owftpd − Anoymous FTP server for 1-wire access
owftpd [ −p host:tcp-port ]
owhttpd (1) is an anonymous ftp (file-transfer-protocol) server that shows the Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire bus attached to a computer. The main directory shows the devices found, You can then navigate to individual devices, view and set their properties.
owftpd (1) uses the same naming convention as owfs (1) and owhppt (1) , where the URL corresponds to the filename.
The ftp server is a modified version of oftpd by Shane Kerr. It serves no files from the disk, only virtual files from the 1-wire bus. Security should therefore be good. Only the 1-wire bus is at risk.
(Optional) Sets the tcp port the ftp server runs on. Access with the URL ftp://anonymous@servernameoripaddress:portnum
The well known ftp port, 21, will be used by default. Since this port number is in the restricted range, special permission is usually required.
owftpd −d /dev/ttyS0
Ftp server runs on default tcp port 21, serial adapter at ttyS0
owftpd −s littlehost:4304 −−error_level=3
Ftp server on default port 21, from owserver (1) process on host "littlehost", extensive error messages.
Paul Alfille ([email protected])