Section for 8c man pages

Welcome to section 8c

Since there are thousands of different man pages in the database, it is divided into sections that function roughly like groups. A certain type of man page belongs to a section. It's amazing how many manuals there actually are out there. We try to have as many man pages as possible so that people can easily seek help on our site.

There are approximately 9 sections that are used to divide all manuals into different chapters. Some are about commands for Linux while there are sections for devices and libraries. Take a look at the index page to see all sections. You can find it by clicking the home button.

Below you can search all man pages that belongs to the 8c section.

Man pages

choptestPage chopping test program
cqtestCopy quality checking test program
dialtestDial string processing rules test program
faxabortTell a server to abort a receive
faxaddmodemConfigure a modem for use with
faxadduserAdd a fax user to the permissions file
faxanswerTell a server to answer the telephone
faxconfigDynamically change configuration parameters
faxcronRoutine maintenance script
faxdeluserDelete a fax user from the permissions file
faxfetchRetrieve a file from a HylaFAX server
faxgettyFront-door process
faxinfoPrint information about a received facsimile
faxlockTell a server to switch to LOCKWAIT state
faxmodemDynamically add a modem to a server system
faxmsgUtility program used by other HylaFAX client programs
faxqQueue manager process
faxqcleanQueue cleaner process
faxquitTell a server to terminate
faxrcvdNotification script for received facsimile
faxsendFacsimile transmit program
faxsetupSetup a machine for use with
faxsetup.linuxLinux-specific version of faxsetup
faxstateControl ``modem state'' of a device used by
faxwatchMonitor low-level server actions
hfaxdClient-server protocol server
hylafax(unknown subject)
jobcontrolPer-job controls for servers
locknameProgram invoked by faxaddmodem and probemodem to generate a UUCP lock filename according to SVR4 conventions
mkcoverContinuation cover page generation command
notifyUser notification script
ondelayProgram invoked by faxaddmodem and probemodem to configure a modem device for use by those programs
pagesendIXO/TAP and UCP transmit program
pdf2faxImage Portable Document Format file for facsimile transmission by
pollrcvdScript for delivering facsimile received by polling
probemodemThis script probes a modem attached to a serial line and reports the results of certain commands.
ps2faxImage for facsimile transmission by
recvstatsSummarize receive accounting information
tagtestTag line testing program
tiff2faxConvert for facsimile transmission by
tiffcheckCheck for conversion requirements
tsitestTSI access control list checking program
typetestProgram for testing out typerules.
wedgedModem wedged script
xferfaxstatsSummarize transmission accounting

Updated 2024-01-29 - |