fadvise − utility to use the posix_fadvise system call
fadvise [−a advice] [−o offset] [−l length] filename
fadvise [−a advice] [−o offset] [−l length] −d file−descriptor
fadvise is a simple command wrapping posix_fadvise system call that is for predeclaring an access pattern for file data.
−d, −−fd file−descriptor
Apply the advice to the file specified with the file descriptor instead of open a file specified with a file name.
−a, −−advice advice
See the command output with −−help option for available values for advice. If this option is omitted, "dontneed" is used as default advice.
−o, −−offset offset
Specifies the beginning offset of the range, in bytes. If this option is omitted, 0 is used as default advice.
−l, −−length length
Specifies the length of the range, in bytes. If this option is omitted, 0 is used as default advice.
−h, −−help
Display help text and exit.
−V, −−version
Print version and exit.
fadvise has the following exit status values:
unspecified failure
Masatake YAMATO <[email protected]>
For bug reports, use the issue tracker at <https://github.com/util−linux/util−linux/issues>.
The fadvise command is part of the util−linux package which can be downloaded from Linux Kernel Archive <https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util−linux/>.