eom - The Eye of MATE Image Viewer

NAME  SYNOPSIS  DESCRIPTION  OPTIONS  EXAMPLES  BUGS  Should you encounter any bugs, they may be reported at:  AUTHORS  This Manual Page has been written for the MATE Desktop Environment by:  SEE ALSO  Eye of MATE documentation can be found from the "Help" menu, or by pressingthe F1 key. 


eom − The Eye of MATE Image Viewer


eom [−−fullscreen] [−−disable-image-collection] [−−slide-show] [−−new instance] [FILES...]


eom or the Eye of MATE is the official image viewer for the MATE Desktop Environment. It aims to be simplistic, lightweight, and easy to use. The Eye of MATE may also be used to perform basic tasks like image flipping and rotation.

Eye of MATE features a flexible plugin system which can be used to dynamically add new advanced features to eom itself. eom uses the gdk-pixbuf library, it can handle large images, zoom, and scroll with low memory usage.

This manual page briefly documents the eom command.



Specifies the image to open when eom starts. If this is not specified, eom will start with a blank window and you may open a file from the menu or by using the shortcut CTRL+O. eom also supports handling of remote files.


X display to use.

−f, −−fullscreen

Start eom in fullscreen mode.

−c, −−disable-image-collection

Disable image collection viewer.

−s, −−slide-show

Open in slideshow mode.

−n, −−new-instance

Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing window.


Output version information and exit.

−h, −−help

Print standard command line options.


Print all command line options.

This program also accepts the standard GTK options.


eom −f http://mate-desktop.org/assets/img/icons/mate.png

Open the referenced file in fullscreen mode.

eom −s /usr/share/eom/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions

Open the images in the referenced directory in slideshow mode.


Should you encounter any bugs, they may be reported at:



This Manual Page has been written for the MATE Desktop Environment by:

Scott Balneaves <[email protected]> (2013) Adam Erdman <[email protected]> (2014)


Eye of MATE documentation can be found from the "Help" menu, or by pressingthe F1 key.

Further information may also be available at: http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/docs

Updated 2024-01-29 - jenkler.se | uex.se