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Man pages

PgGetConnectionIdProvides access to the underlying libpq SQL connection handle.
S3Amazon S3 Web Service Interface
TclTool Command Language
adjustProcedures to adjust, indent, and undent paragraphs
adler32Adler32 transformation
aesImplementation of the AES block cipher
afterExecute a command after a time delay
annealingSimulated annealing
ansi_cattrANSI attribute sequences
ansi_cctrlANSI control sequences
ansi_cmacrosMacro sequences
ansi_codeHelper for control sequences
ansi_ctrluControl operations and queries
ansi_sendOutput of ANSI control sequences to terminals
appendAppend to variable
applyApply an anonymous function
argcVariables used by Tcl
argvVariables used by Tcl
argv0Variables used by Tcl
arrayManipulate array variables
ascii85Ascii85-encode/decode binary data
asnASN.1 BER encoder/decoder
asyncAsynchronous in-memory cache
auto_execokStandard library of Tcl procedures
auto_importStandard library of Tcl procedures
auto_loadStandard library of Tcl procedures
auto_mkindexStandard library of Tcl procedures
auto_pathVariables used by Tcl
auto_qualifyStandard library of Tcl procedures
auto_resetStandard library of Tcl procedures
autoproxyAutomatic HTTP proxy usage and authentication
aycockAycock-Horspool-Earley parser generator for Tcl
base32Base32 standard encoding
base32coreExpanding basic base32 maps
base32hexBase32 extended hex encoding
base64Base64-encode/decode binary data
beeBitTorrent Serialization Format Encoder/Decoder
bellRing a display's bell
benchProcessing benchmark suites
bench_introBench introduction
bench_lang_introBench language introduction
bench_lang_specBench language specification
bench_readReading benchmark results
bench_wcsvFormatting benchmark results as CSV
bench_wtextFormatting benchmark results as human readable text
bgerrorCommand invoked to process background errors
bibtexParse bibtex files
bigfloatArbitrary precision floating-point numbers
bignumArbitrary precision integer numbers
binaryInsert and extract fields from binary strings
bindArrange for X events to invoke Tcl scripts
bindtagsDetermine which bindings apply to a window, and order of evaluation
bitmapImages that display two colors
blowfishImplementation of the Blowfish block cipher
bodyChange the body for a class method/proc
breakAbort looping command
busyConfine pointer events to a window sub-tree
buttonCreate and manipulate 'button' action widgets
calculusIntegration and ordinary differential equations
canvasCreate and manipulate 'canvas' hypergraphics drawing surface widgets
caseEvaluate one of several scripts, depending on a given value
catConcatenation channel
catchEvaluate script and trap exceptional returns
cc_amexValidation for AMEX creditcard number
cc_discoverValidation for Discover creditcard number
cc_mastercardValidation for Mastercard creditcard number
cc_visaValidation for VISA creditcard number
cdChange working directory
cfrontGenerator core for compiler of magic(5) files
cgenGenerator core for compiler of magic(5) files
chanRead, write and manipulate channels
changelogProcessing text in Emacs ChangeLog format
changepointChange point detection methods
checkbuttonCreate and manipulate 'checkbutton' boolean selection widgets
cksumCalculate a cksum(1) compatible checksum
classCreate a class of objects
clayA minimalist framework for large scale OO Projects
clipboardManipulate Tk clipboard
clockObtain and manipulate dates and times
closeClose an open channel
cmdlineProcedures to process command lines and options.
codeCapture the namespace context for a code fragment
colorsSymbolic color names recognized by Tk
combinatoricsCombinatorial functions in the Tcl Math Library
commA remote communication facility for Tcl (8.5 and later)
comm_wireThe comm wire protocol
concatJoin lists together
configbodyChange the "config" code for a public variable
connectConnection setup
consoleControl the console on systems without a real console
constantsMathematical and numerical constants
continueSkip to the next iteration of a loop
controlProcedures for control flow structures.
copyopsData transfer foundation
coreBasic reflected/virtual channel support
coro_autoAutomatic event and IO coroutine awareness
coroutineCreate and produce values from coroutines
counterProcedures for counters and histograms
crc16Perform a 16bit Cyclic Redundancy Check
crc32Perform a 32bit Cyclic Redundancy Check
cronTool for automating the period callback of commands
csvProcedures to handle CSV data.
cursorsMouse cursors available in Tk
cvsProcessing text in 'cvs log' format
dacceptorCreate and use deterministic acceptors
ddeExecute a Dynamic Data Exchange command
ddestData destination
decimalGeneral decimal arithmetic
decodeAccess to zip archives
deferDefered execution
deleg_methodCreation of comm delegates (snit methods)
deleg_procCreation of comm delegates (procedures)
deleteDelete things in the interpreter
desImplementation of the DES and triple-DES ciphers
destroyDestroy one or more windows
dexecExecute deterministic finite automatons
dictManipulate dictionaries
dicttoolDictionary Tools
disjointsetDisjoint set data structure
docidxProcessing indices
docidx_introDocidx introduction
docidx_lang_cmdrefDocidx language command reference
docidx_lang_faqDocidx language faq
docidx_lang_introDocidx language introduction
docidx_lang_syntaxDocidx language syntax
docidx_plugin_apirefDocidx plugin API reference
docstripDocstrip style source code extraction
docstrip_utilDocstrip-related utilities
doctocProcessing tables of contents
doctoc_introDoctoc introduction
doctoc_lang_cmdrefDoctoc language command reference
doctoc_lang_faqDoctoc language faq
doctoc_lang_introDoctoc language introduction
doctoc_lang_syntaxDoctoc language syntax
doctoc_plugin_apirefDoctoc plugin API reference
doctoolsProcessing documents
doctools_introDoctools introduction
doctools_lang_cmdrefDoctools language command reference
doctools_lang_faqDoctools language faq
doctools_lang_introDoctools language introduction
doctools_lang_syntaxDoctools language syntax
doctools_plugin_apirefDoctools plugin API reference
dsourceData source
dtpliteLightweight DocTools Markup Processor
ean13Validation for EAN13
encodeGeneration of zip archives
encodingManipulate encodings
ensembleCreate or modify a composite command
entryCreate and manipulate 'entry' one-line text entry widgets
envVariables used by Tcl
eofCheck for end of file condition on channel
errorGenerate an error
errorCodeVariables used by Tcl
errorInfoVariables used by Tcl
evalEvaluate a Tcl script
eventMiscellaneous event facilities: define virtual events and generate events
eventsEvent support for reflected/virtual channels
exactExact Real Arithmetic
execInvoke subprocesses
exitEnd the application
expanderProcedures to process templates and expand text.
export_docidxDocidx export plugin
export_doctocDoctoc export plugin
exprEvaluate an expression
faCreate and manipulate finite automatons
facadeFacade channel
faopOperations on finite automatons
fblockedTest whether the last input operation exhausted all available input
fconfigureSet and get options on a channel
fcopyCopy data from one channel to another
figurateEvaluate figurate numbers
fileManipulate file names and attributes
fileeventExecute a script when a channel becomes readable or writable
filenameFile name conventions supported by Tcl commands
filetypesProcedures implementing file-type recognition
fileutilProcedures implementing some file utilities
filtergenDigital filters
findSearch for classes and objects
flushFlush buffered output for a channel
focusManage the input focus
fontCreate and inspect fonts.
fontchooserControl font selection dialog
for'For' loop
foreachIterate over all elements in one or more lists
formatFormat a string in the style of sprintf
fourierDiscrete and fast fourier transforms
frameCreate and manipulate 'frame' simple container widgets
ftpClient-side tcl implementation of the ftp protocol
ftp_geturlUri handler for ftp urls
ftpdTcl FTP server implementation
fuzzyFuzzy comparison of floating-point numbers
gasmME assembler
generatorProcedures for creating and using generators.
geometryVariables used or set by Tk
getsRead a line from a channel
globReturn names of files that match patterns
globalAccess global variables
gpxExtracts waypoints, tracks and routes from GPX files
grabConfine pointer and keyboard events to a window sub-tree
graphCreate and manipulate directed graph objects
graph1Create and manipulate directed graph objects
graphopsOperation for (un)directed graph objects
gridGeometry manager that arranges widgets in a grid
gtokenImplementation of SASL NTLM mechanism for Tcl
halfpipeIn-memory channel, half of a fifo2
hexHexadecimal encoding transformation
historyManipulate the history list
htmlProcedures to generate HTML structures
html_cssdefaultsDefault CSS style for HTML export plugins
htmlparseProcedures to parse HTML strings
httpClient-side implementation of the HTTP/1.1 protocol
httpdA TclOO and coroutine based web server
huddleCreate and manipulate huddle object
ibanValidation for IBAN
identIdent protocol client
identityIdentity transformation
idx_containerHolding keyword indices
idx_exportExporting keyword indices
idx_export_htmlHTML export plugin
idx_export_jsonJSON export plugin
idx_export_nroffNroff export plugin
idx_export_textPlain text export plugin
idx_export_wikiWiki export plugin
idx_importImporting keyword indices
idx_import_jsonJSON import plugin
idx_introductionKeyword indices
idx_msgcat_cMessage catalog for the docidx parser (C)
idx_msgcat_deMessage catalog for the docidx parser (DE)
idx_msgcat_enMessage catalog for the docidx parser (EN)
idx_msgcat_frMessage catalog for the docidx parser (FR)
idx_parseParsing text in docidx format
idx_structureDocidx serialization utilities
ifExecute scripts conditionally
imageCreate and manipulate images
imap4Imap client-side tcl implementation of imap protocol
imeiValidation for IMEI
imenuTerminal widget, menu
import_docidxDocidx import plugin
import_doctocDoctoc import plugin
incrIncrement the value of a variable
infoReturn information about the state of the Tcl interpreter
iniParsing of Windows INI files
interpCreate and manipulate Tcl interpreters
interpolateInterpolation routines
ipagerTerminal widget, paging
ircCreate IRC connection and interface.
isTest argument to see if it is a class or an object
isbnValidation for ISBN
iso8601Parsing ISO 8601 dates/times
itclObject-oriented extensions to Tcl
itclcomponentDefine components for extendedclass, widget or widgetadaptor
itcldelegateDelegate methods, procs or options to other objects
itclextendedclassCreate a extendedclass of objects
itcloptionDefine options for extendedclass, widget or widgetadaptor
itclvarsVariables used by [incr Tcl]
itclwidgetCreate a widget class of objects
javascriptProcedures to generate HTML and Java Script structures.
joinCreate a string by joining together list elements
jpegJPEG querying and manipulation of meta data
jsonJSON parser
json_writeJSON generation
keysymsKeysyms recognized by Tk
labelCreate and manipulate 'label' non-interactive text or image widgets
labelframeCreate and manipulate 'labelframe' labelled container widgets
lambdaUtility commands for anonymous procedures
lappendAppend list elements onto a variable
lassignAssign list elements to variables
lazysetLazy evaluation
ldapLDAP client
ldapxLDAP extended object interface
lha(unknown subject)
libraryStandard library of Tcl procedures
limitsizeLimiting input
linalgLinear Algebra
lindexRetrieve an element from a list
linsertInsert elements into a list
listCreate a list
listboxCreate and manipulate 'listbox' item list widgets
llengthCount the number of elements in a list
lmapIterate over all elements in one or more lists and collect results
loadLoad machine code and initialize new commands
localCreate an object local to a procedure
logProcedures to log messages of libraries and applications.
loggerSystem to control logging of events.
loggerAppenderCollection of predefined appenders for logger
loggerUtilsUtilities for logger
lowerChange a window's position in the stacking order
lrangeReturn one or more adjacent elements from a list
lrepeatBuild a list by repeating elements
lreplaceReplace elements in a list with new elements
lreverseReverse the order of a list
lsearchSee if a list contains a particular element
lsetChange an element in a list
lsortSort the elements of a list
luhnValidation for plain number with a LUHN checkdigit
luhn5Validation for plain number with a LUHN5 checkdigit
machineparametersCompute double precision machine parameters.
map_geocode_nominatimResolving geographical names with a Nominatim service
map_slippyCommon code for slippy based map packages
map_slippy_cacheManagement of a tile cache in the local filesystem
map_slippy_fetcherAccessing a server providing tiles for slippy-based maps
mapprojMap projection routines
markdownConverts Markdown text to HTML
mathTcl Math Library
math_geometryGeometrical computations
mathfuncMathematical functions for Tcl expressions
mathopMathematical operators as Tcl commands
matrixCreate and manipulate matrix objects
matrix1Create and manipulate matrix objects
md4MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm
md5MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
md5cryptMD5-based password encryption
me_astVarious representations of ASTs
me_cpuVirtual machine implementation II for parsing token streams
me_cpucoreME virtual machine state manipulation
me_introIntroduction to virtual machines for parsing token streams
me_tclVirtual machine implementation I for parsing token streams
me_utilAST utilities
me_vmVirtual machine for parsing token streams
memoryControl Tcl memory debugging capabilities
menuCreate and manipulate 'menu' widgets and menubars
menubuttonCreate and manipulate 'menubutton' pop-up menu indicator widgets
messageCreate and manipulate 'message' non-interactive text widgets
metaUtility commands for TclOO
mimeManipulation of MIME body parts
mkdocSource code documentation extractor/converter application
mkzipBuild a zip archive
montecarloMonte Carlo simulations
mpexpandMarkup processor
msgcatTcl message catalog
multiMulti-file operation, scatter/gather, standard object
multiopMulti-file operation, scatter/gather
multiplexerOne-to-many communication with sockets.
myInvoke any method of current object
namespaceCreate and manipulate contexts for commands and variables
namespacexNamespace utility commands
ncgiProcedures to manipulate CGI values.
nettoolTools for networked applications
nextInvoke superclass method implementations
nexttoInvoke superclass method implementations
nmeaProcess NMEA data
nnsName service facility, Commandline Client Application
nns_autoName service facility, Client Extension
nns_clientName service facility, Client
nns_commonName service facility, shared definitions
nns_introName service facility, introduction
nns_protocolName service facility, client/server protocol
nns_serverName service facility, Server
nnsdName service facility, Commandline Server Application
nnslogName service facility, Commandline Logging Client Application
nntpTcl client for the NNTP protocol
nroff_manmacrosDefault CSS style for NROFF export plugins
ntlmImplementation of SASL NTLM mechanism for Tcl
ntp_timeTcl Time Service Client
nullzeroNull/Zero channel combination
numtheoryNumber Theory
oauthOauth API base signature
observeObserver transformation, stream copy
oo_classClass of all classes
oo_copyCreate copies of objects and classes
oo_defineDefine and configure classes and objects
oo_objdefineDefine and configure classes and objects
oo_objectRoot class of the class hierarchy
oometaOo::meta A data registry for classess
ooutilUtility commands for TclOO
openOpen a file-based or command pipeline channel
optimizeOptimisation routines
optionAdd/retrieve window options to/from the option database
optionsStandard options supported by widgets
otpOne-Time Passwords
owtclOWFS library access commands for Tcl
packGeometry manager that packs around edges of cavity
pack_oldObsolete syntax for packer geometry manager
packageFacilities for package loading and version control
packagensConstruct an appropriate 'package ifneeded' command for a given package specification
pageParser Generator
page_introPage introduction
page_pluginmgrPage plugin manager
page_util_flowPage dataflow/treewalker utility
page_util_norm_lemonPage AST normalization, LEMON
page_util_norm_pegPage AST normalization, PEG
page_util_pegPage PEG transformation utilities
page_util_quotePage character quoting utilities
panedwindowCreate and manipulate 'panedwindow' split container widgets
parrayStandard library of Tcl procedures
patchApplication of uni-diff patches to directory trees
pathsManage search path pools
pcaPackage for Principal Component Analysis
pegCreate and manipulate parsing expression grammars
peg_interpInterpreter for parsing expression grammars
pg_blockingSee or set whether or not a connection is set to blocking or nonblocking
pg_cancelrequestRequest that PostgreSQL abandon processing of the current command
pg_conndefaultsGet connection options and their defaults
pg_connectOpen a connection to the server
pg_copy_completeCompletes a COPY FROM stdin operation
pg_dbinfoReturns data about the connection
pg_disconnectClose a connection to the server
pg_escape_byteaEscapes a binary string for inclusion into SQL statements.
pg_escape_stringEscapes a string for inclusion into SQL statements. This is the same as pg_quote. It was added for consistency.
pg_execSend a command to the server
pg_exec_preparedSend a request to execute a prepared SQL statement to the server
pg_executeSend a query and optionally loop over the results
pg_getresultProcess asychronous results
pg_isbusySee if a query is busy
pg_listenSet or change a callback for asynchronous notification messages
pg_lo_closeClose a large object
pg_lo_creatCreate a large object
pg_lo_exportExport a large object to a file
pg_lo_importImport a large object from a file
pg_lo_lseekSeek to a position of a large object
pg_lo_openOpen a large object
pg_lo_readRead from a large object
pg_lo_tellReturn the current seek position of a large object
pg_lo_truncateTruncate a large object to a given length
pg_lo_unlinkDelete a large object
pg_lo_writeWrite to a large object
pg_null_value_stringDefine a value to be returned for NULL fields distinct from the default value of an empty string.
pg_on_connection_lossSet or change a callback for unexpected connection loss
pg_quoteEscapes a string for inclusion into SQL statements
pg_resultGet information about a command result
pg_selectLoop over the result of a query
pg_sendquerySend a query string to the backend connection without waiting for a result
pg_sendquery_preparedSend a request to execute a prepared statement to the backend connection, without waiting for a result
pg_sqliteImplements a bridge between PostgreSQL and Sqlite3 using the Pgtcl and sqlite3 packages.
pg_unescape_byteaUnescapes a binary string.
photoFull-color images
picoircSmall and simple embeddable IRC client.
pidRetrieve process identifiers
pkgMkIndexBuild an index for automatic loading of packages
pkg_createConstruct an appropriate 'package ifneeded' command for a given package specification
pkg_dtpliteLightweight DocTools Markup Processor
pkg_mkIndexBuild an index for automatic loading of packages
pkiImplementation of the public key cipher
placeGeometry manager for fixed or rubber-sheet placement
platformSystem identification support code and utilities
platform_shellSystem identification support code and utilities
pluginmgrManage a plugin
pngPNG querying and manipulation of meta data
polynomialsPolynomial functions
poolCreate and manipulate pool objects (of discrete items)
pop3Tcl client for POP3 email protocol
pop3dTcl POP3 server implementation
pop3d_dboxSimple mailbox database for pop3d
pop3d_udbSimple user database for pop3d
practclThe Practcl Module
prioqueueCreate and manipulate prioqueue objects
proboptProbabilistic optimisation methods
procCreate a Tcl procedure
processmanTool for automating the period callback of commands
profilerTcl source code profiler
ptParser Tools Application
pt_astreeAbstract Syntax Tree Serialization
pt_cparam_config_critclC/PARAM, Canned configuration, Critcl
pt_cparam_config_teaC/PARAM, Canned configuration, TEA
pt_from_apiParser Tools Import API
pt_introductionIntroduction to Parser Tools
pt_json_languageThe JSON Grammar Exchange Format
pt_paramPackRat Machine Specification
pt_parse_pegParser Tools PEG Parser
pt_parser_apiParser API
pt_peg_containerPEG Storage
pt_peg_container_pegPEG Storage. Canned PEG grammar specification
pt_peg_exportPEG Export
pt_peg_export_containerPEG Export Plugin. Write CONTAINER format
pt_peg_export_jsonPEG Export Plugin. Write JSON format
pt_peg_export_pegPEG Export Plugin. Write PEG format
pt_peg_from_containerPEG Conversion. From CONTAINER format
pt_peg_from_jsonPEG Conversion. Read JSON format
pt_peg_from_pegPEG Conversion. Read PEG format
pt_peg_importPEG Import
pt_peg_import_containerPEG Import Plugin. From CONTAINER format
pt_peg_import_jsonPEG Import Plugin. Read JSON format
pt_peg_import_pegPEG Import Plugin. Read PEG format
pt_peg_interpInterpreter for parsing expression grammars
pt_peg_introductionIntroduction to Parsing Expression Grammars
pt_peg_languagePEG Language Tutorial
pt_peg_opParser Tools PE Grammar Utility Operations
pt_peg_to_containerPEG Conversion. Write CONTAINER format
pt_peg_to_cparamPEG Conversion. Write CPARAM format
pt_peg_to_jsonPEG Conversion. Write JSON format
pt_peg_to_paramPEG Conversion. Write PARAM format
pt_peg_to_pegPEG Conversion. Write PEG format
pt_peg_to_tclparamPEG Conversion. Write TCLPARAM format
pt_pegrammarParsing Expression Grammar Serialization
pt_pexpr_opParsing Expression Utilities
pt_pexpressionParsing Expression Serialization
pt_pgenParser Generator
pt_rdengineParsing Runtime Support, PARAM based
pt_tclparam_config_nxTcl/PARAM, Canned configuration, NX
pt_tclparam_config_snitTcl/PARAM, Canned configuration, Snit
pt_tclparam_config_tclooTcl/PARAM, Canned configuration, Tcloo
pt_to_apiParser Tools Export API
pt_utilGeneral utilities
putsWrite to a channel
pwdReturn the absolute path of the current working directory
qcomplexStraightforward complex number package
quasirandomQuasi-random points for integration and Monte Carlo type methods
queueCreate and manipulate queue objects
radiobuttonCreate and manipulate 'radiobutton' pick-one widgets
raiseChange a window's position in the stacking order
randseedUtilities for random channels
rational_funcsPolynomial functions
rc4Implementation of the RC4 stream cipher
rcsRCS low level utilities
re_syntaxSyntax of Tcl regular expressions
readRead from a channel
receiveGeneral input from terminals
receiverData source
recordDefine and create records (similar to 'C' structures)
refchanCommand handler API of reflected channels
regexpMatch a regular expression against a string
registryManipulate the Windows registry
regsubPerform substitutions based on regular expression pattern matching
renameRename or delete a command
repeatProcedures to repeat strings.
reportCreate and manipulate report objects
restDefine REST web APIs and call them inline or asychronously
returnReturn from a procedure, or set return code of a script
rfc2822Parsing RFC 2822 dates/times
ripemd128RIPEMD-128 Message-Digest Algorithm
ripemd160RIPEMD-160 Message-Digest Algorithm
romanTools for creating and manipulating roman numerals
rombergRomberg integration
rtcoreRuntime core for file type recognition engines written in pure Tcl
safeCreating and manipulating safe interpreters
safe_loadTkLoad Tk into a safe interpreter.
saslImplementation of SASL mechanisms for Tcl
scaleCreate and manipulate 'scale' value-controlled slider widgets
scanParse string using conversion specifiers in the style of sscanf
scopeCapture the namespace context for a variable
scramImplementation of SASL SCRAM mechanism for Tcl
scrollbarCreate and manipulate 'scrollbar' scrolling control and indicator widgets
seekChange the access position for an open channel
selectionManipulate the X selection
selfMethod call internal introspection
sendExecute a command in a different application
setRead and write variables
sha1SHA1 Message-Digest Algorithm
sha256SHA256 Message-Digest Algorithm
simulation_randomPseudo-random number generators
skiplistCreate and manipulate skiplists
smtpClient-side tcl implementation of the smtp protocol
smtpdTcl SMTP server implementation
snitSnit's Not Incr Tcl
snitfaqSnit Frequently Asked Questions
socketOpen a TCP network connection
sourceEvaluate a file or resource as a Tcl script
spacerSpace insertation and removal
specialSpecial mathematical functions
spinboxCreate and manipulate 'spinbox' value spinner widgets
splitSplit a string into a proper Tcl list
sqlite3An interface to the SQLite3 database engine
stackCreate and manipulate stack objects
statisticsBasic statistical functions and procedures
stdStandard I/O, unification of stdin and stdout
stooopObject oriented extension.
stringManipulate strings
stringprepImplementation of stringprep
stringprep_dataStringprep data tables, generated, internal
struct_listProcedures for manipulating lists
struct_mapManage key/value maps
struct_setProcedures for manipulating sets
struct_treeCreate and manipulate tree objects
struct_tree1Create and manipulate tree objects
substPerform backslash, command, and variable substitutions
sumCalculate a sum(1) compatible checksum
switchEvaluate one of several scripts, depending on a given value
switchedSwitch/option management.
symdiffSymbolic differentiation for Tcl
tabifyProcedures to (un)tabify strings
tailcallReplace the current procedure with another command
tarTar file creation, extraction & manipulation
tcl_endOfWordStandard library of Tcl procedures
tcl_findLibraryStandard library of Tcl procedures
tcl_interactiveVariables used by Tcl
tcl_libraryVariables used by Tcl
tcl_nonwordcharsVariables used by Tcl
tcl_parseProcessing text in 'subst -novariables' format
tcl_patchLevelVariables used by Tcl
tcl_pkgPathVariables used by Tcl
tcl_platformVariables used by Tcl
tcl_precisionVariables used by Tcl
tcl_prefixFacilities for prefix matching
tcl_rcFileNameVariables used by Tcl
tcl_startOfNextWordStandard library of Tcl procedures
tcl_startOfPreviousWordStandard library of Tcl procedures
tcl_traceCompileVariables used by Tcl
tcl_traceExecVariables used by Tcl
tcl_versionVariables used by Tcl
tcl_wordBreakAfterStandard library of Tcl procedures
tcl_wordBreakBeforeStandard library of Tcl procedures
tcl_wordcharsVariables used by Tcl
tcldesImplementation of the DES and triple-DES ciphers
tcldesjrImplementation of the DES and triple-DES ciphers
tcldocstripTcl-based Docstrip Processor
tcllib_coroutineCoroutine based event and IO handling
tcllib_dnsTcl Domain Name Service Client
tcllib_fifoIn-memory fifo channel
tcllib_fifo2In-memory interconnected fifo channels
tcllib_interpInterp creation and aliasing
tcllib_ipIPv4 and IPv6 address manipulation
tcllib_memchanIn-memory channel
tcllib_msgcatMessage catalog management for the various document parsers
tcllib_nullNull channel
tcllib_randomRandom channel
tcllib_stringRead-only in-memory channel
tcllib_throwThrow an error exception with a message
tcllib_tryTrap and process errors and exceptions
tcllib_variableIn-memory channel using variable for storage
tcllib_zeroZero channel
tcllib_zlibZlib (de)compression
tcltestTest harness support code and utilities
tdbcTcl Database Connectivity
tdbc_connectionTDBC connection object
tdbc_mapSqlStateMap SQLSTATE to error class
tdbc_mysqlTDBC-MYSQL bridge
tdbc_odbcTDBC-ODBC bridge
tdbc_postgresTDBC-POSTGRES bridge
tdbc_resultsetTDBC result set object
tdbc_sqlite3TDBC driver for the SQLite3 database manager
tdbc_statementTDBC statement object
tdbc_tokenizeTDBC SQL tokenizer
tellReturn current access position for an open channel
tepam_argument_dialogboxTEPAM argument_dialogbox, reference manual
tepam_doc_genTEPAM DOC Generation, reference manual
tepam_introductionAn introduction into TEPAM, Tcl's Enhanced Procedure and Argument Manager
tepam_procedureTEPAM procedure, reference manual
termGeneral terminal control
term_bindKeyboard dispatch from terminals
term_sendGeneral output to terminals
textCreate and manipulate 'text' hypertext editing widgets
textutilProcedures to manipulate texts and strings.
textutil_splitProcedures to split texts
textutil_stringProcedures to manipulate texts and strings.
textwindowTextwindow channel
threadExtension for script access to Tcl threading
throwGenerate a machine-readable error
tieArray persistence
tie_stdArray persistence, standard data sources
tiffTIFF reading, writing, and querying and manipulation of meta data
timeTime the execution of a script
timerateCalibrated performance measurements of script execution time
tkManipulate Tk internal state
tk_bindForTraversalObsolete support for menu bars
tk_bisqueModify the Tk color palette
tk_chooseColorPops up a dialog box for the user to select a color.
tk_chooseDirectoryPops up a dialog box for the user to select a directory.
tk_dialogCreate modal dialog and wait for response
tk_focusFollowsMouseUtility procedures for managing the input focus.
tk_focusNextUtility procedures for managing the input focus.
tk_focusPrevUtility procedures for managing the input focus.
tk_getOpenFilePop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to open or save.
tk_getSaveFilePop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to open or save.
tk_libraryVariables used or set by Tk
tk_macAccess Mac-Specific Functionality on OS X from Tk
tk_menuBarObsolete support for menu bars
tk_menuSetFocusCreate and manipulate 'menu' widgets and menubars
tk_messageBoxPops up a message window and waits for user response.
tk_optionMenuCreate an option menubutton and its menu
tk_patchLevelVariables used or set by Tk
tk_popupPost a popup menu
tk_setPaletteModify the Tk color palette
tk_strictMotifVariables used or set by Tk
tk_textCopyCreate and manipulate 'text' hypertext editing widgets
tk_textCutCreate and manipulate 'text' hypertext editing widgets
tk_textPasteCreate and manipulate 'text' hypertext editing widgets
tk_versionVariables used or set by Tk
tkerrorCommand invoked to process background errors
tkwaitWait for variable to change or window to be destroyed
tmFacilities for locating and loading of Tcl Modules
toc_containerHolding tables of contents
toc_exportExporting tables of contents
toc_export_htmlHTML export plugin
toc_export_jsonJSON export plugin
toc_export_nroffNroff export plugin
toc_export_textPlain text export plugin
toc_export_wikiWiki export plugin
toc_importImporting keyword indices
toc_import_jsonJSON import plugin
toc_introductionTables of Contents
toc_msgcat_cMessage catalog for the doctoc parser (C)
toc_msgcat_deMessage catalog for the doctoc parser (DE)
toc_msgcat_enMessage catalog for the doctoc parser (EN)
toc_msgcat_frMessage catalog for the doctoc parser (FR)
toc_parseParsing text in doctoc format
toc_structureDoctoc serialization utilities
tokenRegex based iterative lexing
token_shellParsing of shell command line
toolTclOO Library (TOOL) Framework
tool_dict_ensembleDictionary Tools
toplevelCreate and manipulate 'toplevel' main and popup window widgets
tpoolPart of the Tcl threading extension implementing pools of worker threads.
tqueueQueued transfers
traceMonitor variable accesses, command usages and command executions
transchanCommand handler API of channel transforms
transformcoreBasic reflected/virtual channel transform support
transmitterData source
traverseIterative directory traversal
treeqlQuery tree objects
trigTrigonometric anf hyperbolic functions
trimProcedures to trim strings
tryTrap and process errors and exceptions
tsvPart of the Tcl threading extension allowing script level manipulation of data shared between threads.
ttk_buttonWidget that issues a command when pressed
ttk_checkbuttonOn/off widget
ttk_comboboxText field with popdown selection list
ttk_entryEditable text field widget
ttk_frameSimple container widget
ttk_imageDefine an element based on an image
ttk_introIntroduction to the Tk theme engine
ttk_labelDisplay a text string and/or image
ttk_labelframeContainer widget with optional label
ttk_menubuttonWidget that pops down a menu when pressed
ttk_notebookMulti-paned container widget
ttk_panedwindowMulti-pane container window
ttk_progressbarProvide progress feedback
ttk_radiobuttonMutually exclusive option widget
ttk_scaleCreate and manipulate a scale widget
ttk_scrollbarControl the viewport of a scrollable widget
ttk_separatorSeparator bar
ttk_sizegripBottom-right corner resize widget
ttk_spinboxSelecting text field widget
ttk_styleManipulate style database
ttk_treeviewHierarchical multicolumn data display widget
ttk_vsapiDefine a Microsoft Visual Styles element
ttk_widgetStandard options and commands supported by Tk themed widgets
ttraceTrace-based interpreter initialization
udpclusterUDP Peer-to-Peer cluster
ueventUser events
uevent_onidleRequest merging and deferal to idle time
unicodeImplementation of Unicode normalization
unicode_dataUnicode data tables, generated, internal
unitsUnit conversion
unknownHandle attempts to use non-existent commands
unloadUnload machine code
unsetDelete variables
updateProcess pending events and idle callbacks
uplevelExecute a script in a different stack frame
upvarCreate link to variable in a different stack frame
uriURI utilities
urn-schemeURI utilities, URN scheme
usnpiValidation for USNPI
uuencodeUU-encode/decode binary data
uuidUUID generation and comparison
valtype_commonValidation, common code
variableCreate and initialize a namespace variable
verhoeffValidation for plain number with a VERHOEFF checkdigit
vt_base64Base64 encoding transformation
vt_counterCounter transformation
vt_crc32Crc32 transformation
vt_otpEncryption via one-time pad
vwaitProcess events until a variable is written
websocketTcl implementation of the websocket protocol
whileExecute script repeatedly as long as a condition is met
winfoReturn window-related information
wipWord Interpreter
wmCommunicate with window manager
xsxpEXtremely Simple Xml Parser
yamlYAML Format Encoder/Decoder
yencodeY-encode/decode binary data
yieldCreate and produce values from coroutines
yieldtoCreate and produce values from coroutines
zlibCompression and decompression operations

Updated 2024-01-29 - |