Moose::Manual::Exceptions::Manifest - Moose's Exception Types

NAME  VERSION  DESCRIPTION  COMMON ELEMENTS  $exception−>message  $exception−>trace  EXCEPTION CLASSES  Moose::Exception::AccessorMustReadWrite  Moose::Exception::AddParameterizableTypeTakesParameterizableType  Moose::Exception::AddRoleTakesAMooseMetaRoleInstance  Moose::Exception::AddRoleToARoleTakesAMooseMetaRole  Moose::Exception::ApplyTakesABlessedInstance  Moose::Exception::AttachToClassNeedsAClassMOPClassInstanceOrASubclass  Moose::Exception::AttributeConflictInRoles  Moose::Exception::AttributeConflictInSummation  Moose::Exception::AttributeExtensionIsNotSupportedInRoles  Moose::Exception::AttributeIsRequired  Moose::Exception::AttributeMustBeAnClassMOPMixinAttributeCoreOrSubclass  Moose::Exception::AttributeNamesDoNotMatch  Moose::Exception::AttributeValueIsNotAnObject  Moose::Exception::AttributeValueIsNotDefined  Moose::Exception::AutoDeRefNeedsArrayRefOrHashRef  Moose::Exception::BadOptionFormat  Moose::Exception::BothBuilderAndDefaultAreNotAllowed  Moose::Exception::BuilderDoesNotExist  Moose::Exception::BuilderMethodNotSupportedForAttribute  Moose::Exception::BuilderMethodNotSupportedForInlineAttribute  Moose::Exception::BuilderMustBeAMethodName  Moose::Exception::CallingMethodOnAnImmutableInstance  Moose::Exception::CallingReadOnlyMethodOnAnImmutableInstance  Moose::Exception::CanExtendOnlyClasses  Moose::Exception::CanOnlyConsumeRole  Moose::Exception::CanOnlyWrapBlessedCode  Moose::Exception::CanReblessOnlyIntoASubclass  Moose::Exception::CanReblessOnlyIntoASuperclass  Moose::Exception::CannotAddAdditionalTypeCoercionsToUnion  Moose::Exception::CannotAddAsAnAttributeToARole  Moose::Exception::CannotApplyBaseClassRolesToRole  Moose::Exception::CannotAssignValueToReadOnlyAccessor  Moose::Exception::CannotAugmentIfLocalMethodPresent  Moose::Exception::CannotAugmentNoSuperMethod  Moose::Exception::CannotAutoDerefWithoutIsa  Moose::Exception::CannotAutoDereferenceTypeConstraint  Moose::Exception::CannotCalculateNativeType  Moose::Exception::CannotCallAnAbstractBaseMethod  Moose::Exception::CannotCallAnAbstractMethod  Moose::Exception::CannotCoerceAWeakRef  Moose::Exception::CannotCoerceAttributeWhichHasNoCoercion  Moose::Exception::CannotCreateHigherOrderTypeWithoutATypeParameter  Moose::Exception::CannotCreateMethodAliasLocalMethodIsPresent  Moose::Exception::CannotCreateMethodAliasLocalMethodIsPresentInClass  Moose::Exception::CannotDelegateLocalMethodIsPresent  Moose::Exception::CannotDelegateWithoutIsa  Moose::Exception::CannotFindDelegateMetaclass  Moose::Exception::CannotFindType  Moose::Exception::CannotFindTypeGivenToMatchOnType  Moose::Exception::CannotFixMetaclassCompatibility  Moose::Exception::CannotGenerateInlineConstraint  Moose::Exception::CannotInitializeMooseMetaRoleComposite  Moose::Exception::CannotInlineTypeConstraintCheck  Moose::Exception::CannotLocatePackageInINC  Moose::Exception::CannotMakeMetaclassCompatible  Moose::Exception::CannotOverrideALocalMethod  Moose::Exception::CannotOverrideBodyOfMetaMethods  Moose::Exception::CannotOverrideLocalMethodIsPresent  Moose::Exception::CannotOverrideNoSuperMethod  Moose::Exception::CannotRegisterUnnamedTypeConstraint  Moose::Exception::CannotUseLazyBuildAndDefaultSimultaneously  Moose::Exception::CircularReferenceInAlso  Moose::Exception::ClassDoesNotHaveInitMeta  Moose::Exception::ClassDoesTheExcludedRole  Moose::Exception::ClassNamesDoNotMatch  Moose::Exception::CloneObjectExpectsAnInstanceOfMetaclass  Moose::Exception::CodeBlockMustBeACodeRef  Moose::Exception::CoercingWithoutCoercions  Moose::Exception::CoercionAlreadyExists  Moose::Exception::CoercionNeedsTypeConstraint  Moose::Exception::ConflictDetectedInCheckRoleExclusions  Moose::Exception::ConflictDetectedInCheckRoleExclusionsInToClass  Moose::Exception::ConstructClassInstanceTakesPackageName  Moose::Exception::CouldNotCreateMethod  Moose::Exception::CouldNotCreateWriter  Moose::Exception::CouldNotEvalConstructor  Moose::Exception::CouldNotEvalDestructor  Moose::Exception::CouldNotFindTypeConstraintToCoerceFrom  Moose::Exception::CouldNotGenerateInlineAttributeMethod  Moose::Exception::CouldNotLocateTypeConstraintForUnion  Moose::Exception::CouldNotParseType  Moose::Exception::CreateMOPClassTakesArrayRefOfAttributes  Moose::Exception::CreateMOPClassTakesArrayRefOfSuperclasses  Moose::Exception::CreateMOPClassTakesHashRefOfMethods  Moose::Exception::CreateTakesArrayRefOfRoles  Moose::Exception::CreateTakesHashRefOfAttributes  Moose::Exception::CreateTakesHashRefOfMethods  Moose::Exception::DefaultToMatchOnTypeMustBeCodeRef  Moose::Exception::DelegationToAClassWhichIsNotLoaded  Moose::Exception::DelegationToARoleWhichIsNotLoaded  Moose::Exception::DelegationToATypeWhichIsNotAClass  Moose::Exception::DoesRequiresRoleName  Moose::Exception::EnumCalledWithAnArrayRefAndAdditionalArgs  Moose::Exception::EnumValuesMustBeString  Moose::Exception::ExtendsMissingArgs  Moose::Exception::HandlesMustBeAHashRef  Moose::Exception::IllegalInheritedOptions  Moose::Exception::IllegalMethodTypeToAddMethodModifier  Moose::Exception::IncompatibleMetaclassOfSuperclass  Moose::Exception::InitMetaRequiresClass  Moose::Exception::InitializeTakesUnBlessedPackageName  Moose::Exception::InstanceBlessedIntoWrongClass  Moose::Exception::InstanceMustBeABlessedReference  Moose::Exception::InvalidArgPassedToMooseUtilMetaRole  Moose::Exception::InvalidArgumentToMethod  Moose::Exception::InvalidArgumentsToTraitAliases  Moose::Exception::InvalidBaseTypeGivenToCreateParameterizedTypeConstraint  Moose::Exception::InvalidHandleValue  Moose::Exception::InvalidHasProvidedInARole  Moose::Exception::InvalidNameForType  Moose::Exception::InvalidOverloadOperator  Moose::Exception::InvalidRoleApplication  Moose::Exception::InvalidTypeConstraint  Moose::Exception::InvalidTypeGivenToCreateParameterizedTypeConstraint  Moose::Exception::InvalidValueForIs  Moose::Exception::IsaDoesNotDoTheRole  Moose::Exception::IsaLacksDoesMethod  Moose::Exception::LazyAttributeNeedsADefault  Moose::Exception::Legacy  Moose::Exception::MOPAttributeNewNeedsAttributeName  Moose::Exception::MatchActionMustBeACodeRef  Moose::Exception::MessageParameterMustBeCodeRef  Moose::Exception::MetaclassIsAClassNotASubclassOfGivenMetaclass  Moose::Exception::MetaclassIsARoleNotASubclassOfGivenMetaclass  Moose::Exception::MetaclassIsNotASubclassOfGivenMetaclass  Moose::Exception::MetaclassMustBeASubclassOfMooseMetaClass  Moose::Exception::MetaclassMustBeASubclassOfMooseMetaRole  Moose::Exception::MetaclassMustBeDerivedFromClassMOPClass  Moose::Exception::MetaclassNotLoaded  Moose::Exception::MetaclassTypeIncompatible  Moose::Exception::MethodExpectedAMetaclassObject  Moose::Exception::MethodExpectsFewerArgs  Moose::Exception::MethodExpectsMoreArgs  Moose::Exception::MethodModifierNeedsMethodName  Moose::Exception::MethodNameConflictInRoles  Moose::Exception::MethodNameNotFoundInInheritanceHierarchy  Moose::Exception::MethodNameNotGiven  Moose::Exception::MustDefineAMethodName  Moose::Exception::MustDefineAnAttributeName  Moose::Exception::MustDefineAnOverloadOperator  Moose::Exception::MustHaveAtLeastOneValueToEnumerate  Moose::Exception::MustPassAHashOfOptions  Moose::Exception::MustPassAMooseMetaRoleInstanceOrSubclass  Moose::Exception::MustPassAPackageNameOrAnExistingClassMOPPackageInstance  Moose::Exception::MustPassEvenNumberOfArguments  Moose::Exception::MustPassEvenNumberOfAttributeOptions  Moose::Exception::MustProvideANameForTheAttribute  Moose::Exception::MustSpecifyAtleastOneMethod  Moose::Exception::MustSpecifyAtleastOneRole  Moose::Exception::MustSpecifyAtleastOneRoleToApplicant  Moose::Exception::MustSupplyAClassMOPAttributeInstance  Moose::Exception::MustSupplyADelegateToMethod  Moose::Exception::MustSupplyAMetaclass  Moose::Exception::MustSupplyAMooseMetaAttributeInstance  Moose::Exception::MustSupplyAnAccessorTypeToConstructWith  Moose::Exception::MustSupplyAnAttributeToConstructWith  Moose::Exception::MustSupplyArrayRefAsCurriedArguments  Moose::Exception::MustSupplyPackageNameAndName  Moose::Exception::NeedsTypeConstraintUnionForTypeCoercionUnion  Moose::Exception::NeitherAttributeNorAttributeNameIsGiven  Moose::Exception::NeitherClassNorClassNameIsGiven  Moose::Exception::NeitherRoleNorRoleNameIsGiven  Moose::Exception::NeitherTypeNorTypeNameIsGiven  Moose::Exception::NoAttributeFoundInSuperClass  Moose::Exception::NoBodyToInitializeInAnAbstractBaseClass  Moose::Exception::NoCasesMatched  Moose::Exception::NoConstraintCheckForTypeConstraint  Moose::Exception::NoDestructorClassSpecified  Moose::Exception::NoImmutableTraitSpecifiedForClass  Moose::Exception::NoParentGivenToSubtype  Moose::Exception::OnlyInstancesCanBeCloned  Moose::Exception::OperatorIsRequired  Moose::Exception::OverloadConflictInSummation  Moose::Exception::OverloadRequiresAMetaClass  Moose::Exception::OverloadRequiresAMetaMethod  Moose::Exception::OverloadRequiresAMetaOverload  Moose::Exception::OverloadRequiresAMethodNameOrCoderef  Moose::Exception::OverloadRequiresAnOperator  Moose::Exception::OverloadRequiresNamesForCoderef  Moose::Exception::OverrideConflictInComposition  Moose::Exception::OverrideConflictInSummation  Moose::Exception::PackageDoesNotUseMooseExporter  Moose::Exception::PackageNameAndNameParamsNotGivenToWrap  Moose::Exception::PackagesAndModulesAreNotCachable  Moose::Exception::ParameterIsNotSubtypeOfParent  Moose::Exception::ReferencesAreNotAllowedAsDefault  Moose::Exception::RequiredAttributeLacksInitialization  Moose::Exception::RequiredAttributeNeedsADefault  Moose::Exception::RequiredMethodsImportedByClass  Moose::Exception::RequiredMethodsNotImplementedByClass  Moose::Exception::RoleDoesTheExcludedRole  Moose::Exception::RoleExclusionConflict  Moose::Exception::RoleNameRequired  Moose::Exception::RoleNameRequiredForMooseMetaRole  Moose::Exception::RolesDoNotSupportAugment  Moose::Exception::RolesDoNotSupportExtends  Moose::Exception::RolesDoNotSupportInner  Moose::Exception::RolesDoNotSupportRegexReferencesForMethodModifiers  Moose::Exception::RolesInCreateTakesAnArrayRef  Moose::Exception::RolesListMustBeInstancesOfMooseMetaRole  Moose::Exception::SingleParamsToNewMustBeHashRef  Moose::Exception::TriggerMustBeACodeRef  Moose::Exception::TypeConstraintCannotBeUsedForAParameterizableType  Moose::Exception::TypeConstraintIsAlreadyCreated  Moose::Exception::TypeParameterMustBeMooseMetaType  Moose::Exception::UnableToCanonicalizeHandles  Moose::Exception::UnableToCanonicalizeNonRolePackage  Moose::Exception::UnableToRecognizeDelegateMetaclass  Moose::Exception::UndefinedHashKeysPassedToMethod  Moose::Exception::UnionCalledWithAnArrayRefAndAdditionalArgs  Moose::Exception::UnionTakesAtleastTwoTypeNames  Moose::Exception::ValidationFailedForInlineTypeConstraint  Moose::Exception::ValidationFailedForTypeConstraint  Moose::Exception::WrapTakesACodeRefToBless  Moose::Exception::WrongTypeConstraintGiven  AUTHORS  COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE 


Moose::Manual::Exceptions::Manifest − Moose’s Exception Types


version 2.2206


This document contains a manifest of all the exception classes that are thrown as Moose internal errors.


Unless otherwise stated, all classes are subclasses of Moose::Exception.

Similarly, all classes provide the following attribute reader methods:


This method returns the error message for the exception.


This method returns a Devel::StackTrace object.


Moose ships with the following exception classes:


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:



Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::AttributeName and Moose::Exception::Role::Role roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching attribute instance:

my $class = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );
my $attribute = $class−>get_attribute( $exception−>attribute_name );


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:



Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute and Moose::Exception::Role::Instance roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.



Returns an Object value.


Returns a Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation object.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute and Moose::Exception::Role::Instance roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns an Object value.


Returns a Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation object.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns a Str value.



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute and Moose::Exception::Role::Instance roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns an Object value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute and Moose::Exception::Role::Instance roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns an Object value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::Instance roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns an Object value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.



Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class, Moose::Exception::Role::Instance, Moose::Exception::Role::InstanceClass, and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns an Object value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class, Moose::Exception::Role::Instance, and Moose::Exception::Role::InstanceClass roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns an Object value.


Returns a Str value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion::Union object.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash and Moose::Exception::Role::Role roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a HashRef value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::EitherAttributeOrAttributeName roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a HashRef value.



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::Method roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Moose::Meta::Method object.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute, Moose::Exception::Role::Instance, and Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns an Object value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Instance role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns an Object value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions, Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash, and Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Method and Moose::Exception::Role::Role roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Moose::Meta::Method object.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class, Moose::Exception::Role::Method, and Moose::Exception::Role::Role roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Moose::Meta::Method object.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute and Moose::Exception::Role::Method roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns a Moose::Meta::Method object.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


This class has the following methods:





This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Str value.


Returns an Object value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching parameterizable type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


Returns a Str value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns an ArrayRef value.



Returns a Moose::Meta::Role::Composite object.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns an ArrayRef value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::Method roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Moose::Meta::Method object.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns an ArrayRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns an ArrayRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::Role roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Class object.


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Instance and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns an Object value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Instance role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns an Object value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::Role roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::EitherAttributeOrAttributeName and Moose::Exception::Role::Instance roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns an Object value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Method::Constructor object.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor object.


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Instance role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns an Object value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Instance role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Moose::Exception|Str value.


Returns an Object value.


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class has the following methods:


Returns an Int value.


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash and Moose::Exception::Role::RoleForCreateMOPClass roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash and Moose::Exception::Role::RoleForCreateMOPClass roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash and Moose::Exception::Role::RoleForCreateMOPClass roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash and Moose::Exception::Role::RoleForCreate roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash and Moose::Exception::Role::RoleForCreate roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash and Moose::Exception::Role::RoleForCreate roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns an ArrayRef value.




This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


This class has the following methods:


Returns an ArrayRef value.


Returns an ArrayRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Instance role.

This class has the following methods:



Returns an Object value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns an ArrayRef value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:



Returns a Str value.


Returns an ArrayRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class, Moose::Exception::Role::Instance, and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns an Object value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );



Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:



This class has the following methods:



Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:



Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Instance role.

This class has the following methods:



Returns an Object value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Defined value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:



Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Registry object.



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::EitherAttributeOrAttributeName role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:




Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.



This class has the following methods:


Returns an Int value.


Returns a Str value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns an Int value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns an ArrayRef[Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Conflicting] value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Instance role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns an Object value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Instance role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns an Object value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:



Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns an ArrayRef value.


Returns a Str value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns an ArrayRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class has the following methods:



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion::Union object.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class, Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions, and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns an ArrayRef value.



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );



Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Moose::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation object.



This attribute is an ArrayRef containing role names, if you want metaobjects associated with these role names, then call method roles on the exception object.


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


Returns a Bool value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Moose::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation object.



This attribute is an ArrayRef containing role names, if you want metaobjects associated with these role names, then call method roles on the exception object.


Returns a Bool value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns a Bool value.


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a CodeRef value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Bool value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::Role roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required object.


Returns an ArrayRef[Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required] value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class and Moose::Exception::Role::Role roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns an ArrayRef[Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required] value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


Returns an ArrayRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Role role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching the class’s metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>role_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.



This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::InvalidAttributeOptions and Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash roles.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>parent_type_name );


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::TypeConstraint role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching type constraint(Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint):

my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint( $exception−>type_name );


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns a Str value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.



This class has the following methods:


Returns an ArrayRef value.


Returns a Str value.


This class has the following methods:


Returns an ArrayRef value.


Returns an ArrayRef value.


This class has no attributes except for "message" and trace().


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Class role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.

This attribute can be used for fetching metaclass instance:

my $metaclass_instance = Moose::Util::find_meta( $exception−>class_name );


Returns a Bool value.


Returns a Str value.



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::Attribute role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Class::MOP::Attribute object.


Returns a Moose::Util::TypeConstraints value.



This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.



Returns a HashRef value.


This class consumes the Moose::Exception::Role::ParamsHash role.

This class has the following methods:


Returns a Str value.


Returns a Str value.


Returns a HashRef value.


Returns a Str value.


Stevan Little <[email protected]>

Dave Rolsky <[email protected]>

Jesse Luehrs <[email protected]>

Shawn M Moore <[email protected]>

×××× ×§××’×× (Yuval Kogman) <[email protected]>

Karen Etheridge <[email protected]>

Florian Ragwitz <[email protected]>

Hans Dieter Pearcey <[email protected]>

Chris Prather <[email protected]>

Matt S Trout <[email protected]>


This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

Updated 2024-01-29 - |