gallery-dl - download image-galleries and -collections



gallery-dl − download image-galleries and -collections


gallery-dl [OPTION]... URL...


gallery-dl is a command-line program to download image-galleries and -collections from several image hosting sites. It is a cross-platform tool with many configuration options and powerful filenaming capabilities.


−h, −−help

Print this help message and exit


Print program version and exit

−f, −−filename FORMAT

Filename format string for downloaded files (’/O’ for "original" filenames)

−d, −−destination PATH

Target location for file downloads

−D, −−directory PATH

Exact location for file downloads

−X, −−extractors PATH

Load external extractors from PATH

−−proxy URL

Use the specified proxy

−−source−address IP

Client-side IP address to bind to

−−user−agent UA

User-Agent request header

−−clear−cache MODULE

Delete cached login sessions, cookies, etc. for MODULE (ALL to delete everything)

−i, −−input−file FILE

Download URLs found in FILE (’-’ for stdin). More than one --input-file can be specified

−I, −−input−file−comment FILE

Download URLs found in FILE. Comment them out after they were downloaded successfully.

−x, −−input−file−delete FILE

Download URLs found in FILE. Delete them after they were downloaded successfully.

−q, −−quiet

Activate quiet mode

−v, −−verbose

Print various debugging information

−g, −−get−urls

Print URLs instead of downloading

−G, −−resolve−urls

Print URLs instead of downloading; resolve intermediary URLs

−j, −−dump−json

Print JSON information

−s, −−simulate

Simulate data extraction; do not download anything

−E, −−extractor−info

Print extractor defaults and settings

−K, −−list−keywords

Print a list of available keywords and example values for the given URLs


Print a list of available extractor modules


Print a list of extractor classes with description, (sub)category and example URL

−−write−log FILE

Write logging output to FILE

−−write−unsupported FILE

Write URLs, which get emitted by other extractors but cannot be handled, to FILE


Write downloaded intermediary pages to files in the current directory to debug problems

−r, −−limit−rate RATE

Maximum download rate (e.g. 500k or 2.5M)

−R, −−retries N

Maximum number of retries for failed HTTP requests or -1 for infinite retries (default: 4)

−−http−timeout SECONDS

Timeout for HTTP connections (default: 30.0)

−−sleep SECONDS

Number of seconds to wait before each download. This can be either a constant value or a range (e.g. 2.7 or 2.0-3.5)

−−sleep−request SECONDS

Number of seconds to wait between HTTP requests during data extraction

−−sleep−extractor SECONDS

Number of seconds to wait before starting data extraction for an input URL

−−filesize−min SIZE

Do not download files smaller than SIZE (e.g. 500k or 2.5M)

−−filesize−max SIZE

Do not download files larger than SIZE (e.g. 500k or 2.5M)

−−chunk−size SIZE

Size of in-memory data chunks (default: 32k)


Do not use .part files


Do not skip downloads; overwrite existing files


Do not set file modification times according to Last-Modified HTTP response headers


Do not download any files


Do not run any post processors


Disable HTTPS certificate validation

−o, −−option KEY=VALUE

Additional options. Example: -o browser=firefox

−c, −−config FILE

Additional configuration files

−−config−yaml FILE

Additional configuration files in YAML format

−−config−toml FILE

Additional configuration files in TOML format


Create a basic configuration file


Do not read default configuration files

−u, −−username USER

Username to login with

−p, −−password PASS

Password belonging to the given username


Enable .netrc authentication data

−C, −−cookies FILE

File to load additional cookies from

−−cookies−export FILE

Export session cookies to FILE


Name of the browser to load cookies from, with optional domain prefixed with ’/’, keyring name prefixed with ’+’, profile prefixed with ’:’, and container prefixed with ’::’ (’none’ for no container)

−−download−archive FILE

Record all downloaded or skipped files in FILE and skip downloading any file already in it

−A, −−abort N

Stop current extractor run after N consecutive file downloads were skipped

−T, −−terminate N

Stop current and parent extractor runs after N consecutive file downloads were skipped

−−range RANGE

Index range(s) specifying which files to download. These can be either a constant value, range, or slice (e.g. ’5’, ’8-20’, or ’1:24:3’)

−−chapter−range RANGE

Like ’--range’, but applies to manga chapters and other delegated URLs

−−filter EXPR

Python expression controlling which files to download. Files for which the expression evaluates to False are ignored. Available keys are the filename-specific ones listed by ’-K’. Example: --filter "image_width >= 1000 and rating in (’s’, ’q’)"

−−chapter−filter EXPR

Like ’--filter’, but applies to manga chapters and other delegated URLs

−P, −−postprocessor NAME

Activate the specified post processor

−O, −−postprocessor−option KEY=VALUE

Additional post processor options


Write metadata to separate JSON files


Write gallery metadata to a info.json file


Write image tags to separate text files


Store downloaded files in a ZIP archive


Store downloaded files in a CBZ archive

−−mtime NAME

Set file modification times according to metadata selected by NAME. Examples: ’date’ or ’status[date]’

−−ugoira FORMAT

Convert Pixiv Ugoira to FORMAT using FFmpeg. Supported formats are ’webm’, ’mp4’, ’gif’, ’vp8’, ’vp9’, ’vp9-lossless’, ’copy’.

−−exec CMD

Execute CMD for each downloaded file. Supported replacement fields are {} or {_path}, {_directory}, {_filename}. Example: --exec "convert {} {}.png && rm {}"

−−exec−after CMD

Execute CMD after all files were downloaded. Example: --exec-after "cd {_directory} && convert * ../doc.pdf"


gallery-dl URL

Download images from URL.

gallery-dl -g -u <username> -p <password> URL

Print direct URLs from a site that requires authentication.

gallery-dl --filter ’type == "ugoira"’ --range ’2-4’ URL

Apply filter and range expressions. This will only download the second, third, and fourth file where its type value is equal to "ugoira".

gallery-dl r:URL

Scan URL for other URLs and invoke gallery-dl on them.

gallery-dl oauth:SITE−NAME

Gain OAuth authentication tokens for deviantart, flickr, reddit, smugmug, and tumblr.



The system wide configuration file.


Per user configuration file.


Alternate per user configuration file.



Mike Fährmann <[email protected]>



Updated 2024-01-29 - |