Section for 3bsd man pages

Welcome to section 3bsd

Since there are thousands of different man pages in the database, it is divided into sections that function roughly like groups. A certain type of man page belongs to a section. It's amazing how many manuals there actually are out there. We try to have as many man pages as possible so that people can easily seek help on our site.

There are approximately 9 sections that are used to divide all manuals into different chapters. Some are about commands for Linux while there are sections for devices and libraries. Take a look at the index page to see all sections. You can find it by clicking the home button.

Below you can search all man pages that belongs to the 3bsd section.

Man pages

arc4randomRandom number generator
bitstringBit-string manipulation macros
byteorderByte order operations
closefromDelete open file descriptors
errcFormatted error messages
expand_numberFormat a number from human readable form
explicit_bzeroWrite zeroes to a byte string
fgetlnGet a line from a stream
fgetwlnGet a line of wide characters from a stream
flopen"Reliably open and lock a file"
fmtcheckSanitizes user-supplied printf(3)-style format string
fparselnReturn the next logical line from a stream
fpurgeFlush a stream
funopenOpen a stream
getbsizeGet preferred block size
getpeereidGet the effective credentials of a UNIX-domain peer
getprognameGet and set program name
heapsortSort functions
humanize_numberFormat a number into a human readable form and viceversa
md5Calculate the RSA Data Security, Inc., ``MD5'' message digest
nlistRetrieve symbol table name list from an executable file
pidfile"library for PID files handling"
pwcacheCache password and group entries
queueImplementations of singly-linked lists, singly-linked tail queues, lists and tail queues
radixsortRadix sort
readpassphraseGet a passphrase from the user
reallocarrayMemory allocation and deallocation
reallocfGeneral purpose memory allocation functions
setmodeModify mode bits
setproctitleSet process title
stringlistStringlist manipulation functions
strlcpySize-bounded string copying and concatenation
strmodeConvert inode status information into a symbolic string
strnstrLocate a substring in a string
strtoiConvert string value to an intmax_t integer
strtonumReliably convert string value to an integer
strtouConvert a string to an uintmax_t integer
timeraddOperations on time structure
timevalTime structures
treeImplementations of splay and red-black trees
unvisDecode a visual representation of characters
visVisually encode characters
wcslcpyWide character string manipulation operations

Updated 2024-01-29 - |