podman-manifest - Create and manipulate manifest lists and image indexes

NAME  SYNOPSIS  DESCRIPTION  SUBCOMMANDS  EXAMPLES  Building a multi-arch manifest list from a Containerfile  Assembling a multi-arch manifest from separately built images  Removing and tagging a manifest list before pushing  SEE ALSO 


podman-manifest - Create and manipulate manifest lists and image indexes


podman manifest subcommand


The podman manifest command provides subcommands which can be used to:

* Create a working Docker manifest list or OCI image index.



Building a multi-arch manifest list from a Containerfile

Assuming the Containerfile uses RUN instructions, the host needs a way to execute non-native binaries. Configuring this is beyond the scope of this example. Building a multi-arch manifest list shazam in parallel across 4-threads can be done like this:

$ platarch=linux/amd64,linux/ppc64le,linux/arm64,linux/s390x
$ podman build --jobs=4 --platform=$platarch --manifest shazam .

Note: The --jobs argument is optional. Do not use the podman build command’s --tag (or -t) option when building a multi-arch manifest list.

Assembling a multi-arch manifest from separately built images

Assuming example.com/example/shazam:$arch images are built separately on other hosts and pushed to the example.com registry. They may be combined into a manifest list, and pushed using a simple loop:

$ REPO=example.com/example/shazam
$ podman manifest create $REPO:latest
$ for IMGTAG in amd64 s390x ppc64le arm64; do
podman manifest add $REPO:latest docker://$REPO:IMGTAG;
$ podman manifest push --all $REPO:latest

Note: The add instruction argument order is <manifest> then <image>. Also, the --all push option is required to ensure all contents are pushed, not just the native platform/arch.

Removing and tagging a manifest list before pushing

Special care is needed when removing and pushing manifest lists, as opposed to the contents. You almost always want to use the manifest rm and manifest push --all subcommands. For example, a rename and push can be performed like this:

$ podman tag localhost/shazam example.com/example/shazam
$ podman manifest rm localhost/shazam
$ podman manifest push --all example.com/example/shazam


podman(1), podman-manifest-add(1), podman-manifest-annotate(1), podman-manifest-create(1), podman-manifest-inspect(1), podman-manifest-push(1), podman-manifest-remove(1)

Updated 2024-01-29 - jenkler.se | uex.se