gpxlogger − Tool to connect to gpsd and generate a GPX file
gpxlogger [OPTIONS] [server[:port[:device]]]
gpxlogger −h
gpxlogger −V
gpslogger program collects fixes from gpsd and logs them to standard output in GPX format, an XML profile for track logging. It does not need to run as root, but can run as root.
The output may be composed of multiple tracks. A new track is created if there’s no fix written for an interval specified by the −i or −−interval option and defaulting to 5 seconds.
gpxlogger can use any of the export methods that gpsd supports. For a list of these methods, use the −l or −−exports option. To force a method, give the −e, −−export option folloed by one of the colon−terminated method names from the −l, −−exports table.
−?, −h, −−help
Print a summary of options and then exit.
−d, −−daemonize
Run as a daemon in background. It requires the −f, −−output option, which directs output to a specified logfile.
−D LVL, −−debug LVL
Sets the debug level, it is primarily for troubleshooting. It enables various progress messages to standard error.
−e METHOD, −−export METHOD
If D−Bus support is available on the host, GPSD is configured to use it, and −e dbus, or −−export dbus is specified, this program listens to DBUS broadcasts from gpsd via org.gpsd.fix.
With −e sockets, or if sockets is the method defaulted to, you may give a [server[:port[:device]]] specification as arguments. See the ARGUMENTS section below for more details.
With −e shm, −−export shm this program will listen to the local gpsd using shared memory.
−F INFILE, −−filein INFILE
Read gpsd JSON from file INFILE, instead of from a gpsd daemon.
−g, −−garmin
Enable Garmin extensions to GPX format. This allows depth to also be logged in the gpx output. Not compatible with Google maps.
−i SECONDS, −−interval SECONDS
A new track is created if there’s no fix written for an interval of SECONDS. Defaulting to 5 seconds.
−l, −−exports
List all possible options for −e, −−export.
−m MINMOVE, −−minmove MINMOVE
Sets a minimum move distance in meters (it may include a fractional decimal part). Motions shorter than this will not be logged.
−o OUTFILE, −−output OUTFILE
Output the GPX logg to file file OUTFILE, instead of to stdout..
−r, −−reconnect
Retry when GPSd loses the fix. Without −r, gpxlogger would quit in this case.
−V, −−version
Dump the package version and exit.
By default, clients collect data from the local gpsd daemon running on localhost, using the default GPSD port 2947. The optional argument to any client may override this behavior: [server[:port[:device]]]
For further explanation, and examples, see the ARGUMENTS section in the gps(1) man page
on success.
on failure
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This file is
Copyright 2013 by the GPSD project
Amaury Jacquot
Petter Reinholdtsen
Chris Kuethe