edru - Qualcomm Atheros Ethernet II Data Read Utility
edru [options] [>stdout]
Listen for incoming Ethernet II frames and write frame data, less header information, to stdout as a binary data stream. Since frame data can contain anything, users should direct output to a file or pipe it through some type of filter to prevent corruption of the terminal session. If all incoming data is known to be ASCII then directing stdout to the console should not cause any problems.
This program can be used to test remote Atheros UART-enabled powerline devices. Remote device package serial data from their local host as Ethernet II frames and forwared them over the powerline to a specific destination. The destination must be the Ethernet address of the receiving host. This program reads such frames, discards the frame headers and writes the frame dat on stdout. Data should appear exactly as sent by the remote hos.
-e ethertype
The protocol (or ethertype) of interest expressed as a 16-bit hexadecimal integer. Prefix "0x" is optional. This filters out frames having any other ethertype. The default is ETH_P_802_2 as defined in if_ether.h.
-i interface
The host interface used to read frames. The default is "eth1" because most people use "eth0" as their principle network connection; however, if the string "PLC" is defined in the environment then it will over-ride the program default. Any interface specified on the command line will over-ride the default.
-q |
Quiet mode. This option has no effect at this time. |
-t milliseconds
Read timeout in milliseconds. Values range from 0 through UINT_MAX. This is the maximum time allowed for a response. The default is 50 milliseconds.
-v |
Verbose mode. This option has no effect at this time. |
The following example monitors host interface eth1 for incoming 802.2 Ethernet frames and writes frame data to stdout. In this case, stdout is the console. Frame data is written, as it arrives, and forms a single output stream. Directing output to the console may corrupt your terminal session, forcing you to close the console window and open another one.
# edru -ieth1
The next example does the same thing but directs output to file test.log. The output file may be inspected using a binary hex editor. The programs continues to read and write until interrupted using ctrl-c or ctrl-z.
# edru -ieth1 > test.log
The next example does the same thing but pipes output into program hexdmp which displays data in hexadecimal format. This prevents terminal session corruptions caused by binary data. Programhexdmp may not be provided with the toolkit.
# edru -ieth1 | hexdmp
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Charles Maier