fzf-tmux - open fzf in tmux split pane
fzf-tmux is a wrapper script for fzf that opens fzf in a tmux split pane or in a tmux popup window. It is designed to work just like fzf except that it does not take up the whole screen. You can safely use fzf-tmux instead of fzf in your scripts as the extra options will be silently ignored if you’re not on tmux.
(default layout: -d 50%)
(requires tmux
3.2 or above)
-p [WIDTH[%][,HEIGHT[%]]]
-w WIDTH[%]
-h WIDTH[%]
-x COL |
-y ROW |
-u [height[%]]
Split above (up)
-d [height[%]]
Split below (down)
-l [width[%]]
Split left
-r [width[%]]
Split right