lxc-checkpoint − checkpoint a container
lxc-checkpoint {-n name} {-D PATH} [-r] [-s] [-v] [-d] [-F]
lxc-checkpoint checkpoints and restores containers.
−r, −−restore
Restore the checkpoint for the container, instead of dumping it. This option is incompatible with −s.
−D PATH, −−checkpoint−dir=PATH
The directory to dump the checkpoint metadata.
−s, −−stop
Optionally stop the container after dumping. This option is incompatible with −r.
−v, −−verbose
Enable verbose criu logging.
−d, −−daemon
Restore the container in the background (this is the default). Only available when providing −r.
−F, −−foreground
Restore the container in the foreground. Only available when providing −r.
These options
are common to most of lxc commands.
−?, −h, −−help
Print a longer usage message than normal.
Give the usage message
−q, −−quiet
mute on
−P, −−lxcpath=PATH
Use an alternate container path. The default is /var/lib/lxc.
−o, −−logfile=FILE
Output to an alternate log FILE. The default is no log.
−l, −−logpriority=LEVEL
Set log priority to LEVEL. The default log priority is ERROR. Possible values are : FATAL, ALERT, CRIT, WARN, ERROR, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE.
Note that this option is setting the priority of the events log in the alternate log file. It do not have effect on the ERROR events log on stderr.
−n, −−name=NAME
Use container identifier NAME. The container identifier format is an alphanumeric string.
Specify the configuration file to configure the virtualization and isolation functionalities for the container.
This configuration file if present will be used even if there is already a configuration file present in the previously created container (via lxc-create).
Show the version number.
lxc-checkpoint -n foo -D /tmp/checkpoint
Checkpoint the container foo into the directory /tmp/checkpoint.
lxc-checkpoint -r -n foo -D /tmp/checkpoint
Restore the checkpoint from the directory /tmp/checkpoint.
lxc(7), lxc-create(1), lxc-copy(1), lxc-destroy(1), lxc-start(1), lxc-stop(1), lxc-execute(1), lxc-console(1), lxc-monitor(1), lxc-wait(1), lxc-cgroup(1), lxc-ls(1), lxc-info(1), lxc-freeze(1), lxc-unfreeze(1), lxc-attach(1), lxc.conf(5)
Tycho Andersen <[email protected]>