Welcome to section 3const
Since there are thousands of different man pages in the database, it is divided into sections that function roughly like groups. A certain type of man page belongs to a section. It's amazing how many manuals there actually are out there. We try to have as many man pages as possible so that people can easily seek help on our site.
There are approximately 9 sections that are used to divide all manuals into different chapters. Some are about commands for Linux while there are sections for devices and libraries. Take a look at the index page to see all sections. You can find it by clicking the home button.
Below you can search all man pages that belongs to the 3const section.
Name | Description |
EOF | End of file or error indicator |
EXIT_FAILURE | Termination status constants |
EXIT_SUCCESS | Termination status constants |
NULL | Null pointer constant |
PA_CHAR | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_DOUBLE | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_FLAG_LONG | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_FLAG_LONG_DOUBLE | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_FLAG_LONG_LONG | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_FLAG_PTR | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_FLAG_SHORT | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_FLOAT | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_INT | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_LAST | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_POINTER | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_STRING | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_WCHAR | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |
PA_WSTRING | Define custom behavior for printf-like functions |