hissh-export exports public or private SSH keys from a himitsu(7) keystore in OpenSSH-compatible formats.
hissh-export [-p] [query]
The hissh-export utility fetches SSH keys from the Himitsu key store matching the given query, converts them to an OpenSSH-compatible format, and prints them to the standard output. If the -p option is provided, the keys are decrypted and the private keys are written to the standard output. Otherwise, the public key is written. If no query is provided, all SSH keys in the key store are exported.
hissh-agent(1), hissh-import(1)
Maintained by Drew DeVault <[email protected]>, who is assited by other contributors. Up-to-date source code can be found at https://git.sr.ht/˜sircmpwn/himitsu-ssh, and bugs/patches can be submitted by email to ˜sircmpwn/[email protected].