Biber::Input::file::bibtex - look in a BibTeX file for an entry and create it if found

init_cache  TBSIG  extract_entries  create_entry  cache_data  preprocess_file  parse_decode  parsename  parsename_x  NAME  DESCRIPTION  AUTHOR  BUGS  COPYRIGHT & LICENSE 


Invalidate the T::B object cache. Used only in tests when e.g. we change the encoding
settings and therefore must force a re−read of the data


Signal handler to catch fatal Text::BibTex SEGFAULTS. It has bugs
and we want to say at least something if it coredumps


Main data extraction routine.
Accepts a data source identifier, preprocesses the file and then
looks for the passed keys, creating entries when it finds them and
passes out an array of keys it didn't find.


Create a Biber::Entry object from a Text::BibTeX object
Be careful in here, all T::B set methods are UTF−8/NFC boundaries
so be careful to encode(NFC()) on calls. Windows won't handle UTF−8
in T::B btparse gracefully and will die.


Caches file data into T::B objects indexed by the original
datasource key, decoded into UTF8


Convert file to UTF−8 and potentially decode LaTeX macros to UTF−8


Partially parse the .bib datasource and latex_decode the data contents.
We do this because latex_decoding the entire buffer is difficult since
such decoding is regexp based and since braces are used to protect data in
.bib files, it makes it hard to do some parsing.


Given a name string, this function returns a Biber::Entry::Name object
with all parts of the name resolved according to the BibTeX conventions.
parsename('John Doe', 'author', 'key')
returns an object which internally looks a bit like this:
{ given => {string => 'John', initial => ['J']},
family => {string => 'Doe', initial => ['D']},
prefix => {string => undef, initial => undef},
suffix => {string => undef, initial => undef},
id => 32RS0Wuj0P,
strip => {'given' => 0,
'family' => 0,
'prefix' => 0,
'suffix' => 0}


Given a name string in extended format, this function returns a Biber::Entry::Name object
with all parts of the name resolved according to the BibTeX conventions.
parsename_x('given=John, family=Doe')
returns an object which internally looks a bit like this:
{ given => {string => 'John', initial => ['J']},
family => {string => 'Doe', initial => ['D']},
prefix => {string => undef, initial => undef},
suffix => {string => undef, initial => undef},
id => 32RS0Wuj0P,
sortingnamekeytemplatename => 'template name',


Biber::Input::file::bibtex − look in a BibTeX file for an entry and create it if found


Provides the extract_entries() method to get entries from a BibTeX data source and instantiate Biber::Entry objects for what it finds


Philip Kime "<philip at>"


Please report any bugs or feature requests on our Github tracker at <>.


Copyright 2009−2012 François Charette and Philip Kime, all rights reserved. Copyright 2012−2023 Philip Kime, all rights reserved.

This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Updated 2024-01-29 - |