ewfexport - exports media data stored in EWF files

ewfexport() LOCAL ewfexport()


ewfexport — exports media data stored in EWF files


ewfexport [−A codepage] [−b number_of_sectors] [−B number_of_bytes] [−c compression_values] [−d digest_type] [−f format] [−j jobs] [−l log_filename] [−o offset] [−p process_buffer_size] [−S segment_file_size] [−t target] [−hqsuvVwx] ewf_files


ewfexport is a utility to export media data stored in EWF files.

ewfexport is part of the libewf package. libewf is a library to access the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF).

ewf_files the first or the entire set of EWF segment files

The options are as follows:

−A codepage

the codepage of header section, options: ascii (default), windows-874, windows-932, windows-936, windows-949, windows-950, windows-1250, windows-1251, windows-1252, windows-1253, windows-1254, windows-1255, windows-1256, windows-1257 or windows-1258

−b number_of_sectors

the number of sectors to read at once (per chunk), options: 16, 32, 64 (default), 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384 or 32768

−B number_of_bytes

the number of bytes to export

−c compression_values

specify the compression values as: level or method:level compression method options: deflate (default) compression level options: none (default), empty-block, fast or best

−d digest_type

calculate additional digest (hash) types besides md5, options: sha1 (not used for raw and files formats)

−f format

the output format to write to, options: raw (default), files (restricted to logical volume files), ewf, smart, ftk, encase1, encase2, encase3, encase4, encase5, encase6, encase7, encase7-v2, linen5, linen6, linen7, ewfx.


shows this help

−j jobs

the number of concurrent processing jobs (threads), where a number of 0 represents single-threaded mode (default is 4 if multi-threaded mode is supported).

−l log_filename

logs export errors and the digest (hash) to the log filename

−o offset

the offset to start the export (default is 0)

−p process_buffer_size

the process buffer size (default is the chunk size)


swap byte pairs of the media data (from AB to BA) (use this for big to little endian conversion and vice versa)

−S segment_file_size

the segment file size in bytes (default is 1.4 GiB) (minimum is 1.0 MiB, maximum is 7.9 EiB for raw, encase6 and later formats and 1.9 GiB for other formats) (not used for files format)

−t target

the target file to export to, use − for stdout (default is export) stdout is only supported for the raw format


unattended mode (disables user interaction)


verbose output to stderr


print version


zero sectors on checksum error (mimic EnCase like behavior)


use the data chunk functions instead of the buffered read and write functions.






ewfexport will ask the information it needs.

# ewfexport floppy.E01
ewfexport 20160325

Information for export required, please provide the necessary input
Export to format (raw, files, ewf, smart, ftk, encase1, encase2, encase3, encase4, encase5, encase6, encase7, encase7-v2, linen5, linen6, linen7, ewfx) [raw]:
Target path and filename without extension or − for stdout: floppy
Evidence segment file size in bytes (1.0 MiB <= value <= 7.9 EiB) [1.4 GiB]:
Start export at offset (0 <= value <= 1474560) [0]:
Number of bytes to export (0 <= value <= 1474560) [1474560]:

Export started at: Sun Aug 5 19:19:40 2012

This could take a while.

Status: at 2%.
exported 32 kB (32768 bytes) of total 1.4 MiB (1474560 bytes).


Status: at 100%.
exported 1.4 MiB (1474560 bytes) of total 1.4 MiB (1474560 bytes).
completion in 1 second(s) with 1 MiB/s (1474560 bytes/second).

Export completed at: Sun Aug 5 19:19:41 2012

Written: 1.4 MiB (1474560 bytes) in 1 second(s) with 1 MiB/s (1474560 bytes/second).

MD5 hash calculated over data:



Errors, verbose and debug output are printed to stderr when verbose output −v is enabled. Verbose and debug output are only printed when enabled at compilation.


Please report bugs of any kind to <[email protected]> or on the project website: https://github.com/libyal/libewf/


These man pages were written by Kees Mastwijk.

Alterations for distribution have been made by Joachim Metz.


Copyright (C) 2006-2023, Joachim Metz <[email protected]>.

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


ewfacquire(1), ewfacquirestream(1), ewfinfo(1), ewfmount(1), ewfrecover(1), ewfverify(1) libewf November 29, 2020 ewfexport()

Updated 2024-01-29 - jenkler.se | uex.se