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Name | Description |
Arg | Parsing of command line arguments. |
Arg_helper | Decipher command line arguments of the form |
Arg_helper.Make | No description |
Array | Array operations. |
ArrayLabels | Array operations. |
Ast_helper | Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments |
Ast_helper.Attr | Attributes |
Ast_helper.Cf | Class fields |
Ast_helper.Ci | Classes |
Ast_helper.Cl | Class expressions |
Ast_helper.Const | No description |
Ast_helper.Csig | Class signatures |
Ast_helper.Cstr | Class structures |
Ast_helper.Ctf | Class type fields |
Ast_helper.Cty | Class type expressions |
Ast_helper.Exp | Expressions |
Ast_helper.Incl | Includes |
Ast_helper.Mb | Module bindings |
Ast_helper.Md | Module declarations |
Ast_helper.Mod | Module expressions |
Ast_helper.Ms | Module substitutions |
Ast_helper.Mtd | Module type declarations |
Ast_helper.Mty | Module type expressions |
Ast_helper.Of | Object fields |
Ast_helper.Opn | Opens |
Ast_helper.Pat | Patterns |
Ast_helper.Rf | Row fields |
Ast_helper.Sig | Signature items |
Ast_helper.Str | Structure items |
Ast_helper.Te | Type extensions |
Ast_helper.Typ | Type expressions |
Ast_helper.Type | Type declarations |
Ast_helper.Val | Value declarations |
Ast_helper.Vb | Value bindings |
Ast_invariants | Check AST invariants |
Ast_iterator | Ast_iterator.iterator enables AST inspection using open recursion. |
Ast_mapper | The interface of a -ppx rewriter |
Asttypes | Auxiliary AST types used by parsetree and typedtree. |
Atomic | This module provides a purely sequential implementation of the concurrent atomic references provided by the Multicore OCaml standard library: |
Attr_helper | Helpers for attributes |
Bigarray | Large, multi-dimensional, numerical arrays. |
Bigarray.Array0 | Zero-dimensional arrays. |
Bigarray.Array1 | One-dimensional arrays. |
Bigarray.Array2 | Two-dimensional arrays. |
Bigarray.Array3 | Three-dimensional arrays. |
Bigarray.Genarray | No description |
Binutils | No description |
Bool | Boolean values. |
Buffer | Extensible buffers. |
Build_path_prefix_map | Rewrite paths for reproducible builds |
Builtin_attributes | Support for some of the builtin attributes |
Bytes | Byte sequence operations. |
BytesLabels | Byte sequence operations. |
Callback | Registering OCaml values with the C runtime. |
CamlinternalAtomic | No description |
CamlinternalFormat | No description |
CamlinternalFormatBasics | No description |
CamlinternalLazy | Run-time support for lazy values. |
CamlinternalMenhirLib | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.Convert | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.Convert.Simplified | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.Engine | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.Engine.Make | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.ENGINE | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE_START | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.MONOLITHIC_ENGINE | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE.Log | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.ErrorReports | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.General | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.EVERYTHING | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.SYMBOLS | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.InfiniteArray | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableFormat | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableFormat.TABLES | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableInterpreter | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableInterpreter.Make | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableInterpreter.Symbols | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.LexerUtil | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.LinearizedArray | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.PackedIntArray | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.Printers | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.Printers.Make | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.RowDisplacement | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.StaticVersion | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableInterpreter | No description |
CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableInterpreter.MakeEngineTable | No description |
CamlinternalMod | Run-time support for recursive modules. |
CamlinternalOO | Run-time support for objects and classes. |
Ccomp | Compiling C files and building C libraries |
Char | Character operations. |
Clflags | Command line flags |
Clflags.Compiler_pass | No description |
Clflags.Float_arg_helper | Optimization parameters represented as floats indexed by round number. |
Clflags.Int_arg_helper | Optimization parameters represented as ints indexed by round number. |
Compiler_libs | Warning This library is part of the internal OCaml compiler API, and is not the language standard library. |
Complex | Complex numbers. |
Condition | Condition variables to synchronize between threads. |
Config | System configuration |
Consistbl | Consistency tables: for checking consistency of module CRCs |
Consistbl.Make | No description |
Depend | Module dependencies. |
Depend.String | No description |
Diffing | Parametric diffing |
Diffing.Define | Define(Defs) creates the diffing types from the types defined in Defs and the functors that need to be instantatied with the di... |
Diffing.Define.Left_variadic | Variadic diffing |
Diffing.Define.Parameters | No description |
Diffing.Define.Right_variadic | No description |
Diffing.Define.S | No description |
Diffing.Define.Simple | No description |
Diffing.Defs | The core types of a diffing implementation |
Diffing_with_keys | When diffing lists where each element has a distinct key, we can refine the diffing patch by introducing two composite edit m... |
Diffing_with_keys.Define | No description |
Diffing_with_keys.Define.Parameters | No description |
Diffing_with_keys.Define.Simple | No description |
Digest | MD5 message digest. |
Docstrings | Documentation comments |
Docstrings.WithMenhir | No description |
Domainstate | No description |
Dynlink | Dynamic loading of .cmo, .cma and .cmxs files. |
Either | Either type. |
Ephemeron | Ephemerons and weak hash tables. |
Ephemeron.GenHashTable | Hash tables on generic containers with notion of death and aliveness. |
Ephemeron.GenHashTable.MakeSeeded | Functor building an implementation of an hash table that use the container for keeping the information given |
Ephemeron.K1 | Ephemerons with one key. |
Ephemeron.K1.Bucket | No description |
Ephemeron.K1.Make | Functor building an implementation of a weak hash table |
Ephemeron.K1.MakeSeeded | Functor building an implementation of a weak hash table. |
Ephemeron.K2 | Ephemerons with two keys. |
Ephemeron.K2.Bucket | No description |
Ephemeron.K2.Make | Functor building an implementation of a weak hash table |
Ephemeron.K2.MakeSeeded | Functor building an implementation of a weak hash table. |
Ephemeron.Kn | Ephemerons with arbitrary number of keys of the same type. |
Ephemeron.Kn.Bucket | No description |
Ephemeron.Kn.Make | Functor building an implementation of a weak hash table |
Ephemeron.Kn.MakeSeeded | Functor building an implementation of a weak hash table. |
Ephemeron.S | The output signature of the functors Ephemeron.K1.Make and Ephemeron.K2.Make. |
Ephemeron.SeededS | The output signature of the functors Ephemeron.K1.MakeSeeded and Ephemeron.K2.MakeSeeded. |
Event | First-class synchronous communication. |
Filename | Operations on file names. |
Float | Floating-point arithmetic. |
Float.Array | Float arrays with packed representation. |
Float.ArrayLabels | Float arrays with packed representation (labeled functions). |
Format | Pretty-printing. |
Format_tutorial | Using the Format module |
Fun | Function manipulation. |
Gc | Memory management control and statistics; finalised values. |
Gc.Memprof | Memprof is a sampling engine for allocated memory words. |
Genlex | A generic lexical analyzer. |
Hashtbl | Hash tables and hash functions. |
Hashtbl.HashedType | The input signature of the functor Hashtbl.Make. |
Hashtbl.Make | Functor building an implementation of the hashtable structure. |
Hashtbl.MakeSeeded | Functor building an implementation of the hashtable structure. |
Hashtbl.S | The output signature of the functor Hashtbl.Make. |
Hashtbl.SeededHashedType | The input signature of the functor Hashtbl.MakeSeeded. |
Hashtbl.SeededS | The output signature of the functor Hashtbl.MakeSeeded. |
Identifiable | Uniform interface for common data structures over various things. |
Identifiable.Make | No description |
Identifiable.Map | No description |
Identifiable.Map.T | No description |
Identifiable.Pair | No description |
Identifiable.S | No description |
Identifiable.S.Map | No description |
Identifiable.S.Set | No description |
Identifiable.S.T | No description |
Identifiable.S.Tbl | No description |
Identifiable.Set | No description |
Identifiable.Set.T | No description |
Identifiable.Tbl | No description |
Identifiable.Tbl.T | No description |
Identifiable.Thing | No description |
In_channel | Input channels. |
Int | Integer values. |
Int32 | 32-bit integers. |
Int64 | 64-bit integers. |
Int_replace_polymorphic_compare | No description |
Lazy | Deferred computations. |
Lazy_backtrack | No description |
Lexer | The lexical analyzer |
Lexing | The run-time library for lexers generated by ocamllex. |
List | List operations. |
ListLabels | List operations. |
Load_path | Management of include directories. |
Load_path.Dir | No description |
Local_store | This module provides some facilities for creating references (and hash tables) which can easily be snapshoted and restored to a... |
Location | Source code locations (ranges of positions), used in parsetree. |
Longident | Long identifiers, used in parsetree. |
Map | Association tables over ordered types. |
Map.Make | Functor building an implementation of the map structure given a totally ordered type. |
Map.OrderedType | Input signature of the functor Map.Make. |
Map.S | Output signature of the functor Map.Make. |
Marshal | Marshaling of data structures. |
Misc | Miscellaneous useful types and functions |
Misc.Color | No description |
Misc.Error_style | No description |
Misc.Int_literal_converter | No description |
Misc.LongString | No description |
Misc.Magic_number | No description |
Misc.Stdlib | No description |
Misc.Stdlib.Array | No description |
Misc.Stdlib.List | No description |
Misc.Stdlib.Option | No description |
Misc.Stdlib.String | No description |
Misc.Stdlib.String.Map | No description |
Misc.Stdlib.String.Set | No description |
Misc.Stdlib.String.Tbl | No description |
MoreLabels | Extra labeled libraries. |
MoreLabels.Hashtbl | No description |
MoreLabels.Hashtbl.HashedType | The input signature of the functor MoreLabels.Hashtbl.Make. |
MoreLabels.Hashtbl.Make | Functor building an implementation of the hashtable structure. |
MoreLabels.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded | Functor building an implementation of the hashtable structure. |
MoreLabels.Hashtbl.S | The output signature of the functor MoreLabels.Hashtbl.Make. |
MoreLabels.Hashtbl.SeededHashedType | The input signature of the functor MoreLabels.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded. |
MoreLabels.Hashtbl.SeededS | The output signature of the functor MoreLabels.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded. |
MoreLabels.Map | No description |
MoreLabels.Map.Make | Functor building an implementation of the map structure given a totally ordered type. |
MoreLabels.Map.OrderedType | Input signature of the functor MoreLabels.Map.Make. |
MoreLabels.Map.S | Output signature of the functor MoreLabels.Map.Make. |
MoreLabels.Set | No description |
MoreLabels.Set.Make | Functor building an implementation of the set structure given a totally ordered type. |
MoreLabels.Set.OrderedType | Input signature of the functor MoreLabels.Set.Make. |
MoreLabels.Set.S | Output signature of the functor MoreLabels.Set.Make. |
Mutex | Locks for mutual exclusion. |
Nativeint | Processor-native integers. |
Numbers | Modules about numbers, some of which satisfy Identifiable.S. |
Numbers.Float | No description |
Numbers.Int | No description |
Numbers.Int16 | No description |
Numbers.Int8 | No description |
Obj | Operations on internal representations of values. |
Obj.Closure | No description |
Obj.Ephemeron | No description |
Obj.Extension_constructor | No description |
Ocaml_operators | Precedence level and associativity of operators |
Oo | Operations on objects |
Option | Option values. |
Out_channel | Output channels. |
Parse | Entry points in the parser |
Parser | No description |
Parser.Incremental | No description |
Parser.MenhirInterpreter | No description |
Parsetree | Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing |
Parsing | The run-time library for parsers generated by ocamlyacc. |
Pparse | Driver for the parser and external preprocessors. |
Pprintast | Pretty-printers for Parsetree |
Printast | Raw printer for Parsetree |
Printexc | Facilities for printing exceptions and inspecting current call stack. |
Printexc.Slot | No description |
Printf | Formatted output functions. |
Profile | Compiler performance recording |
Queue | First-in first-out queues. |
Random | Pseudo-random number generators (PRNG). |
Random.State | No description |
Result | Result values. |
Scanf | Formatted input functions. |
Scanf.Scanning | No description |
Semaphore | Semaphores |
Semaphore.Binary | No description |
Semaphore.Counting | No description |
Seq | Sequences. |
Set | Sets over ordered types. |
Set.Make | Functor building an implementation of the set structure given a totally ordered type. |
Set.OrderedType | Input signature of the functor Set.Make. |
Set.S | Output signature of the functor Set.Make. |
Stack | Last-in first-out stacks. |
StdLabels | Standard labeled libraries. |
StdLabels.Array | No description |
StdLabels.Bytes | No description |
StdLabels.List | No description |
StdLabels.String | No description |
Stdlib | The OCaml Standard library. |
Stdlib.Arg | No description |
Stdlib.Array | No description |
Stdlib.ArrayLabels | No description |
Stdlib.Atomic | No description |
Stdlib.Bigarray | No description |
Stdlib.Bool | No description |
Stdlib.Buffer | No description |
Stdlib.Bytes | No description |
Stdlib.BytesLabels | No description |
Stdlib.Callback | No description |
Stdlib.Char | No description |
Stdlib.Complex | No description |
Stdlib.Digest | No description |
Stdlib.Either | No description |
Stdlib.Ephemeron | No description |
Stdlib.Filename | No description |
Stdlib.Float | No description |
Stdlib.Format | No description |
Stdlib.Fun | No description |
Stdlib.Gc | No description |
Stdlib.Genlex | No description |
Stdlib.Hashtbl | No description |
Stdlib.In_channel | No description |
Stdlib.Int | No description |
Stdlib.Int32 | No description |
Stdlib.Int64 | No description |
Stdlib.LargeFile | Operations on large files. |
Stdlib.Lazy | No description |
Stdlib.Lexing | No description |
Stdlib.List | No description |
Stdlib.ListLabels | No description |
Stdlib.Map | No description |
Stdlib.Marshal | No description |
Stdlib.MoreLabels | No description |
Stdlib.Nativeint | No description |
Stdlib.Obj | No description |
Stdlib.Oo | No description |
Stdlib.Option | No description |
Stdlib.Out_channel | No description |
Stdlib.Parsing | No description |
Stdlib.Pervasives | No description |
Stdlib.Printexc | No description |
Stdlib.Printf | No description |
Stdlib.Queue | No description |
Stdlib.Random | No description |
Stdlib.Result | No description |
Stdlib.Scanf | No description |
Stdlib.Seq | No description |
Stdlib.Set | No description |
Stdlib.Stack | No description |
Stdlib.StdLabels | No description |
Stdlib.Stream | No description |
Stdlib.String | No description |
Stdlib.StringLabels | No description |
Stdlib.Sys | No description |
Stdlib.Uchar | No description |
Stdlib.Unit | No description |
Stdlib.Weak | No description |
Str | Regular expressions and high-level string processing |
Stream | Streams and parsers. |
String | Strings. |
StringLabels | Strings. |
Strongly_connected_components | Kosaraju's algorithm for strongly connected components. |
Strongly_connected_components.Make | No description |
Strongly_connected_components.S | No description |
Strongly_connected_components.S.Id | No description |
Syntaxerr | Auxiliary type for reporting syntax errors |
Sys | System interface. |
Sys.Immediate64 | No description |
Sys.Immediate64.Immediate | No description |
Sys.Immediate64.Make | No description |
Sys.Immediate64.Non_immediate | No description |
Targetint | Target processor-native integers. |
Terminfo | Basic interface to the terminfo database |
Thread | Lightweight threads for Posix 1003.1c and Win32. |
ThreadUnix | Thread-compatible system calls. |
Uchar | Unicode characters. |
Unit | Unit values. |
Unix | Interface to the Unix system. |
Unix.LargeFile | File operations on large files. |
UnixLabels | Interface to the Unix system. |
UnixLabels.LargeFile | File operations on large files. |
Warnings | Warning definitions |
Weak | Arrays of weak pointers and hash sets of weak pointers. |
Weak.Make | Functor building an implementation of the weak hash set structure. |
Weak.S | The output signature of the functor Weak.Make. |