mprof_merge_runs − Mercury profiling utility
mprof_merge_runs merges the profiling data from different runs of a profiled Mercury program, for use by ‘mprof’.
First, compile with profiling enabled:
mmc −−profiling my_program
Then, collect the profiling data:
args for first run
./my_program args for second run
./my_program args for third run
Finally, display the profile:
mprof −c | more
Note: If you just want to run your program N times with the same arguments, a simpler way of achieving this is to instead use the ‘−r<N>’ ("repeat N times") option to the Mercury runtime, which you can pass by setting the environment variable MERCURY_OPTIONS, e.g.
env MERCURY_OPTIONS=−r100 ./my_program
mprof_merge_runs is one of the development tools that are part of the Mercury distribution.
This manual page is limited to a brief summary. For further information see the Mercury User’s Guide.
−h, −−help
Print this help message.
The Mercury team.
This program and its documentation are copyright by the University of Melbourne and the Mercury team. They may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General Public License − see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
The Mercury User’s Guide.