isotest − ISO testing
isotest <MODE> [OPTIONS] [bdaddr] [bdaddr1]...
isotest(1) is used to test Isochronous (CIS/BIS) communications on the BlueZ stack
−d, −−dump=[FILE] Listen and dump incoming data
(CIS server/BIS broadcaster) and optionally save the contents to FILE.
−c, −−reconnect
Reconnect (CIS client).
−m, −−multiple
Multiple connects (CIS client).
−r, −−receive=[FILE] Receive (CIS server/BIS broadcast receiver) and
optionally save the contents to FILE.
−s, −−send=[FILE] Connect and send (CIS client/BIS broadcaster), can
optionally use contents from FILE.
−n, −−silent
Connect and be silent (CIS client/BIS broadcaster).
Send or Receive packet size
Select the specified HCI device index. hciNUM is also acceptable.
Socket jitter buffer.
−q, −−quiet
Disables packet logging.
Socket send timeout.
−C, −−continue
Continuously send packets starting over in case of a file.
Enable deferred setup.
Socket QoS SDU.
−S, −−sca/adv−interval=<SCA/INTERVAL>
Socket QoS CIS SCA/BIS advertising interval.
Socket QoS Packing.
Socket QoS Framing.
Socket QoS Interval.
Socket QoS Latency.
Socket QoS PHY.
Socket QoS retransmissions.
Socket QoS preset.
−G, −−CIG/BIG=<ID> Socket QoS CIG/BIG ID.
Socket destination address type:
Socket QoS BIG Encryption
Socket QoS Broadcast Code
Number of BISes to create as part of a BIG (BIS broadcaster) or to synchronize to (BIS broadcast receiver)
$ tools/isotest −s XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
$ tools/isotest −G 0x01 −s XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY
$ tools/isotest −d
$ tools/isotest −s 00:00:00:00:00:00
$ tools/isotest −i hci1 −d XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
linux−[email protected]
Luiz Augusto Von Dentz <[email protected]>
Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).