Welcome to section 3type
Since there are thousands of different man pages in the database, it is divided into sections that function roughly like groups. A certain type of man page belongs to a section. It's amazing how many manuals there actually are out there. We try to have as many man pages as possible so that people can easily seek help on our site.
There are approximately 9 sections that are used to divide all manuals into different chapters. Some are about commands for Linux while there are sections for devices and libraries. Take a look at the index page to see all sections. You can find it by clicking the home button.
Below you can search all man pages that belongs to the 3type section.
Name | Description |
FILE | Input/output stream |
aiocb | Asynchronous I/O control block |
blkcnt_t | File block counts |
blksize_t | File block sizes |
cc_t | Terminal special characters, baud rates, modes |
clock_t | System time |
clockid_t | Clock ID for the clock and timer functions |
dev_t | Device ID |
div_t | Quotient and remainder of an integer division |
double_t | Most efficient floating types |
epoll_data | Epoll event |
epoll_data_t | Epoll event |
epoll_event | Epoll event |
fenv_t | Floating-point environment |
fexcept_t | Floating-point environment |
float_t | Most efficient floating types |
gid_t | Process/user/group identifier |
id_t | Process/user/group identifier |
imaxdiv_t | Quotient and remainder of an integer division |
in6_addr | Socket address |
in_addr | Socket address |
in_addr_t | Socket address |
in_port_t | Socket address |
int16_t | Fixed-width basic integer types |
int32_t | Fixed-width basic integer types |
int64_t | Fixed-width basic integer types |
int8_t | Fixed-width basic integer types |
intN_t | Fixed-width basic integer types |
intmax_t | Greatest-width basic integer types |
intptr_t | Integer types wide enough to hold pointers |
iovec | Vector I/O data structure |
itimerspec | Interval for a timer with nanosecond precision |
lconv | Numeric formatting information |
ldiv_t | Quotient and remainder of an integer division |
lldiv_t | Quotient and remainder of an integer division |
loff_t | File sizes |
mode_t | File attributes |
off64_t | File sizes |
off_t | File sizes |
pid_t | Process/user/group identifier |
printf_arginfo_size_function | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
printf_function | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
printf_info | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
printf_va_arg_function | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
ptrdiff_t | Count of elements or array index |
regex_t | POSIX regex functions |
regmatch_t | POSIX regex functions |
regoff_t | POSIX regex functions |
sa_family_t | Socket address |
sigevent | Overview of system data types |
siginfo_t | Overview of system data types |
sigset_t | Overview of system data types |
sigval | Overview of system data types |
size_t | Count of bytes |
sockaddr | Socket address |
sockaddr_in | Socket address |
sockaddr_in6 | Socket address |
sockaddr_storage | Socket address |
sockaddr_un | Socket address |
socklen_t | Socket address |
speed_t | Terminal special characters, baud rates, modes |
ssize_t | Count of bytes |
stat | File status |
suseconds_t | Integer time |
tcflag_t | Terminal special characters, baud rates, modes |
time_t | Integer time |
timer_t | Timer ID |
timespec | Time in seconds and nanoseconds |
timeval | Time in seconds and microseconds |
tm | Broken-down time |
uid_t | Process/user/group identifier |
uint16_t | Fixed-width basic integer types |
uint32_t | Fixed-width basic integer types |
uint64_t | Fixed-width basic integer types |
uint8_t | Fixed-width basic integer types |
uintN_t | Fixed-width basic integer types |
uintmax_t | Greatest-width basic integer types |
uintptr_t | Integer types wide enough to hold pointers |
useconds_t | Integer time |
va_list | Variable argument list |
void | Abstract type |