ciwiki - simple wiki implementation with built-in webserver

ciwiki − simple wiki implementation with built-in webserver

ciwiki is aimed at those who need a quick and lightweight wiki for personal use, such as notes, "to do" lists, etc. It is written in C, and has a low system requirements (binary size of ˜73k stripped with
./configure CFLAGS=’-s -Os’). This makes it particularly useful for low-power systems (Raspberry Pi).

ciwiki does not require installation of a separate webserver, scripting language, or database.

The appearance of the wiki pages may be altered by placing a styles.css in ˜/.ciwiki or in the directory specified using the --home option.

−d, −-debug Start in debug mode. In this case, ciwiki will not bind to any IP address or port: it will only read the requests from standard input (stdin)

−h directory, −-home=directory By default ciwiki stores its pages in ˜/.ciwiki. You can override this by specifying an alternative directory.

−l ipaddr, −-listen=ipaddr By default ciwiki binds to "". You can override this by specifying an alternative IP address.

−p port, −-port=port By default ciwiki will listen on port 8000. You can override this by specifying an alternative port.

−a −-autologin The localhost is logged automaticcally.

−n −-nologin No login, all user can modify the wiki.

−s −-sendmail Runs Validation code, login and password are sent via email. ssmtp must be installed.

−i length −-index=length Number of links to display in each box of the index page.

−u −-unmasked Default: The password is masked. --unmasked allows to show it.

−v −-version Ciwiki version number.

−-help Display the help message

To notify new users via email of their validation code, login and password, you need ssmpt and the script . ( is included in the package and should be located in the folder /usr/local/libexec . If you do not use the default port 8000, you will have to edit line #25 to provide the actual port #.

ciwiki uses syslog to log when it is launched or stopped, and when a page is accessed or modified. Here an example to list Ciwiki logs:

$ grep Ciwiki /var/log/syslog

In order to launch ciwiki on a specific IP and port:

$ ciwiki −l −p 8080

Jean-Pierre Redonnet <[email protected]> , ciwiki is a fork of didiwiki (written by Matthew Allum)

Updated 2024-01-29 - |