

deprecate function name smartyPants, now smartypants

remove tags_to_skip_regex and add tags_to_skip as a list of skipped HTML with a helper function to compile a regular expression


add −−version

add −−skip for skipped elements

add Makefile:

test_pep8, test_pyflakes, and test_test (unittest) targets

install_test target for checking package installation

test target for all tests above

add style, samp, and tt to be skipped HTML elements

Release 1.7.1: 2013−08−14T06:45:59Z

fix README−PyPI.rst missing while installing

Release 1.7.0: 2013−08−14T05:51:20Z

deprecate Pyblosxom support

remove HBS language translation added in 1.5_1.7.

fix convert_quot always enabled

It was always turned on. To have same effect of previous 1 attr, equivalent attrs are qbdew. Now 1 means qbde

add Python 3 support

add unittest and checks

add CLI script

Releases 1.6

The following releases were made by Hao Lian:

Release 2009−04−21 exactly the same as 1.5_1.6

Release 2008−12−20 exactly the same as 1.5_1.6

Releases 1.5

The following releases were made by Chad Miller:

Release 1.5_1.7: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 07:34:16 −0400

Add HBS language translation. Patch by by Vera Djuraskovic from

Add Python3 support

Release 1.5_1.6: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 07:06:40 −0400

Fixed bug where blocks of precious unalterable text was instead interpreted. Thanks to Le Roux and Dirk van Oosterbosch

Release 1.5_1.5: Sat, 13 Aug 2005 15:50:24 −0400

Fix bogus magical quotation when there is no hint that the user wants it, e.g., in "21st century". Thanks to Nathan Hamblen

Be smarter about quotes before terminating numbers in an en−dash'ed range

Release 1.5_1.4: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 20:24:36 −0500

Fix a date−processing bug, as reported by jacob childress

Begin a test−suite for ensuring correct output

Removed import of "string", since I didn't really need it (This was my first every Python program. Sue me!)

Release 1.5_1.3: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 18:25:58 −0400

Abort processing if the flavour is in forbidden−list. Default of [ "rss" ] (Idea of Wolfgang SCHNERRING.)

Remove stray virgules from en−dashes. Patch by Wolfgang SCHNERRING

Release 1.5_1.2: Mon, 24 May 2004 08:14:54 −0400

Some single quotes weren't replaced properly. Diff−tesuji played by Benjamin GEIGER

Release 1.5_1.1: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 14:38:28 −0500

Support upcoming pyblosxom 0.9 plugin verification feature

Release 1.5_1.0: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 08:08:35 −0500

Initial release



Copyright (c) 2003 John Gruber
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are

*   Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

*   Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
  the documentation and/or other materials provided with the

*   Neither the name "SmartyPants" nor the names of its contributors
  may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
  software without specific prior written permission.

This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as
is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited
to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright
owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not
limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use,
data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any
theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort
(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use
of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.


smartypants is a derivative work of SmartyPants.

Copyright (c) 2017, Leo Hemsted
Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Yu−Jie Lin
Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2013 Chad Miller

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are

*   Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

*   Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
  the documentation and/or other materials provided with the

This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as
is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited
to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright
owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not
limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use,
data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any
theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort
(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use
of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.


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Yu-Jie Lin


2023, Yu-Jie Lin

Updated 2024-01-29 - |