gh-repo-fork - Create a fork of a repository
gh repo fork [<repository>] [-- <gitflags>...] [flags]
Create a fork of a repository.
With no argument, creates a fork of the current repository. Otherwise, forks the specified repository.
By default, the new fork is set to be your "origin" remote and any existing origin remote is renamed to "upstream". To alter this behavior, you can set a name for the new fork’s remote with --remote-name.
The "upstream" remote will be set as the default remote repository.
Additional git clone flags can be passed after --.
Clone the fork
Only include the default branch in the fork
--fork-name <string>
Rename the forked repository
--org <string>
Create the fork in an organization
Add a git remote for the fork
--remote-name <string>
Specify the name for the new remote