Mouse::Meta::Class - The Mouse class metaclass

NAME  VERSION  DESCRIPTION  METHODS  "initialize(ClassName) −> Mouse::Meta::Class"  "name −> ClassName"  "superclasses −> ClassNames" superclass(ClassNames)  "add_method(name => CodeRef)"  "has_method(name) −> Bool"  "get_method(name) −> Mouse::Meta::Method | undef"  "get_method_list −> Names"  "get_all_methods −> (Mouse::Meta::Method)"  "add_attribute(name => spec | Mouse::Meta::Attribute)"  "has_attribute(Name) −> Bool"  "get_attribute Name −> Mouse::Meta::Attribute | undef"  "get_attribute_list −> Names"  "get_all_attributes −> (Mouse::Meta::Attribute)"  "linearized_isa −> [ClassNames]"  "new_object(Parameters) −> Instance"  "clone_object(Instance, Parameters) −> Instance"  "throw_error(Message, Parameters)"  SEE ALSO 


Mouse::Meta::Class − The Mouse class metaclass


This document describes Mouse version v2.5.10


This class is a meta object protocol for Mouse classes, which is a subset of Moose::Meta:::Class.


"initialize(ClassName) −> Mouse::Meta::Class"

Finds or creates a "Mouse::Meta::Class" instance for the given ClassName. Only one instance should exist for a given class.

"name −> ClassName"

Returns the name of the owner class.

"superclasses −> ClassNames" superclass(ClassNames)

Gets (or sets) the list of superclasses of the owner class.

"add_method(name => CodeRef)"

Adds a method to the owner class.

"has_method(name) −> Bool"

Returns whether we have a method with the given name.

"get_method(name) −> Mouse::Meta::Method | undef"

Returns a Mouse::Meta::Method with the given name.

Note that you can also use "$metaclass−>name−>can($name)" for a method body.

"get_method_list −> Names"

Returns a list of method names which are defined in the local class. If you want a list of all applicable methods for a class, use the "get_all_methods" method.

"get_all_methods −> (Mouse::Meta::Method)"

Return the list of all Mouse::Meta::Method instances associated with the class and its superclasses.

"add_attribute(name => spec | Mouse::Meta::Attribute)"

Begins keeping track of the existing Mouse::Meta::Attribute for the owner class.

"has_attribute(Name) −> Bool"

Returns whether we have a Mouse::Meta::Attribute with the given name.

"get_attribute Name −> Mouse::Meta::Attribute | undef"

Returns the Mouse::Meta::Attribute with the given name.

"get_attribute_list −> Names"

Returns a list of attribute names which are defined in the local class. If you want a list of all applicable attributes for a class, use the "get_all_attributes" method.

"get_all_attributes −> (Mouse::Meta::Attribute)"

Returns the list of all Mouse::Meta::Attribute instances associated with this class and its superclasses.

"linearized_isa −> [ClassNames]"

Returns the list of classes in method dispatch order, with duplicates removed.

"new_object(Parameters) −> Instance"

Creates a new instance.

"clone_object(Instance, Parameters) −> Instance"

Clones the given instance which must be an instance governed by this metaclass.

"throw_error(Message, Parameters)"

Throws an error with the given message.





Updated 2024-01-29 - |