cogctl − tool to control a running Cog instance
cogctl [options] <command> [command options]
cogctl is a tool to control a running Cog instance.
−h, −−help
Show help options
−A, −−appid=ID
Application identifier of the Cog instance to control
−o, −−object−path=PATH
Object path implementing the org.gtk.Actions interface
−y, −−system
Use the system bus instead of the session bus
help [command]
Show a list of commands. If followed by a command name then it shows additional information about that command.
appid |
Display application ID being remotely controlled |
Display the D-Bus object path being used
open <URL>
Open a URL
Navigate backward in the page view history
next |
Navigate forward in the page view history |
ping |
Check whether Cog is running |
quit |
Exit the application |
reload |
Reload the current page |
This manual page was written by Alberto Garcia <[email protected]>