fvwm−perllib − shows the documentation of the Fvwm Perl library
fvwm-perllib [ −−help|−h|−? ] [ −−version|−v|−V ] [ man [ Perl::Class ] ] [ cat [ Perl::Class ] ] [ raw [ Perl::Class ] ] [ dir ]
Starting from fvwm−2.5.x versions there is a built-in support for creating fvwm modules in Perl. This fvwm-perllib utility provides help services for the Fvwm Perl library.
−−help show the help and exit
−−version show the version and exit
−−man or man [ Perl::Class ] show manual page just like man(1)
−−cat or cat [ Perl::Class ] show manual page in plain text
−−raw or raw [ Perl::Class ] generate output in man format (not human readable)
−−dir or dir print perllib directory without a trailing end of line
Use this in the fvwm modules written in Perl:
use lib `fvwm−perllib dir`;
Introduction to the Fvwm Perl library:
% fvwm−perllib man
Manual page for the "FVWM::Module" class:
% fvwm−perllib man FVWM::Module
Standard options:
fvwm−perllib −−help
% fvwm−perllib −−version
Mikhael Goikhman <[email protected]>.
The script is distributed by the same terms as fvwm itself. See GNU General Public License for details.
No known bugs.
Report bugs to fvwm−[email protected].