kf5-config − Prints Qt(TM) and Frameworks installation paths
kf5−config [−−expandvars] [−−prefix] [−−exec−prefix] [−−libsuffix] [−−localprefix] [−−version] [−−kde−version] [−−types] [−−path type] [−−userpath type] [−−install type] [−−qt−prefix] [−−qt−binaries] [−−qt−libraries] [−−qt−plugins] |
kf5−config is a command line program used to retrieve information about Frameworks installation or user paths.
Use this program to determine where the various aspects of the Frameworks installation reside on your system.
kf5−config is mostly a deprecated replacement for kde4−config, while the recommended tool to use instead is qtpaths (which is shipped with Qt(TM)).
Expand ${prefix} and ${exec_prefix} in output.
Compiled in prefix for Frameworks libraries.
Compiled in exec_prefix for Frameworks libraries.
Compiled in library path suffix.
Prefix in $HOME used to write files.
Version of Qt(TM) and compiled in version string for Frameworks libraries and kf5−config.
Compiled in version string for Frameworks libraries.
Print a list of all available KDE resource types.
−−path type
Search path for the specified type.
−−userpath type
User paths for the types: desktop|document
−−install type
Prefix to install resource files to.
Installation prefix for Qt(TM).
Location of installed Qt(TM) binaries.
Location of installed Qt(TM) libraries.
Location of installed Qt(TM) plugins.
Print the top−level Frameworks installation directory:
% kf5−config −−prefix
Print a list of all resource types:
% kf5−config −−types
Print the installed wallpaper path:
% kf5−config −−path wallpaper
None known.
Stephan Kulow <[email protected]>