blind-colour-srgb - Convert sRGB for use with blind-single-colour(1)
blind-colour-srgb [-d depth] [-l] red green blue
blind-colour-srgb converts the sRGB colour with the specified red, green, and blue values to CIE XYZ and prints the result to stdout in plain text, such that it can be used with blind-single-colour(1). If blind-single-colour(1) is modified in the future to use another colour model than CIE XYZ, blind-colour-srgb will be modified to convert the values into that colour model.
red, green, and blue may be floating-point values and may be negative or beyond the maximum value encodable in an unsigned integer with depth bits.
-d depth
If all three parameters are 2ˆdepth-1, the colour is 100 %. (default: 8)
-l |
The values are encoded linearly instead of with the sRGB transfer function. |
blind(7), blind-single-colour(1), blind-colour-ciexyz(1)
Mattias Andrée <[email protected]>