chilli_query − Interface into the chilli server
chilli_query [ −s <unix-socket> ] <command> [<parameters>...]
chilli_query is an interface into the running chilli server. It provides an administrator the ability to see who is logged in, to force a client to be logged out, or force a client to be authorized.
list |
To list all connected clients (subscribers) providing the MAC Address, IP Address, internal chilli state (dnat, pass, etc), the session id (used in Acct-Session-ID), authenticated status (1 authorized, 0 not), user-name used during login, duration / max duration, idle time / max idle time, input octets / max input octets, output octets / max output octets, max total octets, status of option swapoctets, bandwidth limitation information, and the original URL. |
listip <ip-address>
Same as list but for one IP address.
listmac <mac-address>
Same as list but for one MAC address.
authorize <parameters>
To explicity authorize a client, or change the session parameters of an already authorized client, by setting a series of session parameters.
Show the internal IP pool state.
Show the internal walled garden state.
Show the internal RADIUS queue state.
addgarden [ ip <ip> | mac <mac> ] data <uamallow-resource>
Add to the dynamic walled garden. When used without the ’ip’ or ’mac’ option, the entry applies to the global garden. Otherwise, it is session specific only if configured with --enable-sessgarden.
remgarden [ ip <ip> | mac <mac> ] data <uamallow-resource>
Remove from the dynamic walled garden. When used without the ’ip’ or ’mac’ option, the entry applies to the global garden. Otherwise, it is session specific only if configured with --enable-sessgarden.
ip <ip-address>
Select the session to be authorized by the IP address using this option (may be used with the option below)
sessionid <session-id>
Select the session to be authorized by the Session-ID (may be used with the above option)
username <username>
Sets the username of the session.
sessiontimeout <seconds>
Sets the max session time of the session.
idletimeout <seconds>
Sets the max idle time of the session.
maxoctets <number-of-bytes>
Sets the max data (input + output) limit of the session.
maxinputoctets <number-of-bytes>
Sets the max input data limit of the session.
maxoutputoctets <number-of-bytes>
Sets the max output data limit of the session.
maxbwup <bandwidth>
Sets the max up bandwidth of the session.
maxbwdown <bandwidth>
Sets the max down bandwidth of the session.
logout <client-mac-address>
Logout and releases the DHCP lease of a client explicitly based on the MAC address (gotten from a list command).
# chilli_query
00:0D:XX:XX:XX:XX dnat 46c83f70000 0 - 0/0 0/0
# chilli_query authorize ip sessiontimeout 60 username me
# chilli_query
00:0D:XX:XX:XX:XX pass 46c83f70000 1 me 2/0 2/0
# chilli_query logout 00:0D:XX:XX:XX:XX
# chilli_query
list | awk '{
($5 == 1) {
print "User " i++
print " MAC: " $1
print " IP Address: " $2
print " Session ID: " $4
print " Username: " $6
print " Duration / Max: " $7
print " Idle / Max: " $8
print " Input Octets / Max: " $9
print " Output Octets / Max: " $10
print " Max Total Octets: " $11
print " Using swapoctets: " $12
print " % / Max Up Bandwidth: " $13
print " % / Max Down Bandwidth: " $14
print " Original URL: " $15
User 1
MAC: 00-11-XX-XX-XX-XX
IP Address:
Session ID: 46fd423c00000001
User URL:
Duration / Max: 219/0
Idle / Max: 3/0
UNIX socket used to daemon communication.
chilli(8) chilli.conf(5)
See for further documentation and community support.
David Bird <[email protected]>
Copyright (C) 2006-2012 David Bird (Coova Technologies) All rights reserved.
CoovaChilli is licensed under the GNU General Public License.