hare - compile, run, test, and inspect Hare programs and modules
hare -h
hare version [-hv]
hare command [arguments...]
hare -h prints help text.
hare version prints version information for the hare program. If -v is supplied, it also prints information about the build parameters, in an output format that’s consistent for machine reading: the first line is always hare $version, and subsequent lines give configuration values in the form of a name on its own line unindenteed, followed by any number of values, each on its own line indented with a single tab.
hare-build(1) compiles a Hare program or module.
hare-cache(1) manages the build cache.
hare-deps(1) displays the dependency tree of a Hare program or module.
hare-run(1) compiles and runs a Hare program or module.
hare-test(1) compiles and runs tests for Hare code.
hare-module(5), haredoc(1)
See https://harelang.org/community/ for information on where to ask questions, send patches, submit bug reports, and chat with others in the community.
Documentation for the language itself can be found at https://harelang.org/documentation/.
The language specification is available at https://harelang.org/specification/.