irb − Interactive Ruby Shell
irb [−-version] [−dfUw] [−I directory] [−r library] [−E external[:internal]] [−W[level]] [−-[no]inspect] [−-[no]multiline] [−-[no]singleline] [−-[no]echo] [−-[no]colorize] [−-[no]autocomplete] [−-[no]verbose] [−-prompt mode] [−-prompt-mode mode] [−-inf-ruby-mode] [−-simple-prompt] [−-noprompt] [−-tracer] [−-back-trace-limit n] [−-] [program_file] [argument ...]
irb is the REPL(read-eval-print loop) environment for Ruby programs.
Prints the version of .
−-encoding external[:internal]
Same as ‘ruby -E’ . Specifies the default value(s) for external encodings and internal encoding. Values should be separated with colon (:).
You can omit the one for internal encodings, then the value ("Encoding.default_internal") will be nil.
−I path
Same as ‘ruby -I’ . Specifies $LOAD_PATH directory
−U |
Same as ‘ruby -U’ . Sets the default value for internal encodings ("Encoding.default_internal") to UTF-8. | ||
−d |
Same as ‘ruby -d’ . Sets $DEBUG to true. | ||
−f |
Suppresses read of ˜/.irbrc. | ||
−w |
Same as ‘ruby -w’ . | ||
−W |
Same as ‘ruby -W’ . | ||
−h |
−-help |
Prints a summary of the options. |
−r library
Same as ‘ruby -r’. Causes irb to load the library using require.
Uses ‘inspect’ for output (default except for bc mode)
Doesn’t use inspect for output
Uses multiline editor module.
Doesn’t use multiline editor module.
Uses singleline editor module.
Doesn’t use singleline editor module.
Add an extra doc dir for the doc dialog.
−-echo |
Show result (default). |
Don’t show result.
Show result on assignment.
Don’t show result on assignment.
Show truncated result on assignment (default).
Use colorization.
Don’t use colorization.
Use autocompletion.
Don’t use autocompletion.
Show details.
Don’t show details.
−-prompt-mode mode
Switch prompt mode. Pre-defined prompt modes are ‘default’, ‘simple’, ‘xmp’ and ‘inf-ruby’.
Uses prompt appropriate for inf-ruby-mode on emacs. Suppresses --multiline and --singleline.
Makes prompts simple.
No prompt mode.
Displays trace for each execution of commands.
−-back-trace-limit n
Displays backtrace top n and tail n. The default value is 16.
The locale used for .
The path to the personal initialization file. |
irb respects XDG_CONFIG_HOME. If this is set, load $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/irb/irbrc as a personal initialization file.
Also irb depends on same variables as ruby(1).
Personal irb initialization. If IRBRC is set, read $IRBRC instead. If IRBRC is not set and XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/irb/irbrc is loaded.
% irb
irb(main):001:0> 1 + 1
irb(main):002:0> def t(x)
irb(main):003:1> x + 1
irb(main):004:1> end
=> :t
irb(main):005:0> t(3)
=> 4
irb(main):006:0> if t(3) == 4
irb(main):007:1> p :ok
irb(main):008:1> end
=> :ok
irb(main):009:0> quit
• |
Security vulnerabilities should be reported via an email to Mt [email protected]. Reported problems will be published after being fixed. | ||
• |
Other bugs and feature requests can be reported via the Ruby Issue Tracking System ( Do not report security vulnerabilities via this system because it publishes the vulnerabilities immediately. |
Written by Keiju ISHITSUKA.