bundle−add − Add gem to the Gemfile and run bundle install
bundle add GEM_NAME [−−group=GROUP] [−−version=VERSION] [−−source=SOURCE] [−−path=PATH] [−−git=GIT] [−−github=GITHUB] [−−branch=BRANCH] [−−ref=REF] [−−skip−install] [−−strict] [−−optimistic]
Adds the named gem to the Gemfile and run bundle install. bundle install can be avoided by using the flag −−skip−install.
bundle add rails
bundle add rails −−version "< 3.0, > 1.1"
bundle add rails −−version "˜> 5.0.0" −−source "https://gems.example.com" −−group "development"
bundle add rails −−skip−install
bundle add rails −−group "development, test"
−−version, −v
Specify version requirements(s) for the added gem.
−−group, −g
Specify the group(s) for the added gem. Multiple groups should be separated by commas.
−−source, −s
Specify the source for the added gem.
−−require, −r
Adds require path to gem. Provide false, or a path as a string.
−−path |
Specify the file system path for the added gem. |
−−git |
Specify the git source for the added gem. |
Specify the github source for the added gem.
Specify the git branch for the added gem.
−−ref |
Specify the git ref for the added gem. |
Adds the gem to the Gemfile but does not install it.
Adds optimistic declaration of version.
Adds strict declaration of version.