miniserve − For when you really just want to serve some files over HTTP right now!
miniserve [−v|−−verbose] [−−index] [−−spa] [−p|−−port] [−i|−−interfaces] [−a|−−auth] [−−route−prefix] [−−random−route] [−P|−−no−symlinks] [−H|−−hidden] [−c|−−color−scheme] [−d|−−color−scheme−dark] [−q|−−qrcode] [−u|−−upload−files] [−U|−−mkdir] [−m|−−media−type] [−M|−−raw−media−type] [−o|−−overwrite−files] [−r|−−enable−tar] [−g|−−enable−tar−gz] [−z|−−enable−zip] [−D|−−dirs−first] [−t|−−title] [−−header] [−l|−−show−symlink−info] [−F|−−hide−version−footer] [−−hide−theme−selector] [−W|−−show−wget−footer] [−−print−completions] [−−print−manpage] [−−tls−cert] [−−tls−key] [−−readme] [−h|−−help] [−V|−−version] [PATH]
For when you really just want to serve some files over HTTP right now!
−v, −−verbose
Be verbose, includes emitting
access logs
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_VERBOSE
environment variable.
The name of a directory index file to serve, like "index.html"
Normally, when
miniserve serves a directory, it creates a listing for that
directory. However, if a directory contains this file,
miniserve will serve that file instead.
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_INDEX
environment variable.
−−spa |
Activate SPA (Single Page Application) mode |
This will cause
the file given by −−index to be served for all
non−existing file paths. In effect, this will serve
the index file whenever a 404 would otherwise occur in order
to allow the SPA router to handle the request instead.
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_SPA
environment variable.
−p, −−port=PORT [default: 8080]
Port to use
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_PORT
environment variable.
−i, −−interfaces=INTERFACES
Interface to listen on
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_INTERFACE
environment variable.
−a, −−auth=AUTH
Set authentication. Currently
supported formats: username:password, username:sha256:hash,
username:sha512:hash (e.g. joe:123,
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_AUTH
environment variable.
Use a specific route prefix
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_ROUTE_PREFIX
environment variable.
Generate a random
6−hexdigit route
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_RANDOM_ROUTE
environment variable.
−P, −−no−symlinks
Hide symlinks in listing and
prevent them from being followed
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_NO_SYMLINKS
environment variable.
−H, −−hidden
Show hidden files
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_HIDDEN
environment variable.
−c, −−color−scheme=COLOR_SCHEME [default: squirrel]
Default color scheme
values: squirrel, archlinux, zenburn, monokai]
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_COLOR_SCHEME
environment variable.
−d, −−color−scheme−dark=COLOR_SCHEME_DARK [default: archlinux]
Default color scheme
values: squirrel, archlinux, zenburn, monokai]
May also be specified with the
MINISERVE_COLOR_SCHEME_DARK environment variable.
−q, −−qrcode
Enable QR code display
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_QRCODE
environment variable.
−u, −−upload−files=ALLOWED_UPLOAD_DIR
Enable file uploading (and
optionally specify for which directory)
May also be specified with the
−U, −−mkdir
Enable creating directories
May also be specified with the
MINISERVE_MKDIR_ENABLED environment variable.
−m, −−media−type=MEDIA_TYPE
Specify uploadable media types
values: image, audio, video]
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_MEDIA_TYPE
environment variable.
−M, −−raw−media−type=MEDIA_TYPE_RAW
Directly specify the uploadable
media type expression
May also be specified with the
MINISERVE_RAW_MEDIA_TYPE environment variable.
−o, −−overwrite−files
Enable overriding existing
files during file upload
May also be specified with the OVERWRITE_FILES
environment variable.
−r, −−enable−tar
Enable uncompressed tar archive
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_ENABLE_TAR
environment variable.
−g, −−enable−tar−gz
Enable gz−compressed tar
archive generation
May also be specified with the
MINISERVE_ENABLE_TAR_GZ environment variable.
−z, −−enable−zip
Enable zip archive generation
Zipping large directories can result in
out−of−memory exception because zip generation
is done in memory and cannot be sent on the fly
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_ENABLE_ZIP
environment variable.
−D, −−dirs−first
List directories first
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_DIRS_FIRST
environment variable.
−t, −−title=TITLE
Shown instead of host in page
title and heading
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_TITLE
environment variable.
Set custom header for responses
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_HEADER
environment variable.
−l, −−show−symlink−info
Visualize symlinks in directory
May also be specified with the
MINISERVE_SHOW_SYMLINK_INFO environment variable.
−F, −−hide−version−footer
Hide version footer
May also be specified with the
Hide theme selector
May also be specified with the
−W, −−show−wget−footer
If enabled, display a wget
command to recursively download the current directory
May also be specified with the
MINISERVE_SHOW_WGET_FOOTER environment variable.
Generate completion file for a shell
[possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]
Generate man page
TLS certificate to use
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_TLS_CERT
environment variable.
TLS private key to use
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_TLS_KEY
environment variable.
Enable rendering in
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_README
environment variable.
−h, −−help
Print help (see a summary with '−h')
−V, −−version
Print version
[PATH] |
Which path to serve |
May also be specified with the MINISERVE_PATH environment variable.
Sven−Hendrik Haase <[email protected]>, Boastful Squirrel <[email protected]>