Section for 3pcap man pages

Welcome to section 3pcap

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There are approximately 9 sections that are used to divide all manuals into different chapters. Some are about commands for Linux while there are sections for devices and libraries. Take a look at the index page to see all sections. You can find it by clicking the home button.

Below you can search all man pages that belongs to the 3pcap section.

Man pages

pcapPacket Capture library
pcap_activateActivate a capture handle
pcap_breakloopForce a pcap_dispatch() or pcap_loop() call to return
pcap_can_set_rfmonCheck whether monitor mode can be set for a not-yet-activated capture handle
pcap_closeClose a capture device or savefile
pcap_compileCompile a filter expression
pcap_createCreate a live capture handle
pcap_datalinkGet the link-layer header type
pcap_datalink_name_to_valGet the link-layer header type value corresponding to a header type name
pcap_datalink_val_to_descriptionGet a name or description for a link-layer header type value
pcap_datalink_val_to_description_or_dltGet a name or description for a link-layer header type value
pcap_datalink_val_to_nameGet a name or description for a link-layer header type value
pcap_dispatchProcess packets from a live capture or savefile
pcap_dumpWrite a packet to a capture file
pcap_dump_closeClose a savefile being written to
pcap_dump_fileGet the standard I/O stream for a savefile being written
pcap_dump_flushFlush to a savefile packets dumped
pcap_dump_fopenOpen a file to which to write packets
pcap_dump_ftellGet the current file offset for a savefile being written
pcap_dump_openOpen a file to which to write packets
pcap_fileGet the standard I/O stream for a savefile being read
pcap_filenoGet the file descriptor for a live capture
pcap_findalldevsGet a list of capture devices, and free that list
pcap_fopen_offlineOpen a saved capture file for reading
pcap_fopen_offline_with_tstamp_precisionOpen a saved capture file for reading
pcap_free_datalinksGet a list of link-layer header types supported by a capture device, and free that list
pcap_free_tstamp_typesGet a list of time stamp types supported by a capture device, and free that list
pcap_freealldevsGet a list of capture devices, and free that list
pcap_freecodeFree a BPF program
pcap_get_required_select_timeoutGet a timeout to be used when doing select() for a live capture
pcap_get_selectable_fdGet a file descriptor on which a select() can be done for a live capture
pcap_get_tstamp_precisionGet the time stamp precision returned in captures
pcap_geterrGet or print libpcap error message text
pcap_getnonblockSet or get the state of non-blocking mode on a capture device
pcap_initInitialize the library
pcap_injectTransmit a packet
pcap_is_swappedFind out whether a savefile has the native byte order
pcap_lib_versionGet the version information for libpcap
pcap_list_datalinksGet a list of link-layer header types supported by a capture device, and free that list
pcap_list_tstamp_typesGet a list of time stamp types supported by a capture device, and free that list
pcap_lookupdevFind the default device on which to capture
pcap_lookupnetFind the IPv4 network number and netmask for a device
pcap_loopProcess packets from a live capture or savefile
pcap_major_versionGet the version number of a savefile
pcap_minor_versionGet the version number of a savefile
pcap_nextRead the next packet from a pcap_t
pcap_next_exRead the next packet from a pcap_t
pcap_offline_filterCheck whether a filter matches a packet
pcap_open_deadOpen a fake pcap_t for compiling filters or opening a capture for output
pcap_open_dead_with_tstamp_precisionOpen a fake pcap_t for compiling filters or opening a capture for output
pcap_open_liveOpen a device for capturing
pcap_open_offlineOpen a saved capture file for reading
pcap_open_offline_with_tstamp_precisionOpen a saved capture file for reading
pcap_perrorGet or print libpcap error message text
pcap_sendpacketTransmit a packet
pcap_set_buffer_sizeSet the buffer size for a not-yet-activated capture handle
pcap_set_datalinkSet the link-layer header type to be used by a capture device
pcap_set_immediate_modeSet immediate mode for a not-yet-activated capture handle
pcap_set_promiscSet promiscuous mode for a not-yet-activated capture handle
pcap_set_protocol_linuxSet capture protocol for a not-yet-activated capture handle
pcap_set_rfmonSet monitor mode for a not-yet-activated capture handle
pcap_set_snaplenSet the snapshot length for a not-yet-activated capture handle
pcap_set_timeoutSet the packet buffer timeout for a not-yet-activated capture handle
pcap_set_tstamp_precisionSet the time stamp precision returned in captures
pcap_set_tstamp_typeSet the time stamp type to be used by a capture device
pcap_setdirectionSet the direction for which packets will be captured
pcap_setfilterSet the filter
pcap_setnonblockSet or get the state of non-blocking mode on a capture device
pcap_snapshotGet the snapshot length
pcap_statsGet capture statistics
pcap_statustostrConvert a PCAP_ERROR_ or PCAP_WARNING_ value to a string
pcap_strerrorConvert an errno value to a string
pcap_tstamp_type_name_to_valGet the time stamp type value corresponding to a time stamp type name
pcap_tstamp_type_val_to_descriptionGet a name or description for a time stamp type value
pcap_tstamp_type_val_to_nameGet a name or description for a time stamp type value

Updated 2024-01-29 - |