kcdirmgr - command line interface to manage the directory hash database



kcdirmgr − command line interface to manage the directory hash database


The command ‘kcdirmgr’ is a utility for test and debugging of the directory hash database and its applications. ‘path’ specifies the path of a database file. ‘key’ specifies the key of a record. ‘value’ specifies the value of a record. ‘file’ specifies the input/output file.

kcdirmgr create [−otr] [−onl|−otl|−onr] [−tc] path

Creates a database file.

kcdirmgr inform [−onl|−otl|−onr] [−st] path

Prints status information.

kcdirmgr set [−onl|−otl|−onr] [−add|−app|−rep|−inci|−incd] [−sx] path key value

Stores a record.

kcdirmgr remove [−onl|−otl|−onr] [−sx] path key

Removes a record.

kcdirmgr get [−onl|−otl|−onr] [−rm] [−sx] [−px] [−pz] path key

Prints the value of a record.

kcdirmgr list [−onl|−otl|−onr] [−max num] [−rm] [−sx] [−pv] [−px] path [key]

Prints keys of all records, separated by line feeds.

kcdirmgr clear [−onl|−otl|−onr] path

Removes all records of a database.

kcdirmgr import [−onl|−otl|−onr] [−sx] path [file]

Imports records from a TSV file.

kcdirmgr copy [−onl|−otl|−onr] path file

Copies the whole database.

kcdirmgr dump [−onl|−otl|−onr] path [file]

Dumps records into a snapshot file.

kcdirmgr load [−otr] [−onl|−otl|−onr] path [file]

Loads records from a snapshot file.

kcdirmgr defrag [−onl|−otl|−onr] path

Performs defragmentation.

kcdirmgr setbulk [−onl|−otl|−onr] path key value ...

Store records at once.

kcdirmgr removebulk [−onl|−otl|−onr] [−sx] path key ...

Remove records at once.

kcdirmgr getbulk [−onl|−otl|−onr] [−sx] [−px] path key ...

Retrieve records at once.

kcdirmgr check [−onl|−otl|−onr] path

Checks consistency.

Options feature the following.

−otr : opens the database with the truncation option.
: opens the database with the no locking option.
: opens the database with the try locking option.
: opens the database with the no auto repair option.
: tunes the database with the compression option.
: prints miscellaneous information.
: performs adding operation.
: performs appending operation.
: performs replacing operation.
: performs integer increment operation.
: performs real number increment operation.
: the input data is evaluated as a hexadecimal data string.
: removes the record.
: the output data is converted into a hexadecimal data string.
: does not append line feed at the end of the output.
num : specifies the maximum number of shown records.
: prints values of records also.

This command returns 0 on success, another on failure.



Updated 2024-01-29 - jenkler.se | uex.se