btattach − Attach serial devices to BlueZ stack
btattach [−B device] [−A device] [−P protocol] [−R]
btattach(1) is used to attach a serial UART to the Bluetooth stack as a transport interface.
−B device, −−brder device
Attach a BR/EDR controller
−A device, −−amp device
Attach an AMP controller
−P protocol, −−protocol protocol
Specify the protocol type for talking to the device.
Supported values are:
−S baudrate, −−speed baudrate
Specify wich baudrate to use
−N, −−noflowctl
Disable flow control
−v, −−version
Show version
−h, −−help
Show help options
linux−[email protected]
Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).