gcov2perl − convert gcov files to Devel::Cover databases
version 1.40
gcov2perl −h −i −v −db database gcov_files
Convert gcov files to Devel::Cover databases.
The following command line options are supported:
database − specify the database to use
−h −help − show help
−i −info − show documentation
−v −version − show version
To obtain coverage of XS files they must first be compiled with the appropriate options. In a standard Makefile environment, such as that created by ExtUtils::MakeMaker, this can be accomplished with the command:
make test \
CCFLAGS=−O0\ −fprofile−arcs\
−ftest−coverage \
If you have already built your object files it may be necessary to run make clean first, or to find some other way to ensure that they get rebuilt with the options gcov requires.
Now the code coverage data has been collected "gcov" needs to be run:
gcov Mylib.xs
This will create one or more gcov files on which you can run "gcov2perl":
gcov2perl Mylib.xs.gcov
Finally, "cover" should be run as usual with any options required:
If you are running everything with standard options, you can do all this with one command:
cover −test
The following exit values are returned:
0 All files
converted successfully
>0 An error occurred.
Copyright 2001−2023, Paul Johnson ([email protected])
This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage: http://www.pjcj.net