openmpt123 - command line module music player based on libopenmpt
openmpt123 [options] [--] file1 [file2] ...
openmpt123 v0.7.3, libopenmpt 0.7.3+r19618 (OpenMPT−0.7.3@19618 (2023−09−09T11:29:35.564177Z) clean) Copyright © 2013−2023 OpenMPT Project Developers and Contributors <>
openmpt123 plays module music files.
−h, −−help
Show help
Show keyboard hotkeys in ui mode
−q, −−quiet
Suppress non−error screen output
−v, −−verbose
Show more screen output
Show version information and exit
Show version number and nothing else
Show long version information and exit
Show elaborate contributors list
Show license
Probe each file whether it is a supported file format
−−info |
Display information about each file |
−−ui |
Interactively play each file |
Play each file
Render each file to individual PCM data files
−−banner n
openmpt123 banner style [0=hide,1=show,2=verbose] [default: 1]
Skip checking whether stdin/stderr are a terminal, and always allow UI [default: 0]
−−terminal−width n
Assume terminal is n characters wide [default: 72]
−−terminal−height n
Assume terminal is n characters high [default: 23]
Show playback progress [default: 1]
Show peak meters [default: 1]
Show channel peak meters (EXPERIMENTAL) [default: 0]
Show pattern (EXPERIMENTAL) [default: 0]
Show song details [default: 1]
Show song message [default: 0]
−−update n
Set output update interval to n ms [default: −1]
−−samplerate n
Set samplerate to n Hz [default: 48000]
−−channels n
use n [1,2,4] output channels [default: 2]
Output 32bit floating point instead of 16bit integer [default: 1]
−−gain n
Set output gain to n dB [default: 0]
−−stereo n
Set stereo separation to n % [default: 100]
−−filter n
Set interpolation filter taps to n [1,2,4,8] [default: 8]
−−ramping n
Set volume ramping strength n [0..5] [default: −1]
−−tempo f
Set tempo factor f [default: 1]
−−pitch f
Set pitch factor f [default: 1]
−−dither n
Dither type to use (if applicable for selected output format): [0=off,1=auto,2=0.5bit,3=1bit] [default: 1]
−−playlist file
Load playlist from file
Randomize playlist [default: 0]
Shuffle through playlist [default: 0]
Restart playlist when finished [default: 0]
−−subsong n
Select subsong n (−1 means play all subsongs consecutively) [default: −1]
−−repeat n
Repeat song n times (−1 means forever) [default: 0]
−−seek n
Seek to n seconds on start [default: 0]
−−end−time n
Play until position is n seconds (0 means until the end) [default: 0]
−−ctl c=v
Set libopenmpt ctl c to value v
−−driver n
Set output driver [default: default],
−−device n
Set output device [default: default], use −−device help to show available devices
−−buffer n
Set output buffer size to n ms [default: −1]
−−period n
Set output period size to n ms [default: −1]
Write raw audio data to stdout [default: 0]
−−output−type t
Use output format t when writing to a individual PCM files (only applies to −−render mode) [default: auto]
−o, −−output f
Write PCM output to file f instead of streaming to audio device (only applies to −−ui and −−batch modes) [default: ]
Force overwriting of output file [default: 0]
−− |
Interpret further arguments as filenames |
Keyboard hotkeys (use ’openmpt123 −−ui’):
[q] |
quit |
[ ] |
pause / unpause |
[N] |
skip 10 files backward |
[n] |
prev file |
[m] |
next file |
[M] |
skip 10 files forward |
[h] |
seek 10 seconds backward |
[j] |
seek 1 seconds backward |
[k] |
seek 1 seconds forward |
[l] |
seek 10 seconds forward |
+/− tempo
+/− pitch
+/− gain
+/− stereo separation
+/− filter taps
+/− volume ramping
Copyright © 2013−2023 OpenMPT Project Developers and Contributors <>