owhttpd − Tiny webserver for 1-wire control
owhttpd −p tcp-port
owhttpd (1) is a small webserver that shows the Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire bus attached to a serial port. The main view shows the devices found, You can then navigate to individual devices, and view/alter their properties.
owhttpd (1) uses the same naming convention as owfs (1) , where the URL corresponds to the filename.
The web server is a modified version of chttpd by Greg Olszewski. It serves no files from the disk, only virtual files from the 1-wire bus. Security should therefore be good. Only the 1-wire bus is at risk.
Sets the tcp port the web server runs on. Access with the URL http://servernameoripaddress:portnum
If no port is specified, an ephemeral port is selected by the operating system. Use zeroconf (Bonjour) to discover the assigned port.
owhttpd −p 3001 −d /dev/ttyS0
Web server runs on tcp port 3001, serial adapter at ttyS0
owhttpd −p 3001 −s littlehost:4304 −−error_level=3
Web server on port 3001, from owserver process on host "littlehost", extensive error messages.
owhttpd −p 3001 −u −u2 −r
Read-only web server on port 3001, using two usb adapters.
Paul Alfille ([email protected])